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Better late than never.

Hello my lapband family,   I know I haven't been on here in gods knows when but let me tell yall of my progress. First off I'm down to a happy 195. I know I can't believe it either. I now work out 5 to 6 days a week and have fell in love with it :wub: . I love it so much I crave for it when I have to miss a day crazy I know. Also I'm really learning how to eat I'm still not perfect and I have some pit falls but I'm still a work in progress none the less. Well I hope to update more often until then have a good day.




Im so happy

Hello all, I know I haven't been on in a while but I'm happy to report that I'm under 200 pounds. I weighted myself today and I weighted in at 198 I'm so freakin happy. Hard word and determination really do pay off. I'm living proof. :wub:





First I want to say that I'm so proud of myself with sticking with this life style change. Now don't get me wrong I have had mistakes along they way. But I realized when I fell off and got back on track. With that being said I'm weighing in at 202. I need you to understand I haven't seen this number in years. And what this tells me is I am my own success. I can do this. And If nobody has told you today I'm proud of you. :wub:




I'm back and I missed yall.

Hello all I no I been gone for a min. I had a lot of stress these past few weeks, and with stress comes band habits that I didn't let go and I own up to them. So with that said I put myself back on my liquid diet and I'm back to working out. So much so I fasted walked 6 miles today. How is everyone else doing.




am i reading this right

so i weighted myself to see how much damage this stress has done along with me being off my game. first let me say i went to the gym and saw my personal trainer and ran a mile in a half after. then i came home took a shower got on the scale and to my surprise i had lost weight im down to 210 and i can wear a size 12 jeans. i didnt do as bad as i thought i did.




not happy at all

I was doing really good. But when Im stressed it shows. Main pipe line in my home broke. basement flooded. and you cant live without water. just really stressed and depressed and im off my game. its always something.




Hello I missed yall

Hello all I haven't been on here in a min. All is going good. Since the weather is so nice here I went running for the first time in a year. One top of me working out with my personal trainer and I feel really good. A little sore but good just the same. I haven't got anymore fills yet and I'm fine with that. But just wanted to share the I was able to do 130 sit ups with a 10 pound weight plate. It's the little things in life. Have a good day all.




I know what my trigger is!

I have figured out what one of my triggers is that sets me off. Sadly it's my husband, when we have an argument it set me off. And I find the more weight I lose or the more I work out the more he wants to argue over dumb stuff. But I have also realized that I'm doing this for me. For once in my life I'm putting me first. And if he can't handle that then tough titty. Just thought I would vent a little cause I needed to get this off my chest. My morning started off bad. Hope everyone else have a better day.




A glass of wine?

Ok I have a question my husband wants to have date night. Something we haven't did in over 7 months. I had my surgery on Jan 21, 2013. How long after surgery did anyone have a drink. I know we are doing dinner and a movie or should I avoid the whole thing.




Omg it's that time again.

Well it's that time again and today I'm really not felling it. I'm tired and sluggish and I have to see my personal trainer today. I really need motivation to see him today cause what I really want to do is go home and go to bed. So what to do. Today Is not a good day.




Hard work and determinantion really do pay off.

For the first time in a long time I'm believing that hard work and determination really do pay off. I haven't felt this good about working out and being healthy in a long time. I would always but everybody before me ie husband kids work. Now It's my turn and I dont know how to act. It just seem so unreal to me. Oh well I thought I would just share some food for thought. Enjoy your evening.




All smiles this morning:)

I'm truely all smiles this morning. I went in to have a fill on tuesday and i weighted in at 216. I weighed myself today for the March challenge and i was down to 213. This has made my day. So I started my day off with an egg white veggie omelete. If I had this to do all over again I surely would.




So excited.

Ok so I went and saw my surgen today for a fill. First I told him about everything that has been going on with the death in my family and me eating off. And to my surprise he told me he was proud of me, for taking responsibility for my actions. I also told him about all the lovely people I have been talking to on this forum and how yall have help me. On to the visit I get on the scale and to my surpised I'm down two more pounds. Can you say all smiles. You guys have truely help me a lot and I can't think you enough for the support. I was so happy when I left the office I went and did three miles at the gym. :wub:





So yesterday I was telling yall how I had fallen off the wagon and how depressed I had been for the pass couple of days, due to death in the family. I also was telling yall that I was getting back on the wagon starting today. Well I am happy to say I hit the gym and my personal trainer running this morning. And it felt great. I am learning so much about myself it's unreal. Since starting this I'm more active than I have been in a long time. And for once I'm putting me first. Things happen in life that will knock you down. The object is deciding what you going to do when you get up. Enjoy the rest of your day.




I take all the blame and full responsibility!

Well like my title says I take full blame and responsibility. This week has not been a good week with the lost of my husband's grandmother. I has brought back memories of losing my grandmother and mother and great grandmother. With that being said I fell off the wagon for the past two days. I know what I did and what I have to do to make things right. Was just a depressed and it happens. I'm feeling a lot better and will be seeing my personal trainer first thing tomorrow morning. Plus I will get a fill on Tuesday. I hope everyone enjoy the rest of there day!




Stressful week! And I'm having a hard time dealing!

All was going just great. Going to the gym 5x a week. Eating what I'm supposed to. Getting my water, protein, and veggies in. Then there was dreaded phone call that we kind of knew was coming but didn't want to face. My husband lost his grand mother. Now I'm depressed. This is truely a trying time.




Watching what I eat and how much to eat.

I don't know if I give this the right title. But today for lunch I made some spinach and salmon. I cut the salmon in half, and put everything in my bowel. And about half way through a light blub went off that said ok that's enough eating now stop. And without thinking I put my fork down, closed the lid on my food and put it up. Is that normal.




Help I need Help

Ok my son was sick and now I can feel his cold coming on. I'm drinking hot tea with honey. but I neen to know what meds I can take. This cold will not stop me from working out.





So today I can eat and I'm at work and like clock work everybody is going out for breakfast. So the turn to me and say you want us to bring you something back I tell them no I have me breakfast. First person say oh your eating food today what are you eating and I pull out my light and fit greek yogart that has double protein in it and an orange. And right on que they say that's not real food. Your are starving yourself to deaf. I simply smile and say this may not be real to you but it taste real to me. I must add they don't know that I have the lap band and with them acting like this I damn sure not telling. Cause I would have to give them a piece of my mind if they said something out the way. I thought I would share this. Time to finish my great breakfast. Have a good day all. And see you at lunch time.




I'm proud of myself!

So on Monday I put myself back on the liquid diet. Go my first fill on Tuesday. Doctor told me to be on liquids for two days. And I been working out. I'm sitting at work and co-workers decide they want to go out for lunch. So they turn to me and say are you eating today I said yup I'm having my protein shake. Co-workers response was that's not food that's liquid. So I responded by saying its liquid food for me. Co-worker says well I will be thinking of you while I eat my fried fish. And I said I will be thinking of you while I drink my wonderful shake. Who would have thought that I have such will power.




What a difference six weeks made

So I started my journey on January 7 and has since lost a total of 26 pounds. Now I'm happy about my weight loss but I'm really happy about fitting into a pair of jeans I haven't worn in a whole year. It's the little steps that count. :wub:




Omg it's that time again.

I know I complained about this before. And this may be a little tmi, but I'm pmsing again. I'm tired and want to eat everything I see. Not to mention I have to go see my personal trainer. Oh well I just need to vent.



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