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I love my daycare kids

Happy Wednesday How is everyone? I know I haven’t been on here much lately but I’ve been really busy at both jobs. My new work hours have been a real adjustment for me. It has been challenging but I think I have getting the hang of it. I will say this planning my meals has really helped because it eliminates the temptation of me eating fast food and eating junk food at the day care. The Day Care is my trigger because I am surrounded by cakes, cookies, and chips. A few weeks ago I noticed me eating item more often. This is not good because I am still a t plateau. So one week I started bringing salad and Greek yogurt to the day care. So I started sharing my meals Fun Boy (my nephew). So he now loves Greek yogurt. Last week Snowmagendon hit the Mid-west again so I had left a salad at the day care since my sister 2 kids at the day care I told her go ahead and get them my salad. The kids loved the idea and they started bragging to the other day care kids about my famous salad. After taking to the parents and my sister we decided to have salad 2 days an week for snack. Each time the kids will add something new to the salad or we will buy a fruit or veggie they never had before. So far this has been a success! My only complaint is they kids a drowning their salads with ranch dressing! Will be wrong if I replace the Hidden valley ranch with a healthier version of a ranch dressing? I am just happy my day care kids are enjoying salads now even though they are going thru to bottles are ranch dressing! This is why I love them. I wonder what I can get hooked on now??? Even though I am still at a plateau I love my band! God is good Thanks for reading.




Take time to inspire someone

Happy Monday everyone!   I have been so busy I haven't had time to check in with everyone.   I wanted to share this story with everyone so I will try not to bore you!   When I started my lap band journey I only told my family and my best friends.   As I got more comfortable I started telling everyone!   Today a fellow co worker came up to me and told me that he is getting the lap band because I inspired him.   I was shocked but I was so happy for him.   We had this conversation before.   He asked me questions and I told about my journey. But I always told him "my journey will be different from yours."   I am proud to say that I am happy that I was able to inspire someone to live a healthier lifestyle.   I don't think I say this enough but I am thankful for this site and everyone on this site. You guys inspire me to do better and for that I thank you!   So take time to inspire someone today and maybe that person will pay it forward.   God is Good!   Thanks for reading!




Yeah... I am at a plateau

Yeah I am at a plateau..... I am not to upset about it but damn it! I am so close to my high school weight it not even funny! I also found out that my Wii Fit has been lying to me as well this difference is 3 pounds but when I used the quick weigh option it will acturate. I will a little disappointed at first but then I realize that this has been the lowest I have ever been in years!   Okay confession time I admit I haven't been making the best food choices and lately I've been adding wine as a food group. However I've been working out either 45 to 1 hour each day.   My plan of action Stop drinking wine every night and cut it down to twice a week.   Change my workout routine.   Review my fitness pal diary to review my eating habbits.   Start planning my meals through out the week and remember Protein Protein and Protein   I need to get to ball going anyway I have to train for my first 5K run in April.   I am still happy with my weight loss and I know for a fact I will never weigh over 200 pounds again! This is a promise I made to myself   God is good and I still love my band!   Thanks for reading!




Hello size 11/12!

Do you like my picture? I have a booty now!   Happy Snowmageddon everyone! It is negative 4 degree over here in the St. Louis Metro Area and over 12 inches of snow. I so want to go outside and play in the snow but it was too damn cold!   New Year Day was my 8 month bandiversary and I went shopping on last Friday to celebrate. So I went to my new favorite store “Dots” and brought me an outfit.   I found me some cute pants but they didn’t have a size 14 but something told me to try on the 11/12. At first I hesitated because I was tempted to go over to the plus size section and find me a size 14. But I then I heard my best friend Lesley voice saying “hoe you better not go over there!” in my head.   I finally tried on the pants and I was stocked when they fit! I even did the squat test in them and passed, but they were a little bit tight around my stomach. I took two pictures one showing my stomach and the one shown above. I sent them to Lesley and she told me I look fine in them.   I just like to say that I am still stock that I have a booty now! LOL my ego gotten a little big especially after the 46 likes I got on my Facebook page!   Anyway I called in work today and I have my two other friends over here. We had an official sleepover last night over here. I think I am going to convince them to do Walk away the pounds 3 mile walk. With or without them I am going to.   Don’t worry about me I am good in the Midwest I have wine and protein mix to last me! LOL   God is good!   Thanks for reading.




My 2013 recap

Happy New Year Eve everyone! How was everyone holiday?   I really enjoyed my holiday Santa was really good to me.   Guess what?   My coworkers chip in and brought me a FitBit Flex for X-mas!!!!   How cool is that!!! I love my Fitbit and it sync with my fitness pal account. I am still trying to figure out if I need to track my workout still and use my fitbit calories burn? Or stick with the fitbit? So if know the answer let me know!   Now for my recap.   2013 was the year of change for me.   I change my eating habits and my wardrobe.   I change my lifestyle and adapted a more healthier lifestyle.   I change my way of thinking. Instead of thinking about my next meal I am now thinking about what type of workout I am going to do today.   I change my friends since my surgery I learned who is with me and who is againist me. I let all my haters go. (see ya!)   I am so ready for 2014 It is going to be something else. Starting with my first 5K run!   Happy 42nd Anniversary to my parents!   God is good   Thanks for reading!




It's amazing what a wine cork can do.

You are probably wondering what I am talking about? Allow me to explain.   My furnace got fix on Monday and when I got home Monday night I notice there was a smell in my laundry room. I figure that my furnace was smelly because it just got service they normally put a deodorant spray in my furnace to make my house smell good so I figure they probably forgot. It was late anyway I did my 30 min works out, took a nice long bath and went to bed.   Yesterday morning when I was leaving the house I noticed that the smell was still there so I open a window in my laundry room to try to air it out. When I got home last night the smell was still there so I went in my house to see if my house smelled to and there was no smell in house.   I knew something was not right so I got in my car and got far away from my house. I called my parents to let them know what was going on. Then I called my local electric company (Ameren) and told them I think I may have a gas leak because my laundry room smelled like gas.     Within 10 min Ameren was at my house. Dale was the guy they sent (which was very cute by the way) Dale first looked at my furnace and there was no signal but when he got to my washer and dryer guess what? There was a signal! By this time I was at my back door ready to run! Dale found the leak and he asked me how long have I been living here? I told it will be 5 years in February then he asked me to come over there because I had to see this.   I walked over and I see the wine cork being used as a plug in the gas line! I said “What the F*ck is that a F*cking cork?!” Dale took out the cork and was able to fix it the right way. The picture above is the cork. A million things was going thru my mind after he left. The first thought was how did the home inspector missed this and how long has it been like this? So I had a couple glasses of wine last night but I couldn’t sleep my nerves were too bad Today I am doing better and I am thankful to be alive. When I get to the day care I am going to give the day care kids a big hug!   God is Good!   Thank you for reading.  




This Weekend I Was So Bad.

Happy Monday everyone! How was everyone weekend? Mines was ugh!!!   I was in a positive mood until Friday night when my furnace went out! Yay! Lucky for me I have a home warranty but I spent the whole weekend with a broken furnace.   So how did I survive? I went straight old school. I turned on my stove and my oven and slept in my living room. I am so happy that I have a small house.   Why is every time I get extra money something goes wrong? Anyway I decided to take my bestie out to dinner to my favorite Mexican Restaurant. My intention was to have one margarita and guacamole. Well I did get full of the guacamole but I so did not have just one margarita. Let’s just say my a$$ worked out a lot on Sunday. As a matter of fact I multitasked. I was doing step aerobics on my Wii Fit and watching football.   Okay confession time I order a steak burrito to go and I ate the whole thing yesterday! It took me 45 mins and I chew chew and chew but I ate the whole thing.   Confession number 2.   To be honest with you guys the burrito could have kept me full all day but I had 2 serving of puff corn and mini ice cream. I blame Mother Nature. It out my system …. For now. I have no regrets about yesterday because to today is a new day. To be honest with everyone it is my lunch time and I am not even hungry yet… weird. I hope everyone is having a great day!   Thanks for Reading




I Survive My First Thanksgiving Banded

Do you guys like my picture of me and Fun Boy? I had him all weekend and we had fun.   How was everyone Thanksgiving? You know what I am actually proud of myself I did good even though I had a big piece of my mom famous Sweet Potato Pie at 11am and it was so good. I even bake a chocolate cake with egg whites and applesauce if only I could of find a healthier version of chocolate icing.   Anyway my big sister host Thanksgiving Dinner at her house and we had fun. I grab the smallest plate that she had (it was one of Fun Boy plates) and had a simple of everything! My daddy even commented that he was on his second plate and I was still on my first and only plate. I just laugh and told him that I have to chew chew chew and chew! He laughed and said that I was doing a good job.   Can I tell you guys a funny story? I really wasn't sure about my chocolate cake that I made. One thing about me I love to bake but I don't need eat what I make. This time I was curious so I cut me a small piece of cake. As I was making my to go plate.... Fun Boy was over there eating pieces of my cake. When I looked over there he started laughing and ran. I just laugh and continue fixing my to go plate. Little did I know SJ (Fun Boy) went back to my cake and started eating it again! I turn around and I called his name and he looked at me and said it was good. Together me and Fun Boy finished the piece of cake.   The next day was my moms birthday and I did something with her that I haven't done in a long time..... We watched a movie together. It is true the best things in life are free!   Tomorrow I go back to work and I see my doc on Wednesday. God is good!   Thanks for reading.




I Had To Get Out The House Yesterday!

Happy Sunday Funday everyone!   Every Saturday Morning is my Weigh In day and yesterday was my 75 pounds mark! I was to excited and I had to celebrate. Also I was getting bored being in the house so I went shopping! The first thing I brought was a bra, I've been dreading this day for a long time but I knew I needed a new bra. Of course my fun bags shrunk not to bad but they did. I love my new bra it amazing how the littlest things bring me joy.   Then I went to my favorite clothing store Dots! I had a $10 off coopin so that was even better. I brought me a couple of outfits and some accessories.   Since Dots was close to my parents house I had to stop by and see my parents. Guess who greeted me at the door when I walked in? My nephew! I was so happy to see him and my dad was up watching him while my mom was out. I owe my dad big time so I told him to go to sleep while I watch Fun Boy (my nephew).   I just like to say I am Bubble Guppies out and wore out. Fun Boy had me all over the place. But it was worth it. When my mom came back we talk for a bit and I showed her my new clothes, She congratulated me on my weight loss and told me that I should go home because I was over doing it. Mom knows best right? I told her that I had to go to Dollar General first then I will go home. So I did.   I finally got my appetite back too! Protein! Protein! Protein! was the plan yesterday and they was what I had. Can I make a suggestion to you guys? Danon makes a fruit greek yogurt called Light & Fit. It has 12 grams of protein and it 80 calories! If was so good!   After reading a certain someone blog entry yesterday, I was convince to have some Chinese food. I had orange chicken with veggies and that was my lunch and dinner. And the St. Louis Blues won yesterday!   Thanks for Reading.




Port Placement Surgery

Happy Wednesday everyone. I know I haven't been active on here lately but I am back now. So how is everyone? I hope everyone is well.   Where should I begin?   This month has been a good month for me despite of me being a plateau... life has been good. I had a couple of moments this month. The one that hurt the most is when I didn't get my dream job. What is my dream job? To work in Human Resources I have a degree and experience in that field and I had my 10th interview and I still didn't get the job. I felt defeated but I got back on track. I decided to continue practicing my interview skills and keep moving forward. "Every NO! is one step closer to my YES!"   Yesterday I had my port placement surgery. This time Dr. Richardson didn't have me come in at 430AM it was 830AM this time! Once again my amazing daddy took me to the hospital. He was off at work at 630am that morning and was still able to stay with me the whole time! I have to admit I was really nervous this time around I don't know why but I was.   However I did get the biggest surprised yesterday....... I AM IN ONEDER LAND!!! (is that the right term?) I was shock was I seen the number 193.4! I was so nervous I couldn't cry. I have seen those numbers since I was 19. Wow I am still in shock!   Today I am resting I haven't got my appetite back but I am slowly drinking water. I want to do some type of exercise today but I just do want to over do it. I am so close to my high school weight!   It's nice to know that my Wii Fit was not lying to me. I am going to reward myself by going shopping for some new clothes and get me a pedi on Saturday. Besides I am on leave until Dec 2nd.   God is good and I am loving my band!   Thanks for reading.




I Am Back!

Well hello everyone and fellow Bariatric Pals!   I am so happy that the blogs are available I was going thru withdraws to a min. LOL   So what has been going on with me? Well last month I did my first 5K walk and I was amazing. (see pics below)   I am set to have my port placement surgery on Nov 20th and I decided to take the rest of the month off.   I am at a plateau now on my weight lost but that will changed soon.   Other than that I am loving my Band!   Thanks for reading.




This is why I shouldn't do something out of anger.

Happy Thursday everyone! Today is a good day because there is a Cardinal Game and Blues Game tonight I am so happy!   Anyway I have a funny story I like to share with everyone.   Today I received a phone call for a job interview. I was too excited because it was more money. After I got off the phone I review my application so I can see which job I applied for and to review the job announcement. I was halfway down the page and this is when I noticed that this position was bilingual! I am not bilingual and I failed at Rosetta Stone.   Immediately I called the person back and explained what happened. We both started laughing and he thanked me for being honest. I mean can you guys imagine how my interview could have been like? I am so glad I researched everything before my interview.   Looking back I remember I applied for this position back in August around the time my coworker/friend house caught on fire and how I go thrown under the bus. I was so upset then that turned into anger that I started applying for any position. I was so unhappy back then but now I am better   This is why I shouldn’t do anything out of anger. It’s a good thing I have a good sense of humor because I am still laughing about it. I hope I gave you guys a good laugh   Thanks for Reading.




Am I getting furlough?

I normally don’t get into politics but my phone will not stop ringing. And I had to stay off of Facebook because of all the negativity that is being posted.   For those who don’t know I am a federal employee. I’ve been working for the government since I was 20. I love my employer and I love working with veterans.   Today I got a letter saying after Friday I will be furlough. Am I mad? No just disappointment that we as a nation can’t get it together.   I walk by faith not by sight. So for the next 3 days I will come into work with a smile on my face and continue help and working with our nations veterans.   I hear everyone complaining about being out of work but I don’t see what their plan is.   Here is my plan: I will try to work as many hours I can at the day care (job number 2) Tomorrow I will call up some temp agencies and see what they can do for me. I have to remember my situation is only temporary.   Anyway Today is my 5 month bandversary and I feel great!   Thanks for reading.




200.8.... Say what!

I am so close to being in one hundred land... I can feel it. How is everyone? I know I haven't been active on here. But I've been emotionally drain and I just didn't feel like writing bad news on my blog. I am back on track now.   Today I met with Dr. Richardson for my follow up appointment from my surgery. I am not going to lie to you guys when I got there I was a little nervous. Why? Because this past weekend I had nothing but fried foods and the week before Mother Nature wasn't really nice to me because she made me eat chocolate! I mean half of a Butterfinger one day and the next day I had the other half. Oye on those days I made sure I burn at least 200 calories!   Anyway back to today's visit. When I had to get weighed I just looked away and when my nutritionist didn't say nothing I just thought the worse. So I start giving myself the "prep talk" while walking down to the examination room. Once we got in the he start going over my weight history then he said your current weight is 200.8 pounds. I looked at him and said Say what? He repeated it again. I was shocked and still am. I felt pretty bad because I was being a little selfish yesterday. My bestie Jon was having a bad day and I was playing the "wing women" role and was trying to find him a girl to pick up but I was too busy complaining about my calories intake and how about I was going off my healthy living lifestyle. That I absolutely failed my "wing womanly duties!"   Dr. Richardson said my incision looked fine and I will see him again next month so we can pick out my surgery date to get my port back in. My guess will be sometime in December but I will know more next month. And! He said I can do the walk for obesity walk this Saturday and I can start running again but I have to keep my incision covered. So guess what I will be doing tomorrow? Resume working on "Operation I want arms like Michelle Obama!" I probably won't resume running again until next weekend.   I text was my Bestie Jon and told hope after all the bitching I was doing last night I lost 2 pounds. He laughed congratulated me. I guess I need to calm down just a little bit because I know my support system would let me know if I need to slow down or need to make better food choices. Not only this is new to me but this is new to my support system. I still have a lot to learn but I think I got this! God is good!     Thank you for reading       Below is a pic of my coworker Kevin (he is the one on the right) He passed away 2 weeks ago. I wish have took an up to date picture with him instead of using this one. I miss him R.I.P my friend.




What... I need a belt!

After spending 4 nights and 3 days in my house….. I decided that I had to get out! So I went shopping. Tonight I will be going to Hooters with my guy friends to watch the Mayweather and Canelo fight! (Go Canelo!) And if I am going to escort these lovely gentlemen tonight… I have to look good. Also I’ve been feeling down lately so I chose shopping to cheer me up instead of food.   I check my email and I noticed Dots Clothing Store sent me some coupons or I called them coopins. Last time I went shopping I was a size 16 will today size 16 was a little big so the sales associate told me to try on a size 14. A size 14 I have seen this size since I was 19. Anyway the size 14 fit but I needed a belt. A belt? What is that? I have never brought me a belt before. I always relay on my gut to keep everything in place. I use my $10 off coopin and brought me a whole outfit for $26.89! I am going to look hot tonight. Those Hooter girls will have some friendly competition tonight!   Normally I will work out more for these types of occasion but this time I am not. I don’t want to overdo it and I want my incisions to heal properly. I will make healthier choices tonight and if I overdo it then I did. Soon I will be back on track but until then I will continue lively my healthier lifestyle!   Thanks for reading!




This is harder than I thought!

I finally paid my AT&T Uverse bill word of advice check your bill often because they will upgrade your internet without your knowledge. I guess they didn’t get the memo about me being on a budget!   Anyway how is everyone? I am okay… I guess. This recovery time is harder than I thought it would be. I guess I can start with the morning of the surgery. Surgery took about 18 minutes and I was discharged around 930am. Once again my amazing daddy took care of me. He made sure that my a$$ sat down and got my meds. And just like last time he went to work that evening! This is why I love my daddy! My coworkers (I don’t know if I told you guys this before but I work with nurses) been checking on me every day especially my partner in crime. It cracks me up when he texts saying how is my patient this morning! (I can’t laugh too much because it hurts) Despite of all the things that been going on with him losing his home and getting his life back on track. He still makes time to check on me and that means a lot to me.   My support system has been wonderful to me. They are concerned about me because the first thing they ask me is I hope you’ve been sitting you’re a$$ down! I am but it is hard. I thought I prepared myself mentally for this but I didn’t. I am afraid that I am going to gain some of my weight back when I am so close to One Hundred Land! I was doing so good with my workouts and I really wanted to do my first 5K with Catfish next Saturday but I have to wait and try again. It’s sorta depressing but I am trying to get over it by thinking about how much I accomplish during this journey.   So, I am going to put my faith in God and move forward. Besides I will have to do this again in a couple of months because my port has to be put in again. My surgeon let me know this yesterday I will a little disappointed but he told me to continue what I been doing and I will do just fine. Then he removed my packing on my incisions and showed me how to do packing. I just like to say two things: That f*cking hurt! Thank goodness for pain killers and two I am glad my daddy drove me because after all that I wouldn’t been able to drive. So what did my daddy do…. He took me out for some ice cream! I am such a daddy’s girl and a big kid but this actually made me feel better!   I haven’t got my appetite back yet but I’ve been eating. I have too because all the pills I’ve been taking and I don’t need to be taking them on an empty stomach. I know I will resume my workouts soon but until then I will continue making healthier choices until I get back on track! I have to remember this is only temporary.   Thanks for reading.




I am getting my port replace next Tuesday!

Wow September has started pretty interesting for me hasn’t it?   Well today I went to see my Doctor and he said he will have to replace my port because it’s infected. So next Tuesday is my surgery date. I am little disappointed with myself because I did everything by the book and I didn’t take care of myself properly. It was like a punch to the stomach when he told me this.   So what cause my port to get infected? The term self-inflicted unintentionally comes in mind. I remember some of you guys telling me to take in easy 3 weeks after my surgery. Remember back in May when I was set up and helping out at those many graduation parties. Some of you guys commented Take it easy and be careful. And I did but somewhere down the line something happened and this was the result.   I can go on and on about what I may have or may not did right but I am not. It is time for me to get over it and move forward! Am I happy with the band? Hell yeah I am! When I start this journey I was 267 and as of today I am 205! It sucks that I have to get my port replace so soon but so far the band has been taking care of me and now I need to take care of my band.   This time around I will definitely take it easy. Meaning I am going to sit my a$$ down and let my incisions heal properly!   My only concern is my work outs. I started adding new routines and I wonder how this is going to affect me? I will think of something. Well at least I will have a short work week next week     Anyway what is going on with my St. Louis Cardinals?     Thanks for reading




Back from my mini Vacay!

Happy Labor Day Everyone!   Well I am back from Branson and I feel great and relaxed! So how did I do? Lets just say I am afraid to step on the Wii Fit today and I will try again this Saturday!   What happened? Don't laugh at me but I left my snack bag at home! I blame my one track mind. Friday after my post I started getting my things together and I thought I put my snacks in my backpack. Well 100 miles out and when we stop at KFC that is when I realize that I left my snacks at home! Ugh! So I ended up eating a grilled chicken breast and ate half a serving a cole slaw. Lunch kept me full until 9pm that night. Then there was dinner and another sigh.   Why am I keep on sighing? Because I think I did bad and I had slice of thin crust pizza for dinner!!!! It was a small piece and I was terrified that I was going to have a stuck episodes! But I just chew, chew, chew, chew and chew. I was happy and the band was happy. I am thinking this all may change once I get my first filled.   Anyway, I am tired of writing about food. I did work out every day while I was in Branson. Since I left my healthy snack bag at home I work out every chance I had. On average I was burning an additional 800 each day I was there. One morning when I was running my little nephew was cheering me on when I was about to finish my run! That brought me so much joy! :wub: Sorry I had to mention that! Me and my sister went to the outlet stores down there. I really didn't buy any clothes even though I had my big sis with me. I am still having problems with clothes shopping but I am slowly getting over it. Don't worry I did buy something from the outlet... I brought me some Yankee Candles! If I could I will spend my whole paycheck on Yankee Candles! These are the only candles I buy and they are my weakness! Tomorrow I go back to reality and I will not let work interfere with me this month. I am going to continue doing positive this month because this is who I am and it helps me to move forward. Also tomorrow I am starting "Operation I Want Michelle Obama Arms!" This will be interesting.   Wish me Luck and thanks for reading!




Ending this Month Right!

Well I did! I am ending the month of August right…. I am going on a Family Trip! Once again my mom plans a nice getting away for the family. Where are we going? Branson Missouri! I am too excited because me and my family really needed this. So what is my plan for this trip? I have packed healthy snacks for the road. I grab a couple of packets of tuna so if we do stop at a fast food restaurant on our way there I will order a salad and add the tuna in the salad. I will try my best to make good food choices when we eat out and I have my restaurant card handy. I will work out for an hour each day that I am there. Well my parents will be here soon but I wanted to give you guys an update. I almost forgot I didn’t buy the kids ice cream but they did get suckers. There at 60 calories in a tootsie roll pop! Who knew? Thanks for reading.




I hate fake people!

This video explain what been going on with me in the past 2 weeks. I am such a young old head! I am going to warn you guys I am going to be venting! So why I do I hate fake people because they are stabbers and lairs. I know most of my flaws but I will say this I am not fake! The only thing that is fake about me is the hair weave that is in my hair!
So what happened? One on my good friend (coworker) had a house fire 2 weekends ago and lost everything. Last Monday I came into work and my fellow coworkers ask did I hear what happened to my friend? I thought he died or something but my coworkers filled me in on what happened. So I started calling our friends outside of work to see if he was okay. Then I called my boss to let him know what happened.
Finally my partner in crime (my friend) called me. I was so happy to hear from him! To give you a little background He supported me during my decision process of getting the lap band. He called me every day when I was out for my surgery to check on me. So I took this one to heart.
Later on that day I went up stair to talk to someone who I thought who was my friend. She asked me did I hear what happened to my friend. I close her office door and told her I was so upset that I had to take a Xanax and that he was okay. The only reason I closed her door was because I didn’t want her neighbors to know that I am on Xanax
When I got back to my office I received a phone call from one of her wannabe bosses. This girl went a told her wannabe boss that I told her what happen to my friend. So basically he didn’t know about it and I was accused telling a couple of people what happened to my friend. Well that is half true I only told people who I thought who heard from him or knew how to get ahold of them and the rest was all hearsay.
Anyway as soon as I got off the phone I started to cry I was so upset that I didn’t eat lunch. My mentor ended up calming me down and I proceeded on with my day. I am hurt because I thought those two people were team players but they are not. I have done nothing to them to get this type of treatment from them. So I prayed on this and forgave them but I will forgive them because this will take some time.
Moving forward….
Even though they upset me I didn’t go back to my old habit Instead of 2 big girl bottles of wine I only had two glasses. I ended up seeing my friend last Friday I brought him some comfort food and gave him a cooler full of his favorite beers. Also we raised $1415 in cash and over $280 worth gifts cards for him. That came from our group of friends. We all started crying when we finish counting the money. It was very emotional for us.
All about me…
I am slowly breaking out from my shell about me and buying new clothes. Since my last entry I was a size 16 but mentally I am still my old size 20. It took me a week to final wear the clothes I brought 2 weeks ago! Yesterday I decided to wear one of my outfits and I was getting so much attention… and it felt good!
I also started running (jogging) and I am averaging 3 miles in 30 mins. Starting next month I want to start working on my arms. My goal is to have arms like Michelle Obama! I am 59 pounds lighter and life is good!

Thanks for reading.




So long size 20... Hello size 16!

I’ve been so lazy since being on vacation from both jobs but not too lazy to not workout. Thursday was my 3 month bandversary! I can’t believe it been 3 months since I’ve been banded. So what have I learned? I learned that God has blessed me with the best support system in the world. I learned I am getting much better with time. I learned how to be sociable again. Also I learned its okay to have a cheat day. So how did I celebrate my 3 month bandversary? I went shopping! I am not going to lie to you guys I’ve been avoiding shopping like the plague. It’s all mental for me. I remember going shopping and I will find a very cute outfit but it never came in my size. So I decided to save myself from the embarrassment and shop on line. I can’t do that now because I am over 50 pounds lighter. Yesterday was one of those days that I really wish my best friend Lesley was there with me. She would have told me to get over it and be proud of the fact that I am 50 pounds lighter! Anyway I started slow. I grab a size 14 and a size 16 pair of pants to try on first. The 16 fit fine but the 14 I was able to put on but wasn’t able to button up. It’s okay tho because I have a new goal now. Anyway so I tried on a size XL shirt it was a little too big so I garb a large and the large fit! I didn’t cry on anything but it was overwhelming. So I just brought the shirt and a couple of accessories but next time it will be different. I had a follow up appointment with my primary doctor. Last time I seen her I was weighing 236 pounds but yesterday I seen her weighing 214 pounds! She told me that she was very proud of me and she knows that I can do this. Also I no longer have high blood pressure and I am not longer morbidly obese just obese. So that is an improvement. Today I ran 2.5 miles and I am tired. I need to clean out my closet and get rid of my size 20 clothes and 1X shirts so I can make room for my new clothes. I don’t see that happening today so let try again tomorrow. Life is good and I am loving my band! Thanks for reading.




Hello 30 and I am back on track

Sighs… I am not going too lied to you guys I was drinking like I lost my damn mind yesterday. My birthday started great. I woke up and workout for 30 minutes. Then Mandy surprised me with breakfast. She made me a spinach and mushroom quiche and coffee. Then Mandy left so I work out for another 10 minutes. Then my Besties Jon and Jessica come over to take me to the winery. Once we got to the winery it went downhill. It was like I forgot that I was even banded. I was able to order from the kids menu. I order the Italian Beef (no bread) and I ate 1 serving of potatoes chips. I barely ate the Italian beef because I guess I was still full off the 2 glass of wine I had while waiting for our food. Okay I know you guys are probably thinking 2 glasses is not too bad but I am not done yet! After the winery we went to a nearby bar there I had a shot and another drink! Oye! I didn’t throw up or anything but still this was my first time drinking like this on the band. On our way back to my house we stop at my favorite Irish restaurant to pick up some wings for my parents. So did I have some to drink there? NOPE! I had me some water. But when we got home it was a whole different story. The original plan was for Jon to BBQ for me but I told him I was still full off of the wine and lunch so I really wasn’t hungry. We had the water balloon fight and we got Jon good. After that we went to another bar! I know but this time I only had one drink. I didn’t getting wasted last night but I did drink my calories yesterday. How much? I tried to keep track of my alcohol intake on my fitness pal but I failed miserably. I know it was over 500 calories. However I did have fun on my Birthday Today I woke not hungry (I wonder why) I had to make myself eat breakfast this morning. I normally don’t do this but I was planning on working out for 2 hours today and I didn’t want to work out on an empty stomach. I think I burn half of my alcohol intake from yesterday. I didn’t wake up hung over or anything I woke up wanting to work out. I am still learning this banded lifestyle but I am happy that I am getting healthy now. Thanks for reading.




Last day in my 20's

Yep tomorrow I will be the big 3-0! And I feel amazing! Instead starting my 30’s weighing 267 I will begin my 30’s at 214! I love it 214 the last time I weigh 214 I was 19! So what is my plan for tomorrow? I am going to the Winery! But first I will go to church then work out for one hour try to burn at least 600 calories. After the Winery I am going back to my House and going to have water balloon fight with my friends. My friend Mandy went to the Dollar General and brought $46 worth of party supplies. (I am such a big kid) Anyway I need to get my work out in before my friends kidnap me tonight.   Thanks for reading and enjoy my pic




Dare I say.....

Dare I say that I had a pancake this morning? What! Really? Yep I sho did. It's funny because I really don't eat pancakes and I really don't eat breakfast either. But this morning I woke up hungry. So I ate. So how are me and my band doing? 15 mins has passed and we are doing great. I just chew chew chew chew and chew! Did I mention that I chewed? But just in case my band changes it mind later. Please feel free to add tips for me if I get a stuck episode I also have my papaya extract on standby. Dare I say that I did not go to church this morning because it’s raining outside. So I watched church online. Dare I say that I am planning on going over my calorie intake today by 500 calories. Why because I am going to a concert tonight to see my friends band play. Dare I say that I am going to Hooters with my friends before the concert and I am planning on having some fried pickles and buffalo shrimp. Dare I say that I am going to have me another beer tonight. What! Yep I am going to enjoy me a beer I am going to let it sit for a couple of mins and enjoy it. Dare I say that within the next hour I will burn off additional 600 calories. Why? Please see above Dare I say that I am going to have a great time tonight because this is my last week in my twenties and I have to end it right! Dare I say that I am happy with my decisions that I have made above and I am glad that I am prepared! Happy Sunday Funday everyone!   Thanks for reading.




So long plateau!

Wow I overcame my plateau sooner that I thought! So how did I do it? Easy I changed my exercise routine and I started jogging. I tried my Zumba DVD my coworker brought me but I don't like it. Maybe I will try Zumba on the Wii or something else.   Last Thursday I met with my Dr. and I found out two things. One I beat my plateau and two I didn't need a fill. He told me I was going a great job and keep it up. So I felt pretty good when I left the office. However I thought I was going to gain some weight back because this past weekend I went to Chicago! I pack my blender bottle, put my protein powders in my snack size Ziploc bags and I portion sized all my snacks just in case. I did pretty good but I didn't have time to research any restaurants because My mom decided to take me, my sister and my nephew to Chicago at the last minute! Too funny but we needed it.   So how did I do? Every morning I was in the hotel fitness room working out for 30 minutes. I had my protein shake for breakfast, Chia seeds for a snack and salad for lunch. But dinner was a whole another story! Saturday night we went to Medieval Times! Oye! Thank goodness for my 18 month old nephew and to go boxes. So what did I eat? I had the soup the quarter of the chicken and ate the one rib they gave me. I gave my nephew my potatoes, bread, other half of my chicken and my apple turn over. My sister said I did a good job so I was happy with that. As a precaution I worked out for another 10 minutes when we got back to the hotel.   Sunday was scary because I was eating food I haven't tried on the band. My Mom wanted a Chicago style hot dog so we ate at Portillo's. I was never a hot dog eater before the band but since I was afraid to have a Chi town style pizza so I had a hot dog with no bun. Did my band like it? Yeah I did pretty good I just chew chew chew chew and chew!   Chicago was amazing and I lost 2 oz during my time there!   Thanks for reading!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
