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My journey to a healthier lifestyle

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1St Fill Today

So, I had my 1st fill today after my Nutrition class. Can I just say "ouch!" Yea, it smarted a little when the needle went in, and I did say "OUCH!". The Nurse says "aw, come on (jokingly)," and I said "yea, seriously OUCH." Oh, it wasn't painful or anything like that, but it did kinda pinch. I even felt something weird when she first started injecting the saline. She said some people can feel it, others can't. This was about 2 hours ago, and my port site is a little sore, but it doesn't hurt.   Oh, I found out my band size is a 14. Holy large band, Batman. Yea, I guess it's one of the bigger size bands :ph34r: (embarrassed a little), and I guess she filled me with 5 1/2 or 5 cc's (great, now I can't remember). I'm kinda feeling 'full' right now, but I haven't eaten anything. They said fluids this afternoon, and soft foods for dinner. Then tomorrow, normal foods. I have an appointment for 2 weeks from today to see if I need a 2nd fill by then. They said I can cancel if I feel I don't need it, and schedule an apt for 4 weeks out. I guess we'll see how the next few weeks go.   So, I'm off....




1 Month To The Day

So, here I am, 1 month to the day since I had surgery.   It's been quite the ride, and I'm a bit.....frustrated, still. The only real weight I've lost was during my first week on liquids. I'm still not understanding how I can eat 1/4 of what I used to eat, and still not lose any more weight. It just doesn't make sense to me.   I have an apt for my first fill this Wednesday, the 19th. I know they'll make the band tigher, but what I don't understand, is how that will help me lose weight. I'm going to be eating less than now, so how will this make me lose weight where I couldn't the last few weeks? What's the difference, eating even less?   I met someone this weekend that had the sleeve done last week. After talking to her, I wonder if I should have gone with that procedure instead I know, too late now. I hate being discouraged because that's doesn't help my journey. I'm having doubts on everything I'm doing and eating now.   My surgeon only had us do liquids for a few days, then very soft food (purees and such) then select soft foods. I've been pretty much eating cottage cheese, yogurt, PB, homemade soups, and turkey chili. Well, I have another nutrition class before my fill, so I'll ask questions & see what's going on. I'm sure that I'm not getting as much protein as I should be either, but I don't think that's the issue?   Quite the negative Nelly here today. Could be because I have a cold, and am feeling a little run down. The good news is that I'm already on my 4th bottle of water I feel so thirsty...   I'll post again after my fill along with notes I take from the Nutritionist. It's gotta get better than this, and.... I'm sure it will...in time! :-)





I am happy to report that after 2 weeks of absolutely NO weight lost, I finally went down 2.2. pds. I was honestly getting quite frustrated with myself, and reviewing everything I was eating. Hopefully, it will continue to go down slowly but surely.   Ahhh,,, finally a small sign of relief




Hanging In There

Here I am almost 3 weeks post-op, and I haven't lost anything in the last 2 weeks! Actually, I managed to gain a pound from the original 15 pds I lost in the first week (which was a bunch of water weight). I'm really trying not to get discouraged, but it's hard. My food intake is so much smaller than what it used to be. It just doesn't make sense to me.   I have a shake now as a meal, which has 30 grams of protein, and then eat an oz of protein every few hours. Nothing bad.. no wait, I lie. I did have some mini cinammon graham crackers the other day. I know, I know, but I was stressing, and was upset. Anyway, I'm over the crackers crap now.   I don't have a caloric amount to eat per day, as of yet (that I know of). I believe my focus is still getting in all the protein, and to get that walking in everyday. My first fill isn't until Sept 19th, and I wonder what that could possibly do to make a difference. Is it going to make me eat less? Well. I'm already eating less, a lot less! So, what's that first fill going to do that I'm not already doing....   Again, I say, ARGH!!!




Staying Positive Not Always Easy

Tell me... why is it so damn easy to fall on to negative thoughts?   You may have seen some of my posts lately where I've been totally stagnant, not losing 1 single oz. I find it amazing that I lost 15 pds my first week, which I understand was basically water weight. But, I started soft foods this last week, and have lost nothing. I know my body is in recovery / heeling mode, and it needs time to adjust. But, come on. I'm barely eating a full 4 - 5 oz a day of protein, and not one little oz came off. Actually, a few oz came back on?   I'm trying to stay postive as I understand this is, afterall. a journey. Lord knows this weight didn't come on in a single week, although 30 pds did come on easily in a 3 -4 month time frame. Of course, I'm not giving up. I'm just dissappointed not to see an oz go down. I'm staying focused on eating small portions (1 oz meals every few hours), and drinking. I'm positive I'm not getting enough protein in, so I need to work on that. I don't know why, but it's always a struggle for me. I also feel that I'm not having enough... BM's... I think I'm going to add fiber to my small meals. I do use Miralax in my water to ensure that things stay, shall we say, smooth... but I know I'm not "going enough."   Sigh and deep breath... patience...




"real Food" Yummmm

Post-Op Day 7   Oh my gosh... I actually ate some homemade chicken soup with zuchinni, carrots and beans,, "pureed!" I don't care what anyone says, after only having liquids, the soup tasted soooo good. I think I actually had like 2 oz of it last night. My family enjoyed their meal without the puree, not sure why they didn't want to join me. Nonethelss, it felt good going down & I didn't notice any issues with it. Ahh....   So, as of post-op Day 6, I had managed to lose 15 pds. Yes, I know, that's amazing. And so, I tried to prepare myself in that the weight would start slowing down once I started eating a little more normal, and walking. I started walking about 2 days ago, and to my surprise (though it shouldn't be), I haven't lost anything in 2 days : ( Yes, I know, I know. I didn't gain it all in 1 week, but I have to admit, it felt good seeing the scale go down & down each day. So, I went ahead & measured myself. Thank goodness, it looks like I lost an inch in my waist, thighs, calves & boobs. Ok, as long as it keeps going down, I will settle down...




Day 5 Post- Up / Follow Up Dr Visit

On my way to my 1 week follow up, even though my surgery was actually last Friday. I have to say that I've got some seriously LOW energy. Since I sit on my booty all day at work, I'm glad I took most of this week off. I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow, but think I will work from home. I just don't think I've got enough energy to get moving.   I'm still not sleeping well because, wouldn't you know it, my siatic (sp?) nerve is starting to bug me when I go to sleep. Great timing for it to act up, huh? It makes for a heckuva sleepless night. I also don't think, never mind, I know I'm not getting enough protein in me. I've been feeling sooo full although I'm barely eating. I think I must be drinking too quickly. Trying to watch myself today because I start on soft foods.   So far today, I've had 4 oz of a protein drink, and 1 oz of vanilla greek yogurt (with a dash of cinncamon for flavor). I'm waiting aobut 45 minutes before drinking anything again, but this schedule is tough. I planning ahead and bringing some of my snacks/meals with my 1st nutrition class & follow up apt so I don't miss out on anything (1oz of egg beaters & 1 oz of refried beans & something to drink).   I know I've been losing weight because I've checked the scale. However, I try to be realistic because anyone would lose weight following a liquid diet. I don't expect miracles, but am thankful that I'm going in the right direction I still need to learn what my body is saying in the way of hunger vs the full feeling. The last few days it's always felt "full" which is insane beacuse I'm not eating much of anything. Nonetheless, today's nutrition class should be informative, and I look forward to it.   Gonna go have my crystal light now. I'm thirsty.




Grocery Shopping "on My Own'

I'm 4 days post-op, and am happy to say, on my last day of the clear liquid diet. I'm supposed to start pre-selected soft foods tomorrow (1/2 oz -1 oz eggs, which BTW I can't believe that's all I can have), refried beans,,,etc,,,   Anyway, I went to Wally World (WalMart) to pick up a few things. This might sound weird, but I felt so very aware of my surroundiings. I almost felt like it was the 1st time I was going grocery shopping. I mean, I had a list of specific things to buy, and I didn't go astray. Typically, I would have stopped by the munchie aisle & treated myself to a little "yummy snack." There was none of that. I'm not sure if it's because I know it wouldn't have been pleasant going down (chips or Reeces Pieces), or if I realize that's no longer a part of my new lifestyle. Maybe a combination of both.   All I know is that it felt strange shopping. Maybe because it was more in a healthier way, something that I guess I'm not used to. Am I alone out here? Did anyone else experience this? Hum....




Day 3 Post-Op

I think my biggest issue, for lack of a better word, is that I've been quite tired these last few days; low energy. I'm drinking my protein drink, water, broth, SF popsicles and SF jello. I don't think I feel hungry so that's good, I guess. Wait.... I think my tummy is actually growling at me right now. Hum,,,, need to get more protein in me. I've also had pretty restless sleep, tossing & turning & tossing & turning. That's probably another reason why I'm tired.   My tummy only felt "achy" the first 2 days. This may be TMI but I'm sure someone will appreciate my just saying it. I've been burping quite a bit when I get up & walk around. I'm told that's good because they pump air inside you during the surgery & it's good to get it out. I also had a little gas, but had not gone to the bathroom in 3 days. Thankfully, I was taking Miralax, drinking Smooth Move tea, and finally yesterday added Sedekot (I think that's what it's called). Um, things finally worked themselves out yesterday. Please make sure you take fiber so you don't run into issues.   Another thing, I only used my pain meds twice. The night I got home & that next morning because of my crazy headache. I haven't touched the nausea meds I was prescribed (yet) so I'm thankful.   This might sound crazy but I made sure to use a heating pad on myself Fay 0 and 1, while gently rubbing my belly. It seemed to help some how.   I took today off from work, and am considering taking tomorrow & Wed off. This way I get some real time to get comfortable with everthing. My follow up is this Wed, so I was thinking of working from home Thurs & Fri. I'm lucky enough to have that option when in this type of situations.   That's it for now, Please feel free to make comments or ask me questions. I'm learning as I go, and am worth than happy to share my journey.   Good luck.   PS - I've lost 7 1/2 pounds now,... and I need things will slow down soon, since right now I'm on the clear liquid diet. It's all good. DIdn't gain all this weight in a day so it won't come off in a day :)




8/17 Day 1 - Post Op

Hi everyone,   So, let me back up 1 day to surgery yesterday.   I woke up & really wasn't nervous like I was the day before. Some how my nerves were calmed. It's gonna happen so why get nervous about it. I went to the hopsital around 9:30am MST and had surgery at 12:30 or so. The worse part was just laying in the hospital bed, waiting for "my turn." I had my durgery done at Rose Medical. Great staff all over. The surgery itself, I'm told, took 19 minutes. While I was there they made me walk around, and can I say, I was burping left & right. Yes, that's what I said ... LOL... I'm told thats very good becuase you want to get the air out that thee pumped in there. It almost seemed to relieve me. so uh, if you can, burp away my friends... the other thing i did at the hospital was gentle massage my stomach. it seemed to gently soothe my achiness at times,   I was definitely tired, and a little achy when I got home. My throat actually hurt from havng that tube down my throat. The best way to decribe the achniess is that I felt like a had a permanent stomach ache, an a sore throat with maybe swollen glands; no fever. I went home & napped on & off while making sure to drink / drink / drink. My husand took such good care of me, even my 10 yr old daughter I was thankful to be watched over & pampered.   I didn't sleep very well last night, very restless, and therefore woke up with a bit of a headache. I'm not sure what to take, but was going to try my daughter liqud tylenol, if I could find it. I'm sure I'll nap again on & off today as well. Oh, I must have peed like 20 times since I got home (seriously). My goodness, I'm releasing all those liquids... HA HA .... . Thank God, my throat pain feels much better, My stomach is definitely less achy. May I repeat that getting up and, forgive me, but burping again (and any other relief from gas) is helpful. Just saying guys...   So far, I'm only had 2 oz of a protein drink, but it looks like I will sipping liquids just about eery hour for the next 5 days. I don't think I actually feel hungry. Saw my daughter eat one of those breakfast sandwiches & I didn't crave it. I'm sooo hoping that stays with me.   Well, that's about it really. I'm going to shower then go grocery shopping (yes, I know) for the family. They told me to walk around the first few days, but not to over do it. I'll keep you guys posted.   Thaks for listening.   PS,,, ive actually lost 4 pds in 1 day due to the liquid diet




Pre Op Tpday 8/16 - Surgery Tmrw 8/17

So, here I am getting ready to head out to my pre-op apt: EKG, lab work, and Dr apt. Tomorrow's the big day. I don't have any doubts about having the surgery, but yea, I'm a little nervous. I've read & read & read (information overload) everyone's comments about their own journey. I have an idea of what to expect, and I know it'll be tough especially in the beginning. There's no way I wan't to mess this up.   Getting ready for the new me




Nervous Nelly > T Minus 3 Days

8/14/12   Making the decision to have lapband surgery was a well thought out, and planned one. I did a lot of research, and perhaps like many, made myself a little crazy with "information overload." Then there's the "what if it doesn't work," "what if I have issues with the band like many people on other websites have so willingly pointed out," "do I have what it takes to see this through the right way?"   I realized that I basically shoned myself from the World as much as possible the last 6 months. The biggest issue was that I didn't want to socialize anymore. I tried to limit going out for fear of being seen in public by someone I might know. I went as far as not trying to be seen at work by too many people. Oh my gosh, I sooo hated the way I looked. I would do anything to avoid social contact. I was even dreading my BF's visit to come out & see me back in May. I was so embarassed. Nothing I wore looked good, things wouldn't fit, shopping was pretty much impossible. You get the picture.   I made the decision to do this for me, and noone else. I have an out-going personality, love to laugh, and "be social!" I felt that I was doing myself an injustice by not being that way anymore. Basically, my body didn't match my real personlity. Those closest to me will reap the rewards of my weight loss because I will get my confidence back, and start feeling good about myself again.   It's hard to believe that I started this journey in Jan of this year, and now I'm only 3 days away from having surgery. I have many mixed emotions: anxiiety, nervousness, excitement, and even a little worried about the journey that lies ahead. I've reached out to people on this website, lapbandtalk.com, and am very thankful for the wonderful support I've received. People have emailed me sample menu's, talked about their own personal journies, given me advice, etc.... Exactly what I need, and what I'm looking for.   So, thank you to everyone who has replied, and no doubt, will respond to my questions & concerns. I appreciate your support, and hope that my documented journey will help others!   Warm Regards, Fran



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
