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My journey with the sleeve

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day 15 with Thumbelina (my sleeve)

Hello and good day! Today is day 15 post op. I decided to start this blog for myself and maybe someone reading can get a laugh out of it as well. What better way to track progress...right? Anyway, I live in Davenport, Iowa. I got sleeved in Denton Texas on Nov. 10th 2010 and my surgeon was Dr. Daryl Stewart. I went to Texas because I was a self pay patient and he had awesome prices and he's an outstanding surgeon. All has been well so far, other than the fact that I'm still trying to get used to all of these new feelings. I keep dreaming that I pop my stomach, lol. I named my sleeve Thumbelina. Why? Who knows. I've lost 23 pounds in the past 2 weeks. Strange...it's always taken weeks to lose that much. I don't know if I'm hungry or not. I don't have hunger as pre-surgery but I do get this run down feeling when it's time to eat. Who knows if its mental or true hunger. I can wat about 1/4 a cup of whatever it is I choose to consume. Nothing tastes the same. Nothing is good anymore. I find myself eating to just get rid of that dreaded feeling rather than to be satisfied. I miss soda....that lovely beverage that made me even bigger than I already was. Now, it's Crystal Light and sugar free whatever else. I found the best protein drink is Muscle Milk. It's 280 calories and 22 grams of protein, I drink it for breakfast and it really makes me feel great till around 2pm.   Anyway, thats about all I have right now. Good luck to everyone......      



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