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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness after a 95 pound weight loss
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Attack Of The (Feels Like) Killer Gall Bladder.
One really can have a) too much bacon; too much ice cream; c) too much biscuits and gravy. The jury is still out on too much watermelon. More study is needed.
Fresh bread is a serious temptation if hot from the oven and sitting next to fresh butter, but the stuff that comes prepackaged tastes a lot like construction paper.
Carbonated drinks keep me awake at night, no matter how early in the morning I drink them.
After the first rush of pleasure is past, junk food makes me feel… well, junky.
I have enjoyed eating salad that contains normally prohibitive amounts of fiber. Oranges taste wonderful right out of the skin and I had forgotten the joys of eating grapes that weren’t divvied into mouse-bite-sized portions. With any luck, my maintenance restriction will not be as severe as my weight loss restriction and I’ll be able to eat fruit and vegetables again without mincing them. But if not, I will survive.
The Fat Angst Of The Long Distance Lapbander
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