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just about my life with the band

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Befor and after

If you had asked me Last year i be wearing this size i say no If you asked me if I own a two pice last year this time I say no. If you asked me if i had my navle pice i say no. Well     here it is   Yes i am a size 4/6   Yes; I do own a two piece   Yes I did puce my navel because i could




Another Fill

Well it been 3 weeks since my unfill so it time to get my fuild back. While i not gained i not relly lost i gone up and down about 2 lbs. I also talked to my nurtionist kate. When ever i am not feeling great nurtionly she the one to go to. we talked alot about diffent types of hunger and what to do for them. I talked about how i get dizzy when i do not eat enough and work out hard she said thats real hunger thats your body telling you need more. She said think of it like this when you eat if you were to place a plate of brorcklie in front of you would you eat that if the answer is yes then thats hungery nunger you body sending you the message. If the answer is no then thats head hunger. We also talked about things to do for head hunger such as keep busy keep hands busy and mind busy.   My Dr Fellow who saved the band Dr Odokey she I look great. She said it nice to she you move and be happy and prerky. We talked alot about trying to keep kidney infections away so this dose not happen again. I talked to another Dr about it that day too so everyone on the same page as far as my kidney go.   I get another fill in september. So far i not relly felt anything with this fill he put two cc in my band I thinking it could take some more time. The best part was he found my port on the frist shot no Flor need for him to find my port. His fellow and I laughed. He also hides the nedale so i have no idea how huge it is I told her thats makes it easyer on me. I saw her in the elvator going to the pre-op meeting and she said Hay did Dr jones ask you to speak you should. I said no I going to support group she like yea come down after and tell your story. I feel it too soon to do that pluse i don't want to scar everyone with my story.




A Oneserst Party

for every body who ever been over 200 lbs you know what it feels like when you brake the mark and for the fritst time see the big 1 on the scale. Well it happend to me when i was so sick i did not even care. But now that i am feeling alot better i want to do something to cellbrate as this is huge!!!!!!! I gone from a 24 to a 14 I goe form a 44 dobble d to a 40 d or a 38 depending on the bar. ,   So i was told to cellbrate millsotones along the way. At 20 lbs i got a pair of shoes at 30 lbs i got some cloths becuse mine were falling off at 35 i did a mani pettti and now were ready for the big one 45 the oneseter land. I want to thow a party but how dose some one party with out food.   Well after talking it over today with my Zumba teacher we came up with the Idea a zumba party yes no food but plenty of zumba and just a good time. I don't have a date yet as I have to wrok it out but I think this is a great way to cellbrate onester land.




A Letter To Starbucks

Dear Starbucks,   I want to thank you for sending me the email reminding me that it is Frapconio sesison and that you have a new flavor cookies and cream and that your offering them half price in may. But I no longer need your Frapaconis to help me deal with my feeling I know longer am going to drink a venta one becuse i am sad upset lonely tired ECT. So i hope you do not mind but i have no choice this year but to get rid of your email. I am starting a new life and Starbucks Frapacoino are not in it even if you have a new cookies and cream flavor i must say no.     sincenerly   Laura




7 Weeks

7 weeks ago today i had Zoey ( my band) put in. Zoey can be a princess when she wants if i glup to fast I have nothing in zoey so Tomrow zoey gets her frist adjement ( fill) I hit a little palto with weight so i am hopeing that a fill might help.   Things i am having trobble with are still the same not eating when i am stressed So far i have only cheeted tiwce one on week two i was able to eat some bread then on week 5 i had one pringle chip but it got stuck so i had to thow the rest of my prized chips in the transh.   I am excited about tommorow and getting my fill



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