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I Was, In A Free Wls Contest

Thank you for visiting this blog. Many of you will be able to relate to my story. Just a few months ago I was in a very low dark place when a friend sent me a text. It was a link to a contest for a free lap band surgery. In my negative mind set I thought "yeah right! Like that would ever happen!" Well, three months later I received a phone call from the surgerons office telling me I was a finalist!! I couldn't believe it! There is light at the end of the tunnel! So here is my plea....The contest winners are determined by voting. The two with the hightest amount of votes wins. Please vote for me Christina L.   UpDate: 4/17/2012   I believe it was the American Author Greg Anderson that said "Focus on the journey, not the destination.."   By now most of you are aware I did not win the contest. It's true, one week ago today I received the phone call from the contest rep that began with "Unfortunately....." It was not the call I had expected. As you can imagine this has been a long emotional roller coaster ride. Though this adventure in my life's journey has come to an end I will reflect on the lessons learned and tell the funny stories for many days to come. Like when my mother and I tried to use one of the computer labs at my sisters college. Apparently it was very obvious we were NOT students and it was our FIRST time using that Mac computer. A chipper young student named Tuesday busted us but kindly help us "old folks" figure it out rather than reporting us to the "Lab Watchdogs". (yes it was a Tuesday and yes her name really was Tuesday)   Most importantly though, I want to sincerely thank each of you for all your encouragement and support.   Thank you all so much!

Christina L

Christina L

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