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2 weeks banded

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2 Weeks Out

wow, Made it throught surgery and the week that followed. I had a hi-anul hernia fixed along with my band. Both kicked my butt for the first 5 days. I was so upset the first time I set on the scale. I had lost 14 pounds before surgery, 267 was my starting weight.. Needless to say when I stept on the scale after surgery I had gain the 14 pounds back..... in 24 hours!!!>:[ The doc. forgot to tell me that I may be holding water after surgery....Talk about bloated..anyone else have this problem!? Got through the liq. stage and started the mushies. Im not having any problem taking in regular food...Anyone out there that made a super easy transation from liquids to semi solids. I feel that maybe I am doing something wrong because I haven't gotten sick or nuseated yet? I'm excersing regularly, 3 miles on the elipical. Is this normal? or to much? I also think of my food size and wondering.. what is enough? How much is to much? that has always been my problem..size portions....OMG! I've lost 22 lbs. all together now! i'll have a new wiegh in on sunday! talk to you then!   P.S. if you need a great liqiud drink, try DIET peach Snapple.. AMAZING!(:



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