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New Blogs

Hey guys, I have posted some new blog entries about my hunger, and about what I've been eating lately at 2 1/2 weeks post op. Thought I'd share in case you are interested.   Feeding the Hunger   Things I've Been Eating




I'm on Blogger!

Hello everyone! I am pretty new on the boards and I don't have a surgery date just yet but my consult is on May 12th! My husband wants to have the VSG also. I've been a weight-loss and health blogger going on 10 years now. I recently started a new blog when I began therapy for my weight issues... and now it is going to become my sleeve blog :ohmy: I hope you will come follow me!   http://healthy-christie.blogspot.com/   If any of you have blogs out there... I'd love to know about them so leave a comment here or on my blog! :cursing:



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