I decided for the holidays I would buy myself a recumbent bike. I got it today off of Craigslist for $75. They usually go for $100 - $150, used. The guy didn't have the owners manual but I figure I can download it.
Looking forward to using it because, other than walking around running "many" errands & going Christmas shopping, I haven't really done much in the way of exercise lately. I've been helping mom & dad run their errands since dad hasn't been feeling well with his sciatic nerve acting up, and mom can't really walk around a lot.
Fortunately, I've been lucky enough that I keep losing weight, but I don't want to be saggy. I want to lose weight, feel & look healthy.
Anyway, I'm hoping to put it in the LR once we get all our Christmas stuff up tomorrow.
Merry Christmas to me. 42 pounds down & counting...
I think my biggest issue, for lack of a better word, is that I've been quite tired these last few days; low energy. I'm drinking my protein drink, water, broth, SF popsicles and SF jello. I don't think I feel hungry so that's good, I guess. Wait.... I think my tummy is actually growling at me right now. Hum,,,, need to get more protein in me. I've also had pretty restless sleep, tossing & turning & tossing & turning. That's probably another reason why I'm tired.
My tummy only felt "achy" the first 2 days. This may be TMI but I'm sure someone will appreciate my just saying it. I've been burping quite a bit when I get up & walk around. I'm told that's good because they pump air inside you during the surgery & it's good to get it out. I also had a little gas, but had not gone to the bathroom in 3 days. Thankfully, I was taking Miralax, drinking Smooth Move tea, and finally yesterday added Sedekot (I think that's what it's called). Um, things finally worked themselves out yesterday. Please make sure you take fiber so you don't run into issues.
Another thing, I only used my pain meds twice. The night I got home & that next morning because of my crazy headache. I haven't touched the nausea meds I was prescribed (yet) so I'm thankful.
This might sound crazy but I made sure to use a heating pad on myself Fay 0 and 1, while gently rubbing my belly. It seemed to help some how.
I took today off from work, and am considering taking tomorrow & Wed off. This way I get some real time to get comfortable with everthing. My follow up is this Wed, so I was thinking of working from home Thurs & Fri. I'm lucky enough to have that option when in this type of situations.
That's it for now, Please feel free to make comments or ask me questions. I'm learning as I go, and am worth than happy to share my journey.
Good luck.
PS - I've lost 7 1/2 pounds now,... and I need things will slow down soon, since right now I'm on the clear liquid diet. It's all good. DIdn't gain all this weight in a day so it won't come off in a day :)
I'm finding it harder & harder to stay 100% focused these days. I don't have that same "gusto" I used to have. I used to log on almost every day, and track my food daily. I logged my food for almost 105 days in a row... and no, nothing in the last week or so. I feel disappointed in myself, and out of sorts.
I go to my parents house almost every single day, check their mail, make sure Dad has his meds filled, do their grocery shopping, then take mom to get her hair done every Saturday. That part makes me smile. I don't mean to complain at all as I"m thankful to have them around. They will be 87 & 85 in a week. I have to admit it's a bit exhausting, and I don't have much in the way of energy left to focus where I need to : ME!
I know I talked about this during my last post & I thought I could re-focus, but I'm almost at a lost. It's not that I'm over-eating, but I may as well be because I'm not eating as healthy & therefore just maintaining. I'm not even 'regular' (TMI, sorry). I I know it's my own doing, but I'm having a hard time with things.
My dad's health affects my own mood. If he's doing well, I'm doing OK. If he's doing poorly, I get a little sad & don't focus. Why is it so stinkin; easy to go back to old habits? He has so many ups & downs. How do you deal with a parent dying of cancer? My dad's so strong too. The last few days he's been feeling better due to steroids he's on, in addition to all the other meds he's on. He still has energy so he's not bed-ridden. But my God, how do you stay focused with this **** going on?
I have my 6 month follow up apt on March 11th (a month late), so I think I will ask for a small fill. Again, I'm not over-eating, and I may have lost 3 or 4 ponds in the last 4-6 weeks, but I'm not eating healthy or even working out. I want my focus back.
I didn't wake up with a headache today so that's always good. I'm not sleeping very well as I'm still on the recliner. I may try the bed tonight. I briefly attempted it yesterday for a nap & it wasn't happening. I'm still sore but it's early in the day & I haven't walked around too much. I plan on taking a shower (as I do every day). Might actually blow dry my hair today. I washed it yesterday but had NO energy to blow dry it. Suffice to say, I had a great hair day yesterday I understand the importance of walking so I'm going to take a short shopping trip with my daughter to Game Stop. Well, let's hope it's a short trip.
I'll probably write again today to talk more about how I feel. For those that know, no bm's for me yet. I've always had a little issue with that prior to surgery so why be different now. I am talking a stool softner once a day just to be safe. I have flax seed but you can't really add that to clear liquids without it being nasty so I may buy some miralax or benefiber as suggested by lots of people on line here.
Be back a little later. Have a great Monday!
*** It's about 5pm now. The nurse from my Dr's office called me to check & see how things were going. She said it sounded like things were progressing normally. She didn't seemed very concerned over my "bm" issue saying that it can easily take 3-7 days, especially since I'm on liquids. But, that I should focus on increasing my liquid intake, adding a stool softner & trying benefiber. Aside from that, she said its normal for my left side to hurt as that is where the band was removed & where my stomach is positioned. She'd be concerned if I said my right side hurt. Oh, she did say my low grade fever sounded like it was related to being dehydrated. She says the goal is 64 oz per day but that I should at least shoot for 32 while on clear liquids.
I asked that the NUT call me as I had a few protein shake related questions. She thinks I'm ready to start Week 2 on Wednesday (instead of Thursday) based on what I told her. While I remember thinking (pre-surgery), "oh wow, 2 tablespoons of food 5 times a day sounds like starvation,' I now think that's a feast & I can't wait to very sloooowly take my first bite of cream of wheat, instant oatmeal, creamy soups or mashed potatoes!!!! I'm not sure what to try first but I thought cream of wheat might be a safe start. I think I read I can also try yogurt but I'm partially lactose intolerant so I may just hold off until I know what I can handle. Last thing I want is gas pain.
I may actually log into my work computer tomorrow for an hour or so just to check in on things. I don't want to sit & spend hours in front of my work computer yet, but I would like to see whats up. I have a co-worker coming to visit me after work today. Hope I don't scare her away, LOL.
My follow is scheduled for Feb 14th..... and so, my journey continues...
Day 19 post op
I went back to work today, as in into the office. It was kinda nice to get out of the house after working from home all last week. It was rather uneventful. Ate my mini meals & drank about 26 oz throughout the day. Hey, that's actually pretty good for me. I had another 6 - 8 oz since being home, so that's impressive for me.
I'm going to start my next phase of food tomorrow, adding 1/4 cup of protein type foods. I'm planning my food menu in my little head already.
Breakfast - 1/4 egg whites (though it doesn't seem like a lot). Planning to add a little cheese (maybe feta, though i'm not sure if feta is allowed). Lunch - 1/4 cup of tuna fish w/ 1 tablespoon of low fat mayo for lunch.
Dinner - 1/4 cup of parm crusted flounder (though that really seems like so little)
Ahhh, the thought of it makes me hungry now.
Just need to focus on more fluids. One day at a time...
So, I didn't get out until about 4pm. I was so ready to leave by then. Very glad to be home.
I'm supposed to stay on clear liquids for 1 more week. Basically, that means water, decaffenated tea / coffee, SF jello, SF popsicles, & low sodium broths. My awesome hubby made me homemade chicken soup that we strained & put in 12 containers. Pretty sure I"m set for the week, LOL.
I'm not really very hungry. Tummy feels achy, especially where the band was taken out. The Dr said that it was easy to remove my band so that made the surgery fairly easy to do. It took 2 hours.
If you're sensitive, please don't read this: My last bowel movement was on Monday. I went 3 times because I had "smooth move" organic tea (tea that helps you go) the night before & again in the morning. I started taking stool softners Tues & Wed & then at the hospital this afternoon. I told my Dr I was concerned about potential major constipation because of that & since I know pain meds can constipate you. She said that during surgery she didn't see my colon full but saw more gas than anything else. She told me to go ahead & use miralex with my water the next few days if I was concerned. If you're a lap band patient, you'll know that lap band patients typically aren't as "regular" as others are.
I'm feeling quite tired now as I type this because I took the liquid vicodin about 30 minutes ago. Gonna log off.
I hope my journey will help others know what to expect. While we're all different, I think it's therapeudic for me & hopefully helpful to others.
Good night!
So, I'm sitting in the hospital bed, pre-surgery, should happen in about an hour or so. IV is in, and anesthesiologistshould be here soon. Getting a wee bit anxious / nervous, but it's all good.
I'm going to try to write again after the surgery. I guess it all depends how drugged up I am & if able o see what I'm doing to type easily
Wish me luck,
Had my 2nd fill today. My first fill was 2 weeks ago, and was 5 1/2 cc's. Mind you, my band is large, 14 cc's or something like that. Today, I was given an additional 2 1/2 cc's. I believe I was told not to take bites that are bigger than an M&M. Oh, how I would enjoy a peanut butter M&M... Im not a big chocolate fan, but chocolate & peanut butter. Sign me up LOL...
I didn't really notice a decrease in appetite, or a more filling sensation with the 1st fill, and the NP told me I probably wouldn't notice anything yet. Somehow I managed to lose 6 pds in 2 weeks. Not bad I guess. Actually, I would LOVE to lose 6 pds every 2 weeks. Did you do the math yet? So, if I lose 6 pds in 2 weeks, that should come to 12 pds in 1 month, then 24 pds in 2 months, oh my gosh, 36 in 3, 48 in 4... eventually I'll disappear! OK, maybe not. Just trying to make a point at how quickly our mind starts calculating as we go through this weight loss journey. I had actually lost 2 more pounds, but found it again in the last week or so. Not sure how I did that, but I'm going to blame being constipated. What? I need an excuse. No wait, I'm doing this to avoid the excuses...
I suppose if I worked out 5 times a week like I'm supposed to, the weight could come off alittle quicker. Damn, I have to make an effort.
Lesson learned: You get out what you put into this. Some weeks you will lose 3 pds, another week (God help us when this happens), you won't lose anything. Stay focused Fran, stay focused! See the end result!
I had a busier day today. Did a few things around the house, and a little grocery shopping. I feel a little run down & the left side of my side / back hurts a little too (close to where my incision is, where the band was removed).
Tomorrow I can start eating soft foods (not pureed). Only 2 tablespoons, and I think only 3 - 5 times for the day. I suppose it's better than sipping clear liquids. Basically,I'm looking at cream of wheat, low fat or FF smooth yogurt, creamy based soups, mashed potatoes made with milk & 1 tablespoon of melted cheese (oh, I can't wait for that), and SF puddings,,, a few more things but that's the gist of it.
Hum, what to have for breakfast..... I can smell the little itty bitty bit of cream of wheat already... wonder if I can add a tad bit of nutmeg or cinnamon. It's not spicy or full of sugar so I hope so...
Today seems a little rougher for me. I feel very achy, but I think it's the gas inside. It hurts to take deep breaths some times
I've been trying to walk around the house to get things moving & I seem to be burping on & off. Trying not to take any pain meds today, if at all possible. I don't like the way they make me feel.
Anyone else post band removal w/ sleeve feeling the same?
Yes, just a tad bit excited! I do, however, wonder how you stop yourself from eating a little more? My notes say 2 tablespoons, but I had 3 tablespoons of the cream of wheat & eventually SF vanilla pudding & now the best mashed potatoes I've ever had! My tummy seems to growl when I'm done. It doesn't hurt, but it's either pissed at me or wanting more. Just finished eating the mashed potatoes (probably a good 15 minutes whereas breakfast was more like 10ish) because, while I made them creamy, I know they're heavier, and I don't want to screw myself.
I have to admit it's hard to look at the batch of mashed potatoes I made & not want to stick my face in it. I'm so used to "just having another little taste!" But, I understand, especially now during the very early stages of recovery, that I must do it slowly.
Hum, I see my side bugs me a little bit. Not sure of that's my stomach saying ok, you're full or just the standard surgery discomfort. Either way, not going to eat anymore.
I'm starting to have to deal with unavoidable stress a little bit more each day. Some of you may know that my dad of 86 has Stage 4 cancer. He's still kicking a$$, but we now have Hospice coming to the house to check on him every so often.
Nonethelss, my point is that I've not over-eaten to this point thanks to the band. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not been banded.
However, since things will at some point reach a 'challenging / difficult" time, I wonder how everyone else now deals with stress.
What do you do to unwind? For the record, aside from reading & writing on here (or FB), I don't really like to read a lot, so that's out. I find i'm too impatient to read. Go figure....