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Just had to share, I made the best dinner tonight. I took my filet and cut it into very small pieces and put it in an Asian sauce. I stir fried pea pods, water chestnuts and almonds with sesame seeds in an different Asian sauce. Then I cooked the filet and added the 2 together and had wild and brown rice. Uncle Ben's has one cup ready to eat, I love them. I keep getting bored with food and this one was a great one. For lunch I had a huge salad and sliced deli turkey. I don't use dressing (never have had it) so I know my lunch was lo cal. ​If I think of other great recipes, I will share them. I do make a great salmon, too. I use the Asian sauce with sesame seeds and make it crispy either on the cook top or in the oven. I love that meal too. I live in Boston so I know my sauces are local.




new jeans

I had a coupon for jeans from BJ"s and decided to buy a size 16. I wear an 18. I tried on the 16 and they button but don't zipper yet. WOW, in July I wore a women's size 20. Great feeling. Have a great evening everyone and a nice TGIF.




new recipe

Good evening all, ​I had my support meeting tonight and we met our new dietitian. She handed out new recipes and I just tried a great one and needed to share it. Homemade Baked Cheese Crisps (they are great) preheat oven to 350 and put parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Must!! use parchment paper. use shredded cheese and seasonings (I did not use seasoning) and put little lumps of the mixture on the parchment paper, spaced out because the will grow. and spread. (Their words not mine) about a teaspoon of cheese. Now put it on a rack centered in the middle of the oven and bake 5-7 minutes. When they start to turn brown take them out and let them cool. I made mine with a pizza cheese blend and the hub and I loved them Enjoy! You can use cheddar/jack and Ranch dressing to make it a Mexican blend. Add garlic, chili powder.





Good afternoon everyone. tonight on 20/20 they are going to have the People 1/2 their size on. Good program to get inspired! I got inspired this morning, less than one pound to go and I will be under 200. I haven't seen that number in many many years and I am looking forward to it. Enjoy your TGIF, all.





I don't share my numbers, weight/weight loss with family or friends other than here. I feel safe here because other banders don't judge. My husband knows and I have told my sons some pounds lost but have stopped. I feel everyone judges others, I have also, so I know what I am talking about. I told my sons about me fitting into size 16 jeans but didn't tell their wives. One wife, she has mental problems, long story, she would be hurt because she has gotten heavy and squeezes into a 16. She once made a comment that I was almost her size and her stretchie pants were skin tight. Wearing tight clothes make you look heavier and unkept. You can still look good and dress nice and be heavy. Have a great weekend everyone.




the dreaded workout

Well I joined the gym December 17th with my husband. We try to go 3-5 times a week. Just got home and must say the 2 of us have improved our work outs. I can now do the bike for 20 minutes. When I started I was at 10 minutes and level 1 and now up to level 4 or 5. I try other machines for the legs and arms. My husband has been very sick and extremely weak and he is enjoying the gym. He once was a work out nut, like 30 something years ago. My husband almost died 15 months ago and is still not good, he collects SSD at age 61. It sucks. The gym is helping him a lot and making him feel better about himself. We only go for about 1/2 hour right now but at least we are moving We live in the Boston area and it's around 10 tonight or maybe colder with the wind chill so you have to do in door exercises. They gym is cheap, $10. per month a person. Best $20. we have spent in years! Enjoy your evening. Arlene




weird eater

Hello I am a very weird eater. Recall the movie, When Harry Met Sally? Well I eat worse than Sally. My food never touches, I use a different plate for each item, in my house. I dislike more foods than I like. I hate fast food restaurants, my poor grandsons, they get sit down restaurants with me. I never use condiments, never tried salad dressing or soups, so why am I over weight? I love bread!! I could eat 2-3 bread baskets full of wonderful breads in a restaurant with either oil or butter. Then eat my meal. Since having the band, I am so good. I do try the breads but a very small piece and stop. I also would always have ice cream either in a restaurant or at home almost everyday. I have had maybe 2-3 small tastes of my husband's since the band. I am really trying and so far so good. I guess it took me 62 years to wake up and say, STOP, being the overweight Arlene. I can move much better. Because of back problems, I can't stand in one place for more than a few minutes, weight loss will not cure that. I am not as tired as I was and I still have a lot to lose. I hope to be a onederlander within the next week or two. That would be F'n awesome. Yes, I have a potty mouth, that comes with me where ever I go. Have a wonderful Boxing Day, all.




sweeteners ????

Happy Monday everyone. I always use Splenda in my hot and iced tea. I was watching Dr. Oz and he and a dietitian said to use Stevia. Does anyone know any thing about this? They said that sweeteners make you pee more than you should. I know I pee a lot but then I drink about 10-8oz. teas or water a day. Thanks for the help. Enjoy your Santa day tomorrow.





Merry Christmas to everyone in Lap Band land. I went to my son's to see what Santa brought my grandsons. Santa was very nice to them. My son has a Texas BBQ/smoker, from Texas. He does catering, also. He was up all night smoking beef brisket. OMG!! it taste so good. I am going to my other son's for dinner and he is serving one of the briskets. Can't wait. The burnt ends are the best. Now that I am finally having the brisket, 3-4 oz. isn't too much food. I hope I can have a doggie bag. I hope everyone gets to eat wonderful food with wonderful people/family today and always. Enjoy the day. "Eye Candy"/Arlene




very cute story

Tomorrow my grandson will be 5. This morning his other grandmother baby sat. His name is Dylan. Dylan-yesterday at school we had cupcakes for my pretend birthday. Nana-did they sing happy birthday? Dylan-Nooo, cupcakes don't sing. Just had to share this. He is so cute.





Well I finally joined the gym yesterday. The doctor told me to join in September, better late than never. So I went today and rode the recumbent bike for 1.3 miles. That is a lot for me. I felt great that I moved the body. I tried the elliptical but it hurt the left knee too much. I will try to go again tomorrow. My fat went on slow over the years and now the gym will be slow too. Some days I look in the mirror and see fat me and other days I say, WOW, I look thinner today. After reading other's blogs I think my size goal is around a size 12. My husband thinks I could go smaller. Never been smaller than 12-14 when we got married 42 years ago. I was thinner then because of diet pills. Nasty way to lose weight. Have a great day all.





My daughter-in-law sent me a copy of Santa talking to my grandson. The site is PNP home page. It is really cute. Santa talked to him and his picture was used a few times. Great for all the young at heart for Christmas.




new jeans, again

A few weeks ago I had a coupon from BJ's for jeans so i bought a size 16. They went on but did not zip. Well today they are on the body! I can not believe it. I am happy today. In a short time the hub and I are joining the gym, About time!!!!!!!!!! Now to put on the Ugg boots to go out in the nasty weather we are having all week. Enjoy your day everyone. 'eye candy' aka Arlene





Happy Sunday Since I bought a Fitbit the other day, I have been recording everything I eat onto the computer. I am now so much more aware of everything I put in my mouth. It was one of the best investments I have made since my surgery. Some people need a crutch and I have found mine, the Fitbit. For all of you celebrating Santa, it will make a great gift. Just came home from food shopping. Awful weather in Boston, rain maybe snow later during the Pat's game tonight. Then we are rain/snow the rest of the week. UGH! Enjoy your evening everyone.




new purchases

I am finally coming into the technology world. I just upgraded my phone to an iphone. While at the AT&T store I saw they sell Fitbits. I have wanted one for a while but they are $100. They had them for $75. and I have balls and asked for it for less and they sold it to me for $50. Another new item I need to learn besides my computer. The salesman said the iphone has an app for the Fitbit. I am on my second laptop in about 8 years and still don't know how to work one. I don't work so I have no excuse for learning technology. Have a great evening all.




restaurant names customers

Hello Lap Banders, ​I have said before I am computer challenged, or I would re post an article. On Yahoo just now I read that a waiter in CA named a table of 3 women on their check, Fat Girls. How awful is that?? Do they call me and my over weight husband the 2 fatties. Have a great Hanukkah to all who celebrate.




The Doctor

I went to the doctor Thursday for my second fill. He is a very important person in my life. I told him all about this wonderful support site and great people I have met. He thinks it great. I also asked about how big my band is and how many cc's he puts in and he asked why and I told him people on this site people talk about it. He didn't think it was necessary to tell me. Should I have pressed him for this? Being on a liquid diet after the fill, I have lost a lot of weight since Thursday, around 5 pounds!   Last night I saw my new grandson, Max. He is very cute for a new born. Max is my 3rd grandson, no girls, yet. It is snowing lightly in Boston-ugh! I hate snow and winter. Have a great Saturday, all.




So Much Going On

So today I go for my second fill. I do eat too much and too fast and when I eat too fast I know it. I have my son's dog since last night. My daughter-in-law is having a baby due around Xmas, last night she started to have a leak. So they kept her over night. Still no hard labor. Who knows when the baby will be born. She is at the same hospital as my doctor but no visitors in labor and delivery-so I will have to wait until the baby comes. They don't know the sex. My younger son has 2 boys, almost 5 and 12 1/2. Have a great day everyone.





Hello, My daughter-in-law had a boy. I guess the men in family only make boys, there are no girls in the family other than the cats and dog. Everyone is great. I think they missed calculated the date by one month. I went for my fill, and got a small one. Since my August appointment I am down 18 more pounds and the doctor was thrilled. So now I am back to stage 3 for 3 days and stage 4 for 3 days. I will lose more weight doing those diets. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.





Happy Monday, all. Does anyone have a stomach that gurgles everyday? Mine does every morning around 10:30-11:00am. I stay up very late and am still in bed at that time. Is this my stomach telling me get up and have my protein shake? Also, talking about noises, I burp a lot and hiccup. Is this normal? I am seeing my surgeon Thursday for my second fill. I think I have been eating a little too much at each meal, but when I am full I stop and don't push it at all. Enjoy your day, it's getting cold in Boston.




Not Enough

Last night I went to my nephew's wedding. It was super, at an industry museum. I got up very late yesterday to start my day. I had my protein shake around 2pm. I know very late. I went to the wedding and wore my new suit, size 18 misses. I looked great! After the ceremony we went for the reception. I didn't have any food because of the choices. It was hot and I guess I went way too long without eating. The room started to spin and I felt faint. My daughter-in-law got me a chair, an oj and a roll. I will never go that long without food again. When dinner was served I ate. Awful feeling. I usually have a protein bar with me but thought the veggie platter would be good but the choices were not for me. The pass arounds were not great either for me. The dinner was great for me. I had wonderful melon for my dessert. The dj played a great mix of music. Must have been about 50, 25-30 year olds. Made me feel young again. There was a photo booth. That was fun. I finally have my first and only niece.




Last Night's Dinner

Yesterday was my 42nd anniversary. My husband and I went out for dinner. I did have some bread dunked in oil. For my main course I had the filet with mashed potatoes and butternut squash. I am not and never will be a vegetable eater. Dinner was super. I ate the small filet and some of the others. My husband ordered dessert, wrong thing to do. He is over weight and a diabetic. I did taste the chocolate torte. It was super. Just a small taste. And then this morning I was down 1 pound!!! I try to move my body everyday. I over drink tea, hot and iced with Splenda. I don't leave the house without my iced tea. Today is cut and color day. I have my daughter-in-law's baby shower Saturday. And Sunday my nephew is getting married. Very busy weekend but fun nice things to do. By then the weather will be wonderful. Snow last night. Rain today and this weekend 60-70. Don't you just love NE weather? I live in the Boston area. Tonight at my support group meeting we are having a clothes swap. I have about 10 pairs of Lauren jeans in sizes 18w and 20w. I hope they find a new home. Enjoy your day and evening Lap Bands!




Smaller Sizes

I don't see too much change except in clothes. Today I have on a long sleeve 't' in size xl from the regular misses department! I was wearing a 2 or 3x before. My gym pants are also a size xl from the misses instead of 2xl from the men's department. I feel great today about this. I hope others enjoy a smaller clothes day, also.




Putting Me First For Once

I finally realized by getting the Band, I put me first for once. I have been taking care of my sick husband for about 15 months. I help with a retarded brother, a 94 year old mother in a nursing home and an 89 year old mother-in-law, who finally gave up driving. You can see, I have a full plate and HATE it. I would love to find a hobby to occupy my time. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.




Healthy Fats

Good evening, I have a very over weight son, age 34, and he finally wants to be on a diet. Good for him. He mentioned that he is going to use coconut oil, which is spreadable, on his english muffin. Are we allowed coconut oil? It is not on my list. His wife looked into the spread and I guess it has a lot of health benefits.. Today I ate too fast, again. I always say never again and I still do it. It hurts, it's very uncomfortable. Have a great sleep, all.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
