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An update

I did not realized I had been gone from this forum for so long. I have actually started realizing how much I missed the support and resources here. I am glad to report that since my surgery May 10th,2010 I have gone from 253lbs down to 176lbs. I am nearing the "normal" BMI but I believe that I will not reach it only because I do not want to be that thin. I believe I will hold my weight at 175 and forgo that extra 10lbs. I feel great!!! I have gone from wearing size 46 waisted jeans to 34's and they are getting loose on me too. From 2XL shirts to Medium. I do P90X and other exercise on a regular basis and am getting good muscle tone. Stronger, faster, leaner than I was ever even at 17years old. I am greatful for my surgery. I have stopped all my diabetics meds months ago and have reduced my BP meds too. 2011 will not include a weightloss goal...for this I am proud and greatful.    




Not sure if I am doing this right.

Can someone tell me if you all tracked your calories and proteins the whole time in your first month?? I feel sort of lost and feel like I am failing. I am going to call the doctor tomorrow and see if I can get a blood work up just to check it out. I feel ok generally and can get a lot of general, but not to heavy, housework. I do feel as if I lose all my energy or have a massive dizzy spell. I think I am getting in enough and I take childrens liquid vitamins for a bit longer. I start normal food this coming week, but feel like I will still be chewing it down to a puree consistancy in my mouth before it goes down. On a good note, my wounds are healing fine, I still feel it sometimes...and those times I back off. I am up to a mile and a half walking but not everyday. ANY words of advice and wisdom are appreciated, Thanks Rob




Week 2 Update

I have lost another 3kgs. So total loss in kgs is 9kgs, in lbs that translates to 20lbs!! I am up to 20 minute walks...and wanting to do more. My first soft foods began today as well. I have fish and veggies planned for dinner. It will probably be my dinner for tomorrow as well - hehe waste not want not right? I do have to admit I am fuller A LOT faster than with fluids. The tastes of hot cereal and a yogurt were explosive. I need to buy protein powder to add to my meals, but I am just happy to be off the fluids. My woulds are healing good and the patches came off today as well. I have one left from the drainage hole, but that has also stopped bleeding so it is just a lil time now before I am patch free. =D Any advice or food ideas for this pureed stage is WELCOME. Trying to keep the carbs out of the diet right now, especially after I had a lil elevated (still norm but on the high end) blood sugars with the cereal. Thanks all!!! Rob  




Down 13lbs in my first week.

I am down 13lbs in my first week. I had one episode of throwing up when I tried to crush a mulitvitamin. Talkin about leaving a bad taste in your mouth EWWW! I have since stayed with taking a childs vitamin at an adult dose. It lacks the minerals that I am sure are essential. I am going to call the doctors office today to ask more about it. My multiv. is a bit larger or right at the size of an M&M so am skeptical if it will go down properly. I am drinking soups, water, and protein shakes. I go for walks and help with very light stuff around the house. I think my drainage tube site is finally closing because it did not drain blood or fluid last night - sorry hope you weren't eating when I said that. Should I be doing more? I need to read more here and get soem ideas.:confused: Peace, Rob




I am Sleeved!!!

Hey everyone. I am sleeved since Monday. It has taken me some days to come back to "normalcy" but I am even nearer as I type. I am in the hospital with my drain tube in and sipping water, soup, boullion...stuff like that. I have to get in 1 liter of fluids before I am discharged, so I have basically been sipping nearly all day. LOL! The surgeon is on his way to talk to me and I have a handfull of questions for him. Looking forward to seeing him today. My surgeons name is Jan Behme. I heard all went well, but I will get his take on it soon enough. I will keep everyone updated. I wanted to say that I think my Physical Therapist did such a great job getting my azz a movin post op! YAY!! Well, be wel peeps, talk to you in a day or so, hopefully from home. Rob:thumbup:




Day before the BIG Day

It is nearing 10am here in Norway and I find myself getting things finally into perspective. I will be SLEEVED by this time tomorrow and up bedside with Physical Therapy LOL! I feel ENERGETIC...full of electricity and charged for the day and for everything. In some ways I just can't wait for all the initial poking and prodding to be done with because that is what I know I will hate the most. Post op certainly will be filled with challenges. I am confident. I am right in spirit, I am down 25lbs since I started this thing, and I have nowhere to go but down in weight!!! I will post possibly the morning of the surgery otherwise I will post a blog post op probably Tuesday. You can also find me at YouTube under the same name of PhatmanWalkin. I will be posting video journals. I have a playlist for the WLS. Peace and love everyone and please continue to send your prayers. Rob




Ad'Mission Complete

Hey everyone!!   Just a quick update - I was admitted to the hopsital today (on paper). I say on paper because I got a pass home til Sunday around 5pm. When I get to the hospital Sunday they will put me on an IV for insulin and fluids, set up lines in my arms and give me a shot in my tummy with blood thinners. They said I can eat normal up til midnight LOL, like I will even have an appetite. They told me my surgery will be EARLY Monday morning - like 7am. This is a GOOD thing. I will probably barely be waking up and they will give me my "happy juice" and get my SLEEVE! Going to have Enchaladas for my final normal sized meal on Saturday. I have lost 25lbs since January and feel good about it. Well, I will probably post one more time before surgery and then I will not have my PC til Tuesday, but I will post then. Peace and love! Rob




It is time...Getting Sleeved on Monday!

Ok people. It is time. I am scheduled to be sleeved this coming Monday (5-10). I am both nervous and excited, but one thing is for sure...I am looking at food differently after I was on vacation. Yes, I did endulge in some not so healthy meals, and Yes, I did pay for it with a bad tummy. I have not eaten some of those foods since I was in my twenties, and I KNEW it when it started digesting. I am going to start posting WLS/VSG videos on YouTube for my own reference. I am already vlogging there any way, but I will dedicate a Playlist to just that. I am under the same name ei: PhatmanWalkin:thumbup:, and if anyone else is there vlogging hit me up. I will let you all know how it goes. Thanks for everyone who has befriended me and supported me the past months while I have been waiting for the BIG DAY. I hope that continues and I look forward to finally feeling like I am going to be joining a greater family. Peace and love and please, send prayers! Thanks. Rob :cursing:




Date Change and Vacation

Hey everyone, this is just another update. Today I received my confirmation letter fromthe surgical dept. at the hospital. I will be going in for admission and testing on Friday the 7th of May, get a pass home if everything looks good until Sunday the 9th. My surgery is on the 10th. Here I was thinking surgery was the 7th, but I was wrong. It is ok because it is only the weekend. I am going on vacation to the USA in April, then my daughter comes to visit us in May, right after surgery. She is coming to "take care of" Daddy LOL! Awwwwww! I know, right? What a sweetie. I bought her plane ticket today and I am PUMPED!!! I guess, I would like to ask if I should do something the week before or 2 weeks before the surgery - to help my mentality to it all - any suggestions??? C'mon peeps, help a brother out =)   I love you all and thank you for your support. I am so looking forward to the day I am SLEEVED!   Rob




Question about protein post op

I am just trying to lay my duck in a row - a lil help from this wonderful community please =) I was hearing from different people and reading that there is a target protein gram intake post op. Most people say it is 70grams daily. Is this pretty accurate or is it based on height and weight? My surgery is May 7th and I am starting to make my lists of post op stuff. Thanks for taking the time to answer =)





Hey everyone!! I have been on a steady pre-op weight decline with the help of some YouTube group buddies. We have been keeping eachother motivated and focused, while having fun. I am on YT under the same name as here. Also, the videoing has given me a good distraction from my surgery, but now I have started thinking about it more again. I find that I am having some anxieties about even having the surgery now...probably because I have been losing weight successfully without it. However, I know that long term control is my problem and my focus is to take off the weight to control my diabetes and possibly be rid of it forever. I have not been as active here because of the YT thing and trying to distract myself, but this last week it has not worked so well. My mind is consumed once again LOL. I will be in the USA for a visit to Colorado in April...and one week - just one week after I get back I will be in the hospital and having my Sleeve. My 19 year old is talking about coming to keep me company during the healing process. It will be comforting I think. Wish me luck, my goal for this month is 240 and I am now 249. Peace and love to you all. Rob




Down some pounds

Hey everyone! It has been awhile since I have posted anything here, but I have been a busy guy. I have taken myself, in the past month from 270 down to 252lbs. I have been training nearly daily and on a lower calorie diet, that is TOTALLY doable. I feel great! Most days I feel like I am not sleeping enough. Mostly my own fault, but last night my body told me SLEEP - so much so that I fell asleep by 9pm LOL. I am taking my multivitamin and Omega 3s and have even reduced my diabetes meds already. Looking more forward to my surgery on May 7th, everyday! Just wanted to share my weight loss success. My BMI has gone from 43 to 40 - just loving it and what is to come post Sleeve! :biggrin0:




May 7th Couldn't Come Fast Enough

I got my date yesterday from the surgical nurse who sets up the surgery dates. I just couldn't wait anymore, so I called to see if he could roughly tell me when he thinks I will be informed (not expecting to hear anything until March)...to my surprise...he told me May 7th quick enough? I said Oh Ya!! That would be GREAT! So, I go to the USA on vacation in April, come back April 30th and one week later, BAM! I am so excited, and now obsessing all over again HAHA! :w00t:




Waiting for it to be real

I have found myself being a bit restless in waiting for my date to be set by my surgical team. Because my surgery is in May, I don't even know if they will set it up before March. I find that I am almost running up the maillady and saying, DID IT COME??? LOL! I dunno, just thinking that I would feel it would be more "REAL" if I had the letter in hand with a set date. I am doing well losing weight, slow but sure and it is staying off. I feel good about my decision and am glad to see so many satisfied "sleevers". Some day in the near future, my time too will come. :001_tt2:




Reducing My Meds

I had my first appointment with my doctor since this whole process has started. He was excited to here that I was contacted and have already been through the pre-op exam and education. I told him that with a decrease in calories and increase in exercise I have begun to have several blood sugar crashes and lows. He told me to reduce my Minidiab by 5mgs so that means one less pill on the days intake hehe. I was very glad about this. It was my evening dose I took away, and this morning my blood sugar was 6,4 which is about 117 on the American scale. I am happy with it, because I had a bowl of pea soup before I laid down last night. YAY! I eat often and in little meals....trying to teach my body to accept the smaller meals early on, and it seems that metabolism likes it to. More pre-op weight loss to come. :001_tt2:




Making a List

I was supposed to see my doctor today, but I have 2 sick kids at home. This would have been the first actual visit with my doctor since the pre-op exam and education. I have been making a list of all the things I want to talk to him about. One of the things is his opinion on a psych consultation. I have had a bit of anxiety, but mostly just trying to figure out what I relationship is to food. Sometimes I feel like I have a decent relationship with food, then I think it is a bit extreme. I do not gorge myself ever, but I do have a sweet tooth. One of my things is avoiding the sweets, but I have been pretty decent this past month. Another thing on my list is the pre-op diet, the protein intake afterwards, drinks, etc. I, of course, have found this site to be my best resource for resources. Thanks for everyone here. I will keep reading and adding to the list. Just got off the phone with the doctors office, now I go in on Thursday. YAY!




It is not enough to be thinner...it is much more.

I have battled with my body for the past 25 years...16 of which I have had Type II Diabetes. Over the years I have been trying to keep the weight off. Sometimes I have been very rebellious and ate what I darn well wanted to - of course, I paid for it too. I have always been on medication for the diabetes and have managed to dodge the insulin need. Last year, my doctor decided to have a long talk with me and we decided together, that the best thing for me would be to have WLS. I had in my thoughts, that I would lose weight the "normal" way this whole last year...and that was an epic FAIL. As a New Year's resolution, I was determined I would DO IT!! I have been successfully working out regularly, eating right, and feeling good about my crashing blood sugars (a good sign I am doing all the right things). My body has been telling me that with the right formula of diet and exercise I have no need for medication. BUT my weight has not been dropping off and I do not know why. I have lost 5 lbs in 3-4 weeks. Frustrating, but now, I believe my body needs more. 2 weeks ago I got my letter to report to the hospital for education and pre-surgery exam. It got me to thinking...do I need it? Should I do it? Ups and downs, Robert...lack of ability to keep it off - ya, I believe now, I need it. May is when it will happen. An actual date will be produced between now and the end of February. I will keep everyone appraised of the actual date. I am both nervous and excited. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Peace, Rob




Been Awhile

Hey all,   It has been forever since I have been in here. Why? Cannot really tell you all, but I have been successfull in keeping all of my weightloss lost LOL! I had the VSG May 10th, 2010 and went from 277lbs to 175lbs. I have managed to keep the weight off...even in my "down" period. Got rebellious after suffering a hand injury. I had a rough last few month but am back on track now. I hope everyone else is well. I will update more later...this is just a flyby for now. Hard to type when ya have 4 kids looking for daddy's attention LOL! peace! Rob




2 Months Post-Op

Hey everyone. WOW, it has been forever (little over 1 month in internet world). I just wanted to update everyone on the weightloss and stuff. I weighed in on the 10th of May at 253lbs. I weighed in today the 21st of July at 211lbs   I can definatelly tell and I will post pics soon. I have gone from wearing a size 46 to wearing a 38 pants. I feel like the past 2 weeks my energy has finally come back...infact it has come back 4xs over. I actually even ran for the first time in about 20 years. It feels GREAT! Everyone who said it gets better, is not lying. Thanks to everyone for your support!



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