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About this blog
My journey to a healthier lifestyle
Entries in this blog
Favorite go-to foods
Happy Bandiversary !
Found a new protein snack
Run Down...
Merry Christmas to me
T minus 2 days
Surgery in about 1 hour
My story > partially slipped band
1 week post op
Nervous Nelly > T Minus 3 Days
Bariatric Support Group Tomorrow
Back to the office today
Next food phase started
8/17 Day 1 - Post Op
Ya Know What?
Day 3 Post-Op
1 month post-op check up
Talked about BM's & that I seem to have to add stool softners, and MoM to help me go. Not worried as long as I'm going.
Focus on fluids, which continues to be my major weakness
OK to have Chai-tea again, yeah!!! I so missed this. It has caffeine in it so I had to stay away. I'm not a coffee drinker so Chai is just fine for me
Work my way up to 60 grams of protein per day
Work my way up to 800 calories per day, no rush
Continue to eat 1/4 - 1/2 cup per meal. Whatever my tummy tells me I can handle. Continue to focus on protein first, but OK to add steamed veggies & fruits
Eat only when I'm hungry. It can be 5 small meals or 3 basic meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) per day
I can start eating breakfast type foods. For example, lean turkey crumbles with eggs or oatmeal w/ fruits
She suggested I can add new foods but to wait a few days so if something upsets me I'll know what it is
OK to start working out, slowly but surely. As we all know, walking is the best exercise but I can start going on my recumbent bike again. OK to add low weights, several reps. Oh, working out in a pool in also good (thought I don't have access to one).
I can start taking my vitamins again (Multi vitamin, B complex, Biotin). No worries about adding calcium at this point. But she did order e 50,000 iu's of vitamin D once a week for 12 weeks. I had low Vit D count which I was taking vitamins for. She said this would help get it back up sooner & so mch easier to have it once a week. After that, I can have lower doses to my daily intake
3 month blood work follow up & appointment made
Since I had lost a descent amount of weight with the band & a little more with the sleeve, my food goal will pretty much be focused on maintenance more than anything. Wow, maintenance. That sounds great! She said I might lose another 5-10 pounds but doesn't think my body will go for more. I'm good with that
IMPORTANT > soreness that I sometimes get on my left side that travels a little to the same area but in my lower back is due to scar tissue hitting on nerve endings. Dr said that area felt a little tougher. She said a body massage focused in that area a few times a day for a weeks and/or heat would help (hot bath, hot tub).
Overall, a thumbs up, and I'm quite thankful for that!!
2Nd Fill Today
Sex drive
Grocery Shopping "on My Own'
Day 5 Post- Up / Follow Up Dr Visit
Things I'm learning about my sleeve
I should take what I think I can eat, and cut it IN HALF
I've learned that my stomach cannot handle a lot of protein when it comes from any meat. For example, I can barely eat 2-3 oz of pork, chicken or steak (even with a sauce so it's not dry). I can, however, seem to be able to eat ground beef / turkey & pork. Hummm?!?!
Since I'm not meeting my daily protein requirement, I think I'm going to change my focus to more dense protein (yogurts, cottage cheese, egg whites, beans, lentils, quinoa, flounder, ricotta cheese, and, of course protein drinks / bars, etc...). Protein isn't something you should take lightly. It's important to the overall success of our health. See my note below.
I've noticed it helps me get more fluids in when I drink a 16.9 oz bottle of Propel first thing in the morning. I start drinking it on my commute to work & finish it off within 2 hours. Yes, it takes me that long. I still struggle getting in all my fluids for the day, so drinking a bottle of Propel flavored water in the morning helps me move along.
I've never been one to eat many veggies, but I discovered that I really enjoy eating spinach. I found a spinach souffle in the freezer section that I split in 1/2 as a serving. I then cook an egg with it & have it for breakfast or lunch.
Note to newbies: Please make sure you meet those protein & fluid requirements. If you don't, you're taking a chance of getting light-headed, and feeling faint from time to time. Yes, this happens to me more often than not. That's why I blog & talk about it; so I can keep track of what I need to do, and to help others. Weight loss is GREAT, but it's nothing if you can't stay healthy.