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from the mouths of kids

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19 months since banding....

Its been awhile since I have posted here.... Life for me is so very different then it has been for most my life... I wake up every morning HAPPY...wanting to get dressed...wanting to look in the mirror. Even wanting to go for a walk...thinking back its all things I always wanted to do...just wasn't going to happen with 130 extra lbs on me... The band is the best thing I have done for ME...Im thankful for my supportive Husband and my sister who is my bestest friend also....   Oh it has been work...in the beginning I was hungry like I read many of you are..but I knew what I had to do to get where I wanted to be...I hung tuff and its so paid off..I started with a BMI of 47...I was tired all the time...who wouldn't be ...Yesterday I weighed in at 130 with a BMI of 25 !!!! My Dr pointed out to me that I have lost more then what I weigh right now...omg I never thought id do it...well yes I did...what I really didn't know was how good it would feel in all aspects of my life and my family's life ..I have been studing to get my GED ...though I did have to take a break from that due to my husband had a heart attic a lil over a month ago and wow that wakes everyone up fast..he is doing very well now...eating right ...exercising a lil more then he did before..during that month my band got so tight I couldn't eat anything and enjoy it...not good...I did see Drs yesterday and got my band unfilled ( scary ) but a upper GI on Monday and if all looks good he will refill it...I was at 8.5 ccs....might go down to 8...what ever he says... SO life is wonderful 19 months since I was banded !!!




My 11 Yr Old Has A Food Obsession

Ok as you all know...well most of you I have 7 sons....and today I had to have a serious sit down hug him talk with my 11 yr old who has a eatting problem. He is so into sports and latly I can see all he thinks about is what he can eat.So today when he came home from school I had a snack ready for them all a healthy one....he ate then ..next thing I knew it he had a slice of pie....then a piece of angel food cake...and so on.....finally when I cought him going for one more snack I said "hun you have to stop...." I told him he was just eatting to eat and couldnt possible be hungry....wellthat lead to him crying....saying your always picking on me mom...OMG made me cry...and then we went out sat in the swing and talked....I told him ow I so dont want to see him ever have to be where I am now...and I pointed out my nephew who also is very heavy...I reminded him how athletic he is and how it will get harder and harder to run....heck I told him how I couldnt walk with out holding on to his brothers wheel chair just to lean on it....So after the tears were dryed....we got on line did a BMI chart for kids....got his and then we made a shopping list together....after football practice dad "J" and mom went shopping...He is very excited to be my healthy eatting partner....and I told him I bet in a month or 2 I can buy him one of his first pairs of skinny jeans....and we can toss the gym pants ....It was a hard afternon but I think he is excited now....I know I am....God Love Him....cuz I sure do !




From The Mouths Of Kids

good afternoon all....   I have been upset since being banded I have not seen my scale move more then 3 lbs.... I have been walking miles every day and just not being a couch potatoe at all....eatting all good things...trying not to eat to much of it...but not always good there...but still the scale wont budge...( waiting for my first fill) This morning on the way to church my 10 yr old yells as only a 10 yr old can...WOW MOM YOUR BELLIE DOESN`T TOUCH THE STEERING WHEEL ANY MORE !!! I had to take a moment and smile and rejoice in his excitment and my joy .....God is Good !!! and who needs the scale !



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