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Gallbladder problems

:help: I had to go to the hospital last night for pains in my right chest and back, and they said they believed it to be my gallbladder. Told me to stay off eggs, fats, caffene and a long list and if that worked to settle the pain down, than I can be sure it's gallbladder. Well wouldn't you know it, today it's been better. I have an appointment, 1st appointment with my lapband surgeon on the 28th, and I was hoping if that was my problem that I could have it all done at the same time, but it's been going on for around 3 weeks. 1st week I stays quizzy, and than it went away and than my chest hurt, so the mom's clinic here sent me to ER.. this ER here in Henderson, KY, and that doc. tried to say it's my heart, I knew better than that and had to argue with him and make him check my past records. I had a cath done about a year ago and my arteries are clean. So he finally agreed to let me go home, but didn't like it. All this time it's been the gallbladder, but last night was a bad night, not throwing up or no fever yet, but how long can you wait before getting something done. and after your first visit how long will it take to get surgery? Would love some input.   Thanks Lydia 3/22/07 Went to docs. office and will have 2 more gallbladder tests on mon. here. to find out what is going on.. And I'm excited to finally get to go to Dr. Allens office tomorrow. It's finally here. I can't wait. but will post more later.. Lydia




My Journey

:cry I'm just waiting for a call to get the whole process started. I'm 239 lbs about 5'1/2" and very disgusted with myself being so fat. I'm on humana/medicare from KY. I've had 4 back surgeries that has left me disabled, and I've gained so much weight with this injury, I just want some of my life back. I'm sure most of you know this feeling. I've been to a seminar in Louisville, Ky and I've filled out the packet, and just waiting to hear that I have an appointment to get this started. I guess they are sending the information to my ins. to see if it's going to cover. I'm just finding out this week that the thing I was hoping to avoid which is diabetis that runs in the family is starting to hit me. I've noticed blurred vision, but didn't know my sugar was the cause of it. So now I'm more in a hurry to get this surgery started.   Well when I hear from something I will update this.. prayers are with you all.. I'm here for anyone out there that wants to talk or vent.   Lydia   Finally got a date to do my Physic evaluation. Feb 5th. So happy its all finally starting. Can't wait to see the weight falling off.. Will update as I go... Lid   02/06/2007 :clap2: Well finally the process has started. I am suppose to possibly hear whether I am approve or not within 4 weeks. But everything went great. My body mass is 43.6 and I hope to someday say it's 25 or below. My dad said he thinks the lap band is a waste of time, but I just don't agree with that. I know that I'm doing all I can do and God said that is all that is required of me and he will be there for the rest. So just keep me in your prayers and I'll do the same



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