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My Trip will begin on January 3rd

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:update: I have never before had this in my life and I'm still not sure how it happened, but it would appear after speaking with my dr, that I have Thrush. Isn't that what babies get? ANYwho, he is calling in a prescription that I will pick up on the way home. T




ouchy tongue

I actually drove myself to work this a.m. and survived the evil seat belt and steering wheel. I'll probably leave here around noonish. I bent over a LITTLE to far this a.m. in the bathroom at work and nearly shreaked. OH MY GOSH.. The pain in my port.... I guess it pulled on my stitches holding the port in place. That was like an hour ago and I'm still feeling it a little. My tongue is all messed up, gross and sore too. I"m going to call my dr. about it. I think I noticed it yesterday being sore and today when I got up and looked at it, it's all blotchy. white in spots and ANGRY red in others. Maybe it's the antibiotics or it could be the liquid ibuprophen I'm using. I sure hope it's not the ibuprophen. It's what keeps me going during the day.




Day five post op

Every day seems that I turn another corner for the best. I'm still itching like crazy, however, this a.m. I was able to, with the aid of several pillows.. lay on my side! HOORAH! it still slighly pulls on my port site which isn't v. comfy but it's a nice few minute change from laying on my back. It doesn't take much to wear me out. I go back to work tomorrow and kind of dread it, I have a desk job though so the worst part will be going from truck to desk. after that I should be fine. I'm eating a soft scrambled egg right now that DH made for me.




scratch scratch scratch

Day four post op. Allive and kicking... and ITCHING. Drank my watery oatmeal with protein powder mixed in. Was quite delicious actually. Hubby will make me a soft scrambled egg for lunch and a 1/4 cup of 'wet' lean ground beef for supper to be chased with a v-8 juice. Did I mention I was ITCHING?





OH Mah GAH If you would have told me that a soft boiled egg smashed up w/ a small pat of magerine would make me moan and roll my eyes up in my head I would have LAUGHED MY A$$ off at you. Well, I just ate one and that's what happened. DEEEEEEEEElish




turning a corner

I just ate a small prune yogurt (sounds gross but is actually quite DEEELISH) and a small sf pudding. I went to Target and bought these cute little plastic toddler spoons and forks plus some classic pooh plates and bowls and though I haven't been able to use the bowls and plates yet, the small spoons have been great. I feel at this point I am actualy taking a turn for the better. Basically I'm just sore, gasey, itchy and restless. Great combo huh?




Day three post op

Good a.m. Feeling slightly better today. This a.m. instead of flailing wildly for 10 minutes trying to get out of bed it only took me 9 minutes of flailing wildly. I'm starting to suspect some of my innards were stolen during surgery and sold on the black market. My furkids seem to think that the big a$$ pillow I keep on my tummy is JUST for their entertainment and like to take a running leap from the ground and land... RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE... which of course results in my jerking up and screaming bloody murder, spazzing the cats out which causes them to AGAIN run across said pillow that I'm using for 'protection'. hmmmm I may have just figured out the whole pack of wild drunk monkey feeling from yesterday..... My tummy is still swollen larger than a baboons a$$ in heat but not as pretty. I know it's only friday, but I'm like.. how on EARTH am I going to drive my truck to work on Monday. I may end up bartering with DHubby to take me. I can't wait to get to work to show off my new Cave man posture and walk. I also have this weird numb but itchy feeling on the surface of my tummy. Itching is a good sign I reckon but it's very surreal to be running my finger over the surface of my tummy and not really be able to feel it. I am VERY happy to report that my auntie flow has packed her bags and left the building. I asked Dr. Morton if he could just to ahead and remove my uterus while he was in there and he just looked at me like I was a goof ball. Oh well.. never no unless you ask. OK.. having major gas pain.. must go kick something. later T




this afternoon

For my outdoor excersion today, Dear hubby is taking me to Catherines to pick up a couple of slip over my head cotton dresses. I do not forsee anytime soon being about to wear anything that would come close to touching my incisions. I am doing very well I believe. I'm on liquid antiobiotics and so far no fever or anything.. just stiff sore and gasey. It was really bad this a.m. but I had laid still on my back for 8+ hours so I guess that's to be expected. I am alternating my liquid loritab with liquid Ibuprophen. T





I think today is going to be my worst day. What is it now.. technically my 2nd day post? surgery was Tuesday. ANywho.. I woke up feeling like a pack of wild drunk monkeys was partying in my abdomen all night. The part up by my ribcage/diaphram where the ports located is hard and swollen and all my other places I didn't feel before are starting to protest. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little better.. I'm having a few minor gas pains for the 1st time today too. It's v. uncomfy to breath deep at all and I lose my breath v. easily. Also, it is v. uncomfortable when my stomach starts growling It almost hurts... and I'm just on liquids right now so that's a lot. I shall prevail though.... sniff




1st night post op

Well I made it through my 1st night. got up about every 3 hours to take more med. I'm not used to sleeping on my back and that's all I can do right now. Now I'm sipping on a 1/2 c of Kefir lowfat probiotic smoothie. It's pretty good and high in protein.   What's bothering me the most right now is the port site. The port is the part of the band that allows the dr to insert saline soloution that controls the adjustablility of the band. WOW... not realy comfy. Gas pains are suposed to be a pretty big side effect and so far so good.. no gas.. though I do burp everytime I get up. My chest is really sore as well and I'm coughing up stuff. I guess that is from the breathing tubes.   For my outside excursion today i'll have todd take me to Target so I can pick out some cute small plates and untensils. I'll probably hit the baby ilse and get the classic pooh stuff. I bought some classic pooh dixie cups and that is waht I"m using now to drink from.




A day in the life of a lap band surgery patient

Ok. I am sitting:sick propped up in my bed at home several hours post op. Things went well, though he had to switch out all of the needles for the port site because my adominal wall was thick and the needles he had out to stitch it in place were to thin. *I* would like to think that this is because I am so MUSCULAR...:cry R I G H T.:nervous I"ll have to ask him in three weeks when I go in for my fill. ANYwho... this is how my day went. As you may already now, Auntie Flow decided to visit yesterday:mad: VEHEEERRRRy convineant:tired . I slept pretty well last night suprisingly (thanks to the two tylenol p.m.) :notagree and woke up about 6. I got up and showered with the monkey blood soap stuff they gave me that kind of dried my skin out, got out of the shower and laid down with my heating pad until my sweetie :kiss2: got up and got ready. I put on my best/favorite pair of tie dyed socks and undies and threw my favorite denim dress over my head, grapped my little stuffed moose and away to Baptist we went. Got there about 8:20 checked in and hung out in w. room. The called me back about 8:40 and got me changed. The anesethia guy came in and did my IV then two or three more anesthia people came in asking me the same quesitons over and over.. who are you,, what are you having done.. WHAT... is your favorite color... etc. I'm like.. hmmmm The do know what they are doing and where they are right?? :paranoid They let my hubby back about 9:30. OH>>> and those of you who might be wondering, they let me wear a tampon.. :clap2: it probably depends on the surgeon. Anywho.. 10:39 comes around and they wheel me back to the surgery room, scoot me on to a different table and put on this DREAMY warm blanket:p ... Next think I know, I'm awake and my 'port site' was hurting like a mo-fo:cry .:faint: they give me something for pain in my IV...30 minutes later some more of that then 30 minutes later the finally gave up and gave me some morphine. After that they wheeled me back to xray, had me drink some barium... which folks.. I'll tell you here and now... WAS DELICIOUS:hungry: . I was "lips sticking to my teeth" parched. And you know.. after not eating real food for awhile.. it's amazing what taste great. The table they had me scootch up on this time was a beeeeatch :omg: for me to scoot on because of the discomfort of the port site. Anywho... it was like a frigging 6 flags ride:phanvan . My feet were against a metal thing at the foot of the bed and it was the only thing between me and me sliding off in the floor:juggle:... ALL 331 lbs of me.:eek: Wasn't a real comfortable experience and lasted a little long for my taste.. but.. the things we do for beauty:rolleyes: . All that took what seemed to be about 40 minutes or so then they wheeled me into my room where I got to hang out and watch Oprah, the news, then Hank Hill. Had to wait :bored around until someone looked at my rays to make sure things could go down. I had lots of ice in the meantime. The 1st thing I remember when I woke up was... YES IT"s over Finanly it's over. To ,me it's the worst part.. all the waiting:bored . waiting for all of the paper work to get filled in... :pout:waiting for Dr.'s appointments, :bored waiting to hear all of your paper work was faxed in. getting denied and :pout:waiting for paper work to be faxed again. finding out your approved, then:bored waiting to schedule, :pout:waiting for your preop testing, :bored waiting for you surgery date, the THE WORST waiting of all for me, is:pout: waiting in your pre op room for the procedure.. then all of the sudden.. the waiting is over... well... unless you count waiting to go home. I 1st tried to do this 4 yrs ago with diff. insurance and was crushed when I got denied, now, Im sitting here, typing up my experience.. and it's DONE!:clap2: Now all the work begins, but that is ok... because now I have a Tool,,, finally a tool that will work for me and help me to become the healthy me that I was meant to be. I'll be healthier at 40 that I have ever been in my life. I just had my 37th bday and I can't wait to be 40! :humble: I didn't really have trouble with nausea :speechles until the ride home and it wasn't overwhealming. Todd turned up the air and drove real slow. When I got home he got me set up in my bed with tons of pillows and stuff so i'm not laying down flat. I'm keeping my liquied antibiotic and liquid Loritab in a cooler filled with ice right here along with some sugar free popcicles. My throat is fairly sore from the breathing tube stuff and my chest is kind of tight and breathing deep isn't the best experience. I kind of dread Thursday slighly 'cause for me, the 2nd or third day after something is usually pain wise the worst.. but maybe not this time. I'm on liquids until Friday then I start stuff like soft scrambled eggs and soups and oatmeal. Don't know that I'll be ready for that yet but we'll see. I would be nice if I could work a 1/2 day on FRiday even though I have it off. So far.. knock on wood, no gas pains however I did buy some rolaids gas chewables just in case. When I do get up and walk around some I burp a couple of times and i feel a little better. I have had to cough a few times and I've been holding a pillow on my tummy for that and it's not so bad. It keeps going through my head over and over.. now I have a chance..... now I have a chance. I am so excited about this new opportunity I've been given and can't wait to become more active and do the outdoor things I love. Oh.. also.. if you haven't had it done yet.. I got a reach/grabber thing from bed bath and beyound called the gopher and IT"S GREAT. I can grap stuff with out bending over. I can't wait to take a hot bath. He did say that I chould shower tomorrow. YOu should see my insicion bandages.. they cut the gauze into heart shapes.... Well it's about time for pain med dose 2 so more later.:biggrin1: :grouphug: :hug: __________________ Started Process 1/3/07 Insurance of BCBS if TN Have exclusion policy for WLS Date of approval 2/13 Date of surgery 2/27 BMI 54 Weight 336 Height 5'6 1/2" age 37 Surgeon Dr Charles Morton Baptist Hospital Nashville, TN Goal: Not sure yet. Somewhere under 200 "Always leave get well cards on your mantel, that way when guests come over, they'll think you've been sick:sick and unable to clean." :hippie:Blessings & Fae Kisses :kiss2:




is it tomorrow yet???

Well, it's the day before my surgery and this is how it's gone so far. 6:00: UGH.. wanted to wake up early so I could pick some things up at the store before work. Oh well, I'll at least be on time any way. 6:15: mmmmm I'm so glad I did laundry yesterday so I can wear my most favorite soft cotton knit pale pink shirt to work. 6:37 while in truck: ACK! NO NO NO! chocolate protein drink ALL OVER MY PINK SHIRT. Can I cover with my badge... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Not even. Well, haven't passed Wal-mart yet.. I'll stop anyway and get new shirt. 6:50 in Wal-Mart OH MY GAH... I'm starting to cramp.. I can't BELIEVE I'm starting TODAY. Better get tampons and Tylenol, even though only ibuprophen works.. I can't take ibuprophen before surgery per Dr... Please let extra strength Tylenol work... 7:15 get to work... LATE wearing new scratchy, fit's a little big, pink shirt that isn't NEAR as cute and comfy as the one laying crumpled in the bottom of the floorboard with massive chocolate stains on it shirt. 7:30 stuffed 4 chewable Tylenol go tabs in mouth... cramping so bad I'm sweating and I want to punch something or tear all of my hair out... NOT exaggerating. 8:00 Cannot concentrate on ANYThing cramping is so bad. Tylenol SUCKS 8:30 ran into friend, Shannon in bathroom, she has a cherry pit heating pad that you heat in the microwave... temped to kiss friend 8:45 nuke pad for 3 minutes.. is so hot have to put thick papers on leg to protect but FEELS REALLY GOOD on left side that is somehow hurting worse than the rest of my uterus/right ovary. had two cups of BLACK coffee 9:00 Call surgeon to beg him to let me take my ibuprophen.. left message 9:10 they called back to tell me it was ok to take 9:10 and 1/2 inhaled ibuprophen, reheated cherry pit thingy for the 3rd time and waited for some relief. 9:40 FINALLY getting some relief but feel loopy for taking ibuprophen on top of four Tylenol. 11:00 life is back to normal except for incredibly annoying new pink shirt that rides up and makes my already huge rack look three times as big.... and the burn spot on the left side of tummy. 1:13.. time for more pills. I'm not eating at all today.. just doing my EAS shakes. Be glad when tomorrow's procedure is done and over so I can quit thinking about it.




Cha ching!

Well... $200 later:eek:   I just got back from Kroger. Loaded up on more EAS low carb high protein shakes, no sugar granny smith applesauce, kefir probiotic yogurt smoothies, sugar free jello's and puddings, v-8 juice and v-8 fruit splash, PRUNE YOGURT (whoever ever heard of such???) This awesome stuff in the produce section called Blue Goodness, chicken broth beef broth, soup, chewable rolaids+ gas, liquid ibuprophen, benedryll tabs, a copy of Spianal Tap..oh..wait.. that's a DVD.. like you care... sorry.. UH.. and more STUFF.  




Aw man...

One of my co-workers up here hasn't been feeling to good for about three weeks now. Gave birth two months ago and her symptoms have been very gall bladder like. ANYwho, yesterday it was bad and by 3:30 she was on the floor expelling into her trash can. I'm so convinced it's gall bladder related that it didn't occur to me that it might be viral. Her mom just called and said her gall bladder is acting up, however, she also has a stomach virus.:sick CRAP. I'm supposed to have surgery on Tuesday. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let me get this crap. ugh!:confused: What should I do? Is there any think preventative I can do?





wow... the time is drawing near....I'm 5 days away. I'm going shopping today for my post op list. For the 1st two days after surgery I can have liquids only: water, propel or Fruit 2 0
sugar free jello
diet v8 splash or v8
sugar free posicles & fudgesicles
minute maid light
lowfat milk or soy milk
drinkable yogurt
low carb protein shakes I have to avoid juice (high sugar)
diet soda or anything carbonated. it's really not good for your body. Day 3 after surgery and after fill adjustments I can have soft foods in 1/2 cup meals Low fat yogurt
cottage cheese (yuck)
sugar free pudding
scrambled eggs
chicken salad
egg salad
tuna salad
pimento cheese
cooked vegetables
low fat casseroles
ground meats with gravy or broth
flaky fish I go back three week from surgery to get my 1st fill/adjustment and he said leading right up to that my appetite will return to almost normal.. this is where the greatness of the adjustable band comes in. If I get flu tummy sick and start throwing up they will get me in to take all fo the fluid out of the band. When I'm better, they put it back in. Same thing if you get pregnant. There is no malapsorption with this procedure. I am very excited. I'm sure I'll be a wreck monday night and tuesday a.m.




Pluggin' along

Well... still going...It's 10 a.m. and I've had three Atkins drinks so far. Some EEVILLL person has made toast and it's permeated my senses and :hungry: I WANT SOME TOAST! But I shall prevail. mmmmmm 15 g's of protein and 1 g of sugar... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sigh




Great pre op

I went in for my pre-op testing yesterday (Ekg, blood work & x-rays) passed all of these with flying colors, again much to their surprise considering I now weigh 331. Then I got to sit down with the surgeon Dr. Morton and talk one on one and ask questions. I really like him. Very personable. He was impressed with my pre-op test results and wanted to know how old I was. He thought I was in my late 20's. He said that I am really fortunate to be my age and numbers wise be this healthy. He had a couple of band samples there and he demonstrated filling one up through the port. That was pretty cool. he's done over a 1,000 of them now. His stats are better than the us average. He has only had 12 bands slip, all of which he was able to fix. he hasn't had any erosions and he's only had four that leaked and zero deaths, blood clots or any other serious issues related to surgery. Todd has taken three days off next week so I'll be well taken care of. As soon as I'm able to walk and swallow a small sip of water without it coming up I'll be able to come home. It's considered outpatient. He said within 2-3 weeks my appetite will start to go back to normal, and that is when I go in to get my 1st 'fill' to restrict the opening in my stomach. he said sometimes it takes 2 or 3 fills to get the restriction just right. He thinks within 4 or 5 years that I will end up around 150 or 160. I was quite shocked. I have a hard time seeing myself below 200, but I guess that's because I haven't been below 200 in 16 years. He also said I would lose the fastest in the 1st year then it would taper off and how well I did was up to me and how I 'worked the band' and exercised. My surgery is next Tuesday Feb. 27 around 9 or 10 a.m. I'm kind of in the surreal part of this experience so far. I feel fortunate that my family and friends are so supportive. Thanks guys, Tracy





I have a raging freaking headache. I Guess it's from no caffiene. I almost made it the whole day then I got home and ate a HUGE bowl of coco pebbles. Well that temptation is gone now cause I ATE THEM ALL> sigh tomorrow is my pre-op testing.. not sure what all is involved there... I'm assuming an EKG. I'm paranoid and I just know they'll know I screwed up and ate today. If I could just make it through the next 6 days. T




Possums bum....

Got up @ 6. about 6:20 prepared my 'green vibrance' water (16.9 ounces) and added some liquid vitamin stuff.. made the mistake of tasting it before I added it to my water... OH MY.. I do NOT have the words for how horrid it was. On the way to work, choked down my disgusting concoction of water. Started a Raspberry Fruit20 to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. I feel like I've been licking a possum's butt. set on desk my 50 ounce bottle of Smart Water and my partially drunk Fruit20. For a week I get to Drink a atkins for breakfast, drink an atkins for lunch and have a small diet frozen dinner for supper. In between the bountiful amounts of lip smackin' stuff I just listed, I have to cram in about 70 ounces of water. Nothing else can touch my lips. It is 8:13 now, I though I would wait until I was STARVING before drinking my breakfast. I'm sipping on it now and wondering how on earth this is supposed to last me until lunch. I had frosted flakes last night for supper and I think I may have gotten a little weepy. I definately got weepy at Sams yesterday while buying all my water and Atkins stuff. I just have to pull this off until next Monday. SURELY I can handle that right?




WOW fast!

holy moly!!:faint: My surgery date is February 27th!!!!!!!!!! That's less than two weeks! Now All I have to do is survive the pre op. liquid breakfast, liquid lunch and small protein supper. (I may switch the supper with the lunch for the sanity of my co=workers...:mad: )





I WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will call me tomorrow to schedule a date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




armed with green stuff!

Today I came armed with slim fast to use in between meals and tons of Spring greens/lean ham/one slice provolone/ and other of my fav salad fixins... cranberries, flax seed, blueberries and some sunflower seeds. I will be chowing down for lunch.. I brought so much of the spring greens that I may even eat some for breakfast.. hard to beat a really good salad. I'm trying to get a handle on myself again, mentally something happened when I finally made the decision to get the procedure... I'll call it 'emergency eating'. OMG.. I may never get to eat this again.. OR this.. or this.. or this.. or that over there... And OMG I won't be able to eat this quantity ever again so I must eat the 12 oz steak.. not just 7 oz.. I mean.... So basically, this thinking has found me at 335. Now I must take control again and behave and eat good things like I KNOW I should. Food is my addiction and I've let it rage out of control. sigh.. baby steps.




Slim Fast my... uh Pshhhhh

Such big ideas I can have on the weekends... all it takes is a trip to Sam's and a :money:debit card... :guess ooooooo a WHOLE CASE of Slim Fast *improved* chocolate drink. WOW.. like.. I can start doing slim fast and just eat supper.:hungry: ROCK!:confused: Well.. Monday a.m. rolls around.. so far so good.. drank a bottle of water on the way to work. Got to work and drank my breakfast @ 7. 8:20 rolls around and I'm hungry:eek: so, I grab another slim fast. 10:30 rolls around and I'm hungry again so this time I eat a pack of oatmeal. Noon/lunch time:lunch: rolls around and I"m like.. Ok.. if I do another freaking slim fast I won't have anything to fall back on this afternoon.. I'll get a salad out of the vend... well... they didn't HAVE any salad in the vend so Naturally a good replacement is a roast beef sandwhich and a bag of chips ... what? Oh.. it wasn't? Hmmm I stood there in front of the vend forever deciding..:decision:. so after that I was ok the rest of the afternoon except about 2ish I go REALLY :bored REALLY:notagree sleepy. Drank some coffee :ranger: and I'll just tell ya now.. it didn't help. 4 is time to go home so on the way I stop at the tanning place (In my opinion my fat looks better the darker it is...) Anywho.. I get home thinking.. I'll do another slim fast and be good... again I say PSSHHH:guess I ate the rest of my venison stew. now it's after 6 and i can't have ANYTHING else. Just knowing I can't have anything else.. makes me want to eat everything in the house... but I digress....:der: sigh   I am hopeless.




self pay/appeal reimbursement

Can someone out there tell me that has self paid, but kept fighting the insurance and won.. how that works? do you get reimbursed? I got my 1st denial and we are now in the 1st appeal process. My DH is telling me that if in a week or two that haven't approved it he wants us to go ahead and self pay... keep fighting the insurance and get reimbursed. Is there anyone out there that has done this? How do they reimburse you? Does the insurance company pay you or the hosiptal??? Thanks :laugh First Consult: 1/3, 2007           Viewed online 'seminar' 1/3           :der: psych eval test 1/3           :confused: Appt to discuss Psych eval results 1/15           :clap2: Dr. Morton's office called to tell me they faxed my 300+ pages to BCBS 1/19           :faint: waiting.. waiting and well.. waiting some more:pout:         got letter from BCBSof TN that I'm not fat enough to qualify for the procedure (summerized by myself of course) 1/30 the day before my 37th bday.         Starting appeal process 1/31.. my 37th bday           :high5: :peace: Insurance approval________?:dance: :laugh :banana           first meeting with internist at surgeons office ____?           Surgery date_______?:nervous




hmmm maybe I was better off waiting.

Well, I got my friggin insurance letter today from BCBS of TN saying that .. and I quote " Based on the information received and teh terms of your health benefit plan, we determined that the requested service is not medically necessary." Even though I had prepared myself for this.. it's still irritating. Let's review.."not medically neccessary" shall we. I'll be 37 tomorrow
I weigh 334
BMI 54
I walk down the hallway and I'm out of breath and exhausted
Family medical history.. diabetes both sides. HIGH LDL both sides. Father/grandfather quadruple bypass surgeries at 51 & 58. High blood pressure both sides, gall bladder problems, cancer & obesity.
chiropracter visits every two weeks for lower back pain
carpal tunnel aggravated by weight.
been over 200 for 15 years
been over 250 for 10 years
been over 300 for 5 years...Hmmm I see a pattern here folks. Gee.. I'm starting to see what they mean.. medically necessary.. PSHHH I'm healthy as a HORSE...and the size of one two... IDIOTS. Anywho. going to talk to my surgeon tomorrow about my options, see if they'll contact the lawyers that represent the lap band people and take it from there.



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