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Things that make you go....huhhh?

:faint: What a day...Got up, brought my cherubs to their respective schools (3 of them):eek: ...Picked up my "walking buddies" and went to the mall to walk:clap2: We walked 3 miles:faint: ...Left the mall to go to my pre-op testing appointment..Had an EKG, chest xray and the dreaded....BLOOD work...You see, I have a phobia, NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:omg: :omg: :omg: How funny and ironic is that!!!!:cry One of the things I despise the most:cry is going to keep me healthy.... So, now you know HOW MUCH the lap-band means to me... How corny is that? So, after my NIGHTMARE was over I went shopping!!!! YEAH!!!!!! I got a new MP3 player (my daughter has "misplaced" my other one somewhere in her black hole she calls it her Bedroom but you gotta wonder...:cry )... and a couple pairs of "stretchy" pants ( I usually don't use these but the MD said to due to comfort and slippage) and a sweater!!! Shopping ALWAYS makes me feel better!!! So, now I'm typing this, to then type my minutes and then of to my PTO meeting...So, needless to say it's been a VERY hectic day...:faint: ..Wait, and that's not all, we are expecting snow..Can you believe it? I had LOVED this winter until now!!! I don't like snow!!!!! Don't say it...I picked the wrong part of the country to be in (New England) ...but, then again, I hear it's not as bad as getting snow in Malibu, CA???:cry What's up with that? :crazy: :crazy:




UGLY BETTY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK!!!! :loco:MASSIVE BRAIN FART!!!!! :whoo:I'm siked over Betty's two wins:clap2: :clap2: :dance: ...She deserves them. I love the show and think America is an awesome actress as well as role model. (LOVED her in The Sisterhood) It's always good to see a latina woman succeed.:wow2: She had me in tears during her speech! Go America!!!! :whoo:GO Ugly Betty!!! Go Salma Hayek!! (producer) (I used to watch the spanish soap Betty La Fea...hence the liking of the english version..) Plus, I have to support my latino people!!! Felicidades Betty y America se lo merecen!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2:





Today was a good day...I went walking again at the mall with a friend and we did 2 miles:clap2: !! I need to loose the last 5 pounds!!! I felt great today! No dizziness!!:clap2: I started my liquid diet. I had a vanilla Atkins shake (it wasn't that bad once it's cold!!) for breakfast...A cookies and cream one for lunch (it was too sweet for me) and had a very small dinner...My biggest downfall is having to cook for my family. EVERYTHING smells so good!! You take that for granted when you can eat what you want when you want...:faint: Anyway...all is well and for a GREAT cause..ME!!!!! Tomorrow my pre-op testing!!! I can't wait! The sooner it's done the closer my surgery gets!!! I'm off to do my "ball excercises"!!!





:update: :update: :update: :update: OHH MYY LORD!!!! i went to the see the surgeon today and am I excited or what!!!!:biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: I got the results of my lab work and everything was great..I LOST 2 more POUNDS!!!!:clap2: A little fatty liver, but he said it wasn't to much to worry about. He said if I can loose 5 pounds before the surgery it would be great...So, now I am on a 2 Protein shakes a day and a "sensible dinner.." Liquids the last 24 hours before surgery (my choice to do) and LOTS OF LIQUIDS (as always)..... After my appointment I went over to BJ's (similar to Cosco) and bought the Adkins shakes chocolate and vanilla (I had a chocolate one (YUCCKK!!!!) They are NOT very tasty...so I have to keep the choc ones and return the vanilla...I guess we'll just have to try other things...At Bj's met up with my bestest friend and her husband and we went walking:faint: I MEAN POWER WALKING.. We did 2 miles and had to stop because I got dizzy (weird) I guess the excitement got to me.I ate some skittles (i think it was due to low sugars) and felt MUCH BETTER! We decided to call it a day and come home...I picked up my children from school and here I am...I will have some Crystal Lite Ice Tea/Lemonade and maybe do some excercises on my excercise ball! 10 days and counting!!!!





:biggrin1: Hello, Hello!!! Today is an AWESOME DAY!! I have my last appointment today with my surgeon....I have MANY quesitons and hope to get ALL the answers!! I'm hoping all goes well!!! I will update once I come back..I'm feeling good. I had a light breakfast and will have a shake before I go to see him. I'll write more later!! Wish me luck!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:




Excitement is setting in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! Excitement is here!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I see the surgeon the last time before surgery :biggrin1: . I have many questions, comments and concerns to bring up with him!! I can't wait!! I'm feeling MUCH betther today!! My headache is almost gone and I can breath now!!!! :clap2: I did my excercises..can't walk cause it's raining and cold out and I don't like to go out in the rain..:think plus my kids are home and they HATE walking.. I will meet up with a friend and walk tomorrow before my appointment . I can't shake this happy feeling (iguess that's a good thing)!!! Well, I'm off to watch CARS with my boys..:hippie:





:sick Well, what can I say...I just got back from the MD and I am officially sick...:faint: I have a mean sinus infection :omg: !!! That was what my headache was from the other day... I am on Cipro (antibiotic) for 10 days. The good thing was I was weighed and I've maintained my loss!!!!!! I can't wait to hear what the surgeon will tell me on tuesday...:pray2: I hope this doesn't change anything!!! And to add to the stress, my husband left today on business and won't be back until thursday the 25th (the day before surgery:dance:) Well, what can I say... I will spend some time with my children, take my antibiotic and prepare for my surgery.




Sunny day...

GREAT DAY today...My husband was home and we spend some time together during the day! No kids!!! YEAH!! We watched a movie, did the bills, and talked about everything. He is a little anxious regarding the surgery but i told him there is no need to worry. Our jorney has not been in vein and God wouldn't let it get this far for nothing! I am very excited. I have many questions for my MD and I hope to get them all answered on tuesday. I can't wait!!! I'll keep you posted! :pray2: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)




January 11th...

Second day of being on this site and feeling good about becoming part of this communtiy.What better day to start a journal than today? I have a massive headache but besides that I'm doing ok.I guess my addiction to the internet (no freaky stuff!!) keeps me from goin to bed. Nervous and a little scared would describe my thoughts regarding surgery...I have my last pre-op appointment with my surgeon on 1/16 and have a few questions to ask...On 1/23 I have my pre-op testing (blood work, xray and ekg) I'm a little upset because my husband (MY ROCK) won't be able to come to these appointments with me due to travel with work...:cry but, the bright side..he'll be home the day before my surgery and will be here to pamper me for the whole week afterwards. I guess that's a plus...Well, I've taken my motrin and am off to :pray2: , have some fat free:popcorn:and watch my shows...Ugly Betty is AWESOME!!!!! :clap2:



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