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week 2

week 2 Aug 31st- Sep 7th   This week was more of a challenge to stay on liquids, i found myself wanting to taste texture and the sweets were very tempting.   i wasn't in a lot of pain until i decided to paint a room, crazy i know and boy did i feel it after.   I cheated on the weekend and ate solids it was very uncomfortable, felt like heartburn (never had it before, but i know why they call it heartburn now)   I have also switched from bene protein to whey protein shots, i couldn't even stand the smell of bene protein after a week.   Bene protein is a powder form of protein here is a link with more info Beneprotein - $14.5   whey protein shots are liquid protein here is a link Whey Protein Shots   lost 3 pounds




week 1

Week one Aug 24th-Aug 31st   was painful to get up and move, but i managed to do it. I think the worst part was the transition from laying to sitting to standing and then back to laying   I was really good at sticking to the liquid diet this week, even though i felt discomfort when i drank too fast.   i really didnt do any extra exercising My tongue was white and annoying   lost 8 pounds




week 3

Week 3 Sept 7th -14th   This week has been difficult, especially since i figured out i could eat caramel cakes with no pain. Did not feel great an hour later but have decided they are not coming back into the house.   I also started working out, on the 13th biggest loser wii game, i decided to do the medium level and wished i did the beginner b the end. I started feeling really gross and my stomach was upset to the extent of dry heaving.   lost 4 pounds this week started vitamins this week




Week 4

Sept 14th - 21st   I walked 6000 steps 2 times this week, the first time i walked it really helped everything move BM movement.   I still have a hard time getting in my 80-95g of protein a day. i started having a protein shake in the mornings ehich has helped.   My favorite food has always been popcorn and i have introduced it into my foods, i think a little too much at some times. The reason i think that is i have had a few sliming episodes, but i haven't had as many heartburn like episodes this week.   taking vitamins everyday and am down to 229 loss 6pounds this week




one month

September 24th   Today is exactly one month since i had my surgery   -I am down another 2 pounds tatal of 23 since surgery -I am finally getting that full feeling, i have also slowed down so less sliming -I go for 6000 step walk every morning -I still feel my stomach around my belly buttton a little discomfort   here are some pics  




sept 24th to oct 4th

Sept 24th to Oct 4th I have officially hit a stall hope it doesn't last too long. I contribute it to having my period, and the normal weight gain that attributes to it.




Oct 4-8th

oct 4th - 8th   well hopefully the stall is over i uped my protein to 95 grams a day, which isnt that hard with my protein drink (powder 35grams Milk 8grams Greek yogurt 20 grams) I have also been making sure to drink between 7-9 glasses of water a day, this is the hardest for me. To start more on the muscles i have added power 90x to my workouts i am only doing half of the large program but will get to the full hour, i am doing the whole small program. So my update is i am sore but im down another 3 pounds.



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