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So Nervous

I could not sleep last night at all. I had bad dreams about anesthesia and that I was not completely out. They were trying to get to my stomach through my eye. I hope I sleep better tonight and the nightmares stay away. Just 2 more days.




One week out

Started on semi-solid food today. Down 14 pounds. Scared that if I start eating I will not lose weight. I had a half of cup of cream of wheat made with water to save calories but I put protein powder in it to make sure I got my protein in. For lunch I mixed up 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup mashed potato and some dry ranch sauce with a scoop of protein powder. Mixed it in blender it was kinda like eating runny mashed potato but it had some taste!!! I ate 1/2 cup and will save the other for dinner. Going very well!!!




First day post surgery

This was a tough day. Had no catheter so I had to get up all night to void. Pain was not to bad with pump. I did without pain meds from 6am -2pm and then gave in. Taken several laps around hospital floor with IV pole as a cane. I think I have 2 incisions with dermabond and one JP drain. Could not stand the dirty hair. Washed it in the sink at about 4. Made my JP site bleed but not so bad. Very tired and not looking forward to the 3 hour drive home. Passed my leak tests so I was given clear liquids. Could not take much of that. Jello was ok. Isopure was ok but only little sips of it. Jello is now 6 hours old and not even half is gone.




3 weeks out

I have lost 20 pounds as of today!!!! I am getting tired of eating soup and have started putting some different varieties in the blender. This Friday I will be able to upgrade to the next phase and I can have deli meat and ground meat along with peanut butter/ toast/ and crackers oh yes and the love of cheese. I have added some cheese into my eggs and soup already. My husband is unable to sleep since he had his surgery 5 days ago. It is amazing the difference in how each body recovers.




3 months out

3 months out and down 47 pounds. Mourning the loss of my boobs. If you see the pictures you will understand. I have a couple of 2 week periods where I did not lose anything. Emotions were running pretty crazy in month two but have settled down. Dr. took me off of blood pressure medications!!!




3 days post op

Today was a good day. Was difficult to sleep last night. Did half/half. Half in bed and half on couch. Much less pain with drinking. 1 jello and one isopure and one high protein eas shake, one bottle of water and 1/2 cup of warm broth for the love of salt!!!!   Protein 65 g fluid 60 oz calories 400   The isopure was lemon tea it was pretty good. I could not drink it cold in the morning room temp was not bad. Shake at night was cold and didn't feel to bad. My throat is still sore. That is the worst complaint for today. Down 7 pounds. Nice. Still feel like stomache is swollen. Incissions look good, worst one is the JP drain.




2nd day post surgery

Get to go home today. JP drain out. 3 hour ride home. I was able to eat a serving of jello. Took 3 hours. Drank half a bottle of Isopure as well that took all day so at least 20 g of protein. Not enough liquid. Feels like swallowing golf balls. Ride home was tolerable no pain meds today. Loved taking a shower. Cold liquids more painful to drink!!




2 weeks out

I had 3 days I did not lose weight when I changed to phase 2 of diet. I did not worry about it to much. I am now down 18 pound and am feeling great. My husband had his surgery today and is doing well. He says his stomach is growling and he is hungry. I have been getting my 60 grams of protien barely and my 64 oz of fluid. It is hard because I am not hungry and the soup is getting old. I got tired of tasting the protein powder in every thing I eat and drink so I am now having a flavored greek yogurt for breakfast with 11 g of protien an Isopure drink with 40 g of protien maybe a shake or an egg. I eat soup for lunch just for the taste. The longer I stay on the phase 2 the less I want to eat ever. I seem to be sensitive to smells as well. I am excited about the weight loss and pray my husband recovers as quickly as I have.



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