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Stressed The Bleep Out

Got a call from my primary doctor last week about the blood test she required before she would sign off on the surgery and the results showed abnormalities. WTH does that mean?   She couldn't tell me over the phone so I made an appointment to see her Wednesday. Hopefully it's nothing but now I'm sitting here thinking of every possible thing that would stop me from having surgery. I'm trying to be positive but geez really people don't tell me something is wrong then make me wait a week before I know whats going on. And on top of that I was hoping to have the surgery in August but what if I'm never able to have it! What if I'm never able to be the person I was supposed to be?




Step 1 And 2

So proud of myself right now! Just got done with our monthly birthday breakfast at work where everyone brings in food for the birthday folks that month. Todays menu included: eggs, grits, apple fritters, donuts, hash browns, strawberries, cantalope, ham, and other very sweet (and fattening)food. Instead of having everything my heart desired I pulled out my Iphone and got on myfitnesspal app to figure out the calories for everything I thought I needed to eat. reduced the amount and eliminated some foods then I got in line and made my plate & stuck with the food I had chosen on the app. No donuts or apple fritters for me! nope none at all.   Then one of the ladies asks me in front of everyone when my surgery date was. Keep in mind I've only told 3 people at work so it was kinda on the down low. Though I planned on telling the world once I got a surgery date. well her question prompted another lady to ask what kind of surgery and before I know it we're all talking about calories and lap band. It went much better than what I hoped. No one had anything negative to say except that it was going to be a BIG change. Not sure everyone agreed with my decision but when I told them about how my back hurt after walking from the parking lot to my office they seemed to understand why I'm ready for this BIG change.   So I'm back at my desk saying a little prayer...lord please let telling everyone be that easy and lord if you have time please hide those remaining donuts and apple fritters from me cause I hear them calling my name. amen.



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