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TCQ - 2 Months Post op - Long Over due

Hello everyone! I know it's been forever but here it is. I hope this is helpful for someone out there. (i tried to attach pics but it wont let me, so i'll add them to my gallery)   It has been two incredible months of this amazing journey.And I have to say it is absolutely different then anything I imagined. I feelgreat, life is moving along just as it should be. Food has become a necessity, which before was just a hugepart of me. I do crave cake or ice cream, but am proud to say that I wont eatit. And that’s feeling it’s much more amazing then the actual sweet fix.Protein wise, having a difficult time getting the entire required portion. Ijust cannot stand it anymore. So Itry to consume them in different foods. And been able to eat better foods makesit easier. I do get full very fast. My family cannot believe how little I eatand wonder how I survive. The one thing I’ve noticed is that my stomach hurtswhen I don’t eat. I guess its normal not sure. Vitamins, I’ve been taking Adult gummies, they areyummy. I also take iron and Biotinfor my hair and skin. Thankfully I haven’t experience any hair loss. But I’vealways been on top of my Biotin and hair treatment. So that could be the mainreason.   Exercise has become my best friend. It makes me feel great,more energetic and it’s me time. Thisis where the transferred addictions come to place. But while am loving it, amnot making it an obsession. At the gym I don’t have to worry about what to wearnow that much of my clothing do not fit me any more. Leggings and Sweat pantshave become an everyday clothing choice. Been down 2 dress sizes is amazing. People’s complements are soencouraging and necessary to keep at it. My Family and friends have been soosupportive and loving.   The attention from the opposite sex is great also. It buildsup my self-steam and makes me happy. Since I am single and wanting to getmarried sometime in the future, it gives me hope and it works as a motivation.And even though am doing all this for me, not for the guys, its good to knowthat they are noticing all the effort.   In conclusion, yes this is a very difficult process, but itis manageable. It’s a matter of getting used to and excepting the changes thatwill come. As the weeks pass, you will see that all the sacrifices made werefor the best reason, for a better you. A better person, better mom, betterwife, better friend… Now life hasmore meaning.   In two months, I’ve lost 50 lbs. Down two dress sizes...            




TCQ - Blog Entry #5 2 Weeks Out, 30lbs Down. Surgery & Recovery

Surgery went very well said the doctor. They whole procedure took 45 minutes. Waking up from anesthetic took about two hours. Then the nurses came in and help me get up and walk. I felt no pain, just some discomfort. My belly felt numb and tide. The hospital staff was vary attentive. They came around and checked on me every few hours and gave me medication for Nausea, antibiotics and pain meds like clock work every 6Hours. I went home two days after. At home things where easier. I got my meds and my proteins which at first was with just water (nasty) then two days later half water half milk (better) then with just milk (great) until now that i cant stand it anymore. I was drinking it on the pre-op diet. Now its just nasty. Thank god i could drink diet juices, gelatin and drained sups. I do feel nausea when I drink to much of Anything. I only vomited once, so I think that's great.   About going number 2, at the beginning I had no issues. Now, I haven't been about a week 1/2. Which is normal because am not really eating any solids. I feel great right now. I've been walking everyday. I've been grocery shopping, I went and spend the weekend in my home town that first weekend after my surgery (3 days after). I've been site seeing. Its been awesome, my diet has evolved now that am entering week 3, I can enjoy some yogurt, eggs and some cheese. so far I've lost 30lbs total. Initial wait 268. Surgery Date Oct 27th 256lbs, Nov 3rd 244lbs and Today Nov 11th 238lbs. THAT IS A LOT. Maybe because of my age, or the amount of weight i have to loose. But i just can not believe it. And Wow its amazing how ease it is after the surgery. Don't get me wrong I still crave all kinds of foods. But I feel full. Now i know i can't cheat. And am soo grateful for that. I am very lucky that i haven't experience any complications yet. Once i get to the states I'll be posting some pictures. I hope this can be helpful for those considering the sleeve.   My Name is Lesli and I've been Sleeved.   Lesli E. Surgery Date: Oct. 27th 2010 Surgeon: Luis A. Betances Surgery Location: Dominican Republic    




TCQ - Blog Entry #4 - Greetings from DR. Met my Doc, eval and test

This has been an intense week. Field with all kinds of emotions. I met my doctor for the first time on Tuesday, and what a nice looking man. So sweet and understanding. Great sense of humor. He exceeded my expectation. Him and all his team were incredibly nice.   Since i didn't have insurance in the states, i didn't really get any labs or test done before i came. So when he showed me everything i needed to get done my jaw dropped. He said they were all necessary to make sure i was in the best of conditions.   So on Wednesday i got up early and headed to the hospital and had my labs done. They took 9 little tubes of blood, urine and stool samples. From there i when to see the lung doctor. She made me do a test where you have to breath through your mouth very hard and then let all the air out a few time. It was fun, she was soo nice. From there i went to get so x-rays. So u can see it was a very long day. The next morning, i got up early again and went to have a Colorimetric Test where they can see what type of Metabolism i had and how many calories i burn daily. I set there for 10 minutes with a tube in my mouth, breathing as normal as possible. Beautiful facilities and all the employees where just great. Today i had my Gastroscopic and biopsy. They took me to a room and gave me a rope to put over my clothing. Then they put a catheter where they would give me the sedatives. I had to lay on my left side over my arm, she sprayed something for my throat and they strapped a mouth piece. They the lady injected the sedative and she told me i would get very sleepy very soon. I'm not going to lie it felt nice. I didn't fall sleep completely, i could see and hear what they were doing. It didn't hurt at all. I didn't feel a thing. It was over before i knew it. And here is the funny part. The nurse told me to stay and take a nap. So i did for about 10 minutes. Then she helps me get up and walks me to the waiting area, where there was a wheel chair waiting for me. I looked drunk, and i was smiling a lot. I said bye to everyone in the waiting room. Once i got home they put me to bed and i felt sleep for 2hrs. Then i felt light headed until i ate something. But during the rest of the day i could still feel some of the effects until now.   So far this is all I've done this week. I see the cardiologist on Monday and i get my EKG and Echo-cardiogram then. Tuesday i see the doctor again and i see the psychologist. MY SURGERY DATE IS WED OCT 27Th. Yes i got my date. I'm soo surprised at how calm I've been all this week. I guess that will change the surgery date.




TCQ - Blog Entry #3 I have a Date...

So I got good news. Even thought I don't have a surgery date yet but I know it will be soon. I'll be leaving this upcoming Sunday Oct 17th to the Dominican Republic. And I meet the doctor the next day. We've talked plenty of times on the phone. But finally I get to see the face. And we will be setting up all the appointments for the exams and hopefully he'll give me a date. That might be too much to ask. The nerves are non-existing right now but I know all will change soon.   I've read somewhere or heard that it wound be good to bring little gifts for the nurses. So I got this small make up bags from target for only a $1 each and I got a small set of lotion and body spray, all for $3 per package, and also I got a nice tide for the doctor. I think they’ll like it.   I’ve been preparing my self for this trip for a while. I got everything I think I would need for the hospital and my stay there. Granny Panties (big ones so they wont bather the wounds) Night gowns for the hospital, baby wipes for the days that won’t be able to shower, slippers, chapstick, lotion, Listerine strips because I know I probably wont be able to brush my teeth right away. I thought of bringing my ipod but it my get lost so I’ll just bring a book or something just in case. Hoping I get to sleep most of the time. And for the rest of the time, I got shorts and some t-shirts for the run around because in very hot there in the Caribbean.   The official countdown starts now. Wish me luck and please keep me in your prayers. I will keep you updated.




TCQ - Blog Entry #2 - Research and Motivation

During my research on VSG, i came across a lot of great information. I also took the time to watch video blogs for inspiration and see what other people had gone through and i found one particular vloger that really helped.   She talks about all the emotional journey she went through and all the food addictions and emotional over eating. I agree 100% that most of us who are over weight, eat over our feelings. She also mentions that some fail after WLS because they never learn to deal with things from an emotional prospective.   I've never really thought i was eating emotionally. But after listening to what she had to say, i took the time to examine my behavior. And let me tell you in my culture everything evolves around food. We are constantly eating for all kinds of occasions. But I've noticed that depending on how am feeling, i tend to crave certain foods. And i believe this is very common for everyone. But I've also notice that i think about food way more then i realize. And it can be scary. I think about food even when am not hungry. I know it will be difficult, but with time i can fix it.   So, based on what I've learned and my personal needs, i can say that VSG is the right choice for me.   I encourage YOU to do your homework and examine your motives and emotions, and really come to terms with what your doing. Go online and watch vlogs and read other peoples stories. Picture yourself after surgery and on how difficult life may be. Think about the pain, the getting used to, the straggles. This is life changing. Things will never be the same. But we are all going after the same goal, to change and fix that habit that is taking control over our lives. This tool will help us achieve that, but it is up to us to make it happen.




The Chubby Queen - My Journey - Blog Entry No. 1

So here I am. Nervous as anyone can be. Fixated on a not so unreal future. Counting the days to what it would be an epic event. Thinking to my self; "Am i doing the right thing?" And finding my self encouraging the idea that after this day all my weight dilemmas would be a thing of the past (I'm not saying that it would work like magic, i know this is just a tool). And right there, I raise my head and smile... Just smile. And think," don't be silly. This is what you always wanted".



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