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newly banded & HUNGRY

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I Am Discouraged...

I was banded on Oct.21, 2011. As of today, I've lost 13 lbs since surgery. Did not have to do any special diet before. Lost those 13lbs during the 1st 6 wks after surgery. Gained some over holidays. Back at the 13lb total loss now. I'm eating so much less than I used to. And yes I'm very aware of protein, water, fat, salt intake...Making good food choices. I know exercise is where my shortfall is & I know HOW to do it. I was a longtime gym rat. Had lost 70lbs 8 yrs ago & kept it off until pregnancies & debilitating arthritis hindered my workouts. I have started back walking & doing some yoga, but I feel like I'm right where I've always been. My fat likes me. It wants to stay. It fights to stay. I have 3 friends who have been banded for over a year. one has lost 50lbs. the other two have lost 70lbs. They have not worked out. They have eaten pretty much whatever they wanted but in very small portions. I have 3 cc's in my band & i have good restriction. I can barely eat dinner b/c my band is so tight at night, so that forces me to "behave" during my worst snacking time (after the kids go to bed). I have more vomiting episodes trying to shove dinner down my throat while feeding the husband & 2 kids, so I've backed off of trying to eat dinner "just because it's dinnertime".....and here I am still weighing 254lbs......totally discouraged......




Protein Amts?

So I am almost 3 months out from surgery. I've only lost about 13lbs which is kind of discouraging except I know some of the reasons for that. I've got crazy bad arthritis which has hindered my exercise plan. Over the holidays I ate poorly. At least I could not eat large amts, but I definitely indulged in sweets & not-great-nutrition-choices.... I have had 2 fills & am definitely restricted & I am surprised that I haven't lost more weight w/ the small amt of food I can consume. Said all that to ask this....are you experienced banders really getting close to 100g of protein a day? I had this great plan of how I would consume protein in liquid form most of the day & add in fish/chicken/eggs, but I am really struggling. One of the nurses w/ my surgeon said 60g is good, but 100 should be my goal. I just do not see how that is possible to consume w/ the restriction I have at this time.




Newly Banded & HUNGRY!!!!

So I had LAP Band surgery on 10/21/11 & strictly followed clear liquid diet until I was so daggone hungry (physically--not mental, emotional, or just b/c I missed chewing) I ate a few spoonfuls of refried beans....very slowly & they stayed down & I felt much better. I've been getting 60+ grams of protein & good fluid intake but I've been so hungry this week I have eaten a few spoonfuls of mashed potatoes, some sugar-free pudding, and last night I ate (very carefully) a few meatballs in Italian Wedding Soup broth. I've lost 6lbs since last Friday, but I am hungry an hour after eating these little morsels...... I think I must be in need of a fill!! I hope I am not doing damage by eating these things. I have not felt "stuck" or vomited...just still hungry. Today I ate (very slowly) the grilled chicken strips out of a chick-fil-a chargrill wrap....I go on 11/3/11 for my post-op visit & I hope--a fill. Any opinions??????? Am I behaving badly?????? The main reason I chose this was to help me feel fuller between meals.



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