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just about my life with the band

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Another Fill

Well it been 3 weeks since my unfill so it time to get my fuild back. While i not gained i not relly lost i gone up and down about 2 lbs. I also talked to my nurtionist kate. When ever i am not feeling great nurtionly she the one to go to. we talked alot about diffent types of hunger and what to do for them. I talked about how i get dizzy when i do not eat enough and work out hard she said thats real hunger thats your body telling you need more. She said think of it like this when you eat if you were to place a plate of brorcklie in front of you would you eat that if the answer is yes then thats hungery nunger you body sending you the message. If the answer is no then thats head hunger. We also talked about things to do for head hunger such as keep busy keep hands busy and mind busy.   My Dr Fellow who saved the band Dr Odokey she I look great. She said it nice to she you move and be happy and prerky. We talked alot about trying to keep kidney infections away so this dose not happen again. I talked to another Dr about it that day too so everyone on the same page as far as my kidney go.   I get another fill in september. So far i not relly felt anything with this fill he put two cc in my band I thinking it could take some more time. The best part was he found my port on the frist shot no Flor need for him to find my port. His fellow and I laughed. He also hides the nedale so i have no idea how huge it is I told her thats makes it easyer on me. I saw her in the elvator going to the pre-op meeting and she said Hay did Dr jones ask you to speak you should. I said no I going to support group she like yea come down after and tell your story. I feel it too soon to do that pluse i don't want to scar everyone with my story.




It Is Okay

I grew up in a family when you finshed what you had on your plate taking food home was a sing of weekness. Also if you wanted seconds you better eat fast becuse it will be gone before you know it you snoze you loze. As a grew up and would have fights with my family it would always end the same way someone saying there sorry with food. I am sorry let me make it up to you by lunch, a sunday ect.   Today i had high protine lactose free yougest for bresfest after i took all my lquid med i could only get 3 oz down my frist thought was oh no i spent money on this food I have to eat it. My next thought was this is what got you here in the frist place no one is holding a gun to my head saying eat it and it okay to say No I am full relly i am and thow it away. This was a huge brake though for me. I did not need the whole thing i was fine with my 3 oz and being done becuse i was done and i needed to listen to what my body was telling me not my head. I needed to trun that peice off and relly listen to my boady




Folllow Up

I had my 2 week follow up and it went well i was advanced to stage 4 mushie/ softer food. It alot of info to take I told them that i could not even look choclet after two weeks of choclet protine powder I told them it took care of my 30 Pluse years of love with the stuff now if they could just do something about red velvet cake we be all set. I had one agenda get back to the gym. so i asked and i frist was told okay to zumba / no to body pump then I asked the nurse she said Okay to light working out maybe okay to zumba / no to body pump. Then the fellow came in and looked at me. Who i did not like and I told him that too. But he said Okay zumba oaky to working with my trainer / okay to water arobics in a week / no to body pump. so the surergon came in and i asked him he said what is body pump I explaned it weightlifting enderness. Is Fellow said you do not take no for an aswer do you. I said I not fond of the word and he said fine knock your heart out but if it hurts promice me you'll stop and no sit up. I said okay No sit up dose not mean no cruches he said sit ups and dose not mean no hover.   I then told him i wanted to switch dr and he asked me why i told him i did not like the fellow and he said what happened I told him he yelled at me and did not listen and i told him about what happened in the hospital and how he let me go dehirated and then got mad when i could not catch up. He said to his fellow she mad say your sorry you owe her that. His Fellow said she looks great. The sueron said i sure she loves to hear that becuse she dose but thats not what she wants to hear just say your sorry so we can get on with it. So his fellow did muble it.   I had one stich that had worked it way out that was taken care of . I lost 20.5 lbs so far I feel great and today i going to body pump for the frist time in two weeks




One Great Nurse One Great Dr One Very Scary Emenencey

So i going to start off with i am sorry about my spelling i can not help it i have dylsixia and i would love to spell better for years when pepole would say things about it i woulld slove it by eating large amountsto make my self feel better abouut it beat my self up call my self names and since i said i was trying to tun over a new leaf about life and i not going to do any of the above any more knowing that it took me to being bigger make poor chocies and feel badly about my self and eat more. So that being said I am going to try just telling the turth about it.   So with that being said I last left off with dr Stupid. Then that night i went to the ER at the er they were going to give me a percrpiton and let me go but we had trubble finding it and since they called around too they could not find it they did IV antibotics and since they were doig IV antibotics and then 500 cc of fuild and some anti nauness medication and some pain meds. This go me though the next day but they also said don;t come back call your PCP if you can not keep anything down.   The next day it was 90 out but i was shivering wereing long sleaves and swetter winter socks and winter shoes.and called the DR they said go back to the hospital that told me not to come back I said no it did not work like that I did not want to just go and be relsed and they did not want me to come back. So i made an apppointment to go there office . After two hours and two diffent floors they saw me. I had a fever of 101.9 and i wight 199 I would have cryed if i was not so dizzy and naunses and felling like i wanted to die. the dr takes one look at me and said you need to be in a hospital I said i would not go back to were i went last night She said were did you have your band done. I said the Great dr jones did it at Beth Israeral in boston, She said well i think you need to go back there. I said okay I had asked my mother for a ride and she gave me a long lecture about how we would wait for ever and ever and i made a mistake and how she was so mad at me. I said look All i want is a ride don't even park or come in I relly don't need you, She said Laurea I am your mother I will wait one hour then i going to leave I said Fine just leave I don't want you. With in 15 min i was taken back with in 15 mins. The frist thing the dr said to me if i can get you feeling better do you want to go home.I said thats what happend yesterday the dr said good point i don't want you to come back tommorow worst I am admitting you. Iv fuild started they gave me a breathing treatment becuse i was weezing and then pain meds and nusness meds and with in a few hours i was taken up to Farr 2. were the dr comes and and said You got quite an infection going were growing it out but we going to give you big gun aantibotics and hope we kill it and tweek it as we need to.   The next day I tell her i am haveing stucknenss in my chest hard to explan stuck to a skinny dr who has no idea about lap band. I we talk about my other symotoms thowing up nunesouss The day was full of test x-ray of my tummy and ekg times two and tons of blood and just feeling bad lots and lots of iv fuilds.   That night my 3-11 nurse was named Kate she comes in around 7 with pepicd for me to chew and some water. We get talking about my band. And why i did it. I explaned i have walking up stairs i was out of breath i had high blood presser and was taken 4 diffent meds for acid reflex was one point away from being debitic had sleep apena. I said it took alot of planing. We talked how it had changed my life and 43 lbs . I tryed to take my pecid and i thow it up. Kate said Laura i want to see somthing she just take a sip of water for me. I said okay I did and up it came. She had been watching me vomit up white stuff all day. She looked at my vomit bucket that had become my best freinnd. She said Do you have anything in that band. I said yes i said stupid dr only gave me one CC i can get what ever i want thought this thing till i got sick. She said Laura I think you band is too tight . No way I don't want to lose my fill. She said talk to your dr about it   The next morning my Dr comes in and I tell her what Kate said and the Dr said I know nothing about lap band. I said of course you don't skinny pepole don't need lap bands. She smiled and said Hay five pound on me is worth then it is you. and she said I hate to brake it to you but you don't look too fat your self. I said I was a tub 43 lbs ago. She then said I going to concelt with the GI i team. with in 30 mins i get a Knock on my door. We start talking about my symotoms. I said you know how when you eat bread and it back up and you get stuck or you eat too much i said it like that but all the time I said i can't evne get water though. This is Juily frist. He the frist one to get what stuck feels like. I said I loved the band we talked about all the things I could get though he lauged and i said but some things there just no way and I said those are the things I know cause pain and I hate that and avoid like the pleag he said hay now this is not see how much you can stuff though this thing. i said it was about expermenting and finding what was going to work for you. In walks Dr Odesky My new hero and one of the best dr and fellow every were. She said I am dr Jones fellow I said Great get out. She said what wrong I said Dr Jones last fellow sucked he yelled at me and He hated me and I was not found of him and now i not going to be found of you, She said aww Laura Dr jones tell us about you. I make you a promice i will not yell at you and If you do not like me then you can kick me out okay. I said okay. We start talking about what i was felling she knew my story all the date and every thing. Then she examns me, She then calls dr Jones this is the 4th of Juily. I said I can't belive you called him on the 4th of Juily he going to yell at me and You. She said Na if he get mad I promice you it will be just at me not you. No one going to yell at you we all just going to help you. We talk about what to do I we going to try to unfill my port right there in my room. She said she was having trubble feeling my prort edges so was nevous about the whole thing. In walks my nurse with this bord thing and said the bed needs to be harder to unfill your port. she tryed to get my port 4 times. I start screaming at the fouth time the other fellow is makeing me laugh he looks at him and said Stop makeing her laugh when i am sticking large neadles in her. So we gave up she said look I could get it under florocepy no problem but it the fouth i not sure there do it. We could just wait for dr jones tommrow. I said yea She said well i need an xray any ways so i talk to them . I down to xray and I get a chest x-ray everything looks okay but hard to tell if there prolaps but it looks okay. so then I see her in this x-ray apron thing she said Okay were going to unfill that port this time. I said you promice me you can do it. I never done one under floro before but yes i done loss of port it not a problem. Not as meny as dr jones he dose 100 's a week but yes I done more than one you be fine I promice you I know just what to do we get it done trust me okay. I said Okay.   we then do Floro that is complated by i can not lay flat on my back due to kidney pain and she gets it from the side and get out all the fuild I sit up and the frist thing i notice is i can sollow my own sliva again and that all what was sitting on top of my band gone then. She said lets give it about 2 hours and then you can have water again she said just get used to being able to sollow your own stuff again. 2 hours latter she comes up to my room lets go for stage one she said how do you feel i said it like my presser is gone completly thank you and i not thown up my anything in two hours I have no problem with stage one expect i not a big water fan I like it flavored. Next morning they said Okay lets go for stage two problem is my reflex is back it start buruping up stuff. They said stop stage two and lets go back to one just long enough so we get a sollow study.   A few hours latter i get my sollow study the radigigist said nothing to me and said your hear soon. I thought it was funny since before they just said looks good. With in a half hour dr Odskey comes not walking but running into my room i drinking my water that she said I had to stop right then. i was like no you said i can have stage one I am okay. She said No not any more your back on 0. Just make sure your on fuild and we need to make up your mind about something i going to give you 10 mins to make up your mnd okay . You have prolaps thats when the stumic moves up into the band she like we already emptey your band so thats good but I need to know how you want to preceed so i can make the argements right now. Option 1 do an endpepocey and try and save the band and we try and get it to move out. Opoin two lose the band I call the dr on call about loseing it and we can get you into an or tonight but till then Nothing more by mouth nothing not even water. . We talk about it we desied endoscpey was the way to go.. The nurse comes in and ups my fuilds too 150 an hour from 75 since i am now NPO.   we start talking At this time it kate it 3- pm and it is again I told her i was nevous about eveything and that my ephoousss was so sore. She said Yea she under stood everything would be fine in a few hours eveything would be done i be back to stage 2 before i knew   All day my roommate was nuts too she was an old rushin lady who they had this alrm on every time she get up and it happend all day but she became better as the day went on but my god it was annying. She truned out to be like a little grandma.   With in 2 hours i was taken down to endopopey and sadated and prolaps fixed. Dr Odesky held my hand the whole way up to the floor she also made sure that i was postioned on my left side she said rember side becuse she rembered that i had back pain. She also waited till i was less doped up by my bed side she said i fixed it nothing by mouth till latter then stage 1 for a few hours then 2 again till morning okay.   I guess my roomate was worried she said she going to be okay. She like yes she had sugery she needs to rest you need to be quite okay so she can rest.   with in a few hours i was ready to go up and walking drinking till i got lose bowl movents from hell spent most of the night in pain and cramping but dr odseky came up and made sure i be okay   By the next day Dr jones came back to cheek one me he said Laura I alway love you play by all the rules and you still buck the systum. He said how much have you lost now i said about 43 lbs. He said well your on lquid for the next 3 week i expect to see 20 more off he said you be skinny by then. I laughed and said and tryed to play lets make a deal for 1 and 1/2 weeks He said no 3 weeks I said i give you two her said I give you 3. I said your mean he said look your ephougous is very sollown and enfalmed it going to take some time for the pain to go away anyways as well as the swelling and i want to make sure you relly need that fill and were going slowly He like you have no idea how lucky you are.   I said by the way Dr odeskey she a much better felllow then the last guy. He laughed and said yea she pretty found of you too now get back to being better will you He like your going to have to tell Dr odseky about the thing you do body what ever that you keep trying to drag me to, I said Body pump and your just scard i kick your butt at it and I can lift more then you can. He laughed he said you can also tell her how at two weeks you con me into letting you do it again I said yea by 3 weeks i was at abs class i just did not tell you I figered since you gave me the okay for body pump why not. He like i see you in 3 full weeks be good stay out of trobble and get better for god sake no more kidney infections and vomiting so hard.   my nutty room mate truned out to be a sweet old lady once they got her meds readjusted. She keeped trying to feed me and i had to say no alot. I had my nurse tell her i can't eat and showed her my protine drink and said this is her food. I so wanted the french frises she was eating too. It was funny i said to her CNA i want food so baddy I would kill to be able to chew. She said how long are you going to go with out eating I said i am on a full lquid deit for 3 weeks then i can go get a fill have 2 more days of lquid 3 days of Mushy and then real food.   So lquid it is I just have to live with it and be thankful that all my vomiting did not to more damage then it did. Things i am thankful for my family my the great nurse and fellow my own bed good antibotics and the fact i can sollow my own spit and good pain meds.     So 3 weeks of the lquid deit is is. then i can be refilled lucky i still have my band and i am very sore in my kidneys and my ephougous but plan to be better so




There Is No I In Team

Being form boston area i am huge base ball fan and i love the red sox even when they stink like this year. But in 2004 when the redsox were down they pulled them self toghter and they landed up not only winning the play off agaist the Yankees but the worlld sezies. Huge as they had not won in over 50 years,   So what dose this have to do with my Lapband. Well more then you think. You see my lap band is the red soxs some times you get down and you need to work with your team to pull you back up. It knowing you can trust that team when things look bad is what matters     So who is my team   Well I am the Leader of the team - Jason Vertic of the red sox ( he was the team caption)   Then there are my support members   My surgon - Dr Jones and his fellow who is my new favorit dr Dr Odsky - they call the shots there there like the pitcher thow thow the balls ect in this case fill and unfill the port)   Nurtionisht - Michelle and Kate - they are like Big pappi the teach us how to eat so we can hit the home run   My Traine Dave r and My exsizese teachers Roberta, Michelle, and Evelynn - they like the out feilder they porovie do the feilding and make me move   My family and Freinds- There my fan the root for me for thick and thin   Now why am i scard to uses my team like meany of you I was scard to email nurtion with my long winnyey email about lquids for 3 weeks becuse i was embrassed that i was unfilled and did not succed but then i rember something michelle she my nurtionist Laura win lose or draw we be here for you all you need to do is email we can't help if we do not know whats going on.   So i will be writeing that long winney email as i know they will be there for me beucse there part of my team and when i uses the team i can win the world sezies just like the 2004 boston red sox



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