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This is a blog that consists of some awesome recipes ( some of my very own), which I used, and WILL use after my Lap Band Surgery

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S2+B3 = Healthy Cooking - Recipe 2- Oatmeal Baked Chicken, And Mashed Sweet Potatoes.

Okay, I was going to leave you guys with just the Chicken Noodle soup dish. However, I don't want to seem unfair. So, I would like to give you guys another great recipe, and give you guys, and gals some cooking tips.     I am a very mathematical type of person. I see things as numeral equations, variables. Pretty much, I have the uncanny ability to come up with easy ways to remember things ( I am also great with taxes)   This variable I thought about, when I was teaching my then 14 year old sister how to cook. She is now 18, and graduating HS this summer...She's planning on going to Mercy College for the Pre-Vet Program.   Anyways, my sister wasn't that great in math, but she understood "The Fundamentals". I have always believed, that if one understands the fundamentals of the types of equations for which one is solving- math will seem like a piece of low-fat devils food cake. Understand that mathematics consists of 15 Percent memorization, 10 Percent freaking the hell out/ pulling hair, and 75 percent application.   s2+b3 = Healthy cooking.......... WTH is that!!!?????   Its simple. Its math.....for you and I.     Steam Stir-fry (without oil)   +   Baking Broiling Boiling   Since my mother caught a heart attack back in 2003, we decided that as a family we will eat healthier( A promise that I didn't until I became as big as a house). We stopped eating pork, and ground beef ( We knew about pink slime, before it was cool).   We resorted to cooking our meals in a much healthier way!     This should help you remember, healthy cooking methods.     Recipe 2- Oatmeal Baked chicken, and mashed yams   Prep- however it takes you to prepare. Cook- 30-50 minutes     Ingredients   2 Sweet Potatoes 1.5 cups of oatmeal 2 decent sized free ranged boneless chicken breast 1 cup of egg beaters(2 large eggs) Garlic Powder Thyme Basil Oregano Powder Romano Cheese .5 of Honey Mustard....I prefer Newmans Own. Fat Free Butter, or butter substitute   Instructions.   1. Marinade chicken with spices, cheese, and honey mustard ( You can keep the marinading for a whole day- Doesn't matter) 2. Dip marinated chicken into egg dip, covering the whole piece. 3. shake excess egg off chicken, and bread the chicken with the oatmeal. 4. Place into cookie sheet and metal pan in the oven 400 Degrees F from 25-40 minutes (4a) after chicken is finished baking, give the chicken 10 minutes so it can rest.(Probably tired)   While chicken is cooking,   5. Peel Potatoes. 6. Dice Potatoes 7. Boil Potatoes ( 30 minutes) 8. Drain Potatoes 9. MASH POTATOES ( Awesome Stress relief) 10. Add butter, or honey, or Stevia.     This dinner is fit for a couple....Very romantic! Or two friends.     Eat Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




New Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Shepards Pie

I just came back home from a huge conference. I was ever so tired. Mom was bugging me about dinner. Sisters were bugging me about dinner. The dog was bugging me about dinner. I swore, my neighbors were bugging me about dinner as well......So I was like "Screw it....Let me make something quick, so these people can shut up" (Talk about family dynamics) So I decided to make an awesome healthy shepherd's pie.The meal serves 6.   What you need.   5 large Sweet Potatoes (or Large Eastern Potatoes) 1 Green onion. 1 sweet red pepper 1.5 cup of frozen peas 1 medium carrot one corn on cob 1.5 lb of ground chicken breast (less than 1 percent fat) tsp of olive oil pinch of sea salt pinch of crushed black pepper .5 cup of fat free milk   Prep less than 10 minutes   1.Peel potatoes, and cut them in slices 2.Shave, and dice carrots. 3.Thaw peas 4.Chop onion 5. Slice the corn off the cob   Cook   1a. place sweet potatoes(or potato) into a pot of boiling water, wait till the potatoes soften, 1b. Take Ground Chicken, and place it in the pan 2. Cook under medium heat, using the spoon to break the ground chicken. 3. Pour Olive Oil, sprinkle salt, Pepper, and corn 4. cook until the chicken is light brown.   Potato Prep   1. Drain potatoes, and place them in a bowl (or in a blender) 2. Pour milk onto the potatoes 3. MASH MASH MASH MASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell Yeah!   More Prep   1. Place peas and carrots into a casserole dish 2. Place chicken on top of the peas and carrots. 3. dice red pepper 4. sprinkle red pepper on top of chicken 5. Place potatoes on top of chicken   Bake   Bake for 15 minutes in 350F     Enjoy   Total time I took- 1 Hour, 3 Minutes




The Beginning Of A New Me! One Recipe At A Time.- Recipe 1- Chicken Noodle Soup.

Hello Everyone!   My Name Is Moses (Mo for short). I am 24 Years of Age. Born and Bred New Yorker. I have always been "the fat kid", almost all my life. It didn't get out of control until my sophomore year in College. I gained 150 pounds. Now, I am 426. I have made the decision to take back my life, and pursue The Lap Band. I am not nervous, or anxious. I just realized that I need a serious life change. The same went for my dieting, and eating habits. Junk Food, processed foods, and all sorts of crazy **** have caused me to weigh this much. So, I have decided to utilize the secret weapon. Food! (Well, Natural Foods, and Exercise along with the LB Procedure). These recipes, I have used in my daily life, for myself, and my family. I will try my best to post as often as I can, but I do have a busy life. I attend Pre Med, attend school for my MPH, work, and I help out at my local masjid( Yes I am Muslim). I can commit one post a week. If you guys and gals have any concerns, or questions- or even wanna contribute: Add me as a friend, and contact me! I don't bite people, only Good food!!!!!!!     My Recipes contain:   No Pork No Beef No Shellfish No crazy mutant veggies, from space Fresh veggies Most contain no oils. Take about 30-45 minutes to cook.       Recipe 1- The best damn chicken noodle soup....EVER..   Soup is a important staple in my diet. I usually make a dozen servings, take one bowl to work, and place the rest in the freezer, so I can eat another time. Its easy to make, and incredibly delicious.   Ingredients   2 decent sized boneless free range chicken breasts- diced----- Mary's Chicken (http://www.maryschickens.com/) 1 small bag of Hodgson Mill Whole Wheat Wide Egg Noodles 1 box of 36 oz chicken broth.------------ (http://www.pacificfo...s-chicken-broth) 3 additional cups of water 2 small onions, diced 2 sticks of celery, chopped 1 yellow bell pepper 1 carrot, peeled, chopped 1 small bunch of cilantro, chopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped Salt Pepper     Directions   1. Boil some water, and placed diced chicken into the boiling water. 2. Let the chicken boil the remaining fat off, and for the chicken to cook...Should take about 7-10 minutes, with the oven on full blast. 3. drain the water- scrape the remaining fat out of the pot. dump the veggies, broth, and 3 cups of water. 4. begin to cook.... 5. Sprinkle salt, and pepper into the batch. Cooking should take 15 minutes, or until veggies, become nice and soft.   6 boil noodles. 7. Drain noodles. 8. Place drained noodles into soup   total time 25 minutes.   Optional. Now some of you would like to have some thickness into the soup. Its fine. As you are stirring the pot, sprinkle 2tbsp of Cornstarch. Understand that Cornstarch has a ton of carbs..( COME ON!! ITS STARCH!)   Using my measurements, you can serve up to 4 with my recipe. You might want all of it to yourself.   Bon Appetit!




Picking The Right Juicer/emulsifier- Recipe 3- Awesome Morning Parfait

Hey,   In Our diet, getting all our vitamins into our bodies are vital to a good healthy life. Lets be honest, we can't get all of our daily need in just what we eat. We know that we can get a vast majority of these said vitamins from Juicing ( No fool, not steroids!, Juicing)   Juicing is the process of making Juice from fruits and Vegetables.   Juicing can be fun, if you have the perfect Juicer/Emulsifier     I wanted to help some of you, when it comes to buying the right Juicer/Emulsifier. There are dozens of Juicers in the North American market. Many of these juicers are just pieces of junk, that break when your'e juicing a carrot. So, I will help you pick the perfect juicer.   1. Can it Juice?   This is an important factor in buying a Juicer...Well, no ****! Its supposed to Juice. But Sometimes, you see Juicers, which say they can Juice....The Only problem is that you have to chop the Juicer to a small size, so It can fit into the feeder. Thats Dumb. Buy a Juicer that can fit whole fruit. If an apple, or an potato....or a beet could fit in the port.....Perfecto! Thats a good thing.   2. Is it easy to clean? Easy to Store?   Many Of Us have, plenty of appliances around the kitchen, and don't want to handle the utter bullshit of clunky appliances. More stuff to clean is an inconvenience. Find one, that is easy to disassemble, and clean. There are plenty that are dishwasher safe . Some are decent sized, and look fancy, so they are not a kitchen eyesore.   3. Price?   Some people are looking for a bargain. Honestly, Buying an Emulsifier is not cheap. Don't expect a bargain, with something like a Juicer/Emulsifier. These appliances should last anywhere from 5-15 years, depending on usage. You should expect to pay towards 100 USD to 450USD.     4. Seriously does it Juice?   Now, an Emulsifier/Juicer, should not just Juice, but take ALL the juice from the fruit. The appliance will usually leave behind some scraps, which is usually some skin, seeds (looks like mulch). When you feel the scraps, they should be dry. If not, then you're wasting quality juice....NOT ONE DROP WASTED..   With that being said...   I would recommend these two products.   Ninja Kitchen 1200 System- I currently Own..BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD   Jack LaLanne Juicer- My Sister owns one......LOVE IT     Recipe 3   Epic Awesomeness Parfait..   1 Cup of Okios Non fat organic greek Yogurt 1 tsp of psyillium fiber- Organic India Brand .5 cup of chopped mango .5 cup of chopped strawberries 1 cup of Seitenbacher Muesli #21 1tsp of Pure stevia   Instructions   1. Get a Bowl or a Nice sized cup 2. Place mango/strawberries on the bottom 3. Sprinkle Stevia onto the fruit. 4. Pour Okios Yogurt on top of fruit 5. Pour Muesli on top of Yogurt 6. Enjoy!!!!




Please Help My Friend

Hey people.   I don't know most of you on this site. I am not a beggar or anything like that. However I have come forward to the WL Community for help.   My friend Jayr is in bad shape. He can lose his leg. He has developed some serious Cellulitis and Lymphdema. Its getting bad, and doctors told him that surgery is the only option. He can't afford the surgery. He used to be an unarmed guard, but he lost his job because of the 5 month stay at Kaiser Permamente Hosp. If you can give, please Give what you can. If you can't please, I beg of you- pray for his well being.   https://www.wepay.com/donations/weight-loss-surgery-to-keep-my-leg?utm_campaign=donations&utm_medium=link&utm_source=facebook&ref_uid=8298810   Thank you all.   Please share this with all you know.   I can vouch for my friend Jayr. If you have questions, inbox me.



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