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When It Rains... It Pours.... Literally.

I live in the great state of Washington, the state of evergreen trees, Starbucks, Vampires and Native American Werewolves. I also live in a state that rains so much you don't have to refresh your dog's outside waterbowl during the fall/winter/spring. It rained so much last week that some how my chimney got clogged with wet soot. It rained so much last night that my roof couldn't handle life anymore and crapped out and started leaking into my ceiling and about 3 inches away from my 70 flat screen. Chimney sweep came today. Fireplace good. Ty had to come home early from work and grab a friend to tarp the roof. That lasted all of an hour before it got so windy that the cinderblocks that were holding the tarp down started sliding off the roof in a death fall. One of them crashed onto a fish tank that was out side to be cleaned and sold. Not anymore... now there are shards of glass in the grass. While listening to the cinderblocks side across my roof in a sound that can only be compared to a giant sledding down my roof, I ran out to the livingroom with a book and my iPhone to see what it was. I stepped in dog pee because my dumb mutt dogs refuse to go to the bathroom outside because it's wet. So in a fit of rage I slammed down my book which also included my phone. I'm not a weak person... I threw it with some force. And well.... long story short, I broke my phone.I call Ty (who went with his friend to the driving range) and inform him of the cinderblock storm that is rainging around our house.... he tells me it's not a big deal. BAAAAHHHGGGG!! I then was contacted by someone at work to inform me that I will be sent on a tdy trip for a few months. So I go look for my government credit card... can't find it. ANYWHERE. So I call and cancel it and order a new one that will be expidited and be here by tomorrow afternoon. Call work back and tell them.... well that isn't good enough. The trip is emergant and I was to be leaving tomorrow. So now they go to the next person on the list... who might that be? Ty. So now he is leaving tomorrow on MY trip because I am so unorganized I can't handle life. But no worries, work said there is a possibility that I could be going on the trip, just on the 3rd of December. Which is fine. I just can't handle today.... and it's not even 1:30 yet.




Ugh... I Can't Wait Until....

I can feel good enough about myself... even when something isn't going well. I was invited to go out with some friends and I went to go shower to get ready and after looking in the mirror and staring at my aweful skin (I just went off my birth control and I have broken out like a teenager) so I made up some fib to get out of going out so that I could do a face mask and wallow in my self pitty. I'm normally a confident girl... but that's normally because I have flawless skin that I can rock with awesome eye make up... that over powers my body size. But not tonight. I don't think I have enough makeup or skill to cover up the mess that is my face. So tv, face mask and a fire for me. Cleaning tomorrow and santa on Sunday.




Ugggg.... Jean Shopping

Im sitting in the dressing room at Macy's feeling defeated. All I needed was a pair of jeans for work.... I wear yoga pants at home because I'm so fat, but I work on a shipyard and I have tO wear jeans.   You know the moment when you pull the jeans up to your knees and you instantly know they aren't going to fit? Or when you finally find a pair that you can pull up the whole way and manage to button up and you're working wIth muffin top, camel toe, or they are so wide in the leg you can't see your feet? I pretty much hate myself right now. I hate buying jeans based on how long it will take me to tailor them to my body. Good thing I'm a good seamstress I guess.   The next six months can't fly by fast enough.




Took A Big Step Today....

Today at my company's golf tourney, I broke the news to my best friend about Ty and me getting Lap-Band. ( We had been drinking most of the morning and she just got done telling me that the reason why we were best friends was because we were completely honest... how could I not tell her at the point?) She seems shocked at first. Then told me she didn't think that I needed, that I looked fine. I told her that I weigh more than people think I weigh and she asked how much, when I told her that I weighed 275 she was even more shocked. I've always known that I hold my weight evenly all over my body and that I am naturally a thick girl, but I know that I'm not at a healthy weight. She was very interested on how we came to this conclusion, and if I felt that I was doing it just because Ty was, and I'm not. After she had all the facts she was ok with everything. She's supportive of the things that I need in life, so it's going to be good I feel.   In the seminar last week, the women that came up to talk about their success stories told us that you learn who your true friends are after Lap-Band. I told my friend this, and I can pretty much peg who is going to have a problem with me loosing weight, and it won't be her. She told me that she isn't my friend because I'm overweight, and she won't be my friend just because I'm skinny, she's my friend because she just is. That is comforting to know.   Well, I need to head to bed, I just wanted to get that out on print before the week starts. I hope everyone has a productive week this week. Until next time.   Shells   P.S. Attached is me at the golf tourney today goofing around.... giving clear evidence on my I need Lap-Band... it's terrible.




Through the Motions I Go....

They said that they should *hopefully* know if I'm approved by tomorrow, but they want me to go through the motions as if I am already approved... So that means I start my liquid pre-op diet on Friday. I know I'm going to get through this pre-op diet with no problem....while I'm at work. It's the weekend that is going to kill me. But luckily I get to knock it out early on in the week.   My mom told me that I need to "see" it, when I told her that I was unsure of my approval. Not see my approval, see myself already banded and healthy. So I had a 20 minute pep talk in my car on my way to my best friends house. So here is what I know, what's see.   1. I will be banded in 9 days. 2. I'm going to be able to run a 5k without feeling like I'm dying in August. 3. I will be 100+ lighter on my wedding day. 4. I'm going to be a healthy wife. I. Going to be a healthy mom. 5. I'm going to ride a roller coaster without the fear of not fitting. 6. I'm going skydiving. 7. I'm going to love myself wholeheartedly. 8. My band date is March 15, 2013   Lets hope this works!




The Stuggle Between Body And Mind... Body 1 Mind 0

Oh the weekend. I don’t know why my mentality changes so much from the 5 days that I’m at work to the 2 days that I’m at home. I’ll list the differences that can make or break my health: AT work I drink almost 64oz of water a day, at home it probably less than half.
At work I can keep up with eating healthy, at home I had Jack in the Box
Actually that’s about it, lol, but that’s still terrible for me. I need to get better at this. Last night I had my weekly softball game, and I left so frustrated and so upset with myself I wanted to cry. Ty couldn’t play because his hip has been bothering him so bad, but he came to watch. Every time I got up to bat, I would hit the ball, drop the bat and run like hell for 1st base. And all 4 times as I was right above the base in the air, the 1st baseman would catch the ball and I would be called out. Less than a second away each time. I’m so upset with myself because I keep thinking, “If I was a little less fat I would have been just a little bit faster and I would have beat the ball.” Or “If I was just a little stronger, I would have hit it a little further and I wouldn’t have to run so fast.” It’s frustrating to be held back by my body. Ty told me that each time I hit it was a good play because I advanced players on the bases, I was just sacrificing myself to get more runs… it still sucks. I wanted to at least get to second base. Oh well, after I get banded, game on.   On Friday Ty and I have our consultations with our surgeon and nutritionist, it’s exciting because it’s becoming so real. The appointments on top of our “Lapband Savings” account, I know I’ll make it the next 6 months. I just keep telling myself that most people have to wait and jump through hoops for 6 months all the time, I can do it.   Well I hope we all have a great week!   Shells




The Drink

I don't drink often... (not since Japan) but Ty does. Last night we both got pretty drunk, and this morning I had proof of the night in the feeling of my body. IT HURT. But now I'm wonder how one drinks with Lap Band. I know that I can give up alcohol... I think, but I know Ty will have a harder time. We like to go out with our friends, but how does it work with the band? Just some thoughts that I'm having. I'm pretty tired today, after work a 10 hour shift of overtime, and now I am sitting on my couch watching Pride and Prejudice and getting ready for bed. We have an early morning, our company golf tournement, Ty is a very good golfer, I wish he would go golfing more often.   I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Any answers on the alcohol question would be awesome.




Some Thoughts and Plans and Goals

It's been a long while since I have posted, and I'm just sitting here planning my new life and figured I would check in with the few people who read my blog. I hope everyone is doing well and losing what they are working so hard for. I don't actually know what I have lost or gained lately because I decided to stop weighing myself. I was becoming obsessed and making myself sick when I would "plateau" for a day or two. Which I know is normal, especially since I'm not even a month out from surgery. So I haven't gotten on my scale in over a week I think. Which is kinda nice actually, the first 2 days were pretty hard, but now it's nice not worrying about it and knowing that on the 25th I'll know.   The 25th is my fill date. I know that I'm going to need the fill, because as of right now when I eat my cup of food it only keeps me full for 2 hours, 3 if I push through the hunger pains. So I am eagerly waiting for my appointment to get a fill, if I wasn't such a wuss I would go sooner, but I need Ty to go with me because I'm scared for some reason, and the 25th is when he has his last two appointments.   So I joined the YMCA last night, because our stupid government is broke and the base pool is going to be closed until sometime next year. And I just want to swim! And at the Y I can take Zumba classes. which I love. But if the government wasn't broke-dizzle then I wouldn't have to be spending 40 a month to swim. Which in retrospect isn't that bad since when I swam on a club team it was over a hundred dollars a month for me to swim.   So on the topic of swimming, I have created a challenge for myself. I have found a website www.100swimmingworkouts.com that has..yup! you guessed it, 100 swim workouts to do. They start out for beginners with nothing over 1000 yards and builds up to swimming 2 miles by the end of the 100 work outs. I am waiting on a phone call from either my surgeon or nurse to tell me when I am cleared to swim. And when they give me the ok, I am giving myself 6 months to complete the 100 workouts. I am hoping to build up to swimming 5 times a week, which would mean that I would only really need 5 months, but hey, I'm human. I'm giving myself a month buffer incase I skip or miss a workout.   If anyone is interested in doing this with me, let me know. I would love to have a motivating companion that I can help motivate right back. I have always loved swimming, and it is one of the healthiest things that I have ever done that I loved as much as food. So I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I'm hoping I won't be a complete mess when I first jump into the pool.   Well that's pretty much it for now. Love to hear from anyone with help or a simple hello! Happy losing everyone! Shelley




Some Tentative Good News....

So, on Tuesday, the insurance coordinator at the surgery center that I'm working with, called me and of course I managed to miss the call. When I saw the missed call and the voicemail on my phone I almost pooped my pants. I figured I would only hear from her when she found out if I was approved or denied. The message just said, "call me as soon as possible." That doesn't help me much. So I call as fast as I could. She could obviously tell what I thought the call was about, so she started off by telling me that my information and documentation had been sent in and she was waiting to hear (boo). But the reason for her call was to tell me that they would be doing surgeries on Friday, March 15th (which is odd, because they only do fills for half a day on Fridays) but she said they would be at another reputable hospital and it would still be their staff and surgeons, she was telling me this because she asked if I would like to have surgery on that date, and I said yes of course! She said that she was going to call my insurance company and try to get a quick approval and tell them that I had a date. So I hope to hear from her tomorrow or Thursday. She says she sees no reason I should be denied, so my hopes are a little up from where I thought. If I am approved, then I would start my pre-op diet on Friday. AND I AM READY!!!   LoL, I'm up this early because I was in a bike accident at the end of work yesterday (Tuesday) ANSI really jacked up my arm falling. My arm is throbbing and it was keeping me up, so I left the bedroom to not wake Ty, and I'm watching late night tv and blogging!   Happy losing everyone! I hope the next time I post it's to say I'm approved! Shelley




Some Odd, Yet Hopeful Changes....

That will happen affect being banded; - no more waking up in the middle of the night feeling sick to my stomach or having "a heavy tummy" because I made the wrong choices st dinner - no laying awake after going pee in the middle of the night, an able to fall back asleep because of Ty's sleep apnea and snoring   That's about it for now... Lol, it's 1am and Ty won't stop snoring.




So Scared...

I've never had surgery before and I'm terrified. I don't understand how anesthetic works and that scares me. I'm ready to be home. That's all. Mumford and Sons playing to keep me calm, and it's working.




So Random

This is going to be pretty random, I apologize in advance.   Went swimming this morning with my sister and my cousin. My sister doesn't know that I had wls but my cousin does, she's actually the one that took me to the hospital on the day of the surgery. Anyway, my cousin told me that I was losing weight () but that my boobs have gotten smaller (D:) It's only a small set back because Ty told me that after I am done having kids, he will go to Japan and save a bunch of money and then I get a boob job ( :D)   I haven't weighed myself in about 2 weeks. I'm slightly curious as to how much I weigh, but more curious on if I can buy new jeans. I am going to the mall to buy a new pair on Friday. Hoping I have moved down a size in the jean department. I know that I have lost an inch or so on my upper body because my jacket fits looser.   So I didn't make a lunch for today. I try to prepare my lunch the night before, especially the night before I'm going to be waking up earlier to go swimming, but last night I was nauseated and I couldn't figure out what to make for lunch. Nothing sounded good at the time, and now besides my breakfast, my lunch bag was empty. I mean I can go buy something, but it was just disheartening to know that I was nauseated for some reason and that it affected the sound of food for the next day. I also have decided that I need to figure out some other breakfast because I am getting tired of yogurt. But it's just so much protein and I know that I need it, but it's becoming a chore to choke it down. I think I am going to start looking into some sort of frozen breakfast thing that I can start switching out with the yogurt. Maybe do every other day yogurt.   I've been working out a lot, which is good I guess, but it seems like all I do every day is work, workout, and sleep. Does anyone else feel this way? How much is the norm for working out in the beginning?   Ugh... it's only Wednesday, bring on the weekend.  




So Close Yet So Far....

Tomorrow is the day of my last two appointments. And for the last month I have wanted time to speed up so much so that this day would come, but in the last couple if days I realized that today isn't really the day that I'm looking forward to, I'm looking forward to the day that I find out I'm approved, to the day that I start my 10 day pre-op diet, to the day that I get banded and start my new life. Tomorrow is just another stepping stone to all of those days. This month has gone by pretty fast though, I have distracted myself with planning my wedding. This evening Ty and I go interview a photographer team. Then tomorrow I have an early dentist appointment, then off to the clinic for my physc Eval and my last nutrition appointment. Then I pray. I have done so much research on my insurance and if people have had any problems being approved and it seems like no one has had any major issues as long as they follow all the rules. And I have, but I just can't shake this feeling of feeling like I am unprepared for a final exam. Did everyone else feel this way too towards the end? I just feel like I have so much riding on one day. Wish me luck, I'll write tomorrow to let you know how it went.




Oh My Gosh!! Such Great News!

I found out that I can start my process now!! I can start the 3 month supervisied diet now! And it will still count when I actually get the new insurance! I'm so happy!! So it's just less time until I get banded!!




Now It Feels Like Christmas Is Coming!

24 more days!     Now I have a good ole fashion Christmas countdown until my last two appointments. And I finally found a distraction, planning my wedding. And now sadly, my next week will be filled with doggy time. I have to get rid of my two dogs due to work and other reasons. Next saturday (the 9th) is the drop off date. BOO so I am going to cuddle as much as I can.




My List...

Of things I want to be able to do on and after my weightloss journey. To sky dive (weight limit is 200lbs for my height)
Be able to comfortably fit in an economy airline seat
Be able to ride roller coasts with a "no doubt" mind set that I will fit
Start training for a triatholon
Be back to my high school jean size of 11 and medium top
Learn to play violin (not really weightloss related... but whatev, I want to learn)
Be able to wear high heels longer than 3 hours with out my feet hurting from 270+lbs crushin my tooties
Not have to try on 20 dresses to find 1 that looks ok to wear
Be able to walk up the dry-dock stairs at work with out feeling like I'm dying (literally...my leg feel like they're going to fall off and my heart feels like it's going to explode)
Not having to crop pictures anymore
No more having to retake pictures 20 times to find one where I don't look huge
  I know I'll come up with more....




My day.... WITH PICTURES!!

I don't even know how to begin to describe my day... it's been a pretty good one. How about I just walk you through it. 4:20am: My alarm goes off informing me that I have 5 minutes to get out of bed. "Don't tell me how to live my life alarm... I do me." I spend the next 4 minutes contemplating skipping the gym since I have been working so hard lately. I deserve a break right? 4:24am: I check my daily horoscope.   4:25am: So I get up, realizing the only that is holding me back from success is me. The only thing that has held me back for the last 20+ years has always been me. I am my own maker. So I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. 4:27am: I pull out the scale. I know that I shouldn't be doing this, that I should wait. But on Sunday I weighed myself after a 4 day weekend from work and knew that I could have done better and weighed myself at my parent's house and saw that I had gained 3 pounds. No sirree! This is a one way express to the new me, so I decided there and then it was go time. That I was failing my band when all it was trying to do was fulfill its destiny. To save my life. So now I've decided to weigh myself at least once a week to make sure I'm at least heading in the right direction. So this morning when I got on the scale... what did I see you may ask?? Pa dow! That's what I saw. Under 260! Haven't seen that in about a year and a half! 4:28am: Run screaming from the bathroom and jump onto Ty who is completely asleep. Tell him the news and watch him have an internal struggle of trying to show happiness for me and not punch me in the face for screaming and jumping on him at 4:30 in the morning. 5:00am: Get to the gym and jump on the treadmill. I chose the treadmill because I am doing a 30 day fitness photo challenge on instagram (Follow me! Shell_LB) and today's picture is supposed to be of "Calories Burned" So away I went. 5:42am: Then this happen....   FML right? What are ya gonna do? Fast forward to talking to my best friend who moved 3000 miles away from me to get married. Boo. She is having trouble get motivated to work out and eat right, so I just told her what I was doing. And how it is so helpful. All the journaling, food logs, counting, working out. ACCOUNTABLITY. This is part of conversation.     Welcome to my life...   And now I am at work... blogging.... I should win employee of the year! After work (hour and a halfish) I'm going to Costco for a few things, then River fitness Boot Camp. Gotta get that booty in shape. My Goal is 250 by the end of June... I may need to come up with a new goal. ;D




Lost 4 Pounds....

I only took in 620 calories yesterday..... I was worried about starvation mode but I lost weight. I'm going to try to drink 4, I was just never hungry for the 4th one yesterday. I did crash though.... I was in bed before 8. It took me a bit to fall asleep, but I could tell my body was done moving for the day. All I have planned for today is cleaning house and tanning (<----my favorite) I think I'm going to be able to survive this liquid diet, but it's only day 2, lol, we will see. I just gotta keep myself busy.




Lol... Nope..... Waiting Until Next Summer

Decided that we didn't like the terms of the No Patient Left Behind. They will only finance 10,000 (I need at least 15,000) and the downpayment is 50%. I'm a bit more ok with the thought of waiting now, but it still saddens me.




Light At the End of the Tunnel...

is fast approaching. Today I had an appointment with my nutritionist as part of my supervised diet. It went pretty smoothly. We mostly talked about how I would need to take supplements to insure that I am getting all my vitamins and nutrients after surgery. And the rest of my appointment was spent talking about my wedding and my nutritionist wedding. I like her very much. I wish it was awkward to try to contact her to be a friend. We have so much in common. I also talked to the insurance coordinator about everything that I needed to do in the final month of my supervised diet so that I could be completely finished at my next appointment and ready to turn in my case to the insurance company as soon as possible. I need to get the last 2 years of my medical records faxed to the insurance coordinator. I should have done this last month because I switched insurances and now it might be difficult to get them from Group Health, because Group Health is terrible.
Complete a Pysch, questionnaire.
Have a Physch. evaluation done on the same day as my last appointment. (I'm slightly confused on this one... are they going to deny me if I'm to depressed or not depressed enough?)
One last nutrition appointment, on February 26. (I feel like making a count down, out of like construction paper. With the loops that make a chain. I'm just so excited to start my new life)
Tyler had his first appointment today. I'm excited that he has started. I just have this looming fear that I won't be approved and he will be. Waahh!! That would be terrible!   Anywho, I'm off to bed, I'm so tired today.   Happy losing everyone! Shelley




Last Night Was Amazing!

And it was only a seminar! After a slightly stressful drive over there, because GoogleMaps is the worst, thank god for my iPhone.... Ty and I arrived about 10 mintues late. I had this image in my head of them turning us away because we were late and I was so scared that I would have to wait a month to go to the next one, but they let us right in, lol.   It was amazing to see and hear all the facts about obesity in America, I was shocked by some of it. The doctor running the seminar kept calling it a disease, that obesity is the fastest spreading emidemic in America and that we should consider it a disease. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I know that due to genetics, some people are more proned to being overweight then others, but I really feel like it's more of a culture issue. Our portion sizes in America are out of this world. When I first arrived to Japan in January I honestly thought I was going to have to order two of everything when we went out to eat beacuse the portions were so small there, but after about 2 weeks I found that I could "survive" off the portions that they served just fine, that it was indeed, enough food.   We learned about the 4 different types of surgeries that they offer, and all the pros and cons. Then they had three lovely ladies come up who had had the surgery and give their story. That was actually pretty cool, until the audience started focusing more on succes stories, then having important questions answered. That was the frustrating part. I thought that people there would be more prepared like I was, with a list of important questions and ready to just open fire while the surgen was there. And when did raising your hand to ask a question go out of style? My arm got so tired while being raised and having to wait because people were just blurting out questions that I had to rest it on Ty for support. (I don't wan to sound like a b*tch and say that no one should have been asking questions but me, lol, it was just a lot of questions were about clothes and such, and before and after pictures. I just wanted to tell everyone about this site and say "go there! They have awesome b & a pics! but please, I need to know some things first!" but I didn't )   So, as we were walking out, I was eager to set up the next appointments for Ty and me and when I spoke to the lady in charge of that, she asked why we hadn't filled out the insurance sheet (where she calls and checks with our insurance for free) and I told her that I had called about 2 weeks ago and that our insurance didn't cover the band because our employer has decided to exclude it from our coverage. ( I was proud that I could tell her verbatim what was told to me 2 weeks ago) (and I also thought this was something she must hear everyday) She asked if they covered any other WLS and I said yes, gastro bypass and she said she wanted our information, because it's almost illegal for them to cover one but not the other, because the band is FDA approved. So that is what I am doing today, filling out the insurance forms for Ty and myself to fax in. If we can save 30,000 by not self-paying, I'm sure I can find it in my heart to wait a bit longer to have the surgery, plus 30,000 can buy me the new boobs that I've always wanted, or at least some jeans that fit right after I lose weight. lol   Sorry this was so long, I was just so excited about last night, I would have posted last night if the drive home wasn't 2 hours long, but luckily for all you folks, it's time for me to get ready for work and finish my last day of training. Hopefully I passed the test yesterday so that I'm not going to training today for nothing.   Happy Friday!   ~Shelley




Last Day At A Desk...for Now Anyway ;d

Today is the last day that I will be sitting at a desk for a while. I'm glad to be going back to the waterfront. I feel like part of the reason why I have gained some weight in the last month is because I stopped being active at work. But don't get me wrong, I don't want to be on the waterfront for the rest of my career. At some point I woulnd't mind a job that is less demanding then what I do on the waterfront. But I'm still young, and I still have some work left in me.   Tomorrow is my and Ty's consultations with the nutritionist and the surgeon. I'm so excited!! It feels like everything is happening for real! I called the receptionist and asked if Ty and I could combine our surgeon consult and they said yes, but no to the nutrition consult, which I figured would happen. I wanted separte nutrition consults because we eat so differently.   I can't believe Ty leaves in 4 days! This is going to be the longest TDY trip for either one of us while we have been together. But at least I will be able to go visit him. If it were 6 months in Japan, that is a different story....   I am, however, trying to get a trip to Japan to pay everything off. Ty and I are ok with being apart from eachother for almost a year to get the things we want, but for some reason our families have a problem with us being apart from eachother for so long. I just don't get it. Ty and I both have the opprotunities to travel and earn a lot of money to pay for the things we want in cash and our parents think that it's a bad idea. We don't want credit cards for everythinig. If I didn't think the Care Credit card wouldn't help out in the future after the band (tummy tuck, boob job, emergencies) then I wouldn't even want that, but I can't wait a year for the band!   I have been doing some research on the Fitbit and everyone seems to love it. I really want Ty and I to get ones after we get banded. And the new fancy scale that they have. I wish I could keep myself off the scale that I have at home. I almost want to throw it out. It upsets me more than it makes me happy, and anything else in my life that would do that, I would throw out. Maybe I'll just put it somewhere that is hard to get.   On saturday I am doing my second 5k! It's the foam run. Check out this website to see if one is coming to your hometown, because it looks like so much fun! www.5kfoamfest.com My friends from work are doing it with me. I am, sadly, the fat friend in the group, but they are nice about the fact that I can't run as much as they can. We did the color run about a month ago, and that 5k was a bit more difficult because there weren't any obstacles to break up the running...but it was a lot of fun. This is me and my friends doing it. It's kinda long, but there are some pretty funny parts in it. Also, I did the music mix myself with a dj app on my ipad ... it was my first time.  Hope everyone has a great rest of the day! I will probably write something tomorrow because I will be so excited!   Shells




Just Ready For the Rest...

Of the week, and month, and the next two months to be over so that I can move on with the next part of my life. The last few days have felt to long. Starting my Zumba regimen today, excited about that. Not much after that.




Just One Of The Guys....shoot Me

I can't wait for the day when the guys that I work with stop seeing me as "just one of the guys" and sees me as a girl. Fridays, in the shipyard, are normally known as "Fat Fridays" where someone brings in something special to eat. Today it was scones... so yummy.And as I was walking towards the box to get on, one of my idiot co-workers said, "Whoa now! Don't knock me over trying to get one!" I pretty much wanted to put the scone back. Awesome a** hole, that's just what I wanted to hear in the morning, that you think I want the scone bad enough to knock you over to get to the box that is filled with them, Of course my whole crew laughed, as did I (because isn't that what we do? conform into the funny fat friend?) I laughed it off and went on my way, but it hurts, Why would you say that to an overweight girl? This happens a lot to me with where I work, we become so much like family that sometimes the morons that I work with think it's ok to say hurtful things... I'm a lady god damn it! Treat me as such. LoL.   Well I hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm going to try. I don't get to work overtime to put money in the bank because I have to go to my friend's son's 1st birthday party. What do you do at a one year old's birthday party? Especially since I don't have a kid to bring to it? I just don't get it... I feel like all we are really celebrating is that my friend didn't kill her kid in the first year. It's not like her child is going to understand what is going on. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that baby with everything that I have, but still... I feel like if he can't say birfday... I shouldn't have to attend. ( I really hope this mentality goes away before I have a kid of my own). I just feel like it is like celebrating a kid "graduating" from the 6th grade... "Congratulations! You did what is expected of every other kid in America! Now on to another grade for you." I guess I was just brought up differently, My high school graduation present was luggage... so that I could move out. My friend got a car. I had a 3.9 GPA and she barely passed.... I just don't understand people sometimes. My kid is going to get a high five and a microwave. And the same speech (with a slight variation), "Congratulations! You did what is expected of every other kid in America! Now get out of my house you bum." <------I've rambled.   Have a great Friday night folks!   ~Shells




Just As I Expected....

I just finished my psyc eval and my last nutrition appointment, but I'm finally finished. And in classic Group Health fashion, my 2 years of health records still have not made it to the clinic, I hope that they make it there soon so that the insurance coordinator at the clinic can send in all my paperwork to my insurance company. She told me that I should expect an answer in about 2 weeks. Then I will be able to set a date for surgery, and I only have to do 7 days of pre op diet, so I'm hoping I can get the surgery on the 21 of March. The clinic that I am going to doesnt do surgeries on Fridays, so I hope I can get banded on Thursday, so I only have to take 2 days off from work. Pray for my approval please. Happy losing!  



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