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Return of the BAND

Well, It has been awhile..In April, 2014 - my beloved band was removed under emergency surgery due to a nasty slip..By December of 2014 - I had managed to regain 50 pounds. Not a welcome sight. Nothing fit. I got rid of all my fat clothes. I was no longer a cute little size 8. I was a sloppy, ugly 14/16 and still gaining. I was angry with myself and that made me eat more. I had continued to see my surgeon and he knew I was very unhappy. We tired everything, pills, support groups, WW (again) - everything. I just couldn't stop gaining much less lose weight. FINALLY...he asked if I wanted to have WLS again. I almost kissed the poor man...You bet...   What type WLS?????? Well, the sleeve was Out as my insurance would not pay for it. My doc said he really didn't like RNY for me as I was 208 pounds and he was afraid I would be horribly thin in just a matter of months and that could be dangerous. He asked if I wanted to try the lapband again. I jumped for joy and said ABSOLUTELY. He did say, that he may not be able to put it back and would not know until surgery - due to scar tissue that he saw when he took my other band out. If he could not do the band, I would have to wait another 6-8 weeks and he would do RNY.   He submitted the paperwork to my insurance company and they said YES in only 5 days..I guess they agreed. So, on 12/29, I went to surgery. The doctor was able to put the band back in and I feel fantastic. I am down 20 pounds and dropping (with no fills yet). I am walking 3-4 miles every day. My eating is once again controlled and I am back in a 12 - look out 8s - here I come again.   I know there is a lot of "band haters" out there. They feel the sleeve or RNY is the ONLY WAY TO GO..but they have to understand, not everyone is 300-400 pounds..some of us need help who are 200 pounds...the sleeve and RNY just aren't for us. So, I have once again began my Journey...Thank you all for the support you gave me during my firsts Journey but most of all when my band slipped. I was very scared and very sick. I am just thankful that I have so much family support (my kids are great cheerleaders and my grandkids too) but also a great surgeon who listened to me and was willing to help me out.   Have a great week and take care of yourselves....

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


8 weeks w/o the Band

Well, I am now eight weeks post op/revision. I must say, I physically feel better. But that is where the good news ends. I have managed to eat my way up 12 pounds and climbing. I have walked (3-4 miles) every day, worked out 3 days per week, journaled my in take and still gained. I am eating larger portions and yes, I am eating CRAP. I can't make myself stop. I went on the detox and did fine, then got down when the scale went up and had a cookie..It has been non-stop since then.   My naval still hurts and so does my mid-section. The doctor says I am just healing and to relax. Don't stress about the discomfort nor the weight gain. It will calm down and this is expected. Posh, Posh, Poo, Poo. The B-12 shots have my thighs bruised and I have had enough of those. Weight gain is weight gain is weight gain any way you want to look at it. I can't control myself and as much as I hate to admit it..I almost don't care at this point. My band is gone..there is no alternative on the horizon except "self-control" and we all know how well that works - that's why we had WLS in the first place. I have met with the NUT and a dietician..my GYN and my PCP...no luck, they all say, you look great, you can do this, just say NO...HAHA..They are skinny and haven't dealt with obesity their entire life. There is an evil gene inside me and it wants to be fed..the little sucker was alseep for 2 1/2 years - the band had choked the life out of it...but as soon as the band was gone - surprise - here it came again. I know I still have the plication but that is not the same...I need that tiny little pouch that sent the burping message to me to "put the fork down and walk away". I had a good relationship with my band - the slippage was not my fault - I want it back. The surgeon says I can't have it back because my stoma had formed scar tissue around the top and therefore it can't be put back. OK fine, I am intelligent, I understand...but what can I put in it's place????????????? How about "fat gene removal"???   As hard as I try to focus on something else..anything else..it call comes back to FOOD..For those of you reading this, you now think I am a "head case" and only a shrink will help me..well, maybe so, but in the mean time..I am snacking and munching my way back to being "chunky" all over again. I am still in contact with the doctor and I think he realizes that I am on a downward spiral...I hope he can help me out of this funk before I gain anymore poundage. I have little faith there.   Have a great weekend to all..I hope you don't mind that I had to vent..I had to vent somewhere and this blog seemed like the best place. One thing for sure...many of you understand where I am coming from..you have been there and have the T-shirt to prove it.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


Three Weeks Post Op

Well, I have been "bandless" for three weeks now and I am learning to adjust to the gastric plication. I have had some strange things happen - like dumping - like nausea/sweats/weakness/confusion ! WTH. I don't know what is going on. I don't have my little tummy buddy telling me to STOP EATING. I eat small amounts - feel bloated and miserable and move on. I have not lost an ounce but haven't gained either. I am having to get B12 shots and take large amount of B1 to rebuild my body as my numbers are off. I feel like I am out on a limb and someone is sawing the limb off at the tree. I feel so darn lost. I have a new doctor and that doesn't help. I am trying to build a new relationship with him and his office staff but this is just not fair.   I am in hopes things will begin to improve soon. I see the new doctor on the 27th so I will keep you guys posted. This is a rollercoaster that just doesn't stop!!!   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


On The Road To Recovery

It has now been just over two weeks since my revision surgery. I still miss my band but I am adjusting. I am finding that I still get full with the same amount of food that I ate with my band - give or take a cup full. I have discovered I can't eat salad right now - which is very sad - it is summer in Florida and I lived on salads - but that is OK, I can find something else. I have, so far, resisted temptation to eat the evil stuff like bread, pasta, pizza, cookies, cake, pies, ice cream...you guys know..the good stuff! I am not back to my full exercise program yet, that could take 4 more weeks, but I am walking twice a day about 20-30 minutes each time and I am pleased with that. I am looking forward to getting back in the pool as soon as my incision heals.   Life after the band, is different. I never really thought about "not having my band". I was 59 years old when I got it..I thought I would be taking it with me when I left this world. Well, I guess that joke is on me now. I am trying hard to be very cautious as to not upset the plication..All I can think about is the seem on a pair of pants that are too small and watching the stitching come out..That would be the plication ! I cannot let that happen no matter what. I still do not know if I will be allowed to have another form of WLS or if the plication will be OK. So many questions....I see the surgeon on the 27th of May for another follow up and I guess I will be able to get some answers then. I begin the B12 shots on Thursday and I hoping that will give me some of my energy back.   I hope this blog finds you all well and "listening to your band". I saw a posting just a bit ago from a person who "thinks she may have a slip" and her symptoms sure sound like it. I will be watching, praying and hoping that she is wrong and that her band will be OK..This is not a happy thing when it happens.   Take care my banded buddies and have a great week.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


10 Days Post Op

Well, it has been 10 days since my band has been removed. I feel OK but not great. My stomach hurts, bloated and my naval is a mess. I follow-up with the surgeon tomorrow. I am ready to start feeling better and ready to go back to work. When I had my band installed - I went back to work 4 days later and never had a problem..wow, this is sure different. This is like "real surgery"..I have been trying to get better, but this really kicked my butt. I have numbness in my feet and toes too. I'll have to talk to the doc about that tomorrow too. I have begun walking again - about a mile per day and that seems to help but the pain in my mid-section is something else. Good thing I kept a pair or two of shorts that were too big and stretched out of shape - those I can wear. Nothing can touch my naval/mid-section. No nausea and I am eating (some of the junk I must admit) but I am trying to get in more protein..even if it is in shake form.   I will post again tomorrow and let you know what the doctor said. Remember Bandsters - please listen to your band and your bodies. If something doesn't feel right or sound right - PLEASE do something - if it the doctor tells you it is nothing to worry about - it is worth checking it out. I wish I had listened sooner.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


One Week Later

One week ago tonight, all hell broke loose with my band. I was in pain, vomiting blood, dehydrating and wondering what in the world was going on. Within 24 hours, I was in an ambulance, ER, admitted, taken to surgery and lapband removed. Wow, that was quick.   I am now in recovering mode. I can eat once again. I am being very careful about what I eat and making sure I write everything down to remind myself what I ate. When I came home, I weighed and I was up 9 pounds - are you kidding me - 9 pounds - no food or water in over 48 hours and I GAINED 9 pounds - well yep!!!. Today, 7 of the 9 is gone and my weight is heading south fast. Amazing, when you are on liquids how fast you loose !! HAHA.   I see the doctor for a followup next Thursday and I must say I am looking forward to the visit. My biggest question is "Now what?" I have plication but what happens with those little stitches start to pull loose, stomach leaks or scar tissue forms there? What are the symptoms that issues are starting there? I am really scared to see if the "other shoe" will fall next. I would feel more comfy if this was turned into a sleeve but I am not sure that is an option (I really don't weight enough for more WLS) and I don't know if my insurance will pay for it. One question leads to another and another. I am making my list for the doctor as they come to mind. My incisions are painful and my poor belly button YUCK - good thing I am too old for a bikini..LOL. This has been very painful but I am walking it out, resting and trying to put me first (which is something I don't do well).   Take care, those of you who are dealing with slippage right now. This is no game. It will land you in surgery ASAP and the band will be history. Know the warning signs - I don't think I had any until it was too late. be good to yourselves. We took this journey together and took this big leap of faith for a reason - to better our health - live longer - and look better doing it...Having a "life event" like I just went through was not part of the deal.   I will update again next week and let you know what the new doctor suggests from here. Keep the support coming - This is going to be rough ride and a whole new journey from here. But there is strength in numbers and the WLS community is huge and so supportive - Thank you to you all..   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky



Well what a difference 24 hours makes. As I wrote my last entry I was in pain and feeling bad..that night the pain got worse. The vomiting of blood began and that night was one of the longest I can remember. On Friday, I went to work, yep, I went to work. I carried a small trash can in the car and threw up all the way there. I know, I am an idiot..I knew what I had to get done, then take care of myself. I had called the doctor at 2am and he said to be at his Jax office at 6:30am. I was there. He did a flouroscope and said my band had slipped. He told me to come back at 3pm and let him look at it again. If the stomach went down and back through I would be OK, otherwise...well we would talk about it then. I drove back to work (only a couple of miles) and laid down on my office floor. One hour later, I knew I was in trouble. I drove back to his office (I still don't know how I did that). He took one look and off to the ER I went. Upon my arrival at the ER I proceeded to vomit blood on their floor and almost faint. They started an IV and told me that I was going to have to have emergency surgery but at their hospital on the other side of town. They called an ambulance and my family arrived - I was taken to St. Vincents Hospital Riverside. I was a direct admit. They took Xrays and a CT scan. I met the surgeon and gave his the photos from my doctor. He said he need to stablize me but surgery was going to happen. At 11pm, they wheeled me into surgery. Before I knew it, my 3 year buddy band was gone and I was back in my room. They were able to leave the plication but said that my band had slipped and scar tissue was bad. There was no saving it or putting in another one. He further explained that the scar tissue was so bad that I would feel like my band is still there for a long time and the plication was good and should be all I need to not only maintain what I have lost but to loose the other 30 pounds I want to loose. I sure hope he is right.   As I write this, I am home (less than 24 hours in the hospital) and I am so sore..OMG, it didn't hurt like this the first time. I am on a liquids diet and some soft foods. Not really hungry but head hungry (you guys understand that). I am very nervous. I now have a new doctor (local) and someone who will take my journey from here. Gastric Plication is what they call my WLS now..Some say it is good, some not so much..I guess since it is all I have, it will have to do. I pray I don't find that size 22W again.   Depression is trying to creep in just a bit but I am fighting that. The pain meds don't work and I feel like crap. But this too shall pass. My stomach is making sounds like "what the hell is going on" and I am sore all over. Fortunately, I am off work next week anyway, so I will have a chance to take care of myself and heal. I am supposed to walk and drink lots of water. What caused my slippage???who knows. The new doctor said that sometimes stuff like that happens but the scar tissue played a big part in it and it would not have healed on it's own. The vomiting of black blood, cramps and pain were the worst I have had since I gave birth to my kids....Please take care of yourselves and don't be foolish like me - get help right away. In retrospect, I should have gone to the hospital Thursday night (our anniversary) but I was stubborn..I could have died. My husband wanted me to go to the hospital that night, but where...when my doctor moved to WPB it upset my applecart and I did not feel secure from that point on. With a new doctor I will now have to build a new relationship but at least he is in Jacksonville. Will I have issues with the plication in the future? I don't know, I guess that is something the new doctor and I will discuss when I see him at his office in a couple of weeks. I do know that I will be going back to Weight Watchers for support as I feel like I am out on a limb all by myself.   Take care my band friends and to my plication friends let me know how things are working out for you. I really appreciate this sight and all it has to offer, even if NO ONE reads my blog, I feel refreshed and glad I got it off my chest (so to speak). Have a wonderful Sunday and be good to yourselves.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


Happy Anniversary

Nope, not Bandiversary - the real thing - my hubby and I have been married 43 years today. It seems like only yesterday that I was 19 yrs old and a size 5 walking down the aisle of our church. Ha Ha..OK, so you aren't buying that !!! Yep, 43 years of having 2 kids, gaining weight and ballooning up to a whopping 22W. Well, almost 3 yrs ago, I got my band and it has changed my life and my husbands. He gets less food now. He gets healthier choices now. He is loosing a few pounds (and he needed too). He comes home to a happier wife.   But, I am changed too...no longer a walking blimp at 268 pounds on a 5'3" frame. 124 pounds gone, no more prescriptions to lower BP or sugar or nerves. I walk, swim and am enjoying life. My husband asked me the other day how I could work the long hours I do, in a high stress job and still have energy..My secret is my weight loss...I feel so much younger and energized.   Sure, I fall off the bandwagon and go back to eating junk. Anyone that says they don't - well...they are much stronger than me that is for sure. My diets in the past allowed me to loose weight and I did great..then gradually..here came the pounds again. Well, not this time. the band says NO WAY Charlie !!!!   As I sit here writing this I do have a problem. My band is probably too tight. No refux, no PB, but real pain in my left shoulder and upper stomach area. I hate to tell my Doctor as he already thinks he wants to do a endoscopy to check for erosion. I cannot loose this band. It is all that stands between me and "whaledom" again. My doctor has moved his practice 300+ mile away so I would have to change doctors to have the proceedure done locally or drive to WPB. Neither one is a good option for me and I am scared. If anyone has had this problem before, please let me know what you did and what the outcome was. I have lapband w/plication which is supposed to keep erosion from happening. If he removes the band I would want revision right away but to what? Would my insurance allow it? I weigh in the 140's not exactly overweight anymore. I know I can't endure this shoulder pain much longer and I understand how dangerous erosion is but as scarey as that is..gaining my weight back is worse.   I know you understand..you wouldn't be here if you didn't. Have a great weekend and enjoy this lovely Springtime weather.   Regards and best wishes from.....   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


Hello Again !

Well, I am sitting at work, just finished my tuna fish stuffed tomato for lunch and waiting the agreed upon 30+ minutes before I can drink some water to wash the tuna out of my teeth! Yummy, snack! It has been a rainy day here in North Florida and that means I have been tempted to munch on junk, lucky for me that I removed the bad stuff from my office so I have nothing to munch on!   I reflect back that it has been almost 3 years since I joined the bandwagon. 124 pounds, countless miles walking, some NSVs and some disappointments...all in all..I would do this again in a minute. There are entire GROWN people who weigh 124 pounds and I lost that much weight. I can't pick up 124 pounds but my poor legs and feet were carrying that. Being 3 years out, you don't loose weight fast any more..Shoot, in the beginning if I didn't loose 4-5 pounds in a week, something was really wrong, then 4-5 pounds a month - still not bad...now 4-5 pounds a quarter would be acceptable but hey, I am not gaining..oh sure, I have put on a few pounds here and there, but it came back off. You know I have lost the same 10 pounds far too many times. I get within spittin' distance of my goal and then the "snack devil" inside me comes out to play and poof...10-15 pounds from goal again...One thing I have learned is that even if the weight loss stops right where I am, that is going to OK with me. I am not the 6 I wanted to be - ok - I am an 8..big deal. At least I am not a 22W anymore. I like me, I like what I have accomplished and I feel good about myself.   I hope you have a wonderful week and will sit down, reflect and feel good about yourself today too.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


Reporting In on my 5K

Well, Guys, Short and Chunky reporting in. It has been a long road with this concussion/whiplash thing. Almost 2 years of restricted physical activity, headaches, seizures and pain. I am glad to report that this has all finally getting better and I have returned to "working the streets"...yep, I am doing 5Ks again. I have just completed by second one in a month - I am a bit of an over-achiever!!!! My first one I completed in 50:07 min and my second 46:35 min. I am so proud of myself. I have actually signed up for 2 more. I have this theory, I sign up for a race, pay for the race...I will DO THE RACE. I don't want to waste the $$..   New problem has surfaced though. After having my band w/plication for almost 3 years, I now have reflux. WHAT ??? Reflux..are you kidding me? Anyway, Dr. C removed to fluid, it got better, it put the fluid back and all was OK...BUT..he did a flouroscope and said my stoma had a funky shape and he didn't like the looks of that so he removed all the fluid in my band....Yes, I said ALL THE FLUID. Are you joking? After my fall and the fluid going in and out and my struggles to keep the weight from going up and now this? I weigh the same today that I weighed a year ago..POO...Dr. C said that is a victory because it sure could have gone the other way. I want to loose 20 more pounds but with no fluid...well, you all know what that meant. SWEETS, CANDY, open season on eating. I didn't start out that way, it just snuck up on me. I gained 8 pounds. RATS. Saw Dr. C on Friday and 3cc were put back in so I am on the liquid, soft routine for now. Hope to be a good girl and get back in the saddle. Short and Chunky does not wish to be Chunky again. I am enjoying being a size 8. Although I must admit, when I look in the mirror I still see CHUNKY. Hoping to be a good girl and not to damage "my Precious pouch". It has become my friend and has helped me achieve that which I could not do on my own..get skinnier.   Take care my friends and please let me hear from you. Your stories and words of encouragement help more than you know. Sometimes this can feel like a lonely road to travel as I don't know anyone who has this alien in their stomachs except on this site.   Short and Not so Chunky out for now....

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


Happy Birthday To Me

Well, today is my 61st Birthday. I guess no cake and no ice cream for me. Haha, maybe a frosty protein shake (actually that sound pretty good as it is still hot in Florida).   I got up this AM and decided it would be nice to stand on the old scale. Well, I am down some. 2 more pounds down ..that makes 106 down..not bad. In fact, I feel pretty good about that. I am still on the "no exercise allowed" list until the Neurologist gives me the OK and that won't be until my visit on the 18th. (If then). I am walking a bit, about a mile a day but that is nothing compared to what I used to do (4-5 miles a day + a gym work out). Oh well, I do have to take care of my health. That fall has really left me with some issues. My weight loss has really slowed to a creep but, at least it is not going UP..I am thankful for that.   Anyway, since it is my birthday, it is a good time to reflect on the past just a bit. A year and 2 months ago I was SHORT and EXTREMELY CHUNKY..268 pounds - baby blimp..today, 162. Still short and a bit chunky, but so much better than I was before. This journey has been worth it. Sure, I get stuff stuck, and I get miserable. I can't eat somethings that I used to enjoy but I try to figure out a way to satisfy myself with a substitution so all in all it is OK. I buy clothes in the regular department now and not in the plus size department - that is cool and I can hook my seat belt, sit in a standard size chair at the movies and on a flight..wow..my life has changed so much. My only regret..I didn't do this sooner. I get mad at myself every now and then for "breaking the rules". Don't sit there saying "what rules" you know what I am talking about. There is some really good tasting stuff out there that is a slider and goes down very nicely...This does take willpower and I am not the Queen of willpower nor patience..so I have cheated. Thanks to the band - it is just that, a cheat and not a way of life.   So tomorrow is another day - a year older and hopefully wiser. I am so blessed to have a beautiful and supportive family (even though not everyone was on board with this surgery when I had it done). I will keep moving forward. Thank you to all my Lapband buddies that have been there to kick my butt when I fell off the bandwagon and encouraging me to stick with it on the bad days and to the ones who cheered with me on those NSV moments and the actual weight loss. You guys are the best - I guess becuase we are all in the same boat. Across the world in some cases, but in the same boat. I am glad I found you guys !!!!   Have a great day, stay on track, get some extra exercise in this week and be proud of yourself and all that you have accomplished.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


New Beginnings

Well, today is the first day of school in Jacksonville, Florida. Public schools and the University of North Florida (where I work) all returned to the grind. I guess, I need to return to being a good girl and follow the rules better. Since my accident, I have had so many problems and some of them have been hard to deal with. I have found comfort in public enemy #1 - SWEETS. Yep, if it fits, it gets eaten. I have been lucky and only put on a pound or two - but playtime and the pity party is over. I have to get back to the "new me" the one who won't eat junk. My exercise has been limited to none for now so everything I eat becomes even more important. I must admit, my Dr., Dr. Cywes is actually sympathetic (big surprise to me) and has really been in my corner and helping me through this very though time.   Now, that I am back to regular school hours (in pain, but back) I can really concentrate on me and what goes in the old "pie hole". Somewhere in the back of my mixed up brain is my willpower and what I will need to get through this. I have not even been on this site in almost 2 weeks - talk about withdrawal. I told one of the students today that I really miss exercise and getting all sweaty. HAHA, that sounded so funny coming out of me, but it is true. I hope that I will be able to return to some form of exercise very soon. A year ago I would never have said such a thing..That was over 100 pounds ago though..Soooooo   Florida is great this time of year..hot and steamy in the AM - hot and wet in the PM and Muggy at night - awh ! you have to love it. In fact right now it is raining so hard, I can't see across the street. I feel for those who are suffering without rain - want some of ours? PLEASE????   Well, guys, that about it for now the lightning is getting bad and I really don't need to add that to my list of pains. Have a great week to my LB buddies. Stay true to yourselves..we made a big step in our life and we have to keep up the good work.   Melinda in Florida Short/Chunky and looking good in a short skirt ! hahahahahahaha

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky



Another weekend has come and gone and boy was I am BAD GIRL. Thanks to my GYM accident and the subsequent concussion..The stoma became inflammed due to my repeated vomitting - so doctor had to remove most of my fluid ---oh great...I finally get to the green zone and he has to remove my fluid - RATS !!!! Of course, being the dedicated bandster like I am, I could not wait to eat the bad stuff again - you know, just for old times sake. BAD GIRL...   I made it to Monday without cleaning the fridge entirely out. I must get back on the horse. I can't say get my head back on straight because I still don't know what straight is.,.Concussion still giving me issues.   Anyway, I felt it would be good to confess even if no one reads this but me. I see the doctor tomorrow (bariatric) and hopefully he will put some of the fluid back.   You guys have a good week.   Melinda in Florida (I think?)

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


Be Careful In The G-Y-M

Okay, I know we aren't all JOCKS..after all, we would not have needed a lapband if we were the type to hang out in a gym everyday. That being said..I joined a gym a month ago. I was set ! I went everyday, worked out for an hour or more..hired a personal trainer to make sure I was doing things right and working on the right equipment. Well, all had been going well until Monday. I went and did my 45 min on the treadmill (rack of pain) and then did my weight training and stretching etc. I moved on to the Vertical Pullups. Now this is a very hard thing to wrap your head around. You have a strap, with two handles, you lean back and pull yourself upright, then let yourself back down and repeat - making sure to keep you back and body straight.all the time verticle the floor...Well, the strap broke. YEP, busted right in half. Kerplunk to the ground I went..flat of my back and head.   The physical therapist came a running and everyone crowded around. No blood, but lots of "stars". I have a bone bruise on my tail bone, muscle spasms in my shoulders, whiplash in my neck and a concussion. Right now, my eyes still don't focus and head is still foggy and swimming a bit. Rescue came, got me up and hauled me off the to ER for CAT scans, Xrays etc.   To make matters worse - on Tuesday - I threw up 21 times..well, all your bandsters know what that meant - I threw up because of the concussion, but with all the throwing up, the stomach became swollen and the band shut off my stomach. SOOOO, fluid removed from band..gee thanks..here I thought I was in this "green zone" only to knock my head on a floor. I'd try to think about it, but I can't do that real good right now.   This just sucks. I was registered to do my favorite 5K tomorrow night - can't now...Have missed a week of work (our busiest time of the year) and I have to sit in the dark "resting my brain". I'm not even supposed to be reading - I miss you guys but I had to post...   Monday I get to visit a Neurologist and an opthomologist then Tues by Bariactric doc..So, what I am getting at. BE CAREFUL in the GYM. I don't care what your trainer says, if you don't really like an exercise - poo on it and don't do it. If you feel something might be dangerous, pass on it. I really thought this was OK - hard, but OK. It was supposed to work on my "core" and hopefully on this fat tummy thing..instead it worked on my head! Never again...   Guys, take care of yourselves and have a good weekend. If I get my marbles back, I'll keep you posted but until then - Short and Chunky OUT...   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


Nsv Moment With The Hubby

Well, another weekend has come and gone and I am back to work this AM. Had a successful weekend with very few slip ups.   I had a NSV moment this weekend..We had some dead spots in our yard so we had dug them up and were re-sodding..well, I was carrying the 40 pound bags of new dirt and throwing the squares of sod while my husband "watched". I asked if he was going to help - he laughed and told me that I was in better shape than he was, so he would just "let me" get my exercise in for the day..Hehe, As tired as I was - not to mention dirty - I kept on with the bags and the sod until the job was done. I acutally amazed myself in the fact that I was not short of breath and did not really get overly tired and no soreness. Now, you to have to know I live in Florida and it was 97 degrees and humid - Hot my friends..A year and 100 pounds ago - none of this would have been remotely possible. But I guess I am in pretty good shape to have done this job.   As I sit and look at my tiny plate, with my tiny amount of food (all the time really wanting a pizza followed by some ice cream) I reflect back on this weekend and realize that I have come a long way. I am not only smaller, I am healthier and stronger than I was one year ago. Yep, I still have about 40 pounds more to go (the weight of one bag of dirt - which I thought was HEAVY) so I trudge on..Moving foward, not wanting to go back to the old fat me. I am thankful for the surgery and my weight loss...even if I never reach my goal weight - hey, there is still 100 pounds less of me today and that in itself is a "GOLD MEDAL" performance - if I do say so myself.   So, next time you feel down, feeling left out or short changed - go find an old picture of yourself (a fat one) and think back at just how "wonderful life was" when you were heavier - huffing and puffing your way through life, with sore knees, bad ankles and who knows what going on in your insides. Hang in there bandster peeps - we are in this boat together and we will succeed one way or the other.   This Saturday I am doing my 5th 5K - this one is up and down the ramps of the Jaguars (NFL) football stadium. It is called the "Stadium Challenge" and it is a tough one. I did it last year and I am crazy enough to do it again. Been working hard on my training. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I make it through such a demanding 5K. Maybe that dirt and sod "training" will come in handy.....I bet my husband will take credit for that one !   Until next time - have a great week and stay true to yourself !   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


One Year And Not So Going Strong

Well, it has been a week since my last entry and boy can things change in a week. I went from a happy bandster to an unhappy one. Sure, I have lost 104 pounds and sure, I can wear short skirts and I have turned into an exercise fool but this band is another story. It is messing with my mind.   Two months ago my Doctor gave me an adjustment. He said he figured that I needed one and it was time to stop messing around and get serious with this stuff. You see, I had hit a wall and not lost anything in 3 months - really- up one, down two, up three, down one..you guys know the program. One of those plateau things - well, tighten he did. I did well in June - down 9 1/2 pounds for the month. July, not so much. I don't see the doctor for another two weeks, but I have not lost one ounce - in fact I think I may have added a pound or two. I am in constant stuck mode. Good food, bad food, ice water, soda, hot tea...doesn't much matter. I do believe this sucker has gotten tighter (on it's own) and I am miserable. I am too tight and need to have some removed.   Last night I made a very good dinner - ground beef, with onions, diced tomatoes, bellpeper and melted low fat cheese on top. (I added macaroni for my husband) - YUMMY the house smelled so good - well, two bites and then over an hour of PB, slime and pain. Well, smart me decided to take a teaspoon of ice cream to calm my throat - HAHA, that came back too - so did the hot tea - I just gave up, sat down and cried - what in the H have I done to myself and what did I do to get this much discomfort. I revisited my entire day - nope, I had done nothing wrong..small bites, chewed forever, drank all my fluids, no fluids with food, worked out at the gym for an hour, took a 2 mile walk,I was nice to the dog, my husband and my employees so what in the world did I do to deserve this???? To top it off, now I am having some pain (minor in nature) near my port. OH Pooh..Probably from throwing up too much. Good thing I had plication too or I might be looking at slippage.   I am sure it is just the band being too tight and there is nothing to worry about. I have a call into the doctor to see if I can get some taken out today..the point I am trying to make is...Even after 1 year, you are still learning from the band and how to handle things. Other than this latest issue - I feel great, look better than I have in years but the price I am paying is sometimes a bit high. In private, I am miserable at times - can't eat some of the things I used to love, when things get stuck, I am embarrassed and run and hide until it passes. My friends and family tell me that I am the tower of strenght and that "they could never have done this". Would I have the surgery again - well, YEP, but I will tell anyone thinking about it, to be sure they can handle it mentally. I need to get my head straight and back in the game. This setback has me a bit upside down but this will pass. I will have the tiny unfill, I will once again return to being able to eat my morsals and I will continue to trudge onward to reaching my goal weight.   For those of you that I talk to on a regular basis - don't panic, I am not jumping off the bridge and not abandoning the ship. It is just a setback. We all have them and I will be fine. So hang in there my friends and try to keep the spirits up. Have a great week.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky


One Year And Going Strong

Well my friends, it has been a year since I was banded and plicated (is that a word?) I can truly say that my life has changed. At the tender of age of 60 - I am now a JOCK...I walk 2-3 miles per day and work out at the gym (yes, I said G-Y-M) for an hour 3-4 days a week. I have competed in 4 - 5K walk/runs and have registered for 2 more. Who would have thought? I have lost 104 pounds of me and I don't miss one ounce. Gone from a size 22W to a lean/mean size 12. WOW..I don't remember being a 12 in my past - but I am sure I was sometime in my past.   Has this been easy - Shoot NO. anyone who thinks it is hasn't walked in our shoes. If someone says oh, lapband, that will make your weight loss so much easier. HAHA, LMAO, What is easy about weighing your food, chewing until your jaws ache and eating bites that are too small for an infant? And lets not forget - No drinking while eating - that is a real good one to learn. I have gone to so many family gatherings where I actually leave the room just to avoid eating too fast or eating the wrong thing and that is OK. At least I will be around longer to enjoy those family gatherings.   As I look back over the past year I reflect on tears when I could not eat something I thought I really wanted. I remember not being able to eat my dinner as a restaurant (that's why they make takeout containers). I remember rushing to the bathroom because something was stuck - I thought I was having a heart attack- and then there is the slime ! But with all that "bad stuff" I remember crossing over into onederland and then down, down, down..I am now looking to drop even more (hopefully another 40). Celebrate ! But even if I don't loose anymore weight - 104 pounds of ME is GONE and GONE FOREVER. My BP meds - GONE, the borderline diabetes - GONE, the high trigylcerides -GONE. My 80 yr old Mother says that I have my "glow back". I guess she is right. I get up everyday looking forward to a new day in a healthier body.   All that stuff being said - Thank you Lap band, thank you plication and thank you lapband talk family because without you and your support I would not have been so successful. So, like it is said in the south - "If the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise" I will post again. I have never written on a blog before so this is another 1st in my new life. Thanks for reading and best wishes for your success.   Melinda in Florida

Short and Chunky

Short and Chunky

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