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Happy Hump Day Hellews!

Hello everyone. I haven't been writing much lately but I do read a lot of your thoughts, feelings, goods and bads. I enjoy keep up with everyone.   In one week will be 2 years for me and my life change, The Lap Band!! I love it and it treats me well when I treat it well. Yesterday, I thought I was good and got stuck at lunch. I had cucumber and lump crab meat (both plain). Weird. Over the past year I have been around the same weight but lately up 5-10 pounds. I can not buy me nuts anymore. I eat too many.   I also, don't exercise enough. At a breakfast/lunch restaurant in my town the owner had the band 5 years ago and after working from 5am until 3pm every day he walks 5 miles a day up and down hills. He is great, I am not that great at all. My Fitbit says a do 4-5000 steps a day. I feel that is great but my doctor wants 10,000 a day. I have never down that.   I belong to many FB groups with WLS as the main topic. One woman is doing her own non surgery plastic surgery. She showed a picture of her bat wings and 6 months later(yesterday) she has wonderful muscles from doing weight lifting. Her stomach she said is getting flatter but she still has thigh skin. She should be a poster woman for all of us that have 'skin issues', me included. She made me want to try weight lifting. Start small with baby steps. I read some where about using the 16oz bottles of water and use them to start. They are less money than weights, just in case you don't like doing this.   Everyone have a great day. Enjoy this wonderful summer.   Arlene




new NSV

A new small NSV for me. I needed a white belt for my summer white jeans and shorts. Being that I had a massive huge waist I bought an xl. Too big and they didn't have a smaller size, so took it and had holes made. Was in Kohl's the other day and bought 2 size large belts and they fit and past the first hole. My weight has not changed in about 1 year but I guess inches are changing which is wonderful for me. Yesterday I wore a size large maxi skirt from Gap and I looked great. I don't know how to down load pictures, that is why you never see any of me. Needed to share. Thanks for listening. Arlene




new month

Happy new month to everyone in WLS land. I haven't been writing much but I try to read about all of you. ​The end of July is my 2 year banding. Best thing I ever did. I am much healthier and I actually enjoy walking. My weight has been around the same for 1 year but my surgeon thinks I am at goal even though I would like to be 40-50 pounds less. I am around 190-195 right now. When I got married 43 1/2 years ago I was 144 and have not seen that number since. Under 200 maybe 2 times in all my married life.   I enjoy eating out and do so almost every day at least one meal. Bread is a problem food for me so only great bread in restaurants and then mostly the crust and dunked in olive oil. A week ago I was out with my grandsons, 6 & 14 and husband and I ordered fried onion rings. I had 1 too many and after very bad slimming and throwing up slim I threw up that f**kn onion ring in front of the boys. How embarrassing is that? The band tells you when to stop and you need to listen.   I enjoy outlet shopping and walking. I go almost once a week even if it is just window shopping. When I go walking I need to be someplace not just in my area, boring! So I went when it was the Memorial Day weekend sales!! OMG, I did good. I wear a size 12 shoe and Easy Spirit had sandals for 1/2 off. I bought 3 pairs for $80.!!!!!! Mighty fine value when you have huge feet and I am only 5'5".   ​Congratulations to all who graduate this spring. Enjoy your summer. Arlene aka Eye Candy




been a while since I wrote

Happy Marathon Monday from Boston. We are BOSTON STRONG!! Info about Boston. The Marathon is always run the closest Monday to April 19th, that is Patriot's Day. In MA it is a holiday and also school vacation. Our spring vacations are not around Easter but this week only.   The wheel chair racers started, then the women and finally the men. They have all started. This is a very important day in Boston. For WLS people, every day is an important day, why? because we are all running with our new journey.   I am far from a perfect Bander. I eat wrong but my band does say, Arlene, stop eating. This past week I had two stuck dinners. Ate too fast and too much. But I am the marathoner and I will not let this stop my journey. I have been too good with the gym either and my legs were tired yesterday. I thought I would do 5 minutes on the bike. My friend was there, so we talked and before I knew it, I did 11 minutes. It felt great!! Today is my MIL's 91st birthday and we are taking her out for Japanese food for lunch. One of the steak house restaurants. I will have shrimp, a filet, veggies and a little rice and I will feel good about my choices.   Well, I hope everyone in WLS land has a wonderful Patriot's Day. That was when the battle of Lexington and Concord happened. In June we have Bunker Hill Day. In March was evacuation day which was also St. Patrick's Day. Boston has a lot of history days. I went to Boston public schools and those were no school days.   Enjoy the spring day. Arlene




I'm here

Hello everyone. I have been reading everything but just haven't written much. I am busy with my family. My 95 year old mother's mind is getting worse. Last week she didn't recall my name. That sucks. My mentally challenged brother, he is 6 years older than me, is a handful. Tomorrow we are looking into adult day care for him. I hope it works.   Today my oldest son is 39. Can't believe I have a child that old. I baby sat his son, Max the other night. Max is 14 months and priceless. Laughs, yells and loves to eat fruit.   I belong to a gym and Friday was my first time there since November. I went yesterday and today and I feel much better about me. It was like starting over again. I went slow and didn't push myself but loved it. Do you know what you call people like me that pay and don't go to the gym?, profit! My husband won't get off his fat ass and go with me.   A high school friend posted this, funny and dumb: I want to die like my grandfather, in my sleep, no pain not yelling and screaming like the people in his car. I have a weird sense of humor.   Before the band my tops were either a 2 or 3 xl plus size woman's. Yesterday I bought a new sweat shirt, size misses large! Yeah! me! Now to just get rid of the muffin top which is my largest part of the body.   Everyone have a great week. Thursday, Boston is either getting lots of snow or rain. They don't know yet. Arlene




my thoughts on old age and death-sorry but I need to voice my thoughts.

​So today would have been my parents 74th wedding anniversary. My father died at 89, almost 90 April, 2006. My mother is 95, good to decent health but the mind is gone, full blown dementia. I saw her yesterday and she hates to be bathed, needs to wear Depends and won't. She wears a huge gold ring and while lashing out broke her finger and won't let us cut the ring off. I tried to talk to her, forget it. At 4ish am this morning she fell. She wasn't great getting an x-ray. Don't know yet if she broke anything. Ok, now my rant!! Why is it we can put our beloved pets to sleep and not our parents/spouse or whoever, who is suffering?????????? When my father was dying, my mother, age 87, bathed him, cleaned him, spoon fed him and every day she would say, "Today is a good day for a funeral, Melvin, close your eyes". My mother is that way and if she saw the way she is, she would try to kill herself, I know that. Sorry, but I needed to voice my thoughts. My oldest brother feels the same way as I do. It is enough for our wonderful mother. She was great!! When I see her she always says who is watching the boys. I keep telling her they are 35 & 39. She thinks they are still very young. Sad. Thank you for listening to me. I hope you all don't have to deal with all this.   I also have a brother, 69, I am the very youngest of 3, who is mentally challenged . He lives alone but I take care of him. He has type 1 diabetes and takes 4 shots a day and he doesn't get it. I try to explain and help. I have a full plate with family.   Everyone enjoy your day. Stay warm. Arlene




another 'new' weight loss device

Good evening. I was watching the local news, Boston, and they showed a new device from England. It is a pill you swallow and it blows up into a balloon. The balloon stays in your stomach and takes up room for around 3 months and you lose about 20 pounds. After they deflate the balloon your stomach is back to where it always was. It cost around 5k!!! It will be tested in the USA soon. Bad idea, sorry, don't like it. This is as bad as sewing mesh on your tongue for a month. When are they going to stop with dumb s**t??????? But then that is how people make money, millions of dollars.   I love my band and today it really did it's job when I was bad. Thanks band for reminding me to stop and eat smart.   Now if the band could say, Arlene get off your fat ass and get to the gym, then I would be more in love.




TGIF? maybe not

Hello everyone. I haven't been writing lately but I have been reading. Sorry, just been busy with life. Today I go for a 3 month check up and I failed. How did I fail? I didn't lose any weight but stayed within 3-5 pounds of my last visit. When I go and get a fill it is very tiny under .4cc. My doctor goes slow.   I have not been to the gym since November but I pay every month. Joke of the day: What do gyms call people like me, who pay and don't go? Profit!!   I had an ugly thing on my forehead and had it removed the other day and have 2 blue stitches. So right now bending over makes me a little dizzy. But I have gym clothes on. I bought a new 'outfit' yesterday. The real Arlene likes outfits not separates. I am nuts. When I skied many moons ago (I learned at 40) my skis, boots, poles and my ski outfits all matched and had the same colors. I am nuts. I am so nutty that I have sox to match sweaters. Orange stripes. I buy men's sox because I wear a size 12 shoe.   So soon I will be at the doctor's and he won't be pleased with my weight not being down. Everyone have a great weekend. Please cheer for the NE Patriots!!!! We need a super bowl, because we are Boston Strong. Speaking of Boston Strong, that came after the marathon bombings, the RMV just approved a new license plate with Boston Strong on it! Some of the money will go to the marathon survivors. Enjoy your weekend. Arlene




I hate winter etc.

As I write this, the snow has started, again. It is around 10 out and it may get 35 tomorrow or what I call a heat wave. Every year my husband wants to go down south but my children and grandsons live here. Our elderly mothers live here. Also you need $$$ to live in 2 places but tonight is Mega Millions, over $550 million, so that would get him his warm weather.   This past week I have had vertigo and the room has been spinning. Awful. I am seeing my ENT today for my annual and hopefully he can help me. My oldest brother told me he has it too. Not an excuse but I have not been to the gym because I am afraid of what could happen if I do any of the machines. That is why we have wonderful doctors, to help us. They help with our band questions, also.   I love when people bad mouth other's WLS choices. If you did not have a band or sleeve or by pass you can't judge. I do know many people who had by pass and after 7-10 years they are larger than before. One of these women said her surgery failed. WRONG! she failed. I have seen her eat and drink cocktails and wine, daily. The only sleeve people I know are at my monthly support group and they are newly done and they have no complaints, good for them. I decided I didn't want anything other than Band because it can be removed and the others can't. Each to his own and band bashing is just RUDE!   I hope everyone has a warm and safe week.   Arlene




Can We Talk? About Being Cold

Ok, I am sitting in my house Freezing!! The heat is on high for me, 70. I have on sweat pants, long sleeved 't', sweat shirt and my Ugg boots in the house. My husband told me to wear a hat. No on that one. I also wear a scarf wrapped around me a lot.   ​So are you all cold? I am in Boston, actually a suburb about 10 miles from the city but I did grow up in Boston and went to Boston Public Schools.   Lately I have been eating some bad s**t. Last night I ate a container of chocolate covered pomegranates from Trader Joe's Can't buy those again! I really need to shape up and also move my body. I haven't been to the gym in 3-4 weeks. My husband I and share a car and he has been using it a real lot lately, for good stuff, so I am home alone with my *****, Ruby, the cat. My husband calls her 'Dog" because we were always dog people. We have a cat because we had a mouse and my son had 1 too many cats, they now have 2. Since'Dog' moved in we never saw the mouse or any mice since! My husband loves her except for those long claws that scratch the crap out of you.   Well everyone have a wonderful warm, dry and safe Monday. Arlene




Excess Food

Hello and happy holidays to everyone. Tonight is Hanukkah and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Being Jewish always meant fried potato latkes and other non healthy foods. As far as I know we are not doing a Hanukkah celebration this year being that tomorrow is turkey day. Saturday I will be seeing the whole family, plus. My youngest grandson, Max will be 1 on Friday. I don't ask menus because my son's MIL (she likes to run the show) is coming in and she is a cook and baker. She loves to bake so much that she researched her new oven ($12, 000.) She also is very thin and healthy. And she is the most frugal person I know. She likes her stuffing so much she isn't going to my brother's tomorrow. Weird!! I hope all of you eat accordingly. I am bringing green beans to my brother's because I know that the sweet potato casserole is very sweet with marshmallows etc. and I really hate it, any way. I don't like my SIL's stuffings either which is good. My son's MIL's stuffing is the one I make with Ritz crackers but mine is better because I have added a few things. My DIL said it was much better. It was the great grandmother's recipe. So now you want to know how I have their recipe. Well, my DIL's grandfather and my MIL's brother-in-law were brothers. We are NOT related. We just share cousins and the same aunt and uncle. Well everyone enjoy the weekend. The food, the shopping deals. MA, where I live, the stores do not open tomorrow. They open mid night, and even that is crazy. I have never gone black Friday shopping and never want to. Peace to everyone and remember our wonderful troops that make it that we can celebrate all of our different holidays as one country. Arlene




Hodge Podge

I have not written since the new site has been up. There are things I hate and things I like but it is Alex's brain child not mine or yours. So just grin and bear it.   So I am a natural red head. Only color I have ever been in 63 years. Money is very tight so 2 months ago I bought s decent color and it looked good. I couldn't do hi lites but that was fine because I wasn;t born with them. Last week my husband was with me when I went to buy another box of dye. He choose a different color. Sunday I had bright red/orange hair. It glowed!!! I called the company and they said to buy light brown. I left it on for 20 not 30 minutes. My hair is almost black. UGH!!!!!!!!! Today I am puling out the credit card and getting hi lites. Who the f**k knows what I will look like. Anything is better than almost black on a very pale skinned red head. When you get older you have to go lighter not darker because you do get paler I think. I can't do Thanksgiving with this color. My youngest grandson, Max will be having his 1st b. day party with about 40 people next week. Can't embarrass him.   I have been staying in the middle 190's for a long time now. Today I am back down under 192!!!!!!! I have been 188.? after a fill for 1-2 days. I would love to see the 180's again soon.   I do not eat any pies so I am not worried about Thanksgiving desserts. I have never had a pie because I don't like cooked fruit.   This is very long but I needed to rant about my hair color. Have a great day. Boston is cold and rainy today. Stay warm. Arlene aka Eye Candy




WLS in other countries

As some of you know I watch tv until the wee hours and sleep late. On Nightline last night was about going out of the country for less expensive surgeries. A company in NC with letters like HSM (can't recall exactly) had two employees who needed surgery. The company sent them to Costa Rica first class all the way. The woman had by pass or sleeve (was not the band) and the man had knee replacement. Plus the company gave them each $2500. for sh*ts. The company felt by sending them to Costa Rica they saved about 1/2 price.   After they showed everything and of course everything came out ok they had on a Harvard lawyer. The lawyer said that if there was a problem there is no mal-practice insurance and how great are the doctors etc. The knee replacement inserts (I'll them) were around $7-9000. and in this country double. They said that is why people go to other countries for surgery.   Just giving Arlene's thoughts and informing others about out of country surgeries. I have seen on this site that some people go to Mexico. There is a weird saying that a person who finishes last place at medical school is still called 'doctor'.





The weather today in Boston is around 77 degrees and sunny. Tomorrow even warmer. Lately I have been going to the gym again. I go for around 30 minutes, better than nothing.   I live about 2 miles from a community college and my husband (age 63) is now a student 2 days a week. We have one car so today I drove him. I got to the college early so I could walk around the campus. WOW-it took 10 minutes and my Fitbit said about 800 steps. I was shocked how fast the long walk was and how little steps I took. Before the band I never would have even thought about walking to the end of the parking lot, let alone walk around the building. I guess being obese you look at the picture as huge, like my body was, and not as I can do it and will do it. My husband said I should have walked around 2 times but I didn't like the area. The side walks ended and you had to walk through a parking lot with vehicles always moving. Not very safe. Before you know it wonderful winter and snow will be here and you can't walk around outside.   Enjoy this wonderful weather where ever you are. The walk is shorter than you think It takes me 30-60 minutes to do food shopping than take a fun walk. Never thought of it like that.




Being Bad

I was bad with my dinner last night. But I loved every bit of it. Today is another day and I will be better. I did not over eat, I just ate the wrong things. I had 3 coconut shrimp, great bread dunked in oil and cheese pizza. The local restaurant has a great football special when the N.E. Patriots play. Yes they won!!!   On one of my other WLS groups one person spoke of her friend and by pass. The woman had by pass about 10 years ago and was doing great for a while. She is now in the hospital for revision. She stretched out her pouch and when the doctor went to sew her insides it was like cotton candy, her words not mine. The woman is on ice chips for a few days and in the hospital for at least 10 days. If that doesn't scare the S**T out of you, nothing will.   ​I never was a drinker. In fact the last frozen Girl Scout cookie I had I broke out into hives and never had a drink since. That was over 15 years ago. So drinking was never anything I was going to miss with my journey. I never liked fast foods and yet I was and am obese. Fast food was always a comfort food but not for me. Give me bread and more bread, ice cream. I now have bread in restaurants and maybe once or twice a month in my own house.   I think we all went into this new journey to get healthy, be thinner and move our bodies that were just sitting around. No one forced us but we need to be smarter with choices. Like CG always says, Listen to your doctor!! Listen to your dietitian and finally listen to your body.   Have a great week. October is tomorrow and before you know it Halloween. I only buy candy I hate and I hate more candies than I like. I never had a problem with buying candy. Yes, I hate Snickers!!   Arlene





I love the old cartoons. Warner Bros. use to have retail stores and I bought everything, clothes, gifts, dog toys and art. Yes I have cartoon art all over the house. About 18-20 years ago I was thinner and purchased a pair of jeans with the Taz, Bugs Bunny and others on them. Today, they FIT!! A super duper NSV for me. I even have the matching 't' shirt. I own a few long sleeved shirts with characters all over them. Like I said. I love the old fashioned cartoons. ​One of my favorite prints is called 'Speechless'. It is a microphone and off to the side are the characters that Mel Blanc did the voices for. It was when he died. That is my all time favorite. Yes I am a 63 year Grammie who is young at heart and I show it off.   Do other young at hearts have cartoon people in their life? Have a great weekend. The weather in Boston is great today. I went to the gym in shorts.




The Doctor's Show

Good afternoon. I am watching the Doctor's on tv right now. They just had on a couple that had by pass surgery together. In a little over one year she lost 95 pounds and he lost about 190. The wife said it is a tool. She is right. I hope they keep up the good work. The Doctor's gave them a year's membership to a fancy health club/gym near them. That helps. One of the doctor's said that WLS is not for everyone. He is right. We know that because of the mean bashers. Maybe bashers need to look in the mirror and blame themselves for messing up. (see I can use nice language). Enjoy your day. Arlene




doing the wrong thing

Ok none of us is totally perfect. You come on this site and tell us that you were extremely bad and don't want people to comment. If you robbed a bank, killed someone etc. would you still be pissed people commented? Same thing in my eyes. Do something wrong and write about it, people will say something. This is the USA, freedom of speech.   That's all folks for tonight. Arlene





Why, do you get WLS, any type, and then not listen to your doctor or dietitian? Why?   When I was given the pre-op diet, I followed it to the 't' because I was afraid.   When it came to the post-op diet, I followed it to the 't', also.   When I get a fill, I am on 3 days of liquids, 3 days of mushy and then back to my regular foods. I listen to the doctor and his staff. They have been dealing with WLS for many many years.   So WHY, get the surgery and just follow your own rules??????   Think before putting the chip, the french fry, McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts in your hand, let alone your mouth. If you have to have one of these, at least wait until your surgery has healed and you can eat regular foods.   People who have had the band for a while, I have had mine for almost 14 months, maybe some of us know what we are talking about. I listen to the masters, they have been here longer than me. I try to help and if I don't have an answer, I will say it.   So when you are getting wheeled into the operating room, just remember WHY, you are there. To get healthy and live longer.   Have a great night.   Arlene   ps Saturday night I have a wedding and yes I will eat but not over eat and I do not drink when I eat and never alcohol.




Tory Johnson

Tory Johnson is on GMA and was sort of told lose weight. She has a book coming out called The Shift. I don't know much about her or the book. She is doing a book tour but very over priced tickets, $75. What nerve in my eyes. On Yahoo it said something about nail polish helped her. I have been saying that for a long time. You can not eat with wet nails. I have used that trick for around 25-30 years Just because someone like Tory is on tv doesn't mean your bosses have the right to tell you to lose weight. My thoughts. Enjoy your evening-sleep tight. Arlene




still not telling people

Better late than never, but we did a family dinner for the Jewish New Year last night. It was very nice, 28 people. My son's, their wives and my super wonderful 3 grandsons were there. I haven't seen some of the people for real long time and of course came the: you look great, how much did you lose, how did you lose the weight questions. I told people I do not share my weight loss with any one. They were disappointed. I said I know I was very fat and still fat and don't need people saying, boy, Arlene was very over weight. When it came to my dinner plate, one woman said to me, you have no food on your plate. I said I have plenty. My husband explained I eat around 4 oz of protein then the other foods. My sister-in-law (the wicked b***h "c" word) asked me about my 'diet'. I only said I use a dietitian. Enough words for her. About the SIL, my husband is 63 and for the first 50 years of his life he did not talk to her. They now talk only because he made an effort. She loves my oldest son and treats my younger son like s**t. Enough said about her.   So, back to the subject, I feel the surgery is my business and I just can't share it with everyone. I still feel like I am a failure because I needed the help of the band. My first surgeon said I was not a failure because I knew I needed the help. I just can't get that part into my head.   I did have a very small sliver of chocolate birthday cake. My youngest son's b. day was Wednesday, age 35 and the next day his wife was 35. I brought a super wonderful cake from BJ's for them. Today the hub and I get to baby sit the 9 month old. He is the perfect baby, teething and never complains. He has 8 teeth all ready. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. The weather in Boston is super great this weekend.




plus size clothes

Good evening, On Yahoo I was just reading an article that said Tim Gunn thinks it is awful the way designers treat plus size women. Finally someone on our side. He said if he was on the 8th floor at Saks in NY he would jump through the window because the clothes are that bad. I am not in plus size any more but I totally understand what he is talking about. When I wore plus size I wore a lot of Ralph Lauren. The jeans fit the best and lasted forever. Maybe now the designers will listen because Tim has a lot clout!!




last night's Night Line! OMG!

I stay up very late at night and sleep very late. So last night's Night Line showed and talked about having a piece of mesh sewed to your tongue for 1 month to control your eating! It was gross. It cost $2000. and was being done by a plastic surgeon in CA. He said you lose 15-20 pounds by having just protein shakes. What happens after he takes the mesh off? You gain it back! of course. They showed 2 women and they were thrilled with their results. Comments from any of you! I just told my husband, he fell asleep and he couldn't believe people would pay for this. There is Slim Fast and other protein shakes and they don't cost $2000. People will do anything to make money from over weight suckers, I mean people. Have a great day everyone. Arlene




my doctor/your doctor

Happy Sunday night. As most of you know last Tuesday was my one year banding. On Friday I saw my PCP and then my surgeon. They are both happy with me. My surgeon told me I am perfect with my under 2cc's in my band and said I don't need any more. When I was banded, my band did not have any saline in it. Very interesting how every doctor does their 'own' thing and we can not compare. I see so many people complain that they need another fill, another fill next month, why? Are you doing the right thing? This past week I ate too fast, 3 times and had to go walking. My fault, no one else's. I do not throw up ever, even with the flu, I don't. The doctor told me I really need to exercise more. I had complained that my muffin top is still big. He is very happy with me and I see him again in 2 months. I would love to be around 180-185 by then. I just need to move my fat ass and muffin top. This week I am going to a cousins reunion on Cape Cod, Wednesday. I live about 1-1 1/2 hours from there. Then Thursday, Newport, RI to visit a cousin from my husband's side. Great places to visit and Newport is the best for walking around. Have a great evening. Arlene




One Year-today!

One year ago today I was Banded!! So how was my year? Well, I was very very good for about 8-10 months and then I went back to my eating ice cream, too often. I almost always have soft serve but with jimmies(chocolate sprinkles, if you're not from Boston).   I was going to the gym (since December, when my husband and I joined) about 4-6 times a week. As the nice weather came, that stopped. We are going today, we are in our workout clothes!! I need to get my s**t together and start over with my new life.   My eating has been for the most part great. I love my morning protein shakes. I drink hot tea and iced tea all day and night. I brew my own iced tea, so it's decaf. I enjoy my large salad about 1 hour before my dinner. I have never used salad dressing, so I know I am great in that department. I do eat bread but only in restaurants with really great bread. I do have Chinese food with brown rice and where I usually eat you can get luncheon specials all day and I bring 1/2 of it home for another meal. Use to be I ate the whole plate full and then some more. I also never have fast food. I hate it. I know what you are thinking, a fat person who hates fast food! WOW! If I did any it was maybe french fries (no salt) (hate salt) or a shake and I gave them up and don't miss them at all. My grandsons are mad I won't go to McDonald's with them. Grampie will take them but never Grammie.   So as far as my pounds lost, I started my weight loss March, 2012 with replacing breakfast with shakes and lost 26 pounds before my surgery. As of this morning I am down 74 big ones!!! Could it have been more-of course. I am not perfect. It was a few pounds more but the ice cream took care of that and the less moving of the body.   I go to the doctor Friday for a fill. I have a 10 band with 3 fills for a total of 1.5 I guess my doctor goes slowly with the fills and I am fine with that.   Everyone is different with your loss, eating and working out. Be you and not someone you're not. We do all compare ourselves to everyone, me included. Work towards who you want to be. Have a great day! I will try. Arlene aka "Eye Candy"



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
