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ld6 journal

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gonna get it together on 03-13-07

hopefully starting this journal will give me motivation to lose weight and to stay on target. got my band on 1-19-07 i had no issues like all those that i have read maybe that's why i am having so much problems not losing weight ??? i doubt it though.... on 02-21-07 i had my first fill and to be honest i thought she said the doctor put in 2cc which is alot compared to other people ..... even now on 03-13-07 i have still only lost 5 pds if that cuz i can eat and everything w/o restriction .... i did though start a new way and that is trying dextrim h2o i only had one bottle today and man it did work but before i drank it i had a slice of cake 100 calories then a chicken sandwich with bacon for maybe about 700 calories some protein shakes 2 of them for 100 calories each went and worked out water aerobics for an hour and came home and had a bowl of rice w some pork .... it sounds bad but the thing is it was the less amount of rice i have ever ate .. and i am proud about it ... i just weighed myself and well i have gained all my weight back and then some i weigh now is 285 lord please can i get it together...:help: :cry :cry



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