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I'm Aproved! FEB 26th is the day!!!

I just got off the phone with the insurance company and.....yes....its true....I am aproved!!!!! Yay!!! Feb 26th is the day its all going to happen.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2::clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2::clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:




Tomorrow I start the pre-op diet!

Well, tomorrow I start the pre-op diet. Please wish me luck. The fact that I haven't told many people is going to make things very hard for me but I'll do it. If anyone asks why I'm not eating, I'll just say I have a stomach bug. PLEASE........WISH ME LUCK!!




Why can't I talk to my mother about this?

Tonight I wanted to talk to my mother about the surgery but I just couldn't muster up enough guts to open up to her. I know I want this and I know this is what I need to do but, for some reason, if my mother doesn't aprove, I feel like I'm going to be in big trouble if I go against what she feels is right. WHY DO I FEEL THIS WAY? I AM 33 YEARS OLD!!!!! :frusty: On a lighter note I have been able to meet some really nice people on this site. I am new at all of this and very thankful to the people who have been so kind in helping me out (Sherry and Wendy). Thank you for being so supportive.....it is excactly what I need! :cheer2:




Encouragment Needed!

I am about 7 weeks post surgery and I am feeling a little ....I don't know....down maybe. I am happy that I got the surgery but I really don't feel much different. My weight loss is at a plateau and I am getting hugrier than ever. I haven't had a fill yet so I don't know exactly what that is going to do for me. I really hope it takes the huger away....I am so ready to lose more weight!




Feeling pretty!

I am happy to say that yesterday as I got ready to go to a bridal shower, I took one article of clothing out of the closet and wore it comfortably. It might sound like no big deal but in my past...it would take me trying on about 7 or 8 different outfits in order to feel OK with what I am wearing. I wore a shirt that I brought on my Honeymoon in 2003! I bought these pantyhose shorts things that work like a girdle....they are called Spanxs....and man are they awsome! If anyone has the lower portion problem.....as I like to say bountiful buns and thighs, these Spanxs shorts are great.




post op 10 days

Its been 10 days since the surgery and I am feeling a hell of a lot better. The only thing that really bothers me is the incisions. My queesiness is gone and I'm starting to get the hang of this 3rd stage diet. I found out that the funky taste in my mouth and dry tongue are from somthing called ketosis. It is when your body is burning stored fat it happens usually on liquid diets. I was told it will go away when I start eating normal again. I am starting to get so excited about losing weight. Every time I put somthing on.....I am so used to it feeling so snug and restrictive, but I am serious when I say.....it is so loose already. I have lost 17 pounds on my scale at home. I have to start thinking about going to one of the support meetings. I wouldn't mind meeting some local people going through the same thing.   It took all my willpower not to taste the Pizza at Chuck E Cheese when I took my son out the other day.




new- whey

I just recieved my new whey liquid protein shots and...Yay....I can do this! Each 3 oz. vial contains 42 grams of protein! I got the fruit punch and it is really good! I thought that I would need to add it to water but it is ok to drink by itself. Even though I could drink it down it 2 seconds, I am going to have 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night because I read on one of the threads that the body can only absorb 20 somthing grams of protein at a time.   Just a little personal note, Today I polished the wood work on the walls with lemon pledge and decided to do the whole house pretty much and now, my floors are like ice....both my 2 yr old son and I have to pretty much crawl on our hands and knees to get around the house. What did I do? I just thought I was getting a good workout in my arms and now we can't even walk in our own house! OOOOPS!!:faint:




4 pounds down= 30!!!

I couldn't believe it! I got on the scale today yet again thinking it would say 229...again .....which it has for the past 4 weeks, and then low and behold ....225!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled and woke up both kids but it was worth it! I feel so re-energized and motivated again. I LOVE LOSING!!!   I bummed about Lakeisha on American Idol.....it should have been Blake.




Ups and downs

Wow, what a couple of days I have had! Yesterday I called the doctors office again to see what was going on and they told me the reason why they never called back was because I am a Tufts Insurance holder. I guess Tufts has now changed all there coverage terms this past week. The whole new deal is that if you are not accepted by the surgeon and met all the qualifications by the month of March you have to go through a 12 month monitored weight loss plan!!!! I was in shock for about 2 hours after the phone call. After I got myself together I called the insurance company and spoke to a woman named Emily and she said that unless I can get myself bumped up, I'm not going to be covered. Needless to say I cried all night. :think This morning I woke up pissed. I was not happy with the news and decided I was going to give it my all to convince the doctors office to get me in. Well, the secratery there must feel bad for me because she said that she would talk to the nurse herself and call me back. While I was at the gym getting rid of all my pent up anger, she called me back with the news....she said that they had a cancellation for tomorrow and if I can make it....the apt. is mine! Then she gave me all these other apts for this week. I just kept on saying yes to whatever time or days she gave me without even knowing what I was going to do about the kids. After tossing back and forth the idea in my head....I decided to let my mother in on the news. I was so afraid she was going to be discouraging but you know what?...she was awsome about it. That was a huge weight off my shoulders. All in all this was a pretty good day. I just wish I could get rid of all my other stress's. OK...here is this weeks schedule:   tomorrow 1/24 I have a 3 hour apt she said it will take all day. I'll be there from 9am-1:00? thursday 1/25 I have a 4:00 apt. then I'll go to my second seminar at 6:00 with my mom. (wish me luck) Monday 1/29 I have a 12:00 apt. with the psychologist....yikes! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:




high protien / highly explosive

I think this high protein diet is going make me explode.....I hope I don't feel like this on the day of surgery, I'll blow myself right off the operating table. I just bought some gasx..lets hope they work.   Todays diet: coffee with nd creamer Ease chocolate shake yogart chicken broth with my daughters leftover carrot baby food in it salad w/nonfat dressing Yuck southbeach bar protien bar 4oz chicken with 1/3 cup of wild brown rice zuccinni with onions and sauce





So far so good, I'm down another 3 pounds and very happy. Total weightloss is 33 pounds. I just bought a size 16 dress at Macys yesterday and it fit great.....shopping is fun again! I scheduled another appt. in june for a second fill. The first fill did close to nothing. Still, I am thrilled with my marvelous band!




A little pain

I'm still having a little pain when I bend over or turn the wrong way. It is like a ping of pain if that makes any sence. I hope I didn't hurt anything when I coughed the other day....I have also been lifting up my 30 pound son and my 20 pound daughter. I think I will try to take it easy for the day. I made an aptt. with the Dr. tomorrow. My biggest fear is that he has to re-operate. I don't know if I could deal with that again. Wish me luck tomorrow. Hopefully like I read in one of the threads, it will just go away in a couple of days.




Getting there!

Today was a breeze. I had a 1 hr. nutrition apt. and then an hour and a half seminar that I took my mom to. She was very cool and totally relieved to hear what the surgeon had to say about it. I am getting there, monday psych, wednesday surgeon, and thursday sleep study. I have to really try to watch what I eat now...the doc want me to cut out the junk foods and get 1/2 hour of excersise everyday before the surgery. I'm Ok with that. Tomorrow I should start looking for all the things I need for the first 4 weeks.




1 egg = 14 grm of fat!!!!!!

No wonder why the scale is staying still, I have been having a hard boiled egg every day and I just found out on Caloriecounter.com that the fat grams are 14 for each egg. Guess I won't be doing that again.:omg:




Yay! Some hope has come my way!!

I just spoke to my insurance company and all I need to do as quoted by Chanell Benson, is have the specialist or the surgeon in my case fax over a letter of medical necessity to their office and I should have an answer if I have been accepted within 48 hours! Wow! This is starting to really get exciting! I just faxed over my application that Dr. Jones office needs and off I go! After all that stressing over the 5 years of medical history it turns out I didn't even need it in the first place. I can practically feel myself putting on a size 10 right now! Thank you, thank you, thank you lapbandtalk friends for being here and helping me each step of the way....I can't talk to any of my friends or family about this yet so it is nice to know I have you all in my corner:woot: .




4 more days!

Well, so far so good. I can't believe how easy this pre-op diet has been for me even though it is a fraction of what I normally eat. On another note, Not to be gross but I am so bummed that I am going to have my period on surgery day. How embarressing it is going to be....I was told that there will more likely be a cathader....OH God, I just shudder at the thought.     Wednesdays diet: Shake yogart protien bar shake lemongrass chicken lean cuisine zucchinni No gym but I walked the mall 4x:clap2:     Thursdays Diet: coffee protien bar shake south beach bar tuscan chicken lean cuisine with zucchinni yogart I burned 450 calories at the gym today!!:clap2:




another 2 pounds!

I did it! I am now at 235.......I started out at 255. That is 20lbs! :clap2: When I think of it, its the same weight as my 8 month daughter and she gets really heavy. I am so excited, I haven't been this weight since before I had my son in 2004. Not to toot my own horn but TOOOOOOOOOT!!! On another note, I hate hate hate this weather. I am so sick of this New England weather. We were all snowed in yesterday. Anyone from Miami want to trade homes? hee hee:D




Tomorrow is the day!!!

Ok Guys....wish me luck. I'm having the surgery tomorrow and I know I won't be able to get to the computer again once I pick up my mom from the airport. I'll share a little secret with you all, I am kind of excited about relaxing and taking it slow for a week or so.....with a 2yr old and 7 month old I could really use it! Please say a prayer for me or wish me luck. Next time I talk to you I will be BANDED!!!




please let me be aproved!

I saw Dr. Jones today.....he was not quite as personal as I would have hoped for but I understand. I was the last of the 5 people he had to give the whole routine to so I'm sure he was on auto-pilot. Everything is pretty much done accept for the sleep study and now I'm just waiting for my aproval. If I don't get aproved, I just don't know how I am going to handle it. I did get my surgery date if I get aproved though. MY SURGERY DATE IS 2/26/07!!!! WOW that could be the day that will change my whole life....well lets try not to get too excited. Oh, I got my period this morning thank God.....if I didn't, that would have been a huge hurdle to jump. Tomorrow my goal is to try and stay positive. I have let myself get kinda in a kink lately. I think its cause my hunny is working all the time. I need my dose of him! Well, I have to go watch American Idol!




scale hasn't moved

OK, its been over a week and a half and still no weight loss. I would really love to lose 30 pounds by May1st. If I step it up with more excercise maybe I can do it. I really want my Moms jaw to hit the floor when she comes home from florida. :bored




Here's to hoping my life is about to change!

OK, here we go. I am going tonight to a seminar in Boston at Beth Isreal Hospital to hear all about the lapband. Even though I have already done a lot of research on it already I am really excited and eager to hear all about it once again and hopfully meet the surgeon that will change my life for the better. Since this is my first entry I will list my goals that I hope the Lapband surgery will help me in accomplishing: 1. I want to live a long and happy life for my children. My children mean the world to me and I can't imagine leaving them earlier than I am supposed to due to this baggage I have carried around for a lifetime. 2. I want to feel and be healthy. My doctors always say that my number, points etc. are all perfect but I know personally, that I don't feel perfect. 3. I want to be more like the woman my husband married. When we dated I was about 40 lbs less than what I am now. I was a lot more fun to be with, a lot more sure of myself. Now I never want to hang out with our group of friends because I am totally ashamed of how I look. 4. I want to be able to get dressed up for a special occasion without ending up in tears. I also want to be able to put pantyhose on without ending up all sweaty and out of breath. 5. I want to be able to borrow clothes. 6. I want to be able to shop at any store. 7. I want to sleep without my arms falling asleep. 8. I want to be able to walk on my feet without giving them time to adjust to the weight they are about to carry all day. 9. I want to be able to wear shorts and sleeveless shirts without the side effects of chub rub. 10. I want to stop sweating all the time. 11. I want to stop trying to hide lumps and bumps. 12. I want my boobs to get smaller so that my back stops hurting. 13. I would like to be invited to a pool party without that sudden fear. 14. I would like to chase after my children and enjoy it. 16. I would like to buy a halloween cosume that will fit me. 17. I would like to fall in that catagory as one size fits all. 18. I want to look tidy, not messy. 19. I want to stop fearing the airplane seat. 20. I would like to jog. 22. I would like to wear boots that go up to my knee. They have never fit my calf before. 24. I would like to stop getting dressed in the closet when my husband is in the room. ( this one should be #3) 25. I would like to take my clothes off and not have an impression of them still an hour later. I'm sure there are hundreds of other wishes but these have been on my mind most this year. Please who ever is wathching listening or reading hear my prayers or if you don't believe in that hocus pocus just send a little good energy my way. Words cannot explain how much I want this all to happen.




I'm so excited I can't sleep!

Well, I went to the seminar and .....this is it. I am going to make this happen. It was so reassuring to see so many other people just like me. After reading a lot of the posts one of my first questions was that I wanted to know how long the liquid diet pre and post op would be. To my surprise, he said that all he would like me to do is give up junk foood and excersise for 30 minutes a day 30 days before surgery. I am just itching to make this all happen. My primary cares doctors apt. isn't until January 7th so I'll have to sit tight until then. My husband was wonderful about the whole situation las night, he didn't make any jokes or critical comments about the surgury which I thought might become a problem. I know he is behind me 100% of the way. The only problem is opening up this can of worms to my mom. Yikes! I'm so afraid she'll try and talk me out of it!:argue:




Oh Please, Oh Please!

I still haven't heard from the doctors office to start up all of my apts. Don't they know how excited I am to get this 250 lb ball rolling? I feel like calling and saying ...did you forget about me? But I pretty much already did that last week when I called to make sure that they got my fax with all my info. I just want to see this thing materialize. On another note, I had my parents over for dinner the other night and as she always does, my mother brought up the whole "we're really going to do it this year" diet crusade pact. I almost felt bad about not telling her my little secret but then again, she made it perfectly clear that she didn't want to know. My mom is my best friend but she just can't deal with the thought of a chance of somthing bad happening. Even when the somthing bad is only .7% and the chance of somthing good happening is 93% more likely to happen. My husband has been a real trooper about this. He has made it clear he is perfectly happy with me the way I am and I love him for that. I love him for a lot more than that but that is a real biggy. Hopfully tonight I'll be writing in my journal again saying that I just got the call. Oh to add to my list of things on my first entry: 25. I would like to walk with nylons on and not hear the friction from between my legs. 26. I would like to stop fearing that I will fall through the floor while taking a bath because of my weight and having the parimedics have to come find me in the basement naked in an awful fat position. I really do think of this every time I take a shower! 27. I would love to wear sexier underwear...I'm sure the big granny briefs aren't doing it for my hubby.




first fill and nothing

Yesterday, with much excitement, I got my first fill. I am very disapointed though:( . I don't feel any different. As I was about to leave the doctor said that all I need to eat is a portion of the size of my thumb. I really don't think that is going to happen. I'm not sure if I should call them back and let them know that nothing has changed.....I'll give it a week. Its such a bummer because it is quite a production to get into Boston and coordinate it with someone taking care of my two babies. I really want to make this happen and I really don't want to feel this disapointment. I have read that some people have had to get 4 fills in order to feel any restriction! Oh please let this work for me without waiting months before my special "tool" kicks in.




Ok, I'm anoyed.

I have been waiting by the phone hoping that every time it rings its going to be the bariatrics office but it hasn't. I gave in today and called and...of course...the person that I need to speak to will not be in untill tuesday. What the hell? If they are that busy why do they have a nurse whos hours are only on tuesday through thursday? I am so aggrivated right now. I just want to see this all happen or at least get the ball rolling. Oh, I left a message on the Nurse Michelles anwering service in hopes that she will call back on Tuesday or if not soon. I feel like this is never going to happen!:faint:



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