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Some advice for Mexico

Here is a letter I just wrote someone and I thought it might be helpful to others:   I am an open book for you and any questions you have. I was lucky with the money side of it since I charged it to a credit card that was interest free for a year and now I have been working on paying it off. So I can’t give you any advice in that area. As for a SCAM I had the same worries but everything turned out fine. I even missed my flight that morning and just called where they told me to call and it was no problem at all. The guy was there to pick me up just like he said he would be. We had to stop at the Mexican line and explain why we were going to Mexico. I didn't know I would have to explain in detail so just be ready to say what hospital and what Doctor you are going to see. They will ask how to plan to pay since they don’t like the idea of you taking large amounts of money with you. Since I had a money order there were no issues. Once I got into Mexico I did have some fear since as we all know Mexico is nothing like the USA. They had just had some flooding so it was pretty dirty looking. BUT the hospital was amazing. I have worked in a couple hospitals and this hospital was more like a resort. It was SO BEAUTIFUL!! It was clean, nice, and everyone was so nice to me. There was a few times at night when someone didn't speak English but I just used my paper they gave me and pointed at what I want. There were no problems at all.   On the pain side of the things your pain will come from gas more than anything. You won’t feel like walking but do it anyways. The more you walk the better you will feel. Gas-X is your best friend!! I used them as a pain pill. I was wake up and almost be puking gas so I would use one and it helped a ton. Also a heating pad is amazing too! My heating pad helped a ton when it came to sleeping. But again the main thing is to get off your butt and walk! If you don’t, the pain will be much worse than it has to be.   On the flight home it will be a little hard since you will be weak but not impossible. When you get to your flight ask to board first. You don’t want anyone rushing or pushing you. Make sure to take a pain pill before you get on your flight and bring Gas-X too. If you have the time in between your flights then walk since it will help with pain BUT if you are short on time don’t try to rush. Ask someone to drive you. I just explain that I had just had surgery and everyone was very kind to me.   My sister was with me when I was in Mexico but honestly you should be fine on your own. It was nice to have her since she would wake me up every few hours to make me walk but as long as you are able to make yourself do that on your own you should be fine. Make sure to only pack one bag (you won’t even need that much anyways) that has wheels. I promise you won’t feel like carrying anything.   On after care I haven't had any yet since I don’t have insurance but I plan to get my yearly done next month. I did have an issue where I didn't know we can’t eat fresh vegetables and was very constipated; to the point that I had a temp and was in a ton of pain. The good thing was they got a hold of my Dr. in Mexico and he let me know what was going on and how to deal with it. So your Dr. in Mexico is on hand if you need him for any reason.   I hope that helped... If there is anything else I could help you with please let me know.    




Introduce myself

Hi everyone! I have been posting on this form for a little bit but I have yet to really introduce myself to you. I am 23 years old and have been fighting obesity since my dad passed when I was 16. I have always been over weight but when he passed it got out of control. When I was 18 I got a plastic retainer glued into my mouth over my teeth to try to make my mouth wider for braces causing me to be limited on what I could eat and how fast I could eat it. I lost most of the weight and kept it off for 6 months after the retainer was taken out. Once that aid was gone the weight just seemed to come back. Then when I was 19 I got my wisdom teeth and tonsils removed in the same month so I lost the weight again. That time I kept it off for 8 months until the obesity came back.   Over a year ago my boyfriend of two years ended things with me since he didn’t want to marry someone that was over weight. He told me that he gave me a year to lose the weight and he just wasn’t attracted to me anymore. It is one thing to think someone broke things off due to your weight and it is a whole other to have someone tell you. So I tried EVERYTHING from South beach diet to Weight Watchers to Diet pills. I would lose 10 or 15 lbs but then stay the same a few weeks. After not losing for a few weeks honestly I don’t think I did the diets well and I would always just gain it all back and then some.   Now I don’t care what he himself things of my weight but I care what I think and what I feel. I really believe that if he doesn’t love me because the way I look on the out side is different than what he would like then there is no reason for me to live the rest of my life on egg shells in fear that if I gain weight he will leave.   Once I was able to deal with my fathers death and my ex’s hurtful words I made the choice that I will be happy. And that is when I made the choice to lose the weight for myself. I put my start weight on what I weighed that day and it was 210 lbs. Since then it has been a flight to lose weight but I am now 180 lbs. but it seems no matter what I do I just seem to gain it back. I would lose 10 lbs and gain 5 lbs then lose 5 lbs and gain 15 lbs. It is a never ending battle that doesn’t even get me under a 30 BMI.   I want to be in control of my weight. I want to eat to live NOT live to eat. (does that make sense?) All my siblings are over weight and so is most of my family. When my sister was over 100% over weight she made the choice to get the lap band and now three years later she doing great still at 130 lbs. Losing the weight made her look amazing on the outside but it really helped make better is many other ways. It has made her such a happier person and she is healthier.   So I started to do some research on WLS and made the choice to Booked with BeLiteWeight to get what is called a Super Sleeve from Dr. Rodriguez in Tijuana Mexico on July 12, 2010. The only times in my life that I have been under a 30 BMI is when I had some type of aid so I am really happy to think that I will have this sleeve for the rest of my life to aid me in having a normal weight. Sure it would be nice to weight 115 lbs but honestly I would just be happy to no longer have Wii Fit tell me “du du du.. Your Obese”. It is past midnight now making it Tuesday July 6th here in GA meaning I am starting my seven day pre-op diet. My dr put me on pretty much the Adkins diet but I’m going to try to stay with shakes as much as possible. I find it very hard to eat steak and then pass up the red potatoes. It is so hard for me to fully wrap my mind around the fact that I will have that full feeling in just a week from today! In one week I will be able to control of my life!!   All of you on this site has been so good to me and I cant wait to share my surgery with you all next week. And in a few months my surgery success! I cant wait to be on the losers bench with wisdom and advice for those like me getting ready to change their life!



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