I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. I think it is from caffine withdrawal. I only had one glass of tea yesterday instead of 4 or 5.
I just took some tylenol and drank some tea. I hope I can get rid of this headache.
I don't want to end up in the ER having to get an IV again because of the severe pain and non stop voimiting.
I'm praying for relief soon.:001_rolleyes:
I have been checking the mail box everyday and waiting for the phone to ring. I am tired of waiting for someone to call and let me know something. I went to the seminar and turned my paper work in over 3 weeks ago. I have'nt heard a word from anyone. I left a message on two different occations. I didn't even get a call back.
I hate to wait. LOL I know people have to do paper work and wait on the insurance company, But they could at least return your calls. It kinda makes me a little nervous.
What if I had a question or concern after surgery. Would they call me back? Makes me wonder.
Got my fingers crossed for Monday. :001_rolleyes:
Today was my 30th day without my favorite drink.I miss you diet pepsi and sometimes I still long for you.:thumbup1: You have been with me for many years now,but it really is time to say goodbye.:thumbup: We have had alot of good times together and I will never forget you. I have to do what is right for me now and you will have to move on. I have new plans now for my life and you are not in them. You will never touch my lips again. I have a new drink in my life now and it is called WATER. I am now soda free.:001_rolleyes: YES!