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Post Op Lucky Day 13! Do Not Buy A Scale-Do Not! Resist (You Simply Must.)

Holla fellow bandsters! Here's hoping everyone had a fabulous weekend and are ready to take the days ahead with eyes wide open. (I know, it's Monday. I tried to be positive) Mine was pretty uneventful until the "Battle of the Cheap Scale" started, there was a Victor!   I knew better than to put that $9.99 piece of crap in my cart last week at Wally World, but I did it anyway. I told myself it was ok because I wasn't buying the expensive one that told you your BMI-Heart Rate-Blood Pressure etc. Heck it probably did a DNA swab as well. Look I KNEW I didn't need a scale right now, it was the last thing I needed, it was like a few months back the last late insomnia night took over and a few days later I must have bought stock in "QVC & HSN" That's all I'm saying about that, well, right now anyway. I was only 6 or 7 days out of surgery, I was and still am swollen around my abdomen area. I will how much I've lost when I go to my 1 month check-up with the nurse and nutritionist. I knew this intellectually, but I freaking did it anyway.   I believe Life speaks to you in whispers, and you should listen to them. My story is I have lost 50-65 pounds about 50 or 65 times. It's a Bad Romance this cycle and I have, and I'm breaking up for good this time. I took those pounds off and on again starting around 19. Just 2 years ago I was at my ideal weight, and now not so much-NEVER AGAIN! That scale whispered to me when somehow it fell out of the cart, but I put it back in. A few minutes later my cart started sounding like hamsters running on a wheel that was in need of WD40, plus a lopsided tire. I should have put it back. Upon arriving at home, I made the boys weigh, 1 is overweight, 1 is not but doesn't eat the greatest. I weighed and it showed basically the same I assumed it would. No surprises. I go about my life. Make ahead my family's dinner, so while(check the scale) they eat I can walk. Fix my protein shakes (check the scale) and do some reading. (check the scale) Do some writing and laundry (check the scale) lather, rinse, (check the scale) and repeat. Yep you guessed it...   I was more than infatuated, I was mesmerized, perplexed, pissed and fed up. I could not believe that every time I stood on that $9.99 scale it's little obnoxious "weight line" pointed (and pointing is very rude I might add) to the same damn number EVERY stinking time, OY! What in the hell was going on? I have not cheated, I thought about how I could, but what's the point? Besides, I don't really keep any quick fixing junk in the house, anyway I wasn't hungry and have been getting all my protein in, having a cup of chicken broth and a Greek Yogurt when I feel like getting a little freaky. I gave up soda so I'm drinking my Crystal Light and water. I even drank prune juice to help with my digestion! That scale did NOT move. I moved it from room to room, like and old cell phone trying to get service, to see if results would improve on a different surface. They did not. I think the longest I went without stepping on the scale was when I was sleeping. Don't get one, you don't need one yet! It's the devil lol. Needless to say about life giving you whispers, I woke up this morning and headed to the scale, I got on it and it said I lost 10 pounds! WOO HOO! Holla at your girl! I lost 10 or 11 pounds while I slept! I got off feeling fabulous and the scale with the little pointed needle to 300 pounds. Yes, it was stuck on the highest setting that this particular $9.99 scale's max was-so it wasn't on 0. I hadn't lost 10 while I slept, that damn scale was off 10 pounds!   Well I turned the thing this way and that and thought I found where you adjust it at, I couldn't get my fingernail to move the little wheel! I took it to my teenage son and said this needs to be on "0" here's where you adjust it, get some little tool or something and fix it please. He came out and said "The adjuster wheel thingy is stripped, what did you do to it?" Nothing, it doesn't want me to have it, use it or need it right now. I listened to the whisper when it became annoying. I don't know right now how much I've lost or if I really have stayed the same, but that's ok, I have never needed a number to define my "feel good meter" why start now? Don't get a freaking scale!   Tomorrow will be 2 Weeks post-op and I feel SO much better, I would do it again so that should tell you something. I was the Victor with the broken contrary scale. Tuesday is garbage pick-up, have a nice time in the dump and thank you for the lesson. As always Onward and Upward! Lo & Behold...Velvet




Day 10 Post-Op Saw A Great New Sports Bra!

Holla fellow bandsters! It is hot and it's almost like having cabin fever in the winter when it's too freaking hot to go outside! Now today I was a little sore around the port incision, I think it's because I had "Nurse Ratchett" poking and prodding me there yesterday. I have had most of my protein, I have to make myself drink it. The usual Crystal Light and to be honest I'm getting quite BORED with all of it. It's not so much that I'm hungry for nutrition, I think combined with the heat and everything else I just need to try to think about something else besides food constantly. ' I'm constantly thinking about my first fill now. I'm constantly thinking about salad and how fabulous and fresh that sounds. I'm wondering when or if I'll ever to even eat a salad again. I wonder what foods will be my new favorites? I would love to have a piece of fresh cut cantaloupe right now, I can even smell it. Looks like I'm creeping into "Bandster Hell"! NO I DON'T WANT TOO! I feel it coming so hopefully I can fight the urge until my fill. I'm already starting to bargain with myself, I tell myself, "It's just a salad, it's good for you" I can handle it though, you can't have a testimony without a test!   I wish it would at least cool down to the 90's so I could walk a little further/longer, it's just really not safe for man nor beast to be subjected to hellish temperatures if you don't have to be. It's the weekend kids so it's a short post, I appreciate all of you and am thankful for all of you for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. As always, onward and upward and Lo & Behold!!! Velvet




1St Post-Op Visit- Day 9! What Did I Expect? Twilight Zone Of Course!

Holla fellow bandsters! Hope you all had a fabulous Independence Day! I sat here and tried not to watch myself and boys have simultaneous combustion from the heat- alas we were all saved that scene. It was a strange holiday in that there was no BBQ to attend, here or otherwise, I didn't even go watch fireworks! I can't decide whether it was just too hot, or I'm just getting freaking too old to "OOOHH and AWWWW" about fire in the sky. Boys weren't interested either so I just listened to the neighbors pop it like it was hot til around midnight. My dogs didn't even seem to care. So the boys had Subway and I had the normal protein shake and cream of chicken soup but as an added bonus, I put strawberries and bananas with some Greek yogurt, 1 pkg Carnation sugar free instant breakfast and skim milk in the blender! Boys had smoothies I froze mine and had strawberry banana "ice cream" around 10 last night. Delish.   So as you know, I have been thinking today I was scheduled to have my first fill. Thanks to this forum, I now know that the receptionist misspoke when she said "fill", what she meant to say was "Post-Op" visit. Regardless, I was excited to go pretty much anywhere at this point. I scrubbed up, brushed up and put on a comfy sundress to wear, good choice because I didn't have to worry about buttoning and or zipping anything, I'm still slightly swollen and all I had to do was put it over my head and Voila! I really had no clue what was going to happen at this 1st appointment and lucky me, I got a nurse who was clueless as well. The regular Nurse that takes care of such appointments was on vacation this week (HOW DARE SHE) so I don't know if she was brought up from another unit of the clinic/hospital or if she was an agency person, or if (Lord I hope not) she works there and I just never seen nor heard of her before. So kids this is how it went down.   I was ushered into the examination room and sat on one of the chairs. The nurse says "Ok, so what have you been eating, and sorry, but I have to look at your incisions." Umm, Ok, I hope you're going to look at my incisions (DUH) and I told her protein shakes, yogurt, chicken soup, yada, yada, and then I said "Um, am I going to see the Dr today or what's happening here?" she said "Oh no honey, you won't see your Dr until after your 1 month check-up with the regular nurse who's on vacation, then 1 or 2 weeks after that appointment you will have 1 with the nutritionist, then the week after that you will have a fill" My head was spinning off my neck at that point. I decided it was best maybe not to ask not too many questions to this particular person at that particular time, besides, I have this forum if I want to know something right? Well you guessed it, I couldn't resist, I started asking because you know, I brought a small list. (Well I didn't want to forget anything ya know?) I looked at my little list and immediately mentally crossed off things that I assumed only the Dr would know, or I only personally wanted the Dr to answer. So I asked about vitamins I think, something along those lines and she excused herself and brought in a booklet and said "Did you get one of these?" Uh, I don't think so, it doesn't look familiar. So she handed it to me and then said she needed to look at my incisions, I said Ok, and she basically lifted my dress up and said those have to go and RRRIIIPPP off came the first one! HEY, I said. I don't know if I'm- RRRIIIPPP- well screw it guess I'm ready to release my surgi-strips.   Look I know it sounds like a nightmare and it pretty much was, I could go on and on, but my point is I went to my post-op appointment and basically expected Ashton K. to jump out of somewhere telling me I've just been "Punked" although that didn't happen, I did get a a wink/half eye roll from the receptionist when the nurse was explaining to her the upcoming appointments I needed, especially when she called her Stephanie and she said "My name's Ashley" (insert half wink & eye roll) giggle. I guess I was pretty calm about the entire thing because when she took my blood pressure it was only 107/62. My temperature a chilly 97.3, and guess what? She never weighed me, and I didn't ask.   I guess what I'm trying to say is that none of that really mattered. I already knew I wasn't going to be getting a fill today. I pretty much assumed that they were just going to check on me after surgery. I've survived the ripped off strips and now that I think of it, I'm glad she did it because I babied them so much and would have worn them as a badge as long as I could have and I need to move on. The receptionist, Ashley, and I agreed she would just call me on Monday and we would go from there, sounded great to me! On the way home I thought to myself, I'm not restricted at all. I could eat whatever I want right now and it would be fine with my twisty and my stomach. Maybe I'll just have a salad, that's not such a big deal. I thought like this for about 10 miles until I snapped out of it. Girl you better check yourself, for Christ's sake this is exactly why you had this done, if you don't start using it now, instead of thinking like a food addict, your road shall be even longer. I came home had a yogurt and a Crystal Light, I still wasn't even hungry, not really. I picked up the red booklet she gave me and it was "All you need to know about your upcoming gastric bypass surgery" I just laid it on my chest and laughed hysterically. As always, onward and upward and Lo & Behold....Velvet  




And On The 7Th Day..i Made It One Whole Week! Boom Boom Pow!

Holla fellow bandsters! Yes you read that correctly. I have not only survived Hell week, but I believe I have thrived! That's right, 1 week ago at this very moment I was home watching TV and safely banded. I don't remember much of anything else that evening, that's why they make anesthesia so good and narcotics. I took quite a journey this week. I was dealing with the obvious issues after surgery, but I also did a bit of "spirit surgery" if you will. When your incapacitated for a time you have no choice but to think, because you can't do much else. If my brain had a disclaimer it would read: Do not enter without parental supervision.   Today was minimal pain, I took 1 pain pill all day. I had my coffee this morning. 40 of strawberry protein, that's 40 oz of liquid, not exactly sure how much protein. My Crystal Light Pink Lemonade and I drank an Energy Wild Strawberry Crystal Light and did not get my headache, which had become my 9pm uninvited guest every night. I finished it off with a small bowl of cream of chicken soup and it was fabulous. I am not restricted yet, but I was full and content. Fingers crossed.   I thought about pain, I thought about food, I thought about fat, shopping, clothes and the extreme heat. I thought "What the hell have I done?", then thought "I wish I would have done this sooner." I thought about education, I thought about government, sex and relationships. I thought about death and sickness, then I thought about life. I thought about swimming, showering, scars and plastic surgery. Protein powder and chicken broth, religion and meditation, rain and storms, vacations and casino's, friends and lovers, marriage and divorce. I thought about stages of motherhood, I thought about my children, and your children, boys, girls, babies, and old people. I thought about pets and people, good vs. evil, guilt and shame, honesty and integrity and words with friends. You catch my drift, I shan't bore you with more words with different letters.   I have gratitude for this forum, it actually helped calm my pain and craziness. You know what they say, "If you see CRAZY coming-cross the street!" We know most of us not only invite it in, but beg it to stay and set an extra place for dinner. My personal experience is just that, just as your experience is your own. When we bring these together we are an encyclopedia of knowledge, on this topic at least! I have learned that not only is everyone's experience different, it is also the same in many ways. Even though most of us have had the same "procedure", the doctors have given different instructions to you regarding your surgery, whether it's the road leading up to it or the weeks following the surgery. The important thing to remember is sort of what we should know already, just because someone else has been advised to eat or drink from a specific or nonspecific menu, doesn't mean it will produce the same result for you. Yes kids, that's why we always check with our Dr. before doing something different than their specific instructions. Now that's a disclaimer.   I see my surgeon Thursday afternoon and because of you good people of the page, I have come to the conclusion that more than likely I will not receive a "first fill" as the lady indicated when she called to schedule the appointment. (you guys rock) After all, it will only have been 9 days since my surgery. I also had a large hernia repair, (Dr said large, not me-I prefer petite words) Why the heck stress my body more while I'm still in healing mode? Besides, I have only been somewhat hungry maybe twice all week. Not because I was sick, or nauseous I didn't have alot of those symptoms. Because I had already started my journey months before in January when I saw my Dr. for the first time. I never had that "last buffet" or felt like I had to eat "as much as I can-while I still can" frame of mind, I don't know why because I sure have done that before, several times as a matter of fact. Every time I committed myself to a new "diet", (yeah, yeah I know don't call it diet, it's a lifestyle change) I would give myself license to eat, I didn't do that this time, I thought about it, I had the choice and I chose NO. That's when I knew I always had the power, if I needed a bread twisty around my stomach to remind me then so be it! I will not be ashamed and start my journey with that burden, nor will I think about it as my cross to bear. I think of all these younger people getting to start over and it puts joy in my heart.   Tomorrow is Independence Day and I couldn't have picked a better holiday to come next. This 4th of July will find me thinking about our troops both here and those not here, walking my dogs in the morning, going to a movie with the boys in the afternoon, deciding where to watch fireworks, and knowing that my Independence Day will be every day for the rest of my life. Onward and Upward my friends, Happy 4th of July and as always, Lo & Behold..... Velvet




Day 6 Monday Sweet Monday

Holla bandmates! I hope this finds you nice and cool in the perspective areas in which you reside, cause it is HOT in the midwest for sure. They are canceling the fireworks around here and nearby cities, please be careful it is indeed dry, I expect to see tumbleweeds roll across the prairie anytime now. I've had a little excitement today. First I had my first BM today, I know I can hear the applause coming from you through cyber world! Next, had a little "tiff" with someone because he thinks the United States started going downhill when they gave women the right to vote, no wonder I have a headache. I believe the headaches are being brought on by my cold turkey dismissal of Diet Mountain Dew, not to fret as I have found a not only suitable replacement but a Fabulous one: Crystal Light Wild Strawberry (energy) it has some caffeine it in and my headache subsided quickly and it does taste like strawberry, I don't know how Wild it is, but it works for me.   Today I had about 25 oz of Chocolate protein drink, I prefer vanilla, but the Chocolate Malt wasn't bad and change is good. I also had a cup of Kroger brand "Carb smart" tropical yogurt. The Carb smart brand is more the consistency of pudding and you don't have to stir it up and of course there are less carbs, and as an added bonus you can get 10 for $4! I also had about 16 oz of water and who knows how much CL lemonade. I also walked 1.3 miles and I took my time. I'm an early riser so that's when I walk, this may change however to when it's dinner time. Although I'm not too tempted with food at this time, I'm sure it's right around the corner. I've decided when I fix dinner, I will either walk, go to Zumba, the gym, bird watch, underwater basket weave, anything not to be around when the table is set. The boys can then put the food away, etc. so it's done and over with upon my return. The thing I'm missing is a glass of wine, I put my CL in a wine glass but I would like to have a glass in the evening, or a bottle of tequila, same thing. I hope whomever's reading understands and "gets" my humor, laughing burns more calories than not laughing, it's a fact! My pain level is at a 1, still a little sore but feels like I just did like maybe 20 crunches after not doing any ever.   I have an appointment for my first fill Thursday, however, after posting my concerns and reading the forum regarding your first fill, 9 days after surgery seems very fast and I can't locate another that has had a fill that early in the game. My conclusion is when they called to schedule it they said "fill" when what they probably meant was "Post-Op" visit. Either way I am not afraid, I am excited and welcome each and every step of my yellow brick road. I reference that because like the "Good Witch" says: "You've had the power all along" and what a true statement. We have had the power, we just needed the perfect tools-and by gosh we finally have the tools that we may tap into that power, not only for now, but forever.   Thank you bandmates for being candid, honest, and sharing your stuff to inform, enlighten, and sometimes make us laugh or cry with each other. Until tomorrow, Onward and Upward, and as always Lo & Behold! .....Velvet




Day 5 Shaken Not Stirred...mad But Not Angry-Can You See Me?

Holla fellow bandmates! Welcome to my Day 5, so glad you could make it. Today is a great day, I have minimal discomfort and if I HAD to I most certainly could go to work tomorrow. The past 6 days seem a jumble in my mind. I remember driving to the hospital, I remember the liquid courage before surgery. I remember the post-op and the nurse combing my hair back into a ponytail. I remember slightly more than that until Thursday. I went to the grocery store and over did it, I had a bad night that 2nd night and paid for it with not being able to get comfortable. I took it easy on Friday, went outlet shopping yesterday, and today I went to Walmart for about 1 1/2 hours. (doesn't everybody?) I also spent around $60, it always seems to end up being around $60 no matter how good my intentions are, no matter what I need to replenish or just get for the hell of it.   I've been trying to familiarize myself with this site and it is slow going. I don't know if it's just me not being able to navigate around it so easy, or if it just has too much stuff to delve into at once. I do know this on my short time here, if you have a question about anything, and I mean ANYTHING, chances are someone here has been there, done that, and has the tattoo to prove it. I guess that's the point isn't it? It's a great thing to be able to cyber gather with "like" people not only finding people close to us, but in the same state, country, and yes, all over the world, simply amazing to be able to share our stories, our lives, our hopes and dreams, the good and the bad, when we know better, we should do better! Thank you bandmates that have come before us, went through trials and tribulation, pain and agony, laughter and tears so that we may find comfort in your defeat as well as rejoice in your accomplishments, again we thank you!   I have yet to have anything but water, crystal light, coffee, and vanilla protein since Tuesday. I may get a little crazy tonight and splurge on some chicken broth, I'm edgy like that don't you know! If I sound redundant in my writings it's because I never reread or edit my posts before I hit the publish button. This may be obvious to some of you because I can only imagine all my grammatical errors, and for those I will just apologize across the board right now, please forgive me. I don't even know if anyone reads my "blog". I know at least 4 people have because you have commented and I received a notification telling me. I had my surgery Tuesday, June 26, 2012 and I am scheduled for my first fill July 5, 2012 That makes my first fill just 9 days after my band placement and hernia repair, I can tell you are dazzled by my mathematical abilities from that difficult equation. Looking through this site, it sounds like that's a tad bit early. Today was the first day I got an actual hunger pain, no worries I splashed it into oblivion with protein. I noticed some of you all didn't get filled for a few weeks, up to a few months. Everyone's different, no truer statement.   Have I mentioned that through this I have still had to prepare meals for my 2 teenage boys? Well, I have and I do. Just because I have a road to go down doesn't mean I have to drag them through the pot holes with me. Sure, I could have sent them out for fast food everyday but that's an oxymoron kind of, don't you think? "Mom had the twisty tie surgery to lose weight, so we have to eat out so in a decade or so we can do the same thing!" Uh, I don't freaking think so! I pre-made some lean BBQ chicken, roast and potatoes, and had lean turkey and ham on hand for sandwiches so they wouldn't starve, teenage boys are always starving! Today I actually cooked (over the stove mind you) for the first time since my banding. What's for supper? So glad you asked! I made spaghetti, I nixed the garlic bread because like the rest of the country I don't want to turn my oven on because it's freaking too HOT! Tonight was the first time in a long time I didn't eat while cooking. You guys know what I mean, I used to call it "tasting" but the truth is I was eating, and eating a lot. I may not serve myself a plate, so to speak, at dinner time, twisting my mind into thinking "I don't even eat dinner!" I know the truth, I ate dinner whilst cooking it, and during that process I'm sure it would be equivalent to seconds and sometimes thirds. Well anyway I went passed that first hurdle. I cooked the lean ground beef and drained it, then I took a small tidbit and put it in my mouth. This is especially strange because I loathe beef. I chewed and chewed then I spit it into the trash. Real sexy and ladylike huh? Needless to say, ground beef still tastes like crap and I didn't even attempt that with the penne, nor the sauce I'm just not ready to test the water nor gamble regarding food at this time.   Onward and Upward Bandmates, come from a place of gratitude instead of entitlement. Lo & Behold...




Day 4

Holla people of the banding! It is Day 4 post-op for me. In my previous entries, I used hours-no more, I shall use days from now on because 1. Adding 24 to everything gets on my nerves   2. I'm just not that good at math   Today was a fabulous day for me, I took it easy yesterday after overdoing it on Day 2, so Day 3 I mainly rested, read, watched TV and thought how long is my stomach going to look so bloated? Isn't that an odd thing to ponder? I'm fat, but I don't want to look unnecessarily bloated! Pretty ridiculous, anyway that's how I felt. I have only taken 2 pain pills today, which is good because I was starting to fondly imagine them being M&M's. I continue to fall in love with my Crystal Light Lemonade and drink about 20-30 oz of protein today. I have yet to feel a hunger pain, or think about food in an unhealthy way, does no good so I will not waste my brain cells on disgusting greasy food that I no longer like, and Lord knows it doesn't like anybody!   Today I woke up feeling 99% better. My pain is minimal and seems to be concentrated to lower left and lower right side of my abdomen. There are no sutures or bandages there, that's just where it hurts for me, again, this may be from the hernia repair I just don't know. The important part is that it is getting better and better every day. I went shopping at Old Navy today, we have an outlet close to my city. I purchased 4 or 5 pair of terry cloth shorts that have a drawstring and they are the shiznet, especially in this heat. I looked upon some bathing suits and told them I would definitely be seeing them next year, maybe every style! I came home and walked 1 mile and took a shower, I feel great! I still havent tried to put solid food in my mouth, I'm uncertain if my Dr put any restriction or not when he placed it, but the way I feel now, I don't need it yet.   I want to thank everyone on this site, you guys are truly the only one's who understand, I thank you and am grateful for you everyday. Tomorrow is Day 5 and I'm excited about each and everyday that I'm alive. I'm also thankful I chose the band and not the bypass, it was the better decision for me. So here I am on Saturday night feeling anxious and happy about my future. I wonder when I can enjoy a glass of wine? I know they're empty calories but I still want a glass. I'm sure beer is out of the question, I don't like beer anyway. I will have Crystal Light Strawberry Kiwi and pretend, I'll put it in a wine glass! Lo & Behold!!!




72 Hours And...

Hello good people from me to you on day 3! I absolutely overdid it yesterday and I felt it last night. I could not get comfortable even with pain medication, felt like I had been in a sword fight-and I suppose I had been. I am a "side sleeper" and that is pretty much impossible right now, so it's on my back-or seated in my "Edith Bunker Chair" with my storage ottoman to rest my legs and feet. Sleep seemed to come in 90 minute intervals, and now I feel the need to order all kinds of funky stuff from the info-mercials I had to watch last night because I was too exhausted to get up for the TV clicker. It was a rough night, note: Do not go krogering 2 days after surgery, no matter what!   Which brings me to today sweetlings and I am 85% better than I have been any other day! Taking it way easy today wasn't so much of a choice as my body dictated that was what we were doing today like it or not. I have been reading "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed imagining myself walking ANY trail in my condition and it brings forth thoughts of laughing hysterically! However, I may give hiking a try-when I am healed of course. I talked with the nurse yesterday and she didn't know if my Dr. had put any fill in my band or not, she would guess no, but was not 100% in her answer. Today I drank about 30 ounces of Crystal light and about 8 oz of protein and milk, no hunger, no desire to chew, no desire to get a fill on July 5. I took a shower last night, gee that was fun-NOT! I just wanted to stand under the beating water and let it ease the pain my shoulders were screaming to me, I shaved my legs and underarms best I could. We shall see how I feel on the 4th regarding my fill.   I woke up this morning and feel so much better and finally have the knowledge that one day soon I will walk erect again! I could kick myself for doing all that stuff yesterday that was so necessary but not really. You show me your surgi-strips and I'll show you mine is the joke I keep running through my mind-too much narcotics I imagine. I am going to have some carrot cake yogurt, some more Crystal Light, and curl up and finish this book! Now that my friends, is an exciting Friday night. Lo & Behold!




48 Hours

Holla to everyone reading! Well it's been almost exactly 48 hours since I was banded. I'm still sore to bend over, coughing, and laughing are somewhat painful but tolerable. I went to the grocery store today, my son went and did the lifting for me. I had no problems except the heat outside-WHEW LAWDY it's a hot one!   I have a call in to the nurse because I am not the least bit hungry. I had to make myself drink some chicken broth last night, and some protein today. I feel as if maybe it's filled already, although my first fill is scheduled July 5, I don't think I'll need one at this rate. I can drink everything as much and as fast as I did before, just not a single hunger pain, or desire to chew at all. Maybe it's part of the "healing" process, maybe because my Dr. also said he repaired a large hernia? Whatever the case, the facts remain that I'm not hungry.   I still have 5 bandages on, 1 over my belly button, 2 on either side right above, and 1 far left and 1 far right. It seems as if the soreness is evenly distributed. Tonight is the big bandage removal and taking a shower YAY! I believe I have some surgical strips that will remain until told otherwise, I think anyway. My throat was a little raw and voice was slightly hoarse from the tube, but that is all but gone away.   The way I feel right now is that a "fill" in my band in 7 days would be too soon, especially when I'm forcing myself now to take nourishment. I'm thinking it's a little longer to heal from the hernia possibly, not sure but I intend to ask the nurse when she calls me back.   Have a great evening everyone, onward and upward Lo & Behold!!!




24 Hours After Surgery

Hello lap band family! It's been 24 hours since I was on the table. I am a little sore, but nothing that cannot be managed. The most difficult part was waiting to go into surgery. Thank goodness for the through the IV liquid courage that was offered, it helped tremendously, actually, I'd like to have a bottle to myself lol.   The Dr. said I also had a large hernia which he also repaired, good thing because I had no clue. I have my first fill July 5, at 1:30pm. I'm not hungry at all and am drinking water and crystal light lemonade easily. My pain and nausea medication is swallowed with no effort on my part at all. I already had some Gas X for the, well, the trapped gas and it seems to work well. I just have some light pain behind my right shoulder. I am walking easily, bending not so good but that's what I have teenagers for. My boys have been wonderful thus far and I intend to milk it for all I can get out of it, because I know it won't last forever!   If you're reading this and struggling with the decision as I did because you're pissed that you have lost weight before and mad that you just can't do it again, GET OVER YOURSELF! If you could have done it again, you would not have gained the weight back in the first place. Look I used to work at Nutri-System for God's sake. Remember, this like everything else is a tool, you can use it, or you can eat through it, and you will find yourself looking back thinking your journey could have started long ago, no regrets people.   Hopefully as I get more familiar with how to use this site, I can put more content for your reading pleasure. Thanks! Lo & Behold!




24 Hours

Well, what do you know, I am now a blogger. 24 hours from now I should have been banded and in recovery. My feelings at this time are all over the place. Anxious, brave, excited, scared. You name an emotion and I have felt it. If I'm not ashamed of using this tool, why are there so many people that are? I feel it is no different than any other tool, less bypass. I've been thru that surgery with my ex, a cousin, a sister, and a good friend, I only know 2 people that have been banded, 1 is an absolute star student, 1 who only lost 20 pounds she said as she had a hot dog in 1 hand and a slurpie in the other.   I'm pretty much on my own, I think I must like it that way. I think my fear is change, with change usually comes chaos, and Lord knows I have had enough of that. I have decided to do this after losing 65 pounds on my own and gaining it back over 2 years. That's what pisses me off the most. That I thought I had the battle won, when in fact it had just begun.



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