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bringin it.
Entries in this blog
Now It Feels Like Christmas Is Coming!
I Feel Like I'm In Limbo....
I Feel Addicted....
Light At the End of the Tunnel...
Complete a Pysch, questionnaire.
Have a Physch. evaluation done on the same day as my last appointment. (I'm slightly confused on this one... are they going to deny me if I'm to depressed or not depressed enough?)
One last nutrition appointment, on February 26. (I feel like making a count down, out of like construction paper. With the loops that make a chain. I'm just so excited to start my new life)
Tyler had his first appointment today. I'm excited that he has started. I just have this looming fear that I won't be approved and he will be. Waahh!! That would be terrible! Anywho, I'm off to bed, I'm so tired today. Happy losing everyone! Shelley
As I Sit...
Just Ready For the Rest...
It's Refreshing To See...
A Stressful Beginning To the New Year....
Almost the End of the First....
I Feel Like I Fell Off The Grid
If This Doesn't Motivate...
My List...
Be able to comfortably fit in an economy airline seat
Be able to ride roller coasts with a "no doubt" mind set that I will fit
Start training for a triatholon
Be back to my high school jean size of 11 and medium top
Learn to play violin (not really weightloss related... but whatev, I want to learn)
Be able to wear high heels longer than 3 hours with out my feet hurting from 270+lbs crushin my tooties
Not have to try on 20 dresses to find 1 that looks ok to wear
Be able to walk up the dry-dock stairs at work with out feeling like I'm dying (literally...my leg feel like they're going to fall off and my heart feels like it's going to explode)
Not having to crop pictures anymore
No more having to retake pictures 20 times to find one where I don't look huge
I know I'll come up with more....