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My Trip will begin on January 3rd

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The day after...

ok... it's the day after my 1st PB and I survived. I feel as though I have just gone through a 'rite of passage' When I bust out of the 300's my hubby says for a treat I can get a pair of the new pale pink croc flip flops!! HOORAH! I'm somewhat of a croc freak. Oh who am I kidding, I'm just a shoe ho in general.




Two weeks 4 days post op

:help: Ok. I am two weeks and four days post op. do you remember that weird feeling post op on the surface of your belly skin that was numb and sensative all at one? Well that dissapeard about a week ago only to return IN FORCE today. I have 7 small incisions that have healed VERY well. I have one at the bottom of my belly button then two more to the far left of my belly button side by side then one more up and angled to the left of my belly button, then more.. OK. If you were to draw a slanted to the left triangle with the narrow point starting at my belly button and the other two wide points to the left, the entire area in between is intense sore and numb and on occasion a twinge of #4 pain. it's no where near the port or my tummy. Now, I did stumble yesterday walking in to my buliding but didn't toally wipe out, however it jarred me pretty good. I noticed this sensation mainly today and more intensely the past two hours. Any one else experiences these phantom pains that are not directly under their incisions? I called the doc's office and they think I'm ok and want me to call back on Monday.





wow... the time is drawing near....I'm 5 days away. I'm going shopping today for my post op list. For the 1st two days after surgery I can have liquids only: water, propel or Fruit 2 0
sugar free jello
diet v8 splash or v8
sugar free posicles & fudgesicles
minute maid light
lowfat milk or soy milk
drinkable yogurt
low carb protein shakes I have to avoid juice (high sugar)
diet soda or anything carbonated. it's really not good for your body. Day 3 after surgery and after fill adjustments I can have soft foods in 1/2 cup meals Low fat yogurt
cottage cheese (yuck)
sugar free pudding
scrambled eggs
chicken salad
egg salad
tuna salad
pimento cheese
cooked vegetables
low fat casseroles
ground meats with gravy or broth
flaky fish I go back three week from surgery to get my 1st fill/adjustment and he said leading right up to that my appetite will return to almost normal.. this is where the greatness of the adjustable band comes in. If I get flu tummy sick and start throwing up they will get me in to take all fo the fluid out of the band. When I'm better, they put it back in. Same thing if you get pregnant. There is no malapsorption with this procedure. I am very excited. I'm sure I'll be a wreck monday night and tuesday a.m.





:laugh First Consult: 1/3, 2007       Viewed online 'seminar' 1/3       psych eval test 1/3       Appt to discuss Psych eval results 1/15       :clap2: Dr. Morton's office called to tell me they faxed my 300+ pages to BCBS       :faint: waiting.. waiting and well.. waiting some more:pout:       :high5: :peace: Insurance approval________?:dance: :laugh :banana       first meeting with internist at surgeons office ____?       Surgery date_______?:nervous




#$%@ all this W A I T I N G

URGH.. all this waiting and not knowing if I'll be approved. sigh My DH and I have planned my 'last steak dinner' trip for the weend following V.day in Gatlinburg, TN. One of our favorite spots. it's only about a 3 hour drive from here. Is it sad that we have planned a trip based on me eating one last large steak dinner... hmmmm ANYwho. tick tick tick tick tick T




Cha ching!

Well... $200 later:eek:   I just got back from Kroger. Loaded up on more EAS low carb high protein shakes, no sugar granny smith applesauce, kefir probiotic yogurt smoothies, sugar free jello's and puddings, v-8 juice and v-8 fruit splash, PRUNE YOGURT (whoever ever heard of such???) This awesome stuff in the produce section called Blue Goodness, chicken broth beef broth, soup, chewable rolaids+ gas, liquid ibuprophen, benedryll tabs, a copy of Spianal Tap..oh..wait.. that's a DVD.. like you care... sorry.. UH.. and more STUFF.  




Almost three weeks post op

I don't know what it is out Sundays but I am having another fabulous day. I am moving around BETTER than I was pre op. I topped out at 339 in January and am at 319 and holding. I don't expect to lose anymore until after my 1st fill. It's another GORGEOUS day out, got the sage burning, all the windows open and I am.. get this.. CLEANING! I'm also going to do a batch of tie dye this afternoon... feeling creative. It'll will take me about 3-4 days to finish this batch but it's nice to be in the biz again. Doing some shirts and undies for my in-laws that are going to Disney for their spring break. I made a big ole pitcher of Green Tea and I've got my ABBA gold album blasting. It's so nice to feel good and optimistic about my future. YAY! I still have the weird numb/pain on the surface of my tummy but it's tolerable. Todd(DH) is having outpatient surgery for his deviated septum one month to the day of my surgery and I know that by then I'll really be feeling great. I think I may even dye some eggs on Tuesday (Ostara holiday for me) I did this last year using all natural dye stuff. I boiled all kinds of stuff experimenting like spinich, coffee, tea, blackberries, strawberries and then I used cheese cloth and wrapped different plant leaves like carrot tops, rosemary and lavendar and they came out REALLY neat. I think my favs were the blackberry and tea ones. I have found that post op my meat preference to be fish. Well, I'm just rambling now. Later Tracy




hmmm maybe I was better off waiting.

Well, I got my friggin insurance letter today from BCBS of TN saying that .. and I quote " Based on the information received and teh terms of your health benefit plan, we determined that the requested service is not medically necessary." Even though I had prepared myself for this.. it's still irritating. Let's review.."not medically neccessary" shall we. I'll be 37 tomorrow
I weigh 334
BMI 54
I walk down the hallway and I'm out of breath and exhausted
Family medical history.. diabetes both sides. HIGH LDL both sides. Father/grandfather quadruple bypass surgeries at 51 & 58. High blood pressure both sides, gall bladder problems, cancer & obesity.
chiropracter visits every two weeks for lower back pain
carpal tunnel aggravated by weight.
been over 200 for 15 years
been over 250 for 10 years
been over 300 for 5 years...Hmmm I see a pattern here folks. Gee.. I'm starting to see what they mean.. medically necessary.. PSHHH I'm healthy as a HORSE...and the size of one two... IDIOTS. Anywho. going to talk to my surgeon tomorrow about my options, see if they'll contact the lawyers that represent the lap band people and take it from there.




Restaurant Card

Restaurant Card for kids portions Check this out.. this is so cool! You can print this card up and take it to restaurants so you can order off of the kids menu. There is also a list of places that already allows adults to order kids size meals. http://www.obesityhelp.com/magazine/RestaurantCard.html   Basically it explains that you've had surgery that olmits your ability to eat a large amount of food, and it requests that you be premitted to order off the children's menu or to order half portions. Of course, it's up to the retaurant whether it will honor the card. One one side of the card is the name & address of the practice * the surgeon & on the other side is the request information.




1st night post op

Well I made it through my 1st night. got up about every 3 hours to take more med. I'm not used to sleeping on my back and that's all I can do right now. Now I'm sipping on a 1/2 c of Kefir lowfat probiotic smoothie. It's pretty good and high in protein.   What's bothering me the most right now is the port site. The port is the part of the band that allows the dr to insert saline soloution that controls the adjustablility of the band. WOW... not realy comfy. Gas pains are suposed to be a pretty big side effect and so far so good.. no gas.. though I do burp everytime I get up. My chest is really sore as well and I'm coughing up stuff. I guess that is from the breathing tubes.   For my outside excursion today i'll have todd take me to Target so I can pick out some cute small plates and untensils. I'll probably hit the baby ilse and get the classic pooh stuff. I bought some classic pooh dixie cups and that is waht I"m using now to drink from.





Can't wait for April 2nd to get here for my 1st fill. I'm starting to GRAZE




this afternoon

For my outdoor excersion today, Dear hubby is taking me to Catherines to pick up a couple of slip over my head cotton dresses. I do not forsee anytime soon being about to wear anything that would come close to touching my incisions. I am doing very well I believe. I'm on liquid antiobiotics and so far no fever or anything.. just stiff sore and gasey. It was really bad this a.m. but I had laid still on my back for 8+ hours so I guess that's to be expected. I am alternating my liquid loritab with liquid Ibuprophen. T




self pay/appeal reimbursement

Can someone out there tell me that has self paid, but kept fighting the insurance and won.. how that works? do you get reimbursed? I got my 1st denial and we are now in the 1st appeal process. My DH is telling me that if in a week or two that haven't approved it he wants us to go ahead and self pay... keep fighting the insurance and get reimbursed. Is there anyone out there that has done this? How do they reimburse you? Does the insurance company pay you or the hosiptal??? Thanks :laugh First Consult: 1/3, 2007           Viewed online 'seminar' 1/3           :der: psych eval test 1/3           :confused: Appt to discuss Psych eval results 1/15           :clap2: Dr. Morton's office called to tell me they faxed my 300+ pages to BCBS 1/19           :faint: waiting.. waiting and well.. waiting some more:pout:         got letter from BCBSof TN that I'm not fat enough to qualify for the procedure (summerized by myself of course) 1/30 the day before my 37th bday.         Starting appeal process 1/31.. my 37th bday           :high5: :peace: Insurance approval________?:dance: :laugh :banana           first meeting with internist at surgeons office ____?           Surgery date_______?:nervous




Day three post op

Good a.m. Feeling slightly better today. This a.m. instead of flailing wildly for 10 minutes trying to get out of bed it only took me 9 minutes of flailing wildly. I'm starting to suspect some of my innards were stolen during surgery and sold on the black market. My furkids seem to think that the big a$$ pillow I keep on my tummy is JUST for their entertainment and like to take a running leap from the ground and land... RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE... which of course results in my jerking up and screaming bloody murder, spazzing the cats out which causes them to AGAIN run across said pillow that I'm using for 'protection'. hmmmm I may have just figured out the whole pack of wild drunk monkey feeling from yesterday..... My tummy is still swollen larger than a baboons a$$ in heat but not as pretty. I know it's only friday, but I'm like.. how on EARTH am I going to drive my truck to work on Monday. I may end up bartering with DHubby to take me. I can't wait to get to work to show off my new Cave man posture and walk. I also have this weird numb but itchy feeling on the surface of my tummy. Itching is a good sign I reckon but it's very surreal to be running my finger over the surface of my tummy and not really be able to feel it. I am VERY happy to report that my auntie flow has packed her bags and left the building. I asked Dr. Morton if he could just to ahead and remove my uterus while he was in there and he just looked at me like I was a goof ball. Oh well.. never no unless you ask. OK.. having major gas pain.. must go kick something. later T




turning a corner

I just ate a small prune yogurt (sounds gross but is actually quite DEEELISH) and a small sf pudding. I went to Target and bought these cute little plastic toddler spoons and forks plus some classic pooh plates and bowls and though I haven't been able to use the bowls and plates yet, the small spoons have been great. I feel at this point I am actualy taking a turn for the better. Basically I'm just sore, gasey, itchy and restless. Great combo huh?




armed with green stuff!

Today I came armed with slim fast to use in between meals and tons of Spring greens/lean ham/one slice provolone/ and other of my fav salad fixins... cranberries, flax seed, blueberries and some sunflower seeds. I will be chowing down for lunch.. I brought so much of the spring greens that I may even eat some for breakfast.. hard to beat a really good salad. I'm trying to get a handle on myself again, mentally something happened when I finally made the decision to get the procedure... I'll call it 'emergency eating'. OMG.. I may never get to eat this again.. OR this.. or this.. or this.. or that over there... And OMG I won't be able to eat this quantity ever again so I must eat the 12 oz steak.. not just 7 oz.. I mean.... So basically, this thinking has found me at 335. Now I must take control again and behave and eat good things like I KNOW I should. Food is my addiction and I've let it rage out of control. sigh.. baby steps.





OH Mah GAH If you would have told me that a soft boiled egg smashed up w/ a small pat of magerine would make me moan and roll my eyes up in my head I would have LAUGHED MY A$$ off at you. Well, I just ate one and that's what happened. DEEEEEEEEElish




Day five post op

Every day seems that I turn another corner for the best. I'm still itching like crazy, however, this a.m. I was able to, with the aid of several pillows.. lay on my side! HOORAH! it still slighly pulls on my port site which isn't v. comfy but it's a nice few minute change from laying on my back. It doesn't take much to wear me out. I go back to work tomorrow and kind of dread it, I have a desk job though so the worst part will be going from truck to desk. after that I should be fine. I'm eating a soft scrambled egg right now that DH made for me.




ouchy tongue

I actually drove myself to work this a.m. and survived the evil seat belt and steering wheel. I'll probably leave here around noonish. I bent over a LITTLE to far this a.m. in the bathroom at work and nearly shreaked. OH MY GOSH.. The pain in my port.... I guess it pulled on my stitches holding the port in place. That was like an hour ago and I'm still feeling it a little. My tongue is all messed up, gross and sore too. I"m going to call my dr. about it. I think I noticed it yesterday being sore and today when I got up and looked at it, it's all blotchy. white in spots and ANGRY red in others. Maybe it's the antibiotics or it could be the liquid ibuprophen I'm using. I sure hope it's not the ibuprophen. It's what keeps me going during the day.





:update: I have never before had this in my life and I'm still not sure how it happened, but it would appear after speaking with my dr, that I have Thrush. Isn't that what babies get? ANYwho, he is calling in a prescription that I will pick up on the way home. T





Alrighty.. It didn't show up at all. Oh well. I posted it on the scar stage thread. I'm at home now and have my prescrip for Thrush. She said that some of the patients get it from the antibiotics. My resistance was low because of the surgery so it didn't take much.   I get to gargle this lovely tasting stuff 4 times a day...




food for the day

between all these I had two puddings sugar free 60c each protein 2 each 6:30 a.m.1/4 cup of kifir probiotic yogurt 43 c protein 3.5 10:00 one serving of watery oatmeal 160c protein 4 2:00 one heat and sip creamy chicken 130c protein 4 4:00 one Delmonte Fruit chiller cup mango 190c protein 1 supper will be 1/2 cup white fish 100c protein 17g slice cheese 70c protein 4 total for day 813 c's with 37.5 g protein. NOT ENOUGH oops. might eat egg before bed.




7th Day /ONE Week post op

ACK... my mouth is still on fire. I've had four doses of the prescrip stuff so hopefully it will be better by this afternoon. Back at work today and will probably leave this afternoon when I start to get tired. I can tell the swelling is starting to go down now cause I'm hungry more often. I had 3 ounces of chicken breast this a.m. then a 15 g protein shake around 9 and then a sf jello a few minutes ago. I forgot to bring my chicken to work so I'll do another drink I guess for lunch plus I brought some kefir probiotic yogurt smoothie stuff too. My mouth is so friggin' tender that just about anything I eat or drink hurts... i think I'm ssssin' my words too. Tongue feel swollen. Soreness is SLOWLY but surely diminishing each day. I feel like I've been in a wreck every a.m. when I wake up and try to get out of bed. I haven't had any ibuprophen yet today but may break down and take some here in a few minutes. Surgeon and other fellow bansdters say I should start feeling about normal around Friday. Considering I am one week to the day today from the operation I'm doing GREAT. Driving myself to work and everything.



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