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Hilarity ensues when a big guy shrinks

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Back Home

Back in Statesville after another week helping Mom. The pile is shrinking, but it's still big. Adding to it now, real estate. Swell.   A little over a week, now, post-op, and I went way off the reservation yesterday and this morning. I had to have food. I bought me some Angus flank strips and some shredded cheddar and made me a couple of steak and cheese omelettes. The shame. At least it was high-protein.   I doffed off a couple more pounds this week. I'm healed up enough, now, I guess, to add a little exercise to the routine. I'll be becoming more familiar with my neighborhood beginning this week.   On with the show...    

Deacon Blues

Deacon Blues



Somewhat better tonight but still worn to the screws. Many thanks for the thoughts on last evenings near-diatribe.   Not much to say about me and mom's meeting with the lawyer. Nice lady, but I think I know less now than before we talked.   I ate grits this evening. Not proper grits, but not a Glucerna shake either. Nary a hiccup with it. Tasted good. Didn't mess me up, and I was full for the first time in 6 weeks - a real plus in my book.   We took the boys swimming over at my cousin's place. A break from the business...as it were. They had a good time and got good and wore out. I learned that my staples can get very hot in the sun. An interesting sensation, although I don't particularly recommend it.   Thanks, y'all.

Deacon Blues

Deacon Blues


StranGe Day

A little drained this evening....hell, I'm beat.   The drive up to my mom's had a little more in it than I was expecting. After two days sans pain killers, I was back on that horse this evening. The boys were all jacked, too, so tending them has been...challenging.   My dad's being gone is real this trip. I guess I was so in the event a couple weeks back, I didn't have a chance to miss him. Well...it's real. Not a lot more can be said.   Tomorrow is lawyer and legal crap day. I've killed myself getting dad's estate stuff rolling, but I'll bet the ranch some lawyer will want three bills an hour to tell me I did it wrong and use all the work I did anyway.   I guess I'm a little jaded tonight. My midsection looks like a poor-man's Frankenstein's monster (and, tonight, feels like it looks). Five days after the fact, and I'm feeling a little set back.   Only had a little over 800 calories today. Not for lack of desire - just plumb didn't have time. Can't keep that up. That'll really screw the pooch.   Could uses few props tonight. Have a good thought if you have a minute.

Deacon Blues

Deacon Blues


Ego Flexing

Here's the blog. Hooray.   It ain't all about me, the language could be a little more colorful, and the forums aren't the place for literary pursuits. So, there you go.   Off we go...

Deacon Blues

Deacon Blues


(Approaching) Four Days Post-op

There is little new to discuss, really, in my brave new world this morning.   I made a bold (read: idiotic) decision to mash up a hard boiled egg last evening and eat it. This misguided effort came after watching three hours of Extra Virgin on The Cooking Channel - a behavior that will have to stop, no doubt. I'm not sure if Dr. Gary squoze me up a little or not during surgery, but he may as well have. I felt every bit of said egg extrude through every millimeter of my innards. Not painful, but not pleasant. Lesson learned: stick to the plan.   Kristina went back to work this morning leaving me at the mercy of my two youngest (8 and 6). So far, so good, but don't be surprised if you never hear from me again. I'll begin to pivot toward my July 29 return to work in a couple of weeks.   Me and the boys will leave tomorrow morning for my home town. We'll be hanging out with my mom for the balance of the week. Although the task list following my dad's dying on the 7th isn't as intimidating, it is still large. Mom has to transition to a bit more self-sufficiency as well as deal with a 54-year void that opened the first week of June. I have to take on a role as the head of two households. Stay tuned. I still think there's some grieving to be done for both of us. I fear the meltdown that is probably coming when I run out of the stuff that has to be done (estate AND post-op).   Pain meds are history, and it's back to the conservative diet.   355.2 this morning.   Time to get the boys' lunch.

Deacon Blues

Deacon Blues

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