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A personal walk with me during my Journey

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Lone Time No See

So it has been so long since I have been around so let me just update you. I did have surgary on 10/27/11 and since then it has been a slow go but I am ok with that. I started out at 385 and as of this morning me weighing in I was at 324. 61 pounds lost since I started all of this on April 15th 2011 never before have I ever been able to lose this amount and still keep it off. Now I know many people wonder if there has been any of issues by the grace of God I can say that besides a few stuck episodes I have never had any issues. Well on top of the lapband this past year I receved a promotion at work but as of two weeks ago they are doing away with that position . I have been mad and sad but I am not the only one this is affecting and we will still have a job just not on a specialty team. I Started back to school this past August I am begining as a freshman at the age of 31 I am going for nursing. I am super excited and of course staying super busy. I pray that I will get a chance to keep yall updated more.




Heading Back To Work Tomorrow And Almost 1 Month Out

Well tomorrow I head back to work. I chose to take 3 weeks off so that I would be past all of the crazy eating stages. some time before I was scheduled to be off I was chosen for a new position at work and had been a little scared to tell my new boss about me going out on leave. Well he was completly wonderful told me not to worry about anything that we would work on getting me trained once i came back, and that I just needed to take care of myself right now. I am glad i have some super supportive people i work with my boss being one also another supervisor who also had the lap band, and some great friends. I an kinda excited to be heading back because it will give me somthing to do but I am also sad. I would to not have to work but then the bills would not get paid lol...... I was blessed to have the 3 weeks off the last week I was able to soend it with my twin bc she had the lap band on 11/10. She teaches and i dont so there is hardly ever a time where we are both off for an extended time.   This thursday happend to not only be thanksgiving but also my 1 mo mark since surgery. I have stalled a little since surgery the day of surgery when i went in i weighed 349 after i got down to as little as 340 but have gone up a little ever since changing back to mushies and now solids. as of this morning i am sitting at about 345ish I pray with the fill coming up actually on 11/30 that it will jump start my weight loss again. I know I still need to watch the choices that i am choosing to eat.   Well I am calling it a night I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.





I know this is kinda off topic but in a slim degree it is related to being banded. I have been wanting to go back to college and have recently i had started the process of going back. Well tomorrow I am suposed go take the placement test and i am scared to death. When I went to my psyc eval The guy asked me if i have any other big things that will be happening this year and I told him that besides the band that I had a job promotion but that i wouldnt be starting that till after I return from medical leave, and then of course there was the school thing. Well he told me " dont be suprised if the school thing doesnt happen. because you dont want to get too much on your plate". I think him saying that has caused me to doubt myself and the choice to go back to school. i know that i am going to be taking on a lot between work, the band and school but i dont think i would be over doing it. i am not planing to take a full course load just one or two classes a semester. I can not help but be scared.




tomorrow = 1 week post -op

Well as of 11/3/2011 I will be one week post-op ive gotta say it hasnt been too bad. I have had very little pain mostly some back pain which i believe was from the gas. I was suposed to be on clear liquids all week but i did cheat a little and had a couple bites of chicken yesterday but i chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed I just had to have something. I also started drinking "full" liquids to get more protein in. Since surgery as of today I am down 9 pounds which puts me down a total of 45 since i started my 6 mo supervised diet. I started at 385 pounds and am sitting at 340. I still cant wait to lose more and see where this path takes me. I always joke that i've never been small except when I was newborn lol. My entire childhood I was the over weight child and that just continued on through school and into my adult phase in life. I am praying that things go well for me. I actually can not wait to be able to start back to the gym and really get to working on this. My twin is about to start her 2nd week of the liver shrinking diet she is scheduled for 11/10 we will actually have some time off together which we never get bc of our jobs. I'vs started trying on clothes that I havent a) never been able to wear or b ) havent been able to wear in a while and i am amazed at how things are fitting. well thats my thoughts for today Ill be back tomorrow after my 1 week follow apt.




Surgery Eve

So tomorrow is surgery eve I am not really nervous but then again ask me tomorrow and see how i am doing...... lol. I am ready to get this done ready to start my new life so speak......I think about it like this i have my birth date 5/12/81 my birthday in christ 1/6/2008 and ill have my banded birth date 10/27/2011 thats pretty impressive.




5 Days and counting

:thumbup: So 5 days and counting.... well actually I am going to say 4 days because I have to be at the hospital by 6 am on the 27th so that means waking up at 4am and anytime you have to wake up that early it doesnt really count as another day. I did my preop testing on the 18th and got the call that all my labs came back perfectly fine also when the guy did my EKG he said it was completly normal. I called and found out that my FMLA and Short term disability was approved I dont have anything else to worry about when it comes to at least the work portion. I have found that everyone that knows at work are super excited for me. I cant wait to have this done come on the next few days hurry up and get here.




17 days and counting

Well I have 17 days till my surgery date I am excited and nervous. If I really sit here and think about it I feel like im going to have a panic attack so truthfully I have been TRYING not to think about it. My boss at work just finished filling out my FMLA paper work which it does make it seem even more real and scarry. I have been wanting this for just about 10 years and I cant believe Im getting nervous....




Approved at last Approved at last Thank God almighty Im approved at last lol!!!!!!

I'm so excited...... well like i said last week on Thursday 9/22 my Dr office submitted my paperwork to my insurance. I tell you what that was a LONG weekend lol. Well Monday me being the impatient one I am called the insurance to find out the status and was told the nurse person had all my paperwork and was reviewing and she would have a approval or denial in 24-48...... LORD have mercy all I did was pray and pray and pray. You know that feeling like I’ve got this I’ll be approved but there is a small part of you that is like omg what if I am denied then what I can’t be denied…… well those thoughts were racing through my mind. Well today seeing as it had been 48 hours I called my insurance and sure enough learned that I was approved. I was super excited I hadn’t started my shift at work yet and already could not concentrate lol. Well I was able to get off from work a little early and about 45 minutes ago I get a call from the Doctor office and I have now been scheduled for 10/27/2011 and starting my pre op diet on 10/13 which I am actually not worried about. I also got a text from my twin sis Tanya and she too got a call from the dr office and she was going to be scheduling her banding for around 11/10. We are both ready for a change in our lives and honestly ready to start a new life. I pray for those that are still waiting on approval or surgery dates and those just starting out. Don’t give up on what you want sometimes it is not in God’s plan to do something when WE want it sometimes we just have to be still and wait on him…….




Background on the Journeyseeker

I started looking in to having the lap band about 10 years ago but it was not in Gods plan for me to have it then. I first had an insurance that only paid about 2k towards it. I then had great insurance with another company even had gotten approved. Then due to cut backs I lost my job before I could have it done. A few years later I was contacted by my surgeons office to see if I was still interested in having the lapband done well DUH of course but i let the nurse know that my insurance didnt cover it. well they wanted to talk to me about participating in a clinical trial and they didnt want just me but also my twin sister. Well that fell through when the economy took a nose dive and they canceled it. Well I changed jobs just over a year ago God has blessed me with a wonderful company to work for that has great insurance. well April 15th 2011 I started my 6 month supervised diet and just finished it on the 15th on september. O 9/20/2011 I also completed my nutrition and psyche eval. i faxed the rest of my paper work over to the dr office on 9/21/2011 and was called on the 22nd was told that they have eveything they need for my insurance and that she had already gotten everything together and already submitted it over to my insurance. i am so excited nervous and happy and scared and everything. I cant wait to have this done and start to have a new life. I have a lot of support from my family and actually my twin sister is also in the process of having the lap band she has already gotten her approval call but due to her teaching she is going to have to wait just a little while. I may still have surgery before her.       I am glad you took the time to read this look for more at a later date.



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