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day 47 Post op

Hey ya'll, it has been a while since I posted and things have greatly improved. I am mostly over the thrush. That has just happened in the last week or so while I was in Kansas City, Missouri. Life does seem more manageable now. I had to eat out for the week that I was there and I admit it was a bit scary. I actually wanted to drink more than eat, and there was not a bunch of eating going on. BUT in the words of my GP (dr.) SOMETHIN must be getting through!!!! Kind of mean, but I must say not unexpected from my emaciated doctor who says she hates bacon!!! I mean really, what kind of person HATES bacon? Some other good news is that butter, margarine or mayo makes me have to run for the ladies room. Thank you Jesus the only thing better than that would be to have my taste buds removed!! I like butter and mayo waaaayy too much for my own good and this is such a blessing!!! ITS LIKE taking xenical again without the expense.... so, I have eaten some chinese food and some mexican food without too much of an issue. when i get that pain in my throat that feels like someone stabbing me then I know I am very very close to overeating. This sometimes happens after one or two bites. The uncool thing is that I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds over and over and over. I have lost 66 pounds in total including the lap band loss.:thumbup: I have lost 16 pounds in 6 weeeks with the sleeve. Hopefully the scale will start moving again soon.




Day 27 Post op

Hey ya'll can you send me some ideas of what you are drinking, as my dr. says no soda. Even diet. Not that crazy about SF tea, been limited to sonic slush water, even though I have just found out there is sugar in it. Better come up with a substitute. Not throwing up as much, so things are definitely improving. Still havent wrapped my mind around the fact that 2 or 3 spoons of mashed potatoes are it for me. I am going to record what I can actually get down just to see if I think its nothing or it really is nothing. Any help with drink suggestions would be appreciated!




Day 26 Post Op

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am finally turning a corner with this thrush. Everything that I taste seems to taste closer to what I remember after weeks of SF jello and chicken broth. This is pretty much alll I could eat (drink) with this yeast in my throat and stomach. I truly am starting to feel better everyday although the weight loss is stalling and I am not as focused on that as I am on not throwing up. I tried a little beans and mashed potatoes, and even though I could only eat a couple of spoonfuls, it did taste good! I am not taking insulin, but will consult my PCP on Thurs to find out with my family history if I should really discontinue my statin drug. So much of the propensity to develop plaque in arteries is genetic, something just tells me I should continue it. better safe than sorry.:tongue_smilie: My incision is healing well and looks 100 times better after liquid levaquin. I finally figured out if I mixed up half strength SF cherry jello and mixed 6 tablespoons of jello to 6 teaspoons of levaquin I could get it down without vomiting. I guess I am doing my own compounding.:closedeyes: I am looking forward to getting around without getting nauseated and feeling like I need to throw up. I tried running some errands yesterday and there is definitely a limit to my energy. I dont mind pushing it a bit so I am ready to go back to work when school starts.




Day #24 Post Op

For anyone who ends up on compounded liquid levaquin, ask the compounding pharmacist to add SOMETHING to it. Anything, it does taste like chemicals like nothing I have ever tasted- 6 teaspoons per day. You would never know it from this blog, but Im not a whiner. Try to be positive and find the silver lining 98% of the time. I sure hope things turn around soon. No real improvement that I can see or taste with the thrush. Tried to eat some mashed up hot tamales (canned) and probably wasnt my best idea. 27 more pounds though and I will hit the 100 pounds lost mark if you include pounds lost with the band. I have to admit, I am very psyched about this. Numbers I havent seen on the scale in well over 6 years. Since things seem to be moving along well, I am having some anxiety over what if I gain it back. My only answer to myself so far is not to engage in any eating behaviors that will help me gain it back. I know, there is more to it than that. And I have another 100 to go, but I am determined to ride a horse again before I die and of course, not kill the horse. Besides snowmobiling in Breckinridge, that is the most fun Ive ever had! Oh and add hot air balloon ride and a trip to Tahiti and Jamaica. I am so ready!!!:tongue_smilie:




Day #23 Post Op

Okay, had to go see The Man today. ( My doctor) Incision was bleeding, draining, and looked a little green in places. Sorry. Really, Really did not want to go, but The Man said it did not really look that bad, taped it up and called in a rx for levaquin (sic). Thrush is no better- doing swish and swallow and diflucan. The Man said the thrush isnt improving because I am dehydrated. My husband is befuddled. He cannot understand how I can be dehydrated, because he says I am drinking all the time. And I am. Drinking. All. The. Time. Another round of swish and swallow and The Man says that I am vomiting everything because of the thrush. Didn't even hesitate when I asked him. Better times have to be around the corner.....:tongue_smilie:




Entry day #99

Well, it will be two weeks Monday July 5th. the good news is that I have lost some weight, Ive been able to do 96%of what I am supposed to do eating and drinking wise, I lived through the surgery with no real adverse effects such as heart failure, etc. I guess I watched too many A & E" the mom who weighed a ton." The not so good is I keep a sickly sweet taste in my mouth all the time. Back in the day pre surgery, I would have eaten a pickle or an olive or many pcikles and olives!!! I brush my teeth a lot, and watch for signs of thrush. I cant sleep much past 2 am, I dont know if it is excitement over the prospects ahead or my body has become dependent on Loratab liquid to rest. The bathroom issue has also been a down side issue. will post weight loss at 2 week mark. :scared0:




Entry Day #89

Okay. I am really really shocked that I am freaking out about tomorrow. I ended up having to pay cash (2nd time as cash paying client) and waiting 2 months for my employer and my doctor to get back from vacation. I am very shocked and surprised that I am freaking out. I am not a freak out kind of person, but this has really caught me by surprise. I cannot have this laproscopically because my surgeon fears too much scar tissue with the lap band I have now, and he want to get in and get out and fast. I will have an open incision, and a longer recup time. Not so good.:scared0: I wanted this surgery more than anything I can think of, yet, I have a tremendous fear of something going wrong and I die. Not ready to go yet, but it could happen. I cannot even imagine trying to sleep tonight.:crying:




Entry Day #25

Okay- so I dont have a date anymore! I was supposed to give 30 days notice at work for surgical time off and I did not. The doctor cannot do my surgery until June 21!!!! So due to my own ignorance I have to wait 2 more months. I am not happy at all, in fact, I am mad at the world.:cursing:




Entry Day #20

Ok, so I have my date: april 23!!!! I will be asking for time off from work and recuperating 2 weeks and hope I am on my way to the life I have only imagined. Not going to tell anyone except boss and hubby. Still dont know how I will get this past my coworkers. Maybe I shouldnt even try. My boss may or may not be too happy about this. I have to say that I am really happy about this,I have moved heaven and earth to get here, just kinda scared about the process itself. I want to live through it.




Entry Day #11

I had to call the financial guy AGAiN. he told his secretary to call me and let me know he wont have an answer as to when until today (Tuesday). He never calls me, I always have to stalk him. And.....I am the most impatient person on the planet. Yesterday was too late for me. The lap band was 4 years ago, so I am already 4 years and lifetime behind. Whew I feel better now. so the next time I have off is summer break which I wanted to enjoy and after reading the REAL story on here about how most of you feel, Looks like it will be a recuperative summer at the very least. The good news is that I will have lost a few pounds by the time I return.:scared0:




Entry Day #5

I had some shopping to do for Teacher appreciation luncheon tomorrow. I ended up returning a purchase I had made and had to do an exchange for a gift. I went to the 3x's and found some things. I have to say it did not feel real that one day soon, I would not be wearing this size. What will I look like, will it be as great as I think it will be? What happens if I dont have to have a plus size at all? Of course, that is what my goal is, but my head is still trying to comprehend what life will be like for me. Do I really think that this will bring a joy and happiness to my everyday life that has never been there? I dont think it is the answer to all of my problems, just some of them.:scared0:




Entry Day #4

Today is great news. The financial guy said that everything should work out without having to sell the family cow and without my credit score taking a big hit. I am just waiting for all the i's to be dotted and the t's to be crossed. He suggested some medical connections that he has to do the surgery about a 10K reduction. It sounds good, not crazy about not having my surgeon. The question is: Is my surgeon who has NEVER done a lap band out and VSG revision before ( and he may well have done a couple by the time all my i's are dotted and t's are crossed) worth an extra 10K? The little voice is saying stick with what you know- dance with the one who brung you even to the tune of an extra 10K. I mean I will have invested a documentd 36K cash in trying to look normal and have some reasonable expectation of a healthy? life. Anyway, looks like it is a go- thank-you Jesus.:scared0:




Entry Day #3

No news is good news. I guess. I did not call the financial guy, was waiting for him to call me. I will call him by 9:30 am tomorrow though. I am wondering about alcohol with the VSG- so far I have not read anything that talks about whether it is a good idea or not. I kind of like to have one drink a couple of times a week- but it isnt anything I HAVE to have. I am needing to buy some new clothes since I have not bought that much in the past three years since my lap band. I kept thinking one day I would wake up and start losing. So many people told me that was exactly how it would be. I even tried my best to jump start it- cardio, eating few carbs, not weighing, weighing, focusing on other things, and alas- nothing. So, I am still thinking not to buy clothes, as my life should change drastically psychologicallly and physically, if I can put the money together. Again.




Entry Day #2

I was noticing a lot of anxiety today. Feet shaking, thinking about food alot. Not hungry mind you, just thinking about how to reduce my stress and make me feel better.:sad0: I finally ended up with sunflower seeds and that seemed to do the trick. I should hear tomorrow from one financial source if my surgery can be paid for without going to the surgery loan places. Maybe that is what this is all about. Then trying to decide if I should take off for the two weeks or wait until summer time. I am leaning more toward getting it done now- although it is seen by the medical community as elective- to me, it is not. I am patiently awaiting an answer.:biggrin0:




Entry #1

Today is the first day that I am going to start documenting what is going on until I find out if I can secure funding for the lap band revision to VSG. I want the results, but feel some pull not to put myself physically and financially at risk.:sad0: Not that I am not risk now, I get that.:biggrin0: I want to read what others are saying, and I want to know if I am somehow going into this as if it were magic and I will after a period of time become someone that I have never been, even at the ripe old age of 50. If not now, when?



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