Hi Everyone:
I hope this message will not encourgage anyone on how i feel. Just needed some support. Been banded since 12/16/11, almost a year has gone by. My weight lost was from 240 to 163. Now since them i have been depressed on what to eat. Its really hard for me to see someone eating a hamburger with a bun! Potatoes, squash, rich, eggs, green beans, broccoli and yorgurt are so hard for me to eat. It doesn't matter how i eat them or cut them, they just don't feel good. I had to change doctor due to moving from another state. I now weight 180 and i don't understand how i gained weight. It don't seem like i eat anything. I have been having a couple glasses of Bailey's Irish Cream! Can you believe i can drink this!
There are a lost of days i ask myself why did i do this! Please give me some suggestions.