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I had my surgery on May 3, 2010 and I started this adventure a year earlier trying to convince my company that this was the right thing to do! I was pretty convincing and they aproved my surgery. On 4/19/2010 I weighed in at 345lbs with a BMI of 49.6. I currenty as of this date weigh 280lbs. I have lost more weight in the last 6 weeks than I had over the past 4 years. My wife said I am loosing it 2 fast but I feel good!   This was not without some pain and frustration but that you probably know already. I felt like I had made the mistake of my life the day after surgery but I have since changed my mind. Had I not taken this step I probably would not be here in 3 to 5 years.   My wife had a lap band done in 1996 and had great weight loss until 2005 when it broke and damaged her stomach. She had to have an emergency gastric bypass but has had some issues with this surgery.   The picture above was from 2006 and I have not had a picture of me taken since. That will be changing!   I am having some problems with eating 6 weeks after surgery and I am still having to puree all my food. I have tried multiple times to eat small amounts of food that is not ground up to a pulp and have had no success. I will be seeing my Dr. on Wednesday and this is one issue I want him to talk to me about.   I also have a wierd experience when I eat with my nose starts running and I then have to sneeze for about 10 minutes. I thought maybe I had a a food alergie but it happens no matter what I eat. Is this a problem with anybody else? Let me know.   I am walking 3.5 miles every day and today I pushed it to 5 miles with no side affects. I plan to step it up a mile a week until I get to the wall!   In closing I want to hear from some of you about what issues you are having and maybe we can work together to help each other. Thanks for the support! Jim   P.S. the 1SunMoney name is my Poker name.



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