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My Trip will begin on January 3rd
Entries in this blog
ouchy tongue
Day five post op
scratch scratch scratch
turning a corner
Day three post op
this afternoon
1st night post op
A day in the life of a lap band surgery patient
is it tomorrow yet???
Cha ching!
Aw man...
sugar free jello
diet v8 splash or v8
sugar free posicles & fudgesicles
minute maid light
lowfat milk or soy milk
drinkable yogurt
low carb protein shakes I have to avoid juice (high sugar)
diet soda or anything carbonated. it's really not good for your body. Day 3 after surgery and after fill adjustments I can have soft foods in 1/2 cup meals Low fat yogurt
cottage cheese (yuck)
sugar free pudding
scrambled eggs
chicken salad
egg salad
tuna salad
pimento cheese
cooked vegetables
low fat casseroles
ground meats with gravy or broth
flaky fish I go back three week from surgery to get my 1st fill/adjustment and he said leading right up to that my appetite will return to almost normal.. this is where the greatness of the adjustable band comes in. If I get flu tummy sick and start throwing up they will get me in to take all fo the fluid out of the band. When I'm better, they put it back in. Same thing if you get pregnant. There is no malapsorption with this procedure. I am very excited. I'm sure I'll be a wreck monday night and tuesday a.m.
Pluggin' along
Great pre op
Possums bum....
WOW fast!
armed with green stuff!
Slim Fast my... uh Pshhhhh
self pay/appeal reimbursement
hmmm maybe I was better off waiting.
I weigh 334
BMI 54
I walk down the hallway and I'm out of breath and exhausted
Family medical history.. diabetes both sides. HIGH LDL both sides. Father/grandfather quadruple bypass surgeries at 51 & 58. High blood pressure both sides, gall bladder problems, cancer & obesity.
chiropracter visits every two weeks for lower back pain
carpal tunnel aggravated by weight.
been over 200 for 15 years
been over 250 for 10 years
been over 300 for 5 years...Hmmm I see a pattern here folks. Gee.. I'm starting to see what they mean.. medically necessary.. PSHHH I'm healthy as a HORSE...and the size of one two... IDIOTS. Anywho. going to talk to my surgeon tomorrow about my options, see if they'll contact the lawyers that represent the lap band people and take it from there.
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