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Lap band

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Nightmare First Fill

Not sure why I chose that title because I actually never got the fill! I went to my doctor's office. He started the fill but was having trouble accessing my port. He tried for quite some time and even though he numbed me, it got a little painful! He decided to send me to the hospital so he could do the fill with the assistance of a fluoroscope. Still--- no luck! He then did a series of x-rays to see if the port was flipped. It was not flipped but instead of sitting up, it was angled more to the side. He wasn't sure why because the day of the surgery he mentioned how pleased he was with the way it was sitting after putting it in. So, now I go back to the hospital next Friday so that he can "move" the port! He said it would only take about 30 minutes and is outpatient with no real "down" time. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? My doctor was so sweet-- he was really frustrated that he was "putting me " through this! Please say a pray for me that all goes well next week! He said he would put 1 cc in that day after he moves it so I will get some restriction. Hasn't exactly been the day I was hoping for!




First Fill Coming Up

I will be getting my first fill this week. Excited and nervous all at the same time! I think I'm ready for one because I've been stuck at the exact same weight for weeks now except for the few days that I had a terrible virus and dropped almost 10 pounds but eventually that all came right back and I went back to the same weight. It's been a little frustrating! I'm trying to remind myself that I'm still healing and my body is still adjusting to losing those first 20 pounds rather quickly. My clothes fit better but I would still like to see the scale move again! How did your first fill go? Any advice? I'm worried about "stuck" episodes because I really haven't had one of those yet. Gotta remember to take those small bites and chew,chew,chew! That's been hard for me thus far! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week please!




Uh huh!

Well, I went back to work on Monday and have had a pretty good week so far! I teach kindergarten so I've been REALLY tired in the evenings but I'm glad to be back into a routine. I started walking Monday night on my treadclimber and have done 30 minutes the past two nights. Today was my first appointment with my surgeon since having surgery. He said everything looked great and I could start on regular FOOD! Oh yeah!!!! Just watch my portions and chew,chew,and chew some more! I go back in 4 weeks and will probably get my first fill then! I'm really happy with thus decision and for once in my life feel like I'm actually gonna "do it" this time! Hope you're all having a great week and achieving myth success with your band!




Sweet Dreams

Every single night since I started the preop diet until now postoperative, I dream about food! They're pleasant dreams! I regularly read a blog written by a woman who was banded a couple of years ago and she wrote about this in one of her posts as well. She said that she had read that drug addicts and alcoholics do this same thing, dream about using, while going through detox. It's just amazing to me that food has such control over my life! I've always thought that I had an addictive personality and my addiction was food. My grandfather was an alcoholic nearly his entire life. Most of the people in his family are overweight. This includes my mom and my aunt along with myself. I truly feel like addiction is a hereditary disease. Does anybody else feel like that? The bad part is there is no getting away from food--- it's ALWAYS there and you HAVE to have it in order to sustain life! I just pray that with the band I'm going to be able to finally develop a healthy relationship. Overall, I'm feeling really good. I was banded 5 days ago. I stayed at the hospital overnight. I haven't been out of the house yet and I'm thinking it would do me a world of good to actually go someplace. I thought about going to the movies but don't think I'm ready to deal with the smell of popcorn just yet! I don't go back to work until January 28th so I've still got time off before truly getting back into a routine. I'm thankful for that because I'm still getting tired pretty easily. I don't see my surgeon until the 30th so I won't be starting mushies until after that but as you can probably guess I'm really EXCITED about the next phase! Hope everyone is doing well!




Home Sweet Home

Got home from the hospital about an hour ago. Still having a lot of discomfort. I think it's mostly from trapped gas. Getting up and down is the hardest. Other than that I feel pretty good. Still wanting to sleep a lot. I was on ice chips only all day/night yesterday. Finally got to have sugar free jello and popsicle before I left the hospital and just finished a protein shake a few minutes ago. Even after the two weeks of preop diet, I still find myself craving something crunchy and salty, even if it's just a cracker . Hopefully, this will pass soon because I have to remain on liquids until I go back to the doctor on the 30th.




Yellow Brick Road

Well, I'm at the hospital waiting to be called back to get ivs and everything started! Nervous but not as much so as I have been in the past with other surgeries! Guess I'm just ready to really get this journey started! This "yellow brick road" has been a LONG journey but I know in the end it will be worth it! Good luck to everyone else whose big day is approaching! Talk to you later!




The Count Down Is On

Well, I have to be at the hospital in the morning at 6:00 am! Excited, nervous, scared, can't wait! The list goes on and on! I really can't believe that the day is almost here. I started this journey a year ago last November so it's been a long time coming! I'm ready to get on with the healing process and start my banded journey! Being on the preop diet these past two weeks has been really, really hard but it has shown me that I am stronger than I thought I was and for once I really believe I'm gonna be successful at weight loss this time around. Not only be successful but actually MAINTAIN that success! I still have to get packed for the hospital--- have to stay overnight! I'm planning on taking the Ipad with me so hopefully I will feel like getting on for a bit tomorrow night to update how things went! Prayers are appreciated!




I think I can! I think I can! I know I can!

Wow! Starting day 5 of pre- op diet. First 3 days were REALLY hard. It seemed to be a little easier yesterday. I'm still hungry but not as insanely hungry as before. What I've really been craving is salty, crunchy things! Our high school played there arch rival last night and my hubby and son went to the game. They couldn't believe I didn't want to go but all I could think about was how tempting the smell of the popcorn would be!! Is that CRAZY or what?!?! Will I EVER get to the point that food doesn't dominate my every thought? I sure hope so! I hope this drastic measure that I've decided to take will FINALLY help me get there! Overall, I have been pretty good on the diet. I have occasionally put a Cheezit in my mouth and let it melt but really that's been the worst thing I've done so I feel pretty good about the accomplishment thus far. I've lost almost 5 pounds so far. Wish me luck as I journey on to January 15th!





Well, today is the first day of my two week liquid diet! I'm already hungry--- head hunger and REAL hunger! It's gonna be a really long two weeks! I go back to school tomorrow. Hoping it will be a good day! Is it just me or is every other commercial on tv about food?!?! I guess I should be looking on the bright side--- at this time in two weeks my surgery will be over and the rest of this journey can get started! Wish me luck these next couple of weeks!




The light at the end of the tunnel

I met with my surgeon for the final time before my surgery yesterday! I go to the hospital on Monday to get all of my preop testing done. Then if all goes as planned, I will be banded on January 15th! I start my 2 week liquid diet on New Year's Day. I plan to go shopping later tonight for all the things I need to begin the diet. My hubby has decided that he could lose a little weight also so he's gonna do the diet with me in the evenings so I won't be so tempted! I'm planning on cooking some things up and freezing them for my 14 year old so he can just heat things up for his supper. I'm really excited and nervous all at the same time! Just ready to get on with this and hopefully be successful at getting healthy once and for all! I'm nervous about the 2 week diet! I go back to school(kindergarten teacher) the day after I begin the diet and worry about the possible headaches and irritability from not eating! I have a really big class this year--- 27 students( 18 boys and 9 girls!)! So, that in itself has made this year a bit challenging! Just don't want to add to the stress with hunger issues! I know I will get through it though--- just gotta stay focused on the end results! Looking forward to the New Year and all the exciting changes ahead!





After what seems like forever, I have finally been approved for my surgery and have a date set! I will be banded on January 15,2013!! Super excited and nervous already . I meet with my surgeon again on Dec.27 to discuss the 2 week liquid diet-- so notttt looking forward to that part! I would appreciate any suggestions on things to eat during that phase and the post surgery phase as well. Also, what things should I take with me to the hospital and what do I need to buy to be prepared for recovering at home?




It's Been A While

I haven't posted anything in a really long time. I do get on and read others posts just haven't had much to talk about myself. But I FINALLY have something good to report! I finally got my surgery approval! My insurance required a 3 month supervised diet and exercise program. I had to talk regularly with one of their nurses as a liaison. I thought, mistakenly, that that sufficed as the supervision but when the 3 months were over I learned that that was NOT what they meant. Soooo, the process had to start all over again! Finally, completed that and got all the other tests/paper work submitted. I checked with my surgeon's office on Monday but they still hadn't heard anything (all the paperwork, etc. Had been submitted for a few weeks). Then on Wednesday I finally got the call from the insurance nurse as well as the coordinator from my surgeon's office! Really excited but also REALLY nervous! I'm not sure on the exact surgery date-- either Dec18th or Jan15th. Will know for sure next week. I'm anxious about the 2 week liquid diet. Any advice? Would live to hear from anyone about that! Guess that's all for now!




Spring Fever

Wow! The weather here is awesome! Trying to do some spring cleaning these last two days. That's one thing I've noticed with all the weight gain--- even little things like cleaning the house just wear me out! I wanna have the energy I used to have--- before I became so heavy! On the weight loss front, I finally bought a scale--- something I was not anxious to do! Also, trying harder to keep track of my eating in journal form--- this is one requirement of my insurance company before I can be approved. I'm supposed to do this for three months. I'm so anxious to get things moving along but in retrospect it has already been one month down for the journaling! I'm so hoping to get approval and surgery date for the end of May or first of June-- I'm a teacher and that would fit my schedule perfectly! Oh well, we shall see! Off to do more cleaning and laundry. Have a great rest of the day!




Ho Hum!

Well, hello to all!   Haven't been on here much to post! Been super busy and just haven't taken the time. I'm required to do a three month food/ exercise journal as part of my pre-certification for surgery! I'm finding this really difficult to do! I just can't seem to get in the habit of writing things down! Also, I'm still not making very good food choices and haven't started exercising--- the exercising is like a catch22 --- I know I feel better when I do it but yet I haven't felt like starting it either! I just feel like I'm in kind of a funk-- I really want to get this rolling but can't seem to find the will to get to it! Any suggestions would be so greatly appreciated! I'm really excited for those that I read about who are getting their approvals so quickly and I'm also very jealous--- I just wanna get the surgery done and over with and start losing some weight!!




Here It Goes!

So, my name is Michelle and I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I'm hoping this will be a way to help me through this new journey I'm beginning. I'm still waiting for insurance approval to be banded. I've got to complete a three month diet/exercise journal and work with a nurse educator through my insurance. I've finished about three weeks of it so far--- already having trouble keeping up with the daily food journal--- just can't get into the habit! I haven't been overweight my entire life but it has always been a struggle! I was pretty active in high school--- cheerleader and played softball--- but after I had my kids it became harder and harder to fight and then I had to have a hysterectomy a few years ago and then it REALLY piled on. Since then I just have felt like I was drowning with no way out! I feel like the lap band is my last shot at getting back to really enjoying my life, my husband, my boys, and my job(I'm a kindergarten teacher)! I'm hoping to make some friends who are or have been in this same boat and help me get through this and in turn help others as well! I'd love to hear from somebody! See ya!  



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