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three weeks later

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Restriction: Finally here, now what?---So want to give up

My band just had her three year birthday. I had her fixed for the second time in Oct. 2014. She is restricted, but man my willpower sux. I hit that three mark, stepped on the scale 10 pounds less than the birth of my band. Up until the the secound corrective surgery I had done great with my diet. I never drank pop, I limited myself to the amount of sugar I had daily. Then suddenly I felt like a failure at this. I still fill like a failure. To the point that now I am being the failure. The band is finally working correctly and I have given up after three years of trying hard to loose it with NO progress (keep in mind during the three years I have had a total of four months being in the sweet spot due to repeated band failure). I am so grateful for the surgeon to repair the band twice at no cost to me. Now, here I am screwing up and have no willpower left. I want it, but I don't "see" it happening for me at this point.




Third time is a charm

I have now had two repairs on my port. I still thank that lap band can work for me. http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2014/10/three-weeks-post-op-take-three.html




Port repair number 2---am I nuts?

So...in August 2014 I found out I had an issue with my port again. Dr. Beinivedes in Richardson, Texas, admitted that he made a mistake with my flipped port repair in August 2013. In September 2014 he performed another surgery to try and fix the port, at their costs. This time he moved the port to the right side of stomach (instead of the left). He told my husband that he used to much tubing in the first repair. This surgery involves two, two inch cuts in my stomach to move and and replace the port. I am wondering......AM I THE ONLY ONE this has happened too. i am done with WLS if this one doesn't work. I am sure the next surgery will be the eventual removal. Until then..maybe I will loose weight.   One week later, I have pain in the center of back that won't go away. My stomach is still bloated and I have a fever of 99.2 (my normal is 97.3-97.6). They agreed to pay for their mistake and I said, "Oh okay, no problem." But this time I am not recovering as well as I did the first two LB surgeries.




Two years and Two weeks

Some say fills aren't important. Other say you have to control what you eat...That is why you get the band! My weight is only 10 pounds less than it was when I had my lapband. I do think the sleeve or placation would have been an easier route, but the Band is what God gave me. I have not had true restriction until this week and most likely will have another in three more weeks. For the first time I am at 9.5ccs in my 14 cc band. I am loosing, just very slowly. In previous posts people have commented that I was to blame for not controlling my cravings. However, I am told the Lapband is supposed to help with the cravings. When I spoke with the person that gave me my fills, I have been told that my cravings are there because I am not at restriction and according to the x-ray that was finally done I have never had true restriction. What I lost in the beginning (75 pounds) was my will power and not the lapband (other than the first few weeks after surgery when I didn't feel like eating.) I keep having weird snags along the way with getting my band up to the true green zone. It is hard to find what you haven't experienced and I am scared of hitting the red zone. The biggest thing happened two years ago is that I stopped drinking pop. Don't get me wrong, I still have one about once a week. However I use to have about 6 a day.   Today I am super excited to finally REALLY be starting this journey! Even better, I have been told to not do curl ups or other repetitive motions similar so my port doesn't flip again. Here is to a better me!




12 days post-op port revision

It wasn't that big of deal! http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2013/08/12-days-post-revision-and-feeling-good.html?showComment=1377658646290#c3004322866497770283     So happy to feel full again!




Happy with True Results

II am very happy with True Results to fix my port at their costs. My procedure will be on Thursday this week and 11am. I have to be their for the procedure at 10am....http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2013/08/revision-happy-with-true-results.html




port revision and Six Flags Death

Anxious. Nervous. Is it worth it?   Okay, well I knew that having a revision was a possibility. I know the downside of a lap band is the promise of more surgeries. I am thankful that True Results is performing the surgery at their expense next week. I am not sure what happened with port or when the port flipped. However I do know we are going to fix it next week. I can't leave it the way it is. I know the band worked in the beginning to control the cravings. I have to be smart about it, but it does control the cravings. http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/




still waiting...carb cravings are huge

I love all of the advice from people that have no clue! LOL! PCOS cravings are kicking, not sure what has reactivated the pcos, but it defiantly needs to go away! Unless you have the PCOS cravings you have absolutely no clue what I am going through. It is a stronger intensity than what a pregnant women has. It is not an excuse it is a fact, so unless you have a clue don't give your snobbish opinions. I am still waiting to hear back about my port revision. My foot is healed and I can walk again and work out again. Since I don't seem to have restriction I am going back to protein shake diet. I need to loose the weight that I have gained this summer while I was not able to work out. If you want to read more here is my blog! http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2013/07/still-waitingcarb-cravings-are-huge.html




Band and process failure

Two things are up with my band. Number one..I may not have been receiving fills when I was told I was receiving fills. The paperwork does not show the I received the last two fills that I was told I received. There is no way to tell if I received them or not because my port has flipped and is not accessible. I am 13 months out from surgery and already have to have a revision. Hopefully after the revision/during the revision my band can be filled to where I need it. I am hungry, looking for food and finding everywhere I drive or walk in this city and gaining the weight back faster than I lost it. Really disappointed. At this the lap band and the whole process seems to be another failure.




Hung to Dry

I have stayed positive through this entire ordeal. However I feel like the clinic I used banded me, and the first signs of trouble left me hanging. Everything went great with my band until I became sick with Swine flu, then had a round of Mono this winter. The clinic had to take fluid out because I was ill. That was back in Nov. They still don't want to fill me up where I was before. I am back to the old cravings as usual. Now, they are refusing to make me an appt for another six weeks, because they don't have any openings. I am sitting here in tears, because one year ago, I thought if I did my part, than this would work and go well. Instead True Results gave up on ME the moment I became ill and started having problems. I have never been past 8cc'ss in my 14 cc band in the last ten months. I have never been down to the 1/2 c. a food a meal they want us at, and yet they have refused to get me there and now refuse to get me in. Not that they have done ANYTHING the last six months when I have went.   I guess I will give up.





In previous posts I had mentioned being sick and feeling like garbage since November when I had the flu. I found out from my gyn that I most likely had H1N1 and some E virus. I couldn't remember what the "E" Virus was to look it up when I got home. To make a long story short I was searching Mono for a student today. While reading about it I found its medical name. You may already know it, but yes it is the mystery "E" Virus that my GYN said was acting up on me again. Okay, so I get it now. The swine flu causes lung and tummy problems, cold chills and fevers that last for weeks. The mono reactivated itself and caused even more fatigue and muscle weakness. My iron was never anemically low. I was just down from the Mono. If you have ever had mono you know there is no way for your body to be able to burn fat and now way to survive on just a few hundred calories a day when you are that sick. My cravings were truly from the food being needed to heal my body. I posted on face book and twitter a couple of weeks that I felt like I could run five miles. That was the first time I felt normally since Thanksgiving. At this point I am just glad to understand what my body has been going through and why I have stopped loosing weight As always to read more you will need to go to my blog. http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-long-winter.html




New Outlook

Life happens I am down four pounds in the last three weeks! I think maybe things are starting to turn around. The more think about it the more things make sense as to why I was not loosing weight before.   1. SMALL BITES and WAITING one minute in between bites. I have not been good about that rule. 2. Yes, I have had my share of chocolate since Christmas. 3. Sodium, everything that I had been eating was high sodium. I am watching this closer.   Three goals for myself over the next week.     You can read more here




Why don't I feel my band anymore?

Ugghhh after a year of this I want to eat. I want to really eat. But eating is not helping the process. I am so irritated I am once again not loosing what they dr. says I should. I am about 30 pounds where I should be in weight loss. I am on feet most of the day at work with no energy left to work out at home. My goal is to loose 60 more pounds by June 1st. ( I know this seems like a lot, but I am behind by 30 pounds already). The only thing I can figure is forget the band and go back to protein shakes for a few weeks. That is going to be hard because I want to EAT! So this weekend I did give in and eat and gained 6 pounds, yes 6. It will take me a month to that 6 pounds. Over eating a chicken sandwich and a low-carb hamburger. My calories on Sunday was 2248. I have not ate that much since my surgery. I normally do not go over 1200.   My knees are hurting all of the time again. This also hinders the workout. I just want to loose the weight, be healthier and be done with all of this.   What is even worse is that my BP is higher than what it ever has been. I thought loosing weight was suppose to lower my BP. Instead it has made it higher. I wish I knew what I am doing wrong. I feel like the clinic is giving up on me as well. Okay, enough complaining.   It is like I don't have a band. I am hungry all the time. My NP says they won't fill it anymore because they don't want me getting stuck again. I am still eating one to two cups of food per feel and the feeling full only last a couple of hours. I don't think my band has slipped because I am not in pain and I still have a tiny bit of restriction. What am I doing wrong? What happened to my successfulness and how they heck do I get it back? I weight the same I did back in November. I have not lost one damn pound and I eat less than 1200 cals with low sodium and high protein. It seems like once again my body will not work they way it is suppose to.




Randomly Danced In Public!

I did slip my dancing shoes on while at the Texas State Fair last week. I nicely created two separate scenes while randomly dancing with my daughter and friends. The second time the police came over to break the crowd up that was watching us. It was AWESOME       http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/10/that-was-hard-10-pounds-found-my.html





Sometimes I just with the womens lib didnt happen. It is soo hard to balance everything and still have time to work out.   You can read more here: http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/10/dancing-shoes.html




Change Attitude And Recipee Book

Monday, September 24, 2012         <a href="http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/09/change-attitude-and-recipee-book.html">Change attitude and recipee book       Changed my attitude, used my tools and tried cooking new things. I was down three pounds since Friday. Yesterday I cooked Bell Peppers stuffed with turkey meatballs and Barley Pilaf for the side dish. It was very good and a little expensive. Saturday night I cooked a Beef Barley soup ($12 to feed a family of 6 with enough left over for three lunches for me this week). It was also tasty. Tonight we tried spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs. Also yummy.   http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/




Lactose Intol....i Can't Even Spell It!

Okay, so I knew it was a possibility. But, really? a reality?   I keep having bouts of diarrhea this last week. To be honest I started having issues with it before I became banded. I went to the Dr. and she sent me to specialist. No ever thought about my issues being from milk products. When I became sick in the classroom yesterday my co-worker said, okay what did you eat today, then what did you eat yesterday. The common ingredient was milk. I have learned to like cottage cheese and l love Greek yogurt. Apparently they don't love me and just want to run away.   As a matter of fact I have been not well since Saturday morning I decided to make my protein shake with milk. My tummy was not happy. A few hours later I ate Weigh Watchers Grilled Chicken breasts. Then I got stuck, then I vomited and well...this week has not went well. I guess milk and I no longer agree with another.   I am still loosing weight properly, just irritated about the irritation. On the other hand, I can't eat ice cream or chocolate without making myself ill. http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/08/lactose-intolarant-i-cant-even-spell-it.html




That Was Awful! Stuck!

One of the foods that like to get "stuck" in the band is chicken. I have never had a problem with it until today (at least I didn't think so). Today was the first and the most awful horrible stuck issue I have had with food. I did everything I could to get it down. I walked, I jumped, I jumped until shorts fell onto the floor. It had been about ten minutes. Then I remeber one blog that I read said to drink warm water. I did then, the food release and came back up. It was gross, not like normal vomit. This is what people call a productive burp. Then it became more than that turned into actual vomit. Not alot, just a little. But it feels terrible. I was able to have a little humor in it all. My shorts are way to big at this point in my wieght loss journey. So here I am standing in the bathroom near my sink, jumping up and down, feeling my breath knocked out with every jump and then it happened. My shorts fell off. Clear to the floor. http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/08/that-was-awful-stuck.html




Couponing To Make Ends Meet

Again, I am on the cost thing, how are we going to pay for it? I am extreme couponing for my large family. It is awesome how after a few months of it, you can really start saving money. This week I purchased ten boxes of pasta for 44 cents each, two containers of mouthwash for my kids 99 cents (normally $5). I of course will not eat the pasta, but my family can add the protein and veggies to it and eat up! My lean meats for the next two weeks cost me $30. It would be less but I had a coupon for bacon wrapped shrimp and couldn't resist it. I purchased $60 worth of groceries total for the next week and estimate I will need to pay about another $30 to finish off our groceries for the next weeks. I make my own "hamburger helper" to go with the pasta. These supplies I purchase by the bulk at Sam's.   Before my lap band, I was not couponing. only bought the store brand foods, sale items or Sam's club foods. Our monthly groceries was over $800, which was not to bad for a family of seven. However, way to much! It is wonderful event that my kids are sharing in the process as well.   You can read more here: http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/07/affordability.html




Six Weeks Post-Op--Hate Being Stereotyped

I can't believe it has been six weeks since my surgery! I had an appt this week. They filled my band to 7cc's. My band holds 14cc's. I have lost three pounds a week since my last appointment. As of today, I have lost 40 pounds since May 1st, 2012! I am praying that they stay off this time! The clinic told me that my weight loss has been my own doing because there is no way the band is working, there is not enough silicone in my band to make it work and I am hungry all the time. It is just the way I am eating, more like not eating.   Feel free to share how you deal with RUDE people at work!   You can read the rest of my post here:   http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/07/six-weeks-post-op-hate-being-stereotyped.html?spref=fb




Not Loosing Wieght...aaaghhhhhh

You would think two days of running around at the lake chasing 3 dogs, 4 kids and a mom I would have lost something! But, no nothing zilch. All I have ate is protein shake, turkey hot dogs, turkey bologna, two hand full of chips, a fiber one bar....very irritating!   Read more here: http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/2012/07/frustrated-with-scales.html




I Work Out

Last night was my first hour long workout. I was so excited for myself I couldn't go to sleep. The longest my body has lasted on my crosstrainer bike was 15 mins. Last night I completed the full 30 minute workout on my crosstrainer. Before that I did 10 minutes on my eliptical, 20 mins on my workout ball using wieghts and doing curl ups. The last 30 minutes of m workout was on my crosstrainer. I got to that half way mark and wanted to quit. I thought I would push it through for another minute. Then I realized it had been three minutes. I then put on the song "Forgot You" and Ipod and sang it to my wimpy self. 7 mins... to go....Queen We will rock you...yeah good motivation song! The last two was spent my fav. artist Jordan Knight and his song Rockstar. Next thing I new, it was a minute past that 30 min. mark and I was still singing and cycling. I then iced my knees, showered and mineral iced my legs. Got up this morning and did 30 mins of kickboxing with my daughter.   I am four weeks post op today and four weeks and two days post-Dr. Pepper.




First Post Op Visit

It has been a month since my surgery. I am very happy with the way things are going. I had my first follow up visit two days ago. They took my twenty staples out of my stomach and filled my lap band with 1.5cc more of silicon. They put in 4cc’s during my surgery. I found out my band holds 16cc’s. I am lucky enough to have the large band because of my body shape and where everything is placed in side of me. (In other words because the PCOS has caused me to carry 150 pounds on the front of my tummy) The fill was not that bad.   You can read the rest of my blog here: http://tinkrisegrind.blogspot.com/




First Thre Weeks

I am so happy to have lost wieght during these first three weeks. Total I have lost 14 pounds since the surgery. All together I have lost 34 pounds and a couple of inches.   I tried solid food today. Of course it was food I shouldn't have. I ate one piece of KFC chicken. I took the skin and all the outside yumminess off of it and gave that to my growing ten year old son. All I wanted tondo after eatinh the chicken.   I am curious about soda, I miss Diet Dr.Pepper. Have you had complications from drinking it?



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
