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Inner Machinations...

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Top 10 Things I've Learned So Far...

I was thinking today about what I've learned so far on this journey. Shockingly, it was a great deal. Here are the top 10:   10. Know yourself. There is a ton of advice all over the net and in our own circles.. but we have to be wise enough to know how to "eat the meat and throw away the bones." Not everything that others do will work for you. We've invested in our bodies and now we have to make sure we get a ROI (return on investment)!! Don't sabotage yourself by trying to stick with the regimen of someone else. If you're not sure, speak with your doctor or nutritionist/fitness expert. Your medical team created a plan specifically for YOU! So while it's always good to get ideas and advice, we have to make sure we are first and foremost doing what is best for us.   9. Goals. Look to the future always. Don't get complacent w/the amount of weight you've lost or frustrated with the amount of weight you haven't lost..but always keep reaching for your goal. Set small goals in the interim and reward yourself. We're busting our asses and deserve to be kind and sweet to ourselves every now and then.   8. Excuses, excuses! While we are our worst critics, we also tend to go easy on ourselves at the least opportune times. "I've been working hard..I deserve that slab of chocolate cake." "The kids wore me out, and now I can't exercise." Don't get me wrong, I think we all need a break and need to reward ourselves every once in a while..just be careful not to let it snowball. I made this decision because I needed a lifestyle change.. not to continue to give myself "outs."   7. Positivity. Stress causes the secretion of Cortisol.. which leads to weight gain in many people. Thinking positive and generally finding the good in your situations creates what I like to call, "Happy Juice." Aka: Endorphins! Also created when you work out! Endorphins crush Cortisol and can result in weight loss! So stay positive and encouraged..even if that doesn't cause you to lose weight, you'll be a happier person!   6. Kindness. Be kind to yourself. I have a very swift tongue and can cut someone down like a hot knife through butter... unfortunately, I can do the same thing to myself just as easily. Remember it takes time to see results..but if we keep placing one foot in front of the other and keep pushing we'll all get to where we want to be.   5. Do something! Move your feet and your ass will follow!! Everyone works at their own pace. They lose weight at their own pace and that's OK. If you want to see results (possibly faster) and reduce your risk of other complications that come along w/being overweight, get moving!! Even if it's 30mins a day..some of us spend more time than that on the phone, watching a movie, talking to a friend, reading a book.. etc. The good thing about those activities is they can all be done in conjunction w/exercise.   4. No Magic Bullet. This band is not a "fix all" ..after you get banded you will still have taste buds that crave certain foods.. you will still be a jerk or a prima donna..or a sweetheart.. you'll still have money problems if you had them before.. you'll still have personal life issues to deal with. The world doesn't stop just because we've gotten banded. As we're taking the steps to lose the weight, we must take the steps to improve ourselves to be more well-rounded and level people. Don't neglect the rest of your life..the band, while pivotal, is only a small portion of it!   3. Support. Surround yourself with like-minded people, with common goals..not just for the band, but for life. This is such a life altering experience and you find yourself not only wanting to do better health-wise, but improve all the aspects of it. Make sure you have people in your life that will add to it, and not deduct from it.   2. Keep it simple stupid! Don't major in the minors!! The band is hard...but it's not complicated. Follow the rules and listen to your body (the good stuff) and you will succeed. Don't make the band something it's not or try to complicate it. It's a simple tool.. work it and it works!!   1. Prepare to wait! Patience is KEY in losing weight this way. As the saying goes, "We didn't put this weight on overnight.. we won't lose it overnight."     I'm learning a ton about myself..but the most important thing I'm really starting to grasp is that I'm worth it!! =)   -Mary-




The Importance Of Being Honest...

I posted this as my status today:   "This journey, regardless of how much or how little support we have, is an individual one. No one else can lose the weight for you. Take the encouragement, the support, the good w/the bad and separate the meat from the bones... and ultimately do what works and what's best for you! That is always a key in success!"   How does this tie in to honesty? Well, I'll tell you. I've noticed, not only in the few short days I've been banded, but in the entire time I've been researching lap band, that everyone has advice to give. We all want the keys to success; what it took for others to lose the weight; the exercises and the food they ate. But the truth is, what works for one won't always work for everyone else.   Not everyone gained the weight because they've over eaten or because they're lazy. Just like everyone has their own reasons for gaining the weight, everyone will have their own means of losing it, even if we are all using the same tool. Encouragement and advice are great and I know we all have a lot to learn on this journey, but it starts with being honest with ourselves.   We were honest (or vain) enough to realize we needed the lap band and now it's about being honest enough to admit our limitations and strongholds. Food is an addiction that we're trying to kick (we know that), but my food addiction isn't yours. My habits are not yours, and I have to be real enough with myself to understand that if I'm going to succeed, I have to do what is going to work for me.. and you need to do what will work for you. This starts with listening to your surgical team, dietician, nutritionist, etc.   If there's one thing that remains consistent in all of the advice I've received from successful lap banders, it would be, "If you follow the rules, you'll lose the weight." Not just the universal lap band rules, but those set forth for your individual program, for your individual needs. One of the dangers of trying to follow the regimen of someone else is that you may not be able to live up to it, because it's not tailor made for you. And on this journey, that is one thing I think is definitely a plus; the capability to contour the band to work for YOU! Remember that there are people that have health issues and co-morbidities that may affect their regimen. Don't waste time trying to compare yourself to everyone else, do what works for you!   We all want to be successful.. get this weight off and strut our stuff! Be healthier...be happier! For me, it's starts with doing what works for me and building from there! =)   O well, that's enough ranting for now. Just had a few things on my mind I wanted to share.   All the best!! -Mary-




So For Real...

Hello!   Well many of you may know me..and many of you may not. I've been on LBT for about 4mths now (I think). A little of my back-story is: I've been researching LapBand since about January of this year. July I decided it was for me. I attended the seminar at the end of July. My first appointment w/my surgeon was September 1st (after rescheduling an August 4th appt.). Since then I've had a fitness appointment, 2 nutrition appointments, a psychological evaluation, an upper endoscopy, a Resting Metabolic Rate test, a bone density test, endless lab work (I'm tired of being stuck), been put on a Vitamin D regimen and had my yearly physical. I'm grateful that I am 100% healthy and I know a ton more about my body now than I did 4mths ago. I was submitted to insurance October 17th (a Monday and a little over a month after my initial appointment w/my surgeon) and received my approval letter October 21st (Friday). Since then, I've had follow-up lab work, after having finished my Vitamin D regimen (was 8 now is 33 =D), I've met w/my surgeon for the pre-op appointment, went to the hospital where I will be having my procedure and met w/the RN to discuss the surgery and had more lab work done there (like I said.. I'm tired of being stuck =/). I am going through insurance and thankfully that has been a very painless process. They only required a BMI of 40 or greater, a psychological evaluation and 5yrs weight history. I was approved on my first try.   That is A LOT to go through in just 3 short months. Now granted, while I was in it, it felt like it was taking FOREVER!! But in retrospect, it was really a blink of an eye. But now I'm at a point where my mind is catching up to my circumstances and this surgery, this life changing event, is becoming so real. My surgery date is December 8th and as of November 24th (Thanksgiving Day) I have been on my liquid diet. Everything is going very well and so far I've not had any problems or outrageous cravings. I'm actually not hungry most of the time, which is extremely helpful since all I'm taking in is protein shakes, sugar free drinks and sugar free jell-o/yogurt.   Everyday of being on this liquid diet is really bringing me closer and closer to the realization of the step I am about to take. I have never had surgery for anything and yes, I am a little scared. I think you'd have to be inhuman to not be, under those circumstances. More than anything I'm excited and ready to hit the ground running, but if I'm real with myself, I hope that I'm ready. Everything happened so fast and that's a blessing, but I've had very little time to actually process what's going on. I think I've spent more time thinking about the end result more than the process it takes to get there.   So, at this point, I'm just trying to take mental inventory. Checking my reality-o-meter and making sure I have realistic expectations. Making sure I am truly ready to take on the task that will soon be set before me. I believe I am, but I need to make sure the switch is flipped mentally and emotionally. Because if I'm not real with me, I'm only setting myself up for failure. I know many of you that (may) read this have probably already gone through this same thing. I'm sure it will pass and I'll be fine. But I at least wanted to take a minute to put my thoughts down. I usually feel better once I've gotten things off my chest and writing is the best way for me to do that.   I'm on my way and it won't be long now. I am so grateful for this site and all the helpful people that share their success stories. You all have played a big part in the confidence I have that I have made the right decision! I'll be sure to keep everyone posted! Thank you all for your continued encouragement!!   Thanks for reading! -Mary-



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