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Georgia thinks this website needs a usability specialist

But that's just my biased opinion.   Okay, for documentation purposes let me describe my typical day:   7:00 AM - wake up & get ready 8:00 AM - Breakfast of either 2 scoops Apex Fit chocolate shake (mmmmmm... tastes like a REAL chocolate shake) or a FiberOne bar, and one Metagenics b-complex   12:00 PM - Lunch of leftovers from night before or a frozen dinner of some type   3:00 PM - Fiber One bar or some form of chocolate I shouldn't eat OR yogurt   5:00 PM - Leave work for the day   6:00 PM - Spin class on Mondays & Wednesdays, Swimming on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and running on Saturdays. It's warming up and we'll start biking and running outside soon.   7:30-8:00 PM - Dinner. This week's dinners consisted of Mon: Homemade Lasagna Tue: LF Cream cheese & chicken crepes and about 5 oreos Wed: Fried turkey steaks with mashed potatoes and a skillet brownie w/ ice cream Thu: Famous Dave's for mom's birthday and threw it ALL up! Fri: We're going to dinner for Nick's dad's birthday, not sure where     This week we've not exercised at all because Nick was very afraid that he'd hurt his back again and woudl have to have surgery. He was so afraid that he even teared up the other night of the thought of going through that again. This is the equivalent of him being paralyzed. He's such an active guy. Not mountain biking and hiking and camping and doing some of those things he loves is like torture for him. We've prayed very hard lately and I felt like things would be ok. Today he called me and told me his back feels so much better. I'm so grateful!   I wish I could have the motivation to exercise on my own without my awesome husband! Ugh. Maybe I'll have to start doing it at the campus track during lunch hours.




Friday, June 30, 2006

I don't get it. I worked SO hard today and still didn't meet my calorie burn goal for the day. I walked to campus twice, did yoga, did 45 minutes of exercise, walked for 10 minutes that evening, in addition to just sort of moving all day. Well, whatever, I still met my daily defecit goal, so now I can have junk at my dad's party.   SCALE: 231.5 upstairs at the gym (228 at doctor's office)   EXERCISE: Length: 45 minutes (25 minutes Arc trainer, 20 minutes treadmill) Intensity: Weight loss mode on Arc Trainer, steady state (3.3 mph at a 5% incline) on treadmill Activity: Arc Trainer & Treadmill (also walkeded to campus twice, did yoga for a half hour and walked 10 minutes that evening.) Calories burned start to finish: ~332   FOOD: BF: Apex chocolate meal replacement shake ... mmmmmmmm L: Loaded salad w/ Teriyaki Chicken D: Lean Cuisine Chicken & Veggies S: 1 rice krispie treat & some of Sara's Costa Vida Pork Salad   CALORIES CONSUMED: 1,108 CALORIES BURNED: 2,679 CALORIE DEFECIT: 1,571 NSV: I could do yoga SO MUCH better than Sara. She's 10 pounds less than I was when I started. She used to be in better shape than me. I really hope she chooses to get a band in the near future.




Thursday, June 29, 2006

SCALE: 232.5 downstairs at the gym (229 at doctor's office)   EXERCISE: Length: 45 minutes (25 minutes Arc trainer, 20 minutes treadmill) Intensity: Weight loss mode on Arc Trainer, steady state (3.3 mph at a 5% incline) on treadmill Activity: Arc Trainer & Treadmill (also walked around campus trying to shoot video all morning) Calories burned start to finish: ~430   FOOD: BF: Apex chocolate meal replacement shake ... mmmmmmmm L: WW Salisbury Steak & Asparagus D: Loaded salad w/ Teriyaki Chicken   CALORIES CONSUMED: 864 CALORIES BURNED: 3035 CALORIE DEFECIT: 2,171 NSV: Girl at gym that I met today thought an 80 pound loss was 'amazing'. Plus, I wore my new size 18 sexy jeans today (I haven't been that size since I was a junior in high school) and I look HOT!




Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I got a call from the other job that I've been considering. A few weeks back I went to lunch with them while they told me all about the job and asked me to apply. I applied but didn't hear back for awhile. So she calls today and says they'd like me to interview next Wednesday. I have very mixed feelings about this job. On one hand it pays a lot more and it's an opportunity to really make a difference, but on the other hand I really like my job now. Plus, we're hiring a full-time programmer so I'll be able to spend my time on design and usability and possibly move into being the information architect for the university websites. Plus, I have tremendous flexibility, I love my boss and the team I work with, I get free tuition to take my medical classes, I get every other Friday off, I can come and go pretty much whenever I want, etc. The only downside to this job is the pay. But even that's not so bad when you count the benefits and the retirement.   So I went to the band doc today. New nurse! I convinced the woman to give me .2 cc's in my band. That would have NEVER happened with the other nurses. They're reluctant to give me .1. I'm loving this new restriction. Thank you band angel, whatever your name was!   SCALE: 234.5 downstairs at the gym (231 at doctor's office)   EXERCISE: Length: 48 minutes (35 minutes Arc trainer, 13 minutes treadmill) + 20 minute walk at night Time: 7:40 PM (entered gym) to 8:30 PM (left gym) Intensity: Weight loss mode on Arc Trainer, steady state (3.3 mph at a 5% incline) on treadmill Activity: Arc Trainer & Treadmill & Walking Calories burned start to finish: ~349 (gym) ~160 (walking) Calories burned 1 hour after gym activity: 126.2   FOOD: BF: 1/4 Metagenics Shake L: South Beach Kung Pao Chicken S: Yoplait light cherry yogurt & 1 pc turkey deli meat D: Apex chocolate shake w/ 1.5 Tb organic peanut butter & 1/2 banana   CALORIES BURNED: ~2,652 (148 shy of goal) CALORIES CONSUMED: 845 CALORIE DEFECIT: 1,807 NSV: 2 co-workers said I was 'lookin skinny'. Another co-worker said I was looking skinny, but that something also was 'different' about me. She didn't know if it was a tan or my hair or what. I think it's my new makeup. I went to Sephora while in Vegas (like 4 times) and got some friggin awesome stuff.




Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Okay, now I'm confused. Got on the scale again today and it showed a 1 pound LOSS from last week. It was even after lunch and having water. I don't get this. Maybe I'd actually retained water in vegas because of the heat.   My intern got another job today making more than me. I'd actually referred him to this fella that calls me all the time about jobs. I usually turn him down because these jobs are "contract to permanent" with no benefits and I'm all about stability with my band loans and all. But I usually can refer him to someone in the field who's looking so he keeps calling. Anyhow, Dustin told me he was interviewing the other day and today (during the shoot) he got the call that he had, in fact, gotten the job. He'll be making 53k a year. I suppose that's not more than me if you count benefits and retirement. I'm glad for him. This will help his wife and kids out, not to mention he can go to school at UVSC and get a better education for his field than he's getting at Weber. I think I'll stay where I am for awhile while I go back for my P.A. degree. May as well as long as I get free tuition and fees.   SCALE: 233.5 at upstairs gym (what the heck???) (230 at doctor's office)   EXERCISE: Length: 52 minutes (30 minutes Arc trainer, 22 minutes treadmill) Time: 7:00 PM (entered gym) to 8:00 PM (left gym) Intensity: Steady State Activity: Arc Trainer & Treadmill Calories burned start to finish: ~382 Calories burned 1 hour after activity: 201 (but I fixed the lawn mower and made dinner)   FOOD: BF: None (woke up early for shoot and left w/o breakfast) L: Tropical Chicken Salad "sandwich" on cabbage D: Grilled Pork Souvlaki, loaded salad w/ egg & homemade dressing S: Wendy's fix 'n mix frosty   CALORIES BURNED: 2,964 CALORIES CONSUMED: 1,079 CALORIE DEFECIT: 1,885 NSV: Co-worker told me when I came in today that I looked like a movie star and like "totally skinny". She said she didn't even know it was me coming through the door. What a sweetie.




Monday, June 26, 2006

I got on the scale today at the gym after a week in Vegas where I threw caution to the wind. A 3 pound gain. I'm surprised I didn't gain more than that, actually, what with 2 trips to the Cheesecake factory, a Bellagio Eclaire and Caramel Brownie, and every meal being some sort of restaurant food. I was honestly terrible. I TRIED to work out, but the gym cost $25/day and I'd take a 3 pound gain over a $150 gym bill. In addition to that, it was the temperature of the sun outside so walking around was kept at a minimum.   So today I was supposed to present the new website redesign to the directors. I was NOWHERE near ready to do it and I wasn't able to work in Vegas like I'd hoped. So I called in sick!!! I still can't believe I did that. I just wanted to escape reality for ONE MORE day. But then I got 2 more calls today that we're doing a shoot early tomorrow and I've got to be there with all my gear to film the thing. I was REALLY hoping to pass this off to my intern, but I can tell he's not quite ready for that yet. I do think he'll be able to handle overseeing the special effects, though. He's good at that. And my other intern, Traci, I'm sure will have everything organized for tomorrow's shoot. She's the most organized person I've ever met. I'm just trying to take life one day at a time at this point. I feel so incredibly overwhelmed during my day job, my personal business, and my life! I need to make some goals and set a schedule for myself. If I don't pencil in "read your scriptures" at this point it doesn't happen. You'd think I'd be burning more calories with all the worrying I do!   SCALE: 237 at gym (gained 3 pounds on vacation!) (233 at Doctor's office)   EXERCISE: Length: 20 minutes Time: 12:30 (entered gym) to 1:00 (left gym) Intensity: HIIT (level 12 on machine at 10 intensity) Activity: Elliptical Calories burned start to finish: ~160 Calories burned 1 hour after activity: 145 (but I made lunch & did laundry)   FOOD: BF: None (woke up at noon) L: 1 homemade stuffed pepper   CALORIES BURNED: 2,346 CALORIES CONSUMED: 980 CALORIE DEFECIT: 1,366 NSV: Resisted a Wendy's fix 'n mix frosty that I SOOO craved




Monday, May 8, 2006

I got the runs today because I ate a chili dog from Weinerschnitzel last night, so I'm staying home today (but working). :faint:   Scale: said 246.5 at gym   Exercise: 20 minutes HIIT on Elliptical at 8:00 AM   Food: B: Protein shake - 138 calories, 27g protein, 4g net carbs L: Lean Cuisine mustard chicken & green beans - 220 calories, 17g protein, 20g net carbs D: Salsa chicken - ~300 calories, 27g protein S: Angel food cake w/ strwberries & whipped creme - ~300 calories   Totals: 958 calories, 71g protein   Water: 8:00 AM - 2 C during exercise 12:00 PM -3 C at work 3:30 PM - 1.5 C at home 9:30 PM - 1.5 C at home




Sunday, May 7, 2006

I guess I had TWO free days this week! The scale at the gym has said 246.5 for 3 days now!   Saturday: B: none L: Lemon pepper wild salmon & 1/4 sweet potato S: caramel-dipped pretzel with chocolate from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory D: Chicken parmigiana & pasta w/ chicken in cream sauce (VERY fattening) S: a WHOLE caramel apple w/ snickers from Rocky Mtn Chocolate   Sunday: B: none L: Leftover chicken parmigiana & creme chicken pasta - 500 calories S: couple bites of chocolate cake, couple bites of rice krispie treat, couple bites of chocolate dessert from Chuck-a-Rama - 150 calories D: WW Salisbury steak - probably 200 calories, 20g protein S: Chili dog & some chili fries from Weinersnitzel & 1/2 Bryce's chocolate shake - 760 calories, 18g protein   Totals: 1610 calories




Saturday, April 15

Dang - that fill's KICKING IN! And it does that at the randomest times. I went to Lagoon, our local amusement park, yesterday. THAT is when my fill decided to kick in.   4/15/2006 B: 1 slice cold-cut turkey L: 1/2 chicken sandwich, with only the bottom peice of bread (this is when the fill kicked in and I PB'd) S: 3 chocolates from Sees D: 3 boneless buffalo wings S: 100 calorie pack chips ahoy   I exercised in the AM and then walked all day at Lagoon with my boys, Eric, Trav and Bryce. Then I played DDR (and got almost to the "Normal" level) for 30 minutes.




Monday, April 10, 2006

Workout: I did 40 minutes on Arc Trainer, elliptical, & treadmill in the AM   Food: B: Metagenics shake (w 1 scoop metagenics & 1/2 scoop Unjury) - 125 calories, 17g protein L: Chicken florentine (Lean Cuisine) - 18g protein, 200 calories S: 1 dark chocolate caramel bar & almond caramel sample from Sees (2g protein, 275 calories)   Totals (so far): 600 calories, 37g protein   Water: I've had 5 cups so far   Scale: Gym scale said 255




This weekend sucked!

Saturday, April 8, 2006   B: None (woke up too late cuz the basement flooded Friday) L (about 4 PM): 1 cheeese stick, 1 triangle quesadilla, 2 bbq buffalo wings, a couple of chips, and a couple bites of chicken at Applebees D: none S: Chocolate chip cookie   Sunday, April 9, 2006 B: 1/2 Metagenics shake w/ unjury L: About 4 BBQ Spare ribs & some beans, 2 bites of cake D: Whole piece of Applebees lime chicken S: Betty Crocker carmel chocolate cake (microwave thing)   Workout Saturday: None, but walked all day and did dance dance revolution Sunday: Rode my bike for around 20 minutes




Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Meals:   B: Metagenics chocolate shake with 1/2 scoop choco unjury L: Cranberry chicken & 1/2 sweet potato S: Strawberry Activa yogurt D: 1.5 chicken enchiladas (with FF creme cheese and low carb tortillas)   About 8.5 cups water ================================================== =   Workout:   Podfitness.com weight training workout for 50 minutes & stretching (kicked my butt, again!). Wasn't able to do the one-legged pilates ball roll, but I did the two-legged one.   ================================================== =   Energy:   Stomach ache from chili rellano is gone. Feeling pretty good, actually, because I got a raise today!   ================================================== =   Weight: Scale at gym said 258 (which means 255 and the doctor's office)




Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Meals:   B: Chocolate banana peanut butter protein shake (2 scoops metagenics, 1/2 scoop chocolate unjury) L: Cranberry chicken & italian veggies S: SF Strawberry yogurt D: Frozen Lean Cuisine Turkey Dinner S: Healthy Choice fudgesickle   About 8 cups water ===================================================   Workout:   Podfitness.com treadmill workout for 30 minutes & stretching (kicked my butt!)   ===================================================   Energy:   Sort of sick today. I think it was the chili rellano I had last night. A bit too spicy for my system! I'm thinking of trying that Activa yogurt.   ===================================================   Weight: Scale at gym said 258.75 (which means it's mroe like 255.75)



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