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Food mourning

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Its Only Been A Week?!

For some reason, I feel like I have banded for longer than a week. Is it because I'm feeling like myself again and I just have sterri strips on my incisions to actually show myself that yes, I did have surgery just a week ago? I'm tolerating food pretty well. Like today, I had 1/2 cup scrambled eggs. For lunch I had a couple bites of cottage cheese and chicken noodle soup(minus the chicken and the noodles) and for dinner 1/2 cup tuna and 3 saltine crackers. That kept me satisfied quite well so I'm not sure if I'm feeling true restriction or is my stomach still inflamed from surgery. Whatever the reason.....I'll take it. My doctor pretty much said to take things slow, chew,chew,chew, and introduce more foods slowly.I have to keep reminding myself that it's only been a week. I need to take things slow so I don't damage anything that I've been waiting a year and half for. I've got the rest of my life with my new tool of awesomeness, so why rush?




Food Mourning

I was doing some Xmas shopping today and I realized how addicted I was to fast-food. I never thought twice grabbing a couple tacos or cheeseburgers and down it with a big gulp of mt.dew while I did errands in town. Some days I would have fast-food twice in one day! So today I was in mourning, just the thought of not having fast food saddens me. But fast food is how I got to be so overweight. Each bite I took added numbers to the scale, inches on my hips, and more chins then I can count. This is a whole new world for me. I need to accept the fact that I'm not the person that I once was. This will be a long road for me and it's not going to be easy. BUT, it will allllll be worth it when I'm able to love myself again and embrace life. And besides, I might be able to buy myself a new car with all the money I will be saving from not buying tacos, cheeseburgers, and big gulp mt.dew's!!




Dear Bandster Hell....you Suck!

Day 19 post-op and I do have to say this thing called "bandster hell" is actually....wait for it....hell. I have actually gained about 5lbs after surgery. Why, YES! I WILL have some sweet and sour chicken with crab ragoon! Oh, your ordering pizza? Yes, I WILL have 2 slices thank you! I do have to say that I haven't had any bread OR soda. Carbs and I just don't get along and the doughy goodness has brought me to where I am now. And even though I would love me some Big Gulp Mt.Dew, I just can't get into that habit again. It's been exactly 30 days (who's counting right?!) since my mouth touched a crisp, yummylishes Mt.Dew bottle but like my ex-friend Carbohydrates, soda just doesn't cut it anymore. SEE YA! Oh and excersise isn't a naughty word anymore. It's only frowned upon now. I still fight with myself every dang day trying to get my wobbly behind out for a walk and I can think of a MILLION reasons why I don't have enough time to take 30 minutes out of my day. My excuses include, but not limited too, "Oh, I need to give our dogs a bath." "I need to rearrange my cubbords", "I need to color cordinate my clothes in my closet." and my favorite, "I can't go for a walk outside! It's too windy/rainly/snowy/sunny/hot/cold/humid out." I'm sure by this time next year I'll be running 5ks and making exercise a priority. But until then, I'm going to throw a hissy fit while I put my shoes, sweat pants, long sleeve shirt, coat, mittens and stocking hat (that are all color cordinated)on and take my wobbly behind (and thighs mind you) out for a walk. Grrrrr!



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