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This Time Next Week....

This Time Next Week... is what I have been saying for the past month as in "This time next week:   ... I'll have had all my pre-op tests   ... it will be one week to go   ... I'll be going into hospital   ... I'll have had the op   ... I'll be post-op   And today, I can say, "This time next week:   ... I'll be going home!   I have set my sparkly new yogurt maker in action, so I can have guaranteed no bits yogurt when I get home. I imagine that cool yogurt is very soothing to a sore throat and tummy!   I must go and redo my height and weight thingy on the ticker. :thumbup: My new scales are toooo good. With a BMI of 41.8, I really need this operation, and the new lifestyle after it.   I do worry about the lifestyle thing though - the social side of eating. Being in France, so much of life revolves around having people around the table. It amazes me how French women in general are sooo thin! :scared0:   I also love to cook and to please people by providing them with food that makes them groan with pleasure... Hopefully that will still happen, even though I am not eating as I did! there! I've said it. I was that glutton :thumbup1:   Rest of today will be catching up on ironing, cleaning, dusting, cos it sure as hell won't happen while I'm in Le Clinique next week!   I'll be packing my bag too - still no idea what I'm taking in with me! No flowers or plants allowed, and of course food or drink isn't appropriate. The shops sell French language magazines (which I can read okay), but Brit friends are all wondering what to bring in! One pal Clare has announced she is going to give me a pedicure and foot massage and paint my toenails - what a star!   Am more worried about after-pain than anything else. And I hate being sick. Hate it - I cry like a baby. What a Wuss!!   My Mum and her 'boyfriend' (both in their mid-80s) are off on holiday today for a week. They get home the same day I do! I haven't told my Mum, as she will worry. She thinks I'm working away from home for a week (we usually speak every day). She also thinks I am on the SlimFast diet, so will be looking for a weightloss when I see her in mid-July! I may tell her then... not sure.




Post Sleeve...

The last 2 weeks have gone sooo fast, I haven't had time to update...   Anyway, all went well in the hospital. I had the op Tuesday morning; the leak test Thurs morning; came off IV drips Thurs midday and had my first sip of water that tasted like champagne, it was so good!   I washed and blow-dried my hair Thursday and that felt so good! I had my staples out Saturday morning, and was home by midday.   The nurse calls in every day to give me a blood thinning injection, and I had to wear thigh high surgical stockings continually from the operation until yesterday.   I'm driving my car again now, which is great.   My next check up with Dr Boullenois is 22 July. I have a whole heap of questions for him!   I feel fabulous, wish I had done this a year ago!   All I need to sort out is what to eat and when. Conflicting information is making me nervous..... But I shall get it all sorted this week :scared0:




Last weekend as a Big Girl!

I go into hospital on Monday for the VSG operation on Tuesday (morning, I hope!). I have been doing all sorts of mad things to try and pretend I have some control!   This forum has been incredibly helpful; I have read everything everyone has written on here, whether it is relevant or not.... !   I'm almost all prepared for next week. I have all the tests done. No pre-op diet as Monsieur Boullenois (Boo-Len-Wah!) said it wasn't necessary when I asked him.   I've nonetheless been drinking Slimfast drinks and having one light meal per day. Whether 7 days makes any difference, who knows?!   I've had my hair cut and coloured, and my hairdresser Sophie gave me a fabulous pre-hospital deep conditioning treatment for free. Nice lady!   I've been and bought some hair removal cream from the chemist to get rid of my "lady garden" No way do I want the infirmières advancing on me with their razors! I made them laugh in the pharmacy when asking for the cream, by mixing up the word la poêle (frying pan) with les poils (hair)... both pronounced the same... :scared0:   Have also bought a ridiculously expensive set of bathroom scales, that also measure body fat and water content. 10 memories for all in the family to have their own weight loss program (There is only my husband and me, so will have to weigh the dogs, ducks and chickens to get my money's worth!). The scales show that the weight I put on the Tracker thingy is way off, so am off to amend that now!   What else did I buy? Oh yes! A little plastic bottle with a very fine spray on it. I figured I could fill it with water and spray my mouth if it got v dry in hospital... Good idea or not? It was only 3 euros anyway, so can use it to mist the plants if it doesn't work for my purpose.   And... (blimey!! how much did I SPEND today? :thumbup1:) I bought a yogurt maker. That was a bargain. 15 euros (about £10 - or 8 dollars). I've already got some 'brewing' - will see what it is like. Will need to think about flavourings.   Oh yes, and a portable DVD player that was on offer. Thought that might be useful in hospital - French TV is pretty rubbish for the most part, and I have a lot of films I haven't watched so will take those in with me.   Till tomorrow!:thumbup:




I'm off...

To the hospital today.. It is midsummer's day, and the longest day of the year... I bet it will feel like that, too! I'll be glad when it is tomorrow afternoon, my tummy is doing somersaults already :crying:   I have a few work things to do, which I hope will keep me occupied until we leave around midday.   Have a fab week all, and good luck to everyone having their operations this week :scared0:




How to spend the day....?

Bonjour!   Well, it's Sunday. Off to the hospital tomorrow. I have to be there for 3.30pm, even though the operation isn't until Tuesday morning. I get a 'light supper' about 5 pm, then apparently I'm to have a shower and wash my hair with some antibacterial jollop that smells like drain cleaner! and again in the morning. The instructions are very precise on how and where to wash - makes particular mention of your bellybutton and between your bumcheeks :scared0: Hope they don't come and inspect!!!   The hospitals here are very hot on preventing MRSA (do you have that in US?) by scrubbing everything and everyone to within an inch of their lives. Which is a good thing.   I took the dogs up around our fields this morning - the sun is shining, birds were singing fit to bust. :thumbup1:   I collected the eggs, did a bit of weeding in the veg patch and planted some more salad crops. Couldn't help wondering when I will do that next - not too long, I hope!   Spent ages in the bathroom, used all my body scrubs and delicious shower gels (had already got rid of the 'lady garden' (TMI, I know :thumbup:)... Buffed my finger and toenails, did the cuticles... I'm scrubbed, smoothed, trimmed and fragrant as can be. It is all about displacement activity and that pretence of being in control again!!   Tomorrow is my last blog entry before I'm a fully-fledged sleever! Can't believe it..   Will load some more radio programmes onto my iPod today - I have Book at Bedtime, Play for Today, the News Quiz and The Archers Omnibus x 2 and Desert Island Discs (All from Radio 4 and 7 - the Brits on here will recognise the progs!). French TV is so rubbish, it isn't worth me paying the equivalent of 10 dollars a day for my own TV.




Coping with solids

Good morning from a warm and sunny Normandy...   We have had visitors all week, so spent much time cooking for everyone, and trying out new foods for my new stomach!   I have had some lovely salmon with a little ratatouille, and last night..... I had a tbspn of chilli con carne, with a splodge of guacamole and a splash of creme fraiche!   I had a difficult day last week. I went to the UK by overnight ferry, and went to get some breakfast, but the overpowering smell of fried food made me want to gag, so I thought I would get something on the train from Portsmouth to London... Managed to get a cup of hot chocolate only :sad0: Got to my meeting in London, and was there from 1030 until 3pm - no-one went for lunch :lol0: Arrived at hotel 4.15pm, having had nothing to eat... They didn't do food :lol0::scared0: Directed me to a mini supermarket - which was Polish, so didn't understand any of the packets (recognised pickled herrings, sauerkraut and various sausages!). I found a sandwich, so threw away the bread and ate the egg and bacon filling (which was sparse and horrible ).   Went out in the evening to see Rod Stewart at the 02 Arena :thumbup: Was dancing all night, drank a small bottle of water. Still no food :crying:   Incredibly thirsty when I got back to hotel. Bought a cold can of Coke Zero with ice - worried about bubbles, but it stayed down, and was delicious!   I'm pleased to be on 'normal food' albeit in tiny bite portions. Most things I have tried have been fine.   Must make an appointment to see the endocrinologist for blood tests to check my levels of vitamins, enzymes etc. Trouble is, this is France in Jul/Aug. Everything shuts down till they get back from their holibobs their hols in September :thumbup:




4 weeks already!

I went for my 4 week post-op check yesterday. I am feeling fab, no complications, have not been sick, no pain. My scars (3 tiny ones, and one of about 2.5cm) are almost invisible now.   I am off my blood pressure meds, and my BP is now normal and I am delighted about that. Also, I had water retention - swollen ankles were the norm for me - that has completely disappeared.   People are starting to notice I look better, and that is probably because I am smiling such a lot too!   I have been cleared for 'normal food' cut up small. No protein powders; Dr Boullenois wants me to get all my nutrients from my food intake. He reminded me no drinking 30 mins before or after a meal. He warned esp not to drink fluids when eating rice or grains such as couscous or quinoa, as that will swell the grain further and cause severe stomach pain.   My stomach, when I asked him the size etc, is about the size of a (longer) Smartie tube!   Dr B said my weight loss will be 5kgs per month on average,   I'm so happy! :tongue_smilie:



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