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Say Yes To The Dress

​I was just watching a repeat on TLC of Say Yes To The Dress. The bride lost 115 pounds with the band. Her future husband was there with her through the whole thing. Congratulations to the both of them. The bride's mother is thin, discipline and opinionated. The bride tried on so many form fitting dresses and loved a tight fitting that showed off her 'new' figure. The mother hated everything and the poor bride left Kleinfeld's without a dress. Why can't mother's say nice things. It is not 'her' wedding and 'her' dress. I had a cousin that was like that. When her daughter married for the second time the bride did everything her way. Sad but her mother had died. My mother did my wedding my way and when we planned it I was just 19. I got married 1 month after I turned 20 and I am still married. If that bride, Victoria, is part of this site, I hope you finally found your dress and not your mother's.




an old Dr. Phil

I was surfing on the tv and found an old Dr. Phil. The obese husband wouldn't go near his wife unless she was under 200 pounds. They have not had sex or kissed in 2 years. She got under 200 and he still won't go near her. He is obese and had the nerve to say he wants his size 10 wife back. Dr. Phil told him off but good. That is a form of abuse according to the doctor and I believe it. I have heard of people that can not handle it when their partner loses a lot of weight and that they leave. That is sad. I know my husband and I have been married 42 1/2 years and have both been thick and thin but mostly thick for us. We are not going any where. Everyone enjoy the rest of your long weekend. Arlene aka 'Eye Candy'




Toxic Love-Dr. OZ

Hi Everyone, I am watching Dr. Oz right now and the show's subject is Toxic Love. Very interesting about what loved ones do to each other when they have health issues. Dieting together, a mother telling her daughter, you're fat etc. and cooking the wrong foods. Right now is a couple and the wife wears an insulin pump and the husband cooks all the wrong foods. The therapist is trying to help all the people. Great show. I know of people like that, that make and feed the wrong foods to the diabetic, the WLS person, like all of us etc. Who is the the toxic person in your life? Mine is ME!!!!!!




yesterday-I was a bad girl

Yesterday I started my day perfect as I do every day, with my shake. Then I was very bad! I went for monthly 'free' Godiva chocolate but bought an extra plus some almond bark. I like having a small piece of bark when I have the urge for dark chocolate. Then I went to Cracker Barrel for lunch, bad, very bad. Had 2 biscuits. I was walking around the outlet stores again, so I did get in some walking, Then I went food shopping with my MIL. She is 90 but the world's slowest walker and never has a list and had me walking all over the store. My Fitbit said I did about 4000 steps shopping with her. She only bought about 20 things. I text my husband from the store, you owe me big time. I can do a month's worth of shopping in less time without walking 4000 steps. Today my older grandsons are coming over. We are taking them to the Children's Museum. Should be another great walking day. The weather sucks in Boston, so we have to do something indoors with the boys, ages 5 and 13. The science museum would cost over $100. for 4 of us, what a rip off!!!!!!!! How do families afford to have a great day out. My mother will be 95 on the 10th and she finally lost her last tooth the other day. The same day my 7 month old grandson got his 1st! His other great grandmother (mother's side) lost 2 teeth last week too. Weird. Everyone enjoy your day. Arlene




lunch out with husband

So today we were on our way to an Italian restaurant for lunch and we were passing a golf club that has views of Boston. So we went to the golf course. The menu was great. We both decided on the lobster roll that had mayo on the side. I hate mayo so this was perfect. This would be my second time trying lobster since the banding last July. I got stuck real bad. It was awful. My poor husband was left eating while I was walking around outside in 97 degree weather. People from NE live on lobster since birth and now I can not do it any more. I am very sad about it. The french fries went down fine, of course. Stay cool and wear sun block. 'Eye Candy"/Arlene




new type of surgery

I am in Boston and right now I am watching the Doctors. They just showed a new WLS for the person who needs to lose 25-60lbs. They put a tube thing down through your mouth and fold part of your stomach. It has been used for about 4 years but not approved by the FDA, yet. They use this surgery for other things. Very interesting. I would say to go their web site and see the video. They explain it better than me. My husband likes the sound of this surgery because his heart doctor wants him to lose about 30 pounds. Another thing they spoke about was the WLS cards to show in restaurants. The doctors said why can't anyone order a smaller meal.




saw on FB

That awesome moment when your ex is getting fatter and you are getting hotter!!   Love this. I don't have an ex but I have many ex friends and saw one the other day and she couldn't believe how great my hub and I look.




eating orgy

Today my husband had an appointment in downtown Boston. We never go there even though I live about 10-15 miles from there. If you know Boston there is a real tourist trap for non-stop eating, QUINCY MARKET. Very famous place since the beginning of our wonderful country. My idea to go walk around and have lunch. After walking up and down and looking at pizza, ice cream, candy, Italian pastries, clam chowda, lobster and other goodies, I had a very boring salad. I was good. Hub had a chicken & cheese Philly sub with fries. After we went walking around and my idea, again, we stopped at the Boston Chip Yard. Fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies. They are small and I did eat 4 of them over an hour. I was bad. About 32 years ago we had a push cart at Quincy Market in front of the Chip Yard and Carmel Corn popcorn. I ate both every day and at closing the Carmel Corn people would give us the left overs for free. I didn't see them today, happy about that. If you ever visit Boston this is wonderful place to visit, they have street entertainment, tours, Old Ironsides isn't too far away and the wonderful Aquarium is near there too. That is today's tour of Boston and eating. Enjoy your weekend. Arlene




surgeries going bad

Surgeries going wrong/bad has been a topic lately. This can happen with any kind of procedures done by the top doctors and hospitals. About 3-4 years ago my dermatologist didn't like a small mole I had. I went to a top Boston hospital to have it removed. Because it was under the belly fat they had to tape my fat belly. I don't do well with tape and got tape burns, aloe took care of that. The mole was removed and I got an infection from the incision. The infection turned into MRSA (I hope I spelled it right). It took 3-4 different antibiotics until the right one was found to get me healed. I was at the hospital every 2-3 days to have them look at it. My husband had to clean it for me 2-3 times a day with saline and medicines. That was suppose to be a no brainer removal. So you just never know. I have had zero problems with the BAND!! Everyone is different. Please stop knocking the Band, I love it, it helps me be under control of my intakes etc. Yesterday I had a stuck moment, it sucks when that happens. I walked and then burped and was fine. My fault, not the band, it just reminds me to be more perfect. No one is perfect. Enjoy your weekend everyone. Stay dry-Boston is heavy rain for the next 24 hours. Arlene aka Eye Candy




doctor's appointment

So today I went to the dietitian and then the doctor. Went well. The doctor said I have lost 60% of my fat and he wished all his patients lost that much. I was banded July 30th, so it is 10 months ago. He said if I stay at this weight the rest of my life, he will be happy. I want to lose more but don't know how much. I did not have a fill today. I was told I have 1.8 in my band and that was 3 fills. My doctor does slow and it works. I am down 10 pounds since February and he was fine with that. I have bad allergies and so I bought Walgreen's children's liquid and the sugar in it has given me stomach problems. The doctor told me to try swallowing the small pills I have and said the worse thing is I will throw it up. I don't need to see the doctor for 2 months. I feel wonderful about today's visits. :wub: Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Arlene




my pool is opened for the season

Happy Memorial Day to everyone and thank you to all who have served us to protect us. So today I went dreaded swim suit shopping. My condo has a pool that just opened, too cold in Boston right now but Thursday- Saturday it will be 90 out. I like the 2 piece type, shorts and a top that hangs over. I tried on about 12 tops at JCPenney and about 4 bottoms. The bottoms were great but the tops looked like sh*t. So then I went to Macy's and tried on just 2 there and bought a suit. The bottom is pants with an over skirt, looks great, never tried one on before. The top is the type I like. MIL was very sweet and bought it for me. I usually don't spend a lot on swim suits especially when losing weight but this should fit the whole summer unless I have massive weight loss. The past 2 years I have been buying on line from Swimsuitsforall. Their prices are great and they have a large assortment of styles and sizes. I have even bought cover ups from them. When I looked in the mirror, OMG!, my thighs are so flabby. I told hub, I need a thigh /body lift. I like to wear shorts in the hot summer, too, so he suggested shorts that come to the knees. I don't do carpi, pants at all. I hope you all have a great swim suit buying day of a smaller size with a smile on your face, men, too. Arlene




today's topic-Clothes

I love to shop for clothes, even if it's window shopping. Where I live in MA we have outlet stores about 30-45 minutes away and my husband is a people watcher. Perfect match! So today we went, the temp in Boston was around 60. I went into the Donna Karen store and they were selling daisy dukes. Can you picture us former over weight women in those with our Shar Pei thighs? Great picture, men. I just thought that was funny and I need humor. I did go to the Jones NY store and bought some 't's for $7. each and bought some for Mother's Day gifts, too. I love that store. I was good today, my husband wouldn't let me into the Godiva store, OMG! I love their dark chocolates and yes, I do eat them. Happy shopping, ladies and men. Arlene




me again

Neil Diamond is at the Red Sox game singing live, Sweet Caroline!!!! This country is great!!! David Ortiz gave a speech and said "this is our f**king city". He was not bleeped.




Boston is my Home!!

I grew up in Boston, on Comm. Ave. between BU and BC. I went to Boston public schools and I am very proud of being from Boston. I now live about 10 miles south of the city. My good friend works for the Boston Police Dept., 911. He just told me a woman from CA ordered a lot pizzas to be delivered to the head quarters and a person from KY sent fruit. This country is super, if you don't like it, there's the door. My 95 year old mother's nursing home was in lock down yesterday. She doesn't go out, so she wouldn't have known. My mentally challenged brother lives near the nursing home and the chefs and other workers couldn't go make and serve dinner last night. He lives in senior housing. So today when we are all out enjoying our freedom, let's all sing "Sweet Caroline". That was sung at the Boston Common last night by the people that could finally leave their homes and at every Red Sox game. Thanks Neil Diamond for a great song. I know this has nothing to do the weight loss or the band. Arlene




a party

Today is my MIL's 90th birthday party, at a Chinese restaurant. Almost every one at the party has not seen me for over 6 months. Nervous does not explain my feelings. I know I am being crazy, but I feel like everyone will look at me and judge what little food I will be putting on my plate. My children and oldest brother have seen me eat and say nothing, it's all the others and they don't know about my new friend, The Band! There is an open bar, I don't drink, even before the band, so that is fine. I have not said anything to anyone even the hub about this. He would tell me I am crazy. ​Thank you for listening. Enjoy your day. The Red Sox are winning right now!!!!!!!!!!!! go SOX.




reply to hair loss

I have been out all day and saw much earlier or yesterday a question about hair loss. At my monthly support group tonight was the rep from Bariatric Advantage. Her name is, Pat, I think. Pat had bypass surgery 10 years ago. She still looks great. About 4 years ago she started to lose her hair. She had a blood test and her Ferritin showed up very low, around 2 and she said it should be around 40ish. She had to have some medical things done to her but her hair is very healthy now. So she said if you have hair loss get tested for this Ferritin. She also said you have to keep up with your annual blood work because people that have WLS do lose some vitamins and minerals and don't know it. Have a great evening everyone. Arlene




all surgery pros and cons

I have 2 wonderful sons. Roger is the oldest, 38 and Frank is 34. Roger was born chicken breasted. He needed to have surgery to fix his chest at 2 1/2. If it was not fixed he could have had a heart attack by age 10, his heart was not in the right place and he was hunch backed from the chest problems. My husband asked the surgeon about risks (he was head of pediatric surgery at Boston Children's Hospital). The doctor said you can walk across the street and get killed. Since that time when any doctor has recommended surgery my husband don't really think of it. By the time Roger was 5 he had 4 different surgeries. He is perfect! Frank was born slightly chicken breasted but did not need the surgery because his heart was in the right place. So this leads to why I am writing. There are pros and cons to everything. Last week a young man around 24ish had his wisdom teeth pulled and died. You never know when it's your time to go. I love this site and enjoy reading about other's wonderful results, accomplishments and seeing their pictures. I am too computer challenged to put any pictures on, sorry. Writing that the Band is awful because you had a problem is sad but don't knock all of us. A Boston hospital many many years ago did a research drug, turned out to be Merida, I signed up. It worked great for me until I stopped. In the study, in Boston and England they said 2 women had strokes. You know what, I didn't think about quitting because out of the 2500 people they were over 60 and with that many people there is sure to be health issues. ​Let's all think positive thoughts, that we are going to beat Obesity and get healthy and fit. I know I am doing it. By the way I have had about a dozen different surgeries. From a small mole I got MRS. You never know what is going to happen. Have a wonderful evening and super Tuesday-spring has arrived!!!!!! at least in Boston. Arlene




the dreaded big butt

So my big butt was so big it could hold a serving tray. Well it is gone! I need a butt lift and I still have a lot to lose. My husband said I need to have the fat sucked from the belly and put into the butt. I told him they do that in Brazil. Brazil, here we come? It is a nice feeling to know that huge monster is gone and there is still room for improvement. I have a lot of belly fat. I go to the gym but I am sure I need to something else to work it off. The fat took many years to get there and it will take some time to get off the body. my fatonmythighs have lost at least 6" since September (that was when I started taking measurements). I hope every one realizes that inches count as much as numbers on the metal monster when losing. Every one enjoy your thinner day, off to the gym now. :wub:Arlene




the blame game

I was reading about how some people give up and then go back to their doctor for help, which is wonderful. Then there are the people who blame. I have a cousin, Ilana (real name) a know it all RN, who had bypass surgery about 8-10 years ago and is now over weight, again. She blames her surgery for failing. She likes to snack, have her afternoon wine and a cocktail when dining out. Her mother had the bypass over 25 years ago and she also gained all her weight back. (she passed away from cancer). Why do people have surgery and then blame the surgery for failing and not themselves. Ilana went back to her doctor and said the surgery failed, could he re-operate. He said, no. Good for him. We are given a TOOL and we have to learn to use it and respect it. If we don't then we are back to being over weight and it is our fault, no one else. Yesterday I had Chinese food for lunch, had a few other bad choices during the day, my fault, I gained or retained fluid from the sodium, my fault, can't blame anyone else for me, failing. I got the Band 8 months ago today and I think I am doing ok. Not a super fast weight loss but a decent one. I see my doctor in a few weeks and I do lose every time which I like and he does too. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates. Arlene




support groups

tonight I had my support group. They had a sleep doctor and she talked about the different kinds of sleep and how having the surgery does change people sleep. I know I sleep much better and hub said I don't snore anymore. Also, I no longer take 2 hour afternoon naps. Next meeting we are having a tasting party with new products. I will let everyone know about the new items. Then in May is a cooking demo. ​Most people in the crowd have not had any surgery yet. Some couldn't decide what they wanted. So being me and talkative I said the band is the best. One man had bypass a few years ago and loves it and he was with his sister who is scheduled for the sleeve. Another man, no surgery yet, said his brother had the by pass and never smoked. He now is a chain smoker and said the by pass causes addiction. I don't know anything about that. Interesting. I really enjoy the meetings and listening to other people's stories, pros and cons. Do all of you go to your meetings? My hospital is 5 miles from my house, which makes a big difference. I told the director of the office about this site and that she would learn a lot about people's thoughts. Enjoy your evening everyone.




hot fudge

​I was out today driving with my husband and we were talking about food. He is a diabetic. He said he would love a bowl of hot fudge and said to me, I am sure you do too. I said no, don't want to even have a taste. I am clearing my head of all my old favorites. Like buying fresh made bread and eating a loaf before I even get home from the store. Or having wonderful bread in a restaurant and eating more than one basket full. Bread is my very best friend. I still do have it in restaurants but have totally changed how I eat it. One restaurant I only eat the end crusty parts of the bread not the doughy parts. I know, it is still bread but it takes me longer to eat and I need my friend. Another friend of mine was my pint of ice cream almost every night and I added almonds and sometimes chocolate chips. I only have my SF Popsicles now. I hate fast food places so that was never a problem. I do miss really great french fries but I now have a small amount of mashed potatoes instead. I really really want to be thinner. I don't know why this time is different than the other 100 diets/weight loss programs, but this time I am going to be healthier and thinner. I hope you all agree and let's do it!!!!!!!! together. Have a wonderful evening everyone.





My husband gave up meat 35 years ago for dieting-no he quit the health kick-but still no meat. Many years ago I made meatballs and turkey balls. He eats the turkey ones. My oldest son's friend ate over and I asked do you want meatballs or turkey balls? Eric, answered, I didn't know turkeys had balls. He was a senior in high school at the time. I love dumb kids.




overweight children

I just read on the internet that in MA (I live here) that schools are sending out notices to overweight children. I have a son who has been overweight his whole life and he would have hated that. I did try everything with him, too. He is now 34 1/2 and trying to lose weight by cutting out sugar and diary and he is down 30 plus since November. I am very proud of him. He has been with his wife for 6 1/2 years and she can finally put her arms around him. I think schools sending out notices is going too far. Bring back gym class twice a week. That was taken away years ago.




swim suits and other clothes shopping

Before you know it, it will be dreaded swim suit time. I live at a condo and do go to the pool. I don't mind it because I was never the biggest. But this summer I will need a new swim suit. For women (sorry men) there is a wonderful site where I buy my suits from, swimsuitsforall. I really like their choices and have bought cover ups, too. They always have great sales. Another site I like is, Jones New York. They have great sales sometimes. The site is much less than stores when there is a sale. I recently bought a twin set with shipping for under $35. and list was over $150. I now fit into the misses xlarge but have bought from their plus sizes at their outlet store. Kohl's has wonderful 't' shirt type tops that when on sale are under $10. and they wash real well. The long sleeved ones recently were under $7. I own a lot of them. Have fun shopping.





This morning got up early and went to my son's house. Last week my grandson was 13 and we had to bring him his b. day gifts. My son went and bought fresh made bagels. I was polite and asked for 1/4 of a bagel and he put Smart Balance on it. Nothing. That is how I felt about eating a former breakfast food. Nothing. I can live without them. I loved that. Some foods I can not go without but bagels are on the good bye list. On my never live without list is pizza, bread in restaurants, almonds, pasta and Chinese food. I think that is it. If you can't have what you really love and enjoy yourself the Band will not work with you because you will go after all these forbidden foods. Or that is how I see it with me. Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully no storms where you live. "Eye Candy"



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
