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About this blog
day 7
Entries in this blog
two months post op
Day 1 all over again.
first fill
List of things I want to be able to do once I reach my goal.
walk in high heels comfortably.
do a marathon run/walk for a charity.
to be able to run around and play with my little sister without being out of breath or lack of energy.
be more confident.
to stop hiding behind my laptop and enjoy life.
to look and the mirror and be happy with what I see.
to go to my high school reunion as the new me.
to go back to school and be able to fit in those awful desk.
to do a cycling class
to be healthy
I've got a long way to go before I reach any of those goals but for right now I have smaller goals that are achievable for right now. Refer to my blog before this blog. I think a list of goals can be helpful especially if you are serious about reaching them.
Food addiction
band anniversary
Day 20 with heat rashes and pain
Lovely day (day 18)
learned the hard way
day 15
day 12
Day 11 part two
day 10 post-opt
Day 8 post-opt
one week banded
Day 7
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