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My Trip will begin on January 3rd

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ATTENTION: THE FOLLOWING IS GRAPHIC AND ABOUT YEAST INFECTIONS SO MALE READERS/ EASILY OFFENDED/GROSSED OUT JUST MOVE ON PAST THIS POST PLEASE. The antibiotic they gave me to take every 8 hours has absolutely REAKED HAVOC on my body. I don't normally get yeast infections. I'm 37 and have had about 8 in my life and have NEVER had thrush. I SHOULD have known, that if my mouth was overloaded as bad as it was with the thrush that I needed to go ahead and treat my other end for a yeast infection. I'm telling you what, I have NEVER had one EVER that was this bad. I had to leave early from work today and by the time I got home I was boohooing like a big baby. I'm like raw shredded meat down there and am even a little bloody. I took a prescription oral pill for this on Tuesday and it doesn't seem to be helping. My DH, thank god, came home this afternoon (he travels) and got me some maximum strenth itch/burn stuff then went back later after I boo hoo'd and cussed when I had to tinkle, to buy the 3 day treatment stuff. I have been using ice packs on it as well and that seems to help. It seems the worst around my ureathra and clit. It was murder when he was putting on the topical stuff. I'm calling the doc tomorrow, though, I don't think there is anything else we can do since I'm already using the prescrip stuff. I am going to make note of the name of this antibiotic that I was given so I don't ever take it again. Am I the ONLY one this has happened too? I haven't read about anyone else going through this on my feb & march post. For those of you not yet banded... please speak with your doc about the possibility of getting a yeast infection and see if there are any preventative measures you can take or maybe you can at least get some supplies to prepare for the possibility. After you are banded, if you find that your mouth/tongue starts getting sore and discolored.. PLEASE call your doc and don't wait like I did. I'm really paying for it now. Tracy




WOW fast!

holy moly!!:faint: My surgery date is February 27th!!!!!!!!!! That's less than two weeks! Now All I have to do is survive the pre op. liquid breakfast, liquid lunch and small protein supper. (I may switch the supper with the lunch for the sanity of my co=workers...:mad: )





I WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will call me tomorrow to schedule a date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





:faint: Holy freakin crap. Had my consultation today. My BMI is......54 how the geebbies am I even walking around???:omg: ANYwho... I'm hitting them with TONS of paper. I have been food journaling on caloriesperhour.com since jan of 06/ I have printed up every freakin' page and put it in a note book, have the three pages from my therapist recommending the procedure, a typed up page of my family Medical history ( THAT my friends.. was a HUGE Eye opener:eek: ) My company considers any and everything to do with Weight loss to be.... are you ready... COSMETIC:kiss2: That's right folks... the fact that I'm 329 isn't a health matter... gosh no.. it's a matter of just wanting to look spankin hot in a tootoo I guess.:flame: this site is, to put it mildly.. FANTASTIC:clap2: I have learned more in the past two nights sitting in front of my computer :typing: reading post for about four hours a night Than I have in the four years I have been wanting to have this procedure done. Please, if there is anyone out there that is about my height and that started about my weight and you are almost at goal.... What happens to your skin. I feel kind of vain asking.. but I am really SCARED of the floppy skin thing. I'm going to be 37 at the end of the month so I am no spring chicken here.:flypig: em em.. cough... yes folks.. I do realize that this is a flying horse and NOT in fact... a spring chicken.. but well, i didn't feel like searching for one. The second and possibly the MOST important question I have is... uh.. well some string of post mentioned bbq tongs... WTH? WHY? What? What this a joke? Can someone explain?:cry Peace out, Apple crisp aka Synicalchick(Tracy)





I have a raging freaking headache. I Guess it's from no caffiene. I almost made it the whole day then I got home and ate a HUGE bowl of coco pebbles. Well that temptation is gone now cause I ATE THEM ALL> sigh tomorrow is my pre-op testing.. not sure what all is involved there... I'm assuming an EKG. I'm paranoid and I just know they'll know I screwed up and ate today. If I could just make it through the next 6 days. T




Two Weeks post op today!

:clap2: :messenger3::clap2: Today was yet another fabu day. it's about 3:08 and the weather has been perfection except now I believe it's going to start raining. I still feel sore in the a.m. when I'm getting out of bed but I haven't had to take ibuprophen or ANYthing.. which is HUGE for me. I walked across & back the road to our other building this a.m. (takes me about 5 min.) to the wellness center to get my measurements. She's going to do them once a month for me. After lunch I walked for about 35 minutes. I can't say this enough.. it is so nice for my lower back to not hurt when I'm walking for more than 2 minutes. I called to book my 1st appointment for my fill and the earliest they can get me in is march 27. One month to the day. I just hope I can behave long enough to maintain the 20 I have lost if not lose more. I don't think that I have any restriction, HOWEVER, I am getting full quicker. I think that because of the pre-op diet and the 3-4 days of swelling, what happened is that my stomach has shrunk so the portions I am eating now are what I would consider a 'normal' portion to be. I know if I pushed it I could eat more, but I'm trying real hard to 'listen' and stop when I start feeling a little tight and not drink when I eat and wait an hour after. I sure am burping a lot though. Would I be burping this much with no restriction what so ever? I can drink like normal too. ANYwho...after walking I get real tender around the port area for some reason. It last about 20 minutes then settles down.




Two weeks 4 days post op

:help: Ok. I am two weeks and four days post op. do you remember that weird feeling post op on the surface of your belly skin that was numb and sensative all at one? Well that dissapeard about a week ago only to return IN FORCE today. I have 7 small incisions that have healed VERY well. I have one at the bottom of my belly button then two more to the far left of my belly button side by side then one more up and angled to the left of my belly button, then more.. OK. If you were to draw a slanted to the left triangle with the narrow point starting at my belly button and the other two wide points to the left, the entire area in between is intense sore and numb and on occasion a twinge of #4 pain. it's no where near the port or my tummy. Now, I did stumble yesterday walking in to my buliding but didn't toally wipe out, however it jarred me pretty good. I noticed this sensation mainly today and more intensely the past two hours. Any one else experiences these phantom pains that are not directly under their incisions? I called the doc's office and they think I'm ok and want me to call back on Monday.




turning a corner

I just ate a small prune yogurt (sounds gross but is actually quite DEEELISH) and a small sf pudding. I went to Target and bought these cute little plastic toddler spoons and forks plus some classic pooh plates and bowls and though I haven't been able to use the bowls and plates yet, the small spoons have been great. I feel at this point I am actualy taking a turn for the better. Basically I'm just sore, gasey, itchy and restless. Great combo huh?




Today is the BIG day

I am getting ready to leave work. I'm anxious/nervous and feel silly about feeling so but I can't help it. Today is my post op appointment and 1st fill... as in go into the sorest incision scar I have with a needle appointment . It's the unknown part that is getting to me... I mean, I haven't had this part done before and it involves a V. long needle in a sensative spot so I'm being a baby. I am having to talk myself out of bringing my stuffed moose to cling to desperately as they jab a super long needle into my innards.. Instead, I shall cling to my hubby for dear life, then feel like a two year old when it's over and I discover it wasn't that bad to begin with.:rolleyes I really NEED this appointment because I can EAT:hungry: I really misbehaved this weekend and though I'm still not totally at the quantity of food I can normally have, I'm still ate more than I should have and I had BREAD. I had two biscuits yesterday and perchance a slice of brownie....ok.. I had two hunking big pieces of brownie followed by a glass of milk.. ANYwho... As I sit her typing this my stomach is screaming for me to throw it some food and of course.. I can't. I'm not supposed to eat four hours prior so I ate 'brunch' at 10 a.m. to make extra sure my tummy was empty when I got there. Did I remember to ask if I could drink... NNNOOOOO:huytsao . ok.. assuming I survive and don't faint :faint: and break my neck.. I shall report in more detail than you could ever hope for as soon as I get back. tootles, Tracy





:update: I have never before had this in my life and I'm still not sure how it happened, but it would appear after speaking with my dr, that I have Thrush. Isn't that what babies get? ANYwho, he is calling in a prescription that I will pick up on the way home. T




this afternoon

For my outdoor excersion today, Dear hubby is taking me to Catherines to pick up a couple of slip over my head cotton dresses. I do not forsee anytime soon being about to wear anything that would come close to touching my incisions. I am doing very well I believe. I'm on liquid antiobiotics and so far no fever or anything.. just stiff sore and gasey. It was really bad this a.m. but I had laid still on my back for 8+ hours so I guess that's to be expected. I am alternating my liquid loritab with liquid Ibuprophen. T




The day after...

ok... it's the day after my 1st PB and I survived. I feel as though I have just gone through a 'rite of passage' When I bust out of the 300's my hubby says for a treat I can get a pair of the new pale pink croc flip flops!! HOORAH! I'm somewhat of a croc freak. Oh who am I kidding, I'm just a shoe ho in general.




Slim Fast my... uh Pshhhhh

Such big ideas I can have on the weekends... all it takes is a trip to Sam's and a :money:debit card... :guess ooooooo a WHOLE CASE of Slim Fast *improved* chocolate drink. WOW.. like.. I can start doing slim fast and just eat supper.:hungry: ROCK!:confused: Well.. Monday a.m. rolls around.. so far so good.. drank a bottle of water on the way to work. Got to work and drank my breakfast @ 7. 8:20 rolls around and I'm hungry:eek: so, I grab another slim fast. 10:30 rolls around and I'm hungry again so this time I eat a pack of oatmeal. Noon/lunch time:lunch: rolls around and I"m like.. Ok.. if I do another freaking slim fast I won't have anything to fall back on this afternoon.. I'll get a salad out of the vend... well... they didn't HAVE any salad in the vend so Naturally a good replacement is a roast beef sandwhich and a bag of chips ... what? Oh.. it wasn't? Hmmm I stood there in front of the vend forever deciding..:decision:. so after that I was ok the rest of the afternoon except about 2ish I go REALLY :bored REALLY:notagree sleepy. Drank some coffee :ranger: and I'll just tell ya now.. it didn't help. 4 is time to go home so on the way I stop at the tanning place (In my opinion my fat looks better the darker it is...) Anywho.. I get home thinking.. I'll do another slim fast and be good... again I say PSSHHH:guess I ate the rest of my venison stew. now it's after 6 and i can't have ANYTHING else. Just knowing I can't have anything else.. makes me want to eat everything in the house... but I digress....:der: sigh   I am hopeless.




Side sleeping again!!!

I feel great today. Finally turned that corner. Yinfec is under control & I can totally sleep on my side now! Thursday I went to bed (the 1st night I was able to sleep on my side) and I woke up 14 hours later! I needed it. We have been blessed with BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS weather today. I'm sitting here at my computer, ate my prune yogurt, drinking my coffee, have the patio door open, birds are chirping, my windchimes are chiming, the smell of burning sage is in the air and all is right with the world. I may even be able to talk DH into walking at the zoo today. Nasvhille has a really beautiful zoo and I have a membership. I hope no one has been discouraged by my whiny post, I just wanted to be as honest as factual as possible because I like to know what's up before hand. Now that I'm on the other side of things, I know I've done the right thing and I'm really excited about my future. I have a normal to small sized husband, he married me at almost my top weight, so I'm excited to see where this takes our relationship as we are able to do more outdoor activites together.





wow... the time is drawing near....I'm 5 days away. I'm going shopping today for my post op list. For the 1st two days after surgery I can have liquids only: water, propel or Fruit 2 0
sugar free jello
diet v8 splash or v8
sugar free posicles & fudgesicles
minute maid light
lowfat milk or soy milk
drinkable yogurt
low carb protein shakes I have to avoid juice (high sugar)
diet soda or anything carbonated. it's really not good for your body. Day 3 after surgery and after fill adjustments I can have soft foods in 1/2 cup meals Low fat yogurt
cottage cheese (yuck)
sugar free pudding
scrambled eggs
chicken salad
egg salad
tuna salad
pimento cheese
cooked vegetables
low fat casseroles
ground meats with gravy or broth
flaky fish I go back three week from surgery to get my 1st fill/adjustment and he said leading right up to that my appetite will return to almost normal.. this is where the greatness of the adjustable band comes in. If I get flu tummy sick and start throwing up they will get me in to take all fo the fluid out of the band. When I'm better, they put it back in. Same thing if you get pregnant. There is no malapsorption with this procedure. I am very excited. I'm sure I'll be a wreck monday night and tuesday a.m.





Man.. worn out today. Went to work then left to go to my general dr. to get her letter of recommendation. Dr. Morton is v. convienantly across the hall from my general Dr. so i stopped by there to give them my food/exercise journal for 2006 and my personal letter to the insurance company. She gave me the phone number to the RN that I will be dealing with the most. I gave her a call and she went over the stuff I provided. She said that BCBS is VERY persnickety:huytsao and she wants me to have every single little thing before we turn anything in. She likes the letter I got from my therapist but knows that they will want an actual Psych test done and gave me a couple of numbers. I called one, drove down town, and took the test. Two different paper test at least 20 pages each. True/False, then False SomewhatTrue, Mostly True and Very true. HOLY MOLY :omg: FOLKS. the questions on there. do you hear voices.. do you see people no one else sees, headaches? is the world against you? have you ever dreamed of writing a good bye letter to your friends if you were going to die, do you feel as though you are more than one person? WOW:guess ANYwho.... I finished turned them in, then scheduled an appointment for 1/15 to see if I'm crazy :der:or not so everything is on hold until then.:ermm I was just really glad to be out of there:bolt:  




self pay/appeal reimbursement

Can someone out there tell me that has self paid, but kept fighting the insurance and won.. how that works? do you get reimbursed? I got my 1st denial and we are now in the 1st appeal process. My DH is telling me that if in a week or two that haven't approved it he wants us to go ahead and self pay... keep fighting the insurance and get reimbursed. Is there anyone out there that has done this? How do they reimburse you? Does the insurance company pay you or the hosiptal??? Thanks :laugh First Consult: 1/3, 2007           Viewed online 'seminar' 1/3           :der: psych eval test 1/3           :confused: Appt to discuss Psych eval results 1/15           :clap2: Dr. Morton's office called to tell me they faxed my 300+ pages to BCBS 1/19           :faint: waiting.. waiting and well.. waiting some more:pout:         got letter from BCBSof TN that I'm not fat enough to qualify for the procedure (summerized by myself of course) 1/30 the day before my 37th bday.         Starting appeal process 1/31.. my 37th bday           :high5: :peace: Insurance approval________?:dance: :laugh :banana           first meeting with internist at surgeons office ____?           Surgery date_______?:nervous




scratch scratch scratch

Day four post op. Allive and kicking... and ITCHING. Drank my watery oatmeal with protein powder mixed in. Was quite delicious actually. Hubby will make me a soft scrambled egg for lunch and a 1/4 cup of 'wet' lean ground beef for supper to be chased with a v-8 juice. Did I mention I was ITCHING?




Restaurant Card

Restaurant Card for kids portions Check this out.. this is so cool! You can print this card up and take it to restaurants so you can order off of the kids menu. There is also a list of places that already allows adults to order kids size meals. http://www.obesityhelp.com/magazine/RestaurantCard.html   Basically it explains that you've had surgery that olmits your ability to eat a large amount of food, and it requests that you be premitted to order off the children's menu or to order half portions. Of course, it's up to the retaurant whether it will honor the card. One one side of the card is the name & address of the practice * the surgeon & on the other side is the request information.




Possums bum....

Got up @ 6. about 6:20 prepared my 'green vibrance' water (16.9 ounces) and added some liquid vitamin stuff.. made the mistake of tasting it before I added it to my water... OH MY.. I do NOT have the words for how horrid it was. On the way to work, choked down my disgusting concoction of water. Started a Raspberry Fruit20 to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. I feel like I've been licking a possum's butt. set on desk my 50 ounce bottle of Smart Water and my partially drunk Fruit20. For a week I get to Drink a atkins for breakfast, drink an atkins for lunch and have a small diet frozen dinner for supper. In between the bountiful amounts of lip smackin' stuff I just listed, I have to cram in about 70 ounces of water. Nothing else can touch my lips. It is 8:13 now, I though I would wait until I was STARVING before drinking my breakfast. I'm sipping on it now and wondering how on earth this is supposed to last me until lunch. I had frosted flakes last night for supper and I think I may have gotten a little weepy. I definately got weepy at Sams yesterday while buying all my water and Atkins stuff. I just have to pull this off until next Monday. SURELY I can handle that right?




Pluggin' along

Well... still going...It's 10 a.m. and I've had three Atkins drinks so far. Some EEVILLL person has made toast and it's permeated my senses and :hungry: I WANT SOME TOAST! But I shall prevail. mmmmmm 15 g's of protein and 1 g of sugar... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sigh




Please ignore this post

I'm going to start this by saying.. *Please* don't bother to read this. It's a bitching/grumpy whiny pity party pants session and I needed to sit down and type out my grumblings so I can grab my britches and trek on... I KNOW I am SO lucky.. for real, to have been given this opportunity, this gift, if you will, of the band and I have been wanting this for FOUR years.. and here I am one week to the day post op, and I'm going to bitch. So, please.. especially for those of you who are not banded yet.. IGNORE MY PITY PARTY. I am freakin miserable. I flippin mouth feels like a firely dragon took a piss in it because of this hateful thrush crap (which is a yeast overload by the way generaly caused by antibiotics and a low imune system) AND.... IT HAS MOVED DOWN FREAKING SOUTH ARGH. WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!? ARGH I STILL can't sleep on my side which means I'm stuck sleeping on my back, which causes me to snore, which irritates my already on fire, dry mouth and I don't sleep as well, and I can't take my pain meds because it sets my mouth on fire even worse so when I wake up in the a.m. I feel like a heard of elephants has been tap dancing on my freaking large ass stomach, which by the way, is so freaking large, that I can't really reach my now on fire itchy nether regions for fear of ripping a port stich or opening up an incision. I am also, starting today.... H U N G R Y. so.. what's going through my mind today? I'm HUNGRY.. #$%* one fricking week post op and I want to EAT EAT EAT EAT. I've had 3 oz chicken breast 120c 20prtn 6:30 1 can atkins 160c 15 prtn 9:36 SF Jello 10c 10:30 1 cup Probiotic Kifir smoothie yogurt thingy 174 c 14Prtn 12:30 Fruit fusion Peach smoothie drink 250 c prtn7 3:30 Sfree pudding 60c 2prtn 4:00 Chicken of the Sea Roasted Garlic Salmon Steak 150c prtn 25 with one slice provolone cheese melted on top 70c 5prtn 5:00 another slice 'o provolone.. well.. I had to read the package so.. I ate a slice 70c 5prtn Let's add this up shall we.. Well.. uh. according to my calculations.. that's only 1064cs with 93 prtn. Ok... I feel as though I pigged out today and now I'm seeing that I've only had 1064 c's. Ok.. so it's not that bad. I felt like I really screwed up when I bought and drank the 250 c smoothie. and I'm really full right now so I reckon I haven't blown it food wise. hmmm ANYwho, I was feeling like, oh my god.. maybe I can't do this, I'm never going to even get below 300 little long lose around 170 lbs... and part of me still feels this way. I've been reading post on here (lap band forum) since jan and I have seen some discouragement.. I just wasn't expecting to be one of the discouraged.. especially one week out. This can work. I just have to make good food choices. I need to bring more stuff to work with me tomorrow. Part of my issues I think are as far as feeling physically like crap, is that I have Fibromyalgia ( can't spell) and that's really dealing me a hand right now. I can't take my liquid kids ibuprophen because my mouth is so $%(*ed up and that really keeps my fibro in check whine whine whine. sorry guys. I really think I would feel a little better if I could just freaking sleep on my side again. It will get better I know. Thanks for not reading my bull$%^( SYNICALchick aka Tracy




ouchy tongue

I actually drove myself to work this a.m. and survived the evil seat belt and steering wheel. I'll probably leave here around noonish. I bent over a LITTLE to far this a.m. in the bathroom at work and nearly shreaked. OH MY GOSH.. The pain in my port.... I guess it pulled on my stitches holding the port in place. That was like an hour ago and I'm still feeling it a little. My tongue is all messed up, gross and sore too. I"m going to call my dr. about it. I think I noticed it yesterday being sore and today when I got up and looked at it, it's all blotchy. white in spots and ANGRY red in others. Maybe it's the antibiotics or it could be the liquid ibuprophen I'm using. I sure hope it's not the ibuprophen. It's what keeps me going during the day.





My 1st fill is W O R K I N G I have the small band (4) and doc put in 2.2 and OH man does it work. I am 6 weeks post op today & one week one day post 1st fill. I've lost 10 pounds JUST SINCE my fill, yet I am still able to eat and not feel cheated!!!!:clap2: I am right now, on the back side of my 1st pb:sick (productive burp) My hubby travels and is out of town this week. by the time 4 came around I was REALLY hungry:hungry: and so far for the day I had only consumed about 400 c's not including coffee.   I was in the mood for chicken so I stopped at KFC's and got a drumstick and a thigh. about three bites before I stopped, I remember thinking, I'm not hungry so I should stop... but my head hunger was like.. but wait.. you aren't FULL yet.. just a few more bites.   Well, Three bites later the PB started. All this of course while I'm trying to drive a stick shift home on a 25 minute drive of course. Thank goodess I followed a thread on my lap band forum by the name "Flaming Golf Ball From #%@&!" where people tell different PB stories and jokingly/seriously suggested keeping bottles/papertowels and cups in your vehicle for just such an occasion.   I bought some vitamin water and left two of the empty bottles in the truck just in case, even though I was like.. i won't need these because I'll stop before it's to late...   Famous   Last   Words.   All the freaking way home I was having to spit profusely into my bottle and a few times a little chicken would come up with it. This started about 4:20 and though I feel better, my chest is still tight. It was/is such a surreal experience, I wasn't 'throwing up' it was just coming.. gently and my chest was NOT HAPPY.   ANYwho. Lesson learned. I don't have to be STUFFED to quit eating. 1st impressions/instinct..if you think you should stop,,, then by god stop already.   Now, for the weird part. This PB (productive burp) gives me hope. This really is going to work for me and not just to take the weight off, but more importantly KEEP IT OFF. Unless you have a thing for slime covered food you have already chewed and swalloed ending up in your pie hole, you will NOT over eat. 'nough said  



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