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My journey to a healthier lifestyle

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Donating Size 20 clothes / Need size 18

What's the name of that website where you can donate clothes & hopefully find gently used clothes in your new size?   I have 2 bags of an assortment of size 20 clothing to donate. And, I could sure use some size 18 pants & shirts. I'm in the North Denver area if anyone is interested.




Pre Op Tpday 8/16 - Surgery Tmrw 8/17

So, here I am getting ready to head out to my pre-op apt: EKG, lab work, and Dr apt. Tomorrow's the big day. I don't have any doubts about having the surgery, but yea, I'm a little nervous. I've read & read & read (information overload) everyone's comments about their own journey. I have an idea of what to expect, and I know it'll be tough especially in the beginning. There's no way I wan't to mess this up.   Getting ready for the new me




I'm actually thin? Yea, I guess I am :)

I went clothes shopping yesterday & for the 1st time in a LONG time, I saw something different in my reflection as I tried on a pair of pants. I took a long, hard look at myself, tilted my head & actually saw myself as "thin." Yea, that's what I said, THIN! I actually fit into size 8 pants. Yup, a size 8. I think my average pant size in high school (31 years ago) was a 10, so I'm fitting into smaller clothes.   I saw a pretty sleeveless little black dress in the fitting room (size Medium) that someone else left behind. Feeling a little brave, I figured ah, what the hell. I haven't warn a dress in YEARS so let's try it on. Oh... my... goodness... Not only did it fit, but it actually looked really nice! I mean, it really looked nice. I had an attractive hour glass figure. Seriously, me! I came out of the dressing room to show my husband. He winked and said "very nice," followed with, "are you OK?" I smiled because I actually had tears in my eyes. I was overwhelmed with such emotion. I didn't cry but I could feel something deep inside me. It almost felt like a happy confusion because there was no denying that I was no longer overweight.   I'm still amazed. After 1 1/2 years on this weight loss journey, I'm finally comfortable & quite happy in my own skin!   Ahhhhh..... feels good, damn good!!!




Staff Lunch & Dinner

So, I've had 2 staff lunches this week, and have done pretty well overall. I had tomato bisque soup the other day, and pea & barley soup today. I'm not sure either was very filling because I didn't eat a lot, but I didnt want to take a chance & eat something that would make me uncomfortable, or God forbid, stuck   The pea & barley seems to have given me a little gas in my stomach. Yes, I've been passing gas for a few hours now. Not every single minute, but you know...often.... Is this normal?. So lady like, I know...LOL.. I wonder if anyone else has trouble with gas after they eat?   For dinner, I'm having 1/4 cup of pollo adobo with just a "tiny" bit of rice. I don't want the wild rice to fill me, so I'm keeping it to a very bare mimimum. I'm actually using a tea cup plate, and eating VVVEEERRRYYYY slowly because this is my first real piece of a harder food. And yes, I hope I've learned my lesson, and am chewing, chewing, chewing. I don't want another one of those horrid stuck episdoes.




"real Food" Yummmm

Post-Op Day 7   Oh my gosh... I actually ate some homemade chicken soup with zuchinni, carrots and beans,, "pureed!" I don't care what anyone says, after only having liquids, the soup tasted soooo good. I think I actually had like 2 oz of it last night. My family enjoyed their meal without the puree, not sure why they didn't want to join me. Nonethelss, it felt good going down & I didn't notice any issues with it. Ahh....   So, as of post-op Day 6, I had managed to lose 15 pds. Yes, I know, that's amazing. And so, I tried to prepare myself in that the weight would start slowing down once I started eating a little more normal, and walking. I started walking about 2 days ago, and to my surprise (though it shouldn't be), I haven't lost anything in 2 days : ( Yes, I know, I know. I didn't gain it all in 1 week, but I have to admit, it felt good seeing the scale go down & down each day. So, I went ahead & measured myself. Thank goodness, it looks like I lost an inch in my waist, thighs, calves & boobs. Ok, as long as it keeps going down, I will settle down...




By George... I Think I've Finally Got It!

Hum, I "think" I'm FINALLY starting to get the swing of this hole lap-band lifestyle. Whaaat? It's only been 3 months. So, I'm apparently a slooooow learner.   This last week has been a real dousy. I received my 3rd fill a week ago today. It was .75 cc's on top of already 8cc fill (from 2 prior fills). This time, this last fill kicked my a$$. I was having a hard time eating & drinking and would get that awesome stuck feeling in the chest, right above the stomach. Oh, so pleasant. Needless to say, I lost 5 pds from last Monday through today, but not the way I want to be.   With that said, let me explain why I "think" that I finally got it. While I was eating MUCH less because of my tighness, it helped me really focus on how much I should be eating & how small of bites I needed to take. I had to focus so much on the bite size & length of time it actually took me, that I felt a little alarmed almost. I mean, holy shi*, bite sizes no bigger than an M&M. Another comparison would be to take bite sizes no bigger than your pinky finger nail. People, those are some seriously SMALL bites.   So, now that I think I've learned my lesson, I had to get a .25 cc unfill today. This was because I had several stuck & PB episodes. Nurse felt it was best to be a little safer. I know this might sound crazy since it's such a samll amount, but I think it's helped. I'm not feeling like things are going to get stuck when I go to swallow them. Could it be that I'm taking smaller bites & taking longer to eat? Maybe I finally got it ...




Didn't recognize my own reflection, nice!

We're in a new office building & have see-through windows in conference rooms, with the exception of a frosted window strip going through the middle of the window walls so you can't see the people when they're sitting down around the table.   So, I'm walking down the hall, passing one of the conference rooms & check out the reflection of a thin figure going by. I actually stopped myself in my own tracks realizing, "Holy shi*, that's ME!!!!!!!!!!!"   I don't mean to sound conceited in any way, shape or form, but I actually looked nice. I can't believe I didn't even recognize my own reflection.   It's taken me 1 1/2 years to get here, but guess what, I AM FINALLY HERE!!!




Compliments from my Dr

I went to my primary Dr today because I'd been feeling light headed lately. I hadn't seen him since before my surgery last August.   I walked toward the private waiting room, and his nurse says to me, "Wow, you look great. I almost didn't even recognize you!" I thought to myself, are you talking to me? Yea, you ARE talking to ME!!! YIPEE YAHOOOO!!!   She proceeded to weigh me & I'm down "49" pounds!!!!   The Dr. walked in, smiled & said "you look great!" All I could do was nod & smile!!   This Dr. has known me for about 8+ years, so he knows my crazy yo-yo weight history (up,down, up, down, up, up). And, aren't we all familiar with that concept? He also knows the depression I spiraled into as a result of my being over-weight. I didn't want to go out, or even be seen in public, not even by my own brother & his family! I digress.   The point is that it felt good (damn good) to hear compliments about my progress so far. I swear I felt myself getting taller as we spoke about my lap band journey. Heck, I'm actually even starting to like the way I look now that I bought a few new outfits. My closets are much emptier now, but I'm OK with that. I know I'll be in this size for several months because I don't go down in size until I lose 20-25 pds. I still need to lose another 40 pds or so, but it's all good! I'm already feeling more confident about myself & that's whats important.





I'm starting to have to deal with unavoidable stress a little bit more each day. Some of you may know that my dad of 86 has Stage 4 cancer. He's still kicking a$$, but we now have Hospice coming to the house to check on him every so often.   Nonethelss, my point is that I've not over-eaten to this point thanks to the band. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not been banded.   However, since things will at some point reach a 'challenging / difficult" time, I wonder how everyone else now deals with stress.   What do you do to unwind? For the record, aside from reading & writing on here (or FB), I don't really like to read a lot, so that's out. I find i'm too impatient to read. Go figure....




HELP ~ Business Meetings coming up....

We have our yearly dealer meeting coming up in a few days. It's going to start off with a Staff Dinner this Saturday at Maggiano's http://www.maggianos.com/en/Pages/Menu.aspx . I'm a little concerned what I'll be able to eat there. I've been playing around looking on the website, but am unsure what to select. I enjoy seafood, but can no longer eat shrimp since I've been banded. I just can't chew it well enough to let it digest. I also don't like the taste of salmon I see several chicken options, but they don't sound "light." I'm not worried about the pasta because I won't have any.   Wait, it gets better! We're going to the Cheesecake Factory Monday night. My BIGGEST challenge will be not eating a slice of the vanilla bean cheesecake, my all time, absolute favorite. Heck, I don't have to eat anything else while I"m there, just that.. OMG, I just saw a SINGLE slice is like 869 calories & a HUGE amount of carbs. How do I stay away from that after hearing that ridiculous "nutrition" value?   Need help from my fellow bandsters....




Failure is not an option...

I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to let stress get the best of me. I'm done, and I'm moving on...   Monday is a new day, a new challenge...




Giving In To Temptation

Jeez, I actually ate like 3 of those mini packs of reeces pieces, and wait, there's more... Yes, MORE. I also ate 3 peanut butter cups. Oh my gosh, what am I doing?   I could say that the stress from the "c" word is allowing me to "give in to temptation." We all know what the reality is, don't we?   I'm using excuses, and I have to stop. I need to focus, focus, focus. You know, kinda like chew, chew, chew.   I need to get myself back on myfitnesspal. I was doing well, and then BAM... Grrr... must stop!




Surgery tomorrow

Well, surgery is tomorrow at 1:30pm; check-in at 11:30am. I had my physical & pre-op appointments today. Everything seemed to go well. I lost 3 pounds being on liquids the last 3 days. Wonder how much I'll lose after being on liquids next week... My husband made some deeelicious homemade chicken soup. He strained some out for me so I could eat a nice healthy meal & put some in containers for the following week. Homemade broth is always better than from an envelope or cube.   I've got my bag packed: pj's, robe, slippers, under-garments, comfy change of clothes for the ride home (Friday, I hope), magazine's, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, chap stick, pillow,.... I think that's about it ....   Hoping I can sleep tonight. Nurse told me I could take trazadone (sleeping pill) if I needed it & my liquid vicodin if needed as well. No water after midnight tonight. That's going to be tough because I always have water (with a few squirts of Crystal Lite Strawberry Lemonade). I can swish water in my mouth so I might do that to get me through the morning.   I may bring my laptop tomorrow to blog right after surgery, but I'm not sure how groggy I will feel. I guess we'll see how that goes.   Wish me luck!




Knocking on onederland's door...

Ok, perhaps I'm being just an itty, bitty over dramatic BUT I'm literally kocking on onederland's door!!! I weighed in at 200.4 this morning. Oh my gosh, I can almost taste onederland's. It's been years since I've been here.   I'm so excited. If I stand on my tippy toes I can see 199!!!




Dad's Dr Apt Tomorrow

Dad's oncologist apt is tomorrow at 10am. I'm a bit nervous because we should find out how much the cancer spread in his lungs. My parents were over my house yesterday, and dad talked to me (on the side) telling me that his lower left side was bothering me. Kidneys maybe? Or, just a strain?   No point in guessing as I'll be sure to ask the Dr.   For anyone that is reading this, if you read my recent posts, you'll know my 86 yr old awesome dad is in stage 4 of cancer, but has been kicking it's ass for about 20 months now without chemo or pills. I go to all his oncologists apt's because my parents are Castellian (spanish from Spain), and while they have lived in the U.S. over 50 years, they struggle with English sometimes. I'm there to make sure that not a darn thing gets lost in the translation.   Oh daddy, if I could just make the pain stay away....




Am I dreaming?

I weighed myself this morning & it said 190.4. Did you hear me? I said 190.4. That mean's that I've lost approximately 55 pounds Yes, I said 55 pounds!!! Holy shi*, that's a lot of weight. My God, I've lost a 2nd or 3rd grader in weight. Wow, just sit back & think about that....   Now that I'm under 200 pounds, I'm finding these numbers to sound so surreal. They keep doing down, which is the goal, but it almost feels like a dream. It's been such a looong, looong time since I've seen under 200. This might sound crazy, but it just seems so unreal to me. I almost have to ask myself if this is really happening.   Does anyone else feel like they're living a dream while they continue to lose weight? Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy. Quite the opposite, I'm just dumb-founded. It's hard to believe that after only 5 months I'm starting to feel more confident & better about myself just by losing weight.... Can't imagine how GREAT I will feel with another 40 off.




Discomfort when drinking "water!

I'm not sure what's going on, but lately I've been having trouble drinking water. I mean, of all things. Tomorrow I'll be banded 4 months, and this "issue" has been only coming up the last few days. My chest starts to hurt a little when I take several sips. I don't think I'm drinking any faster than I have been...?   My food intake hasn't been doing too well either. I'm not necessarily eating "bad" stuff (hum, those veggie chips can't be "that" good), but I am keeping track of everything. I'm actually not really eating enough overall. I get busy & don't eat. Then, at the end of the day (afternoon), I start to drag a$$ & get really tired. Sometimes even light-headed. Yea, I know guys. I know better.   I think I've just been so busy taking care of my parents (dad), running their errands, taking mom to get hair done (she's been going every week for YEARS), grocery shopping & now I even cook a little extra & drop it off.   I digress...   So, why am I having this discomfort when drinking water? What's this all about? I've always loved water!




Road trip

I'm 9 days post op now.   I went to the mountains today to see the snow sculptures in Breckenridge, CO. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive & we stayed there for about 2 1/2 hours. Pretty much walked around most of the day. Stopped at a Mexican restaurant since the other 4 people I was with had to eat. It was a little awkward in the sense that I was the only one that didn't wind up eating anything. I didn't even see a soup I could have, or mashed potatoes. DOH! Oh well, I had a few sips of water while everyone else ate. Overall, I was OK with it. I have to say by the end of the day, I was definitely feeling sore. My left side & back were bothering me. Thinking it might have been a bit too much less than 2 weeks post op.   I took a few things to eat with me, in these cute little containers, that held 3-4 tablespoons of food. I tried to stay hydrated on the drive up & back but don't think I came close. I'm having a hard time drinking enough fluids & think it's affecting my ability to... well, to "go." It's been 6 days since I last went. Yes, I said 6 days. I took Milk of Magnesia last night with no results today, so I just took a little more. Also took a colace stool softner. I'm really praying something will happen tomorrow. Otherwise, IDK.... this can't be good.




Back to Work & tired

I have to start this message by saying that I consider myself fortunate enough to be able to work from home, when I need to. I have an "office-type" job, and can do my job remote. I still take my shower in the morning & get dressed. The only difference, I'm in a pair of sweats, t-shirt & robe   With that said, I took last week off to recover & figured that I'd be able to work FT this week,even if it's from home. Well, by 2pm, I'm exhausted. I start at 7am & try to hang in there but I get tired of sitting there in front of the computer, for hours & hours. I get up several times, but it's just quite tiring. Told my manager that I would work 7am - 2pm the rest of the week, more (if possible). Thankfully, as annoying as she is in other ways, she seemed supportive & understanding. For that I am thankful.   I've read that some people take 2 full weeks off, while others go back to work right away. For those that go back right away, KUDOS to you! I'm just too tired to do it.   Thank goodness tomorrow is hump day




1st Bariatric Support Group meeting

I went to my first bariatric support group meeting tonight. It was the first time this group was meeting in our area. There was about 10 of us, some sleeve, some gastric bypass patients. I was the only band to sleeve patient. There was a variety in our ages as well. Average was probably 50.   We talked about many things: What stages we were all in; which was great because it varied from 12 days post op (me) up to 2 years post op.
Struggles & triumphs (mostly triumphs thus far). One person was "stuck" since Oct with no weight loss. But, in listening to what she eats, it sounds to me as though she might be eating more 'bad' carbs than she should. But, I'm no Dr.
Strategies for success: Since I had lost 90 pounds with my band, I talked about how I felt it was very important to pre-plan my meals. I'm a bit neurotic in that I like to plan my family meals 1 month in advance. Some days are off due to activities & things get changed around. But, nonetheless, it helps to plan ahead (at least a few days or a week in advance). This way you're not running around scrambling for ideas & just grabbing whatever....
Protein intake (how much & what kind). Many that are early in recovery are using protein drinks / shakes to increase their protein. Found out its OK to use Premier Pure Protein, found at Costco. I used this before when I was a lap band patient.
Fluid intake, which I seem to be struggling with but no one else was. I got a few tips, such as drinking warm or room temp fluids might be easier to handle than ice water or cold drinks
Caffeine - do you know why we shouldn't have caffeine in the early stages? Apparently, it dehydrates us. This is something that I definitely have to avoid for the next month, at least until I have this fluid intake down properly
Exercise - I asked about going on my recumbent bike. Not something I should consider until week 6 because my stomach needs to heal better. However, walking was highly encouraged!
Maintaining a support group outside of this meeting group. Discussed the importance of how sharing our experiences helps > whether by blogging (like writing a diary) as its helpful to vent & get feedback from others, or finding a bariatric "buddy."
Focus on limiting sugar intake & increasing protein.
Fruits like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries should wait until we're 6 months out. I think it was because of the 'seeds.'
We're all planning to bring a favorite bariatric recipe in hopes of collecting 1 per person for the next few months. Then, we'll create a bariatric group recipe book. GREAT idea.
  That's all I can think of it. Glad I wrote it down so I can remember too I hope this might have helped some of you just starting out in this journey. And, if you're an "old timer," I'd appreciate any feedback you might have on what's making your journey successful. What keeps you motivated? What helps you stay on track?




OUCH- Dizziness & BAM!

So, I got up last night, or I guess this morning at 4:30am to use the restroom. I hadn't slept very well. Got up, started walking to the bathroom, and WHOA Nelly! Got so dizzy, so quickly, then BAM, right onto the floor. I didn't even have time to stop myself, right onto my right side. I got up again without a problem, but dang, that hurt.   My right hip / butt is a little sore this morning. OUCH!   Decided I'm going to seriously focus on drinking today. I'm thinking maybe I was dehydrated & that caused the dizziness.   NOTE TO SELF: DUH, drink more fluids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




WTH is wrong with me?

I'm not sure what's going on with me the last few days... I've taste 'tested' a few items that were not part of my food phase. IDK why, but it's not like they were smart choices. I tried chocolate chip cookies a few times, little bites of some of the dinner I made the family like mild italian sausage yesterday (made the family lasagna (didn't have that), chicken & dumplings today, and I even had a crab cake.   Why the hell am I doing this? I don't understand. My stomach has been fine, until now. It feels a little crampy, like I have to go. Of course, in my true constipated form, I can't go. I only go a few times a week, maybe once or twice. And no, it has nothing to do with this because this just started a few days ago. I've always had issues, but moreso now since being sleeved. I feel like my old bad habits are coming back. I'm testing the water or something. Food addiction coming back after almost 1 1/2 years. I don't understand.   I'll be 4 weeks post-op this Thursday, and my 1 month follow up is Friday. I can only hope that I'm not hurting my stomach / recovery.   Has anyone else dealt with this at all? What the hell is going on?   Feeling frustrated & upset with myself......




Who Needs Breakfast?

I went for a possible fill today, and I didn't get one. The Nurse asked me if I was eating meats, and I told her that I really wasn't because I was afraid of getting stuck. I explained how scrambeled eggs got me stuck the 1st time for breakfast. She suggested I stick with yogurt in the morning as our stomachs are typically a little more swollen in the morning so it's much easier to get things stuck then. Hum, I didn't know that. I mean I read that some people couldn't eat breakfast, but didn't understand why. So, now I know.   I'll try to have yogurt with strawberries or something from now on in the mornings. She said if I can eat meats (chicken, beef, turkey or pork) that aren't dry, and eat every 3 hours or so, that I should be in a good place. Sometimes our bodies change & I might need another fill down the road, but I could be OK. I told her I baked burgers last night (not fried or grilled), and they came out OK. I added a little honey mustard for flavor & so it wouldn't be dry. Got it down OK, so I think I'm in a good place...   I lost 5 pds, and she was only expecting 1 1/2 or 2 pds, so I guess thats good.   So, there you have it... no more eggs for breakfast for me...




Notification Option Settings - Help

Apparently when I played around with my notification settings the other day, I totally messed up my settings. Now when I first log in, I don't see the most current posts by people.   How do I know how to change it back to the default settings?   Anyone?




Blood work Results In

I'm happy to say, that as far as I can tell, all my blood work levels show within the 'normal' range!!! I had some concerns, but am happy to say it all looks good. My 3 month follow-up is on April 7th.



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
