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Food/exercise/whatever journal.....

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My New Goal For Next Year

http://www.bradleyroadrace.org/   I'm going to say for now I'm going to do the 5k race, but let's see what happens next year, maybe I'll do the 10k .   Maybe I'll just try to do the 5k under a certain amount of time, who knows lol.   Can't wait to start c25k!   On a crappy note, I totally went overboard yesterday food wise (maybe I did, IDK). I did fine until I got home from work, I had my usual portobello mushroom pizza minus the mushroom and sauce (ran out!), and I usually have some hot antipasto salad with it (about 1/2 cup) well I definetly had more than 1/2 cup of hot antipasto, Probably over a cup maybe a cup and a half. I could've kicked myself! Instead I went to wake, went to Walmart after and re-stocked all my vitamins lol.   Today is a new day (even though I can't track food) had an egg white omlette with steamed veggies and cheese yum!   Tonight I'm going out to dinner with my friend. I'm just going to have a margarita and some sort of appetizer, not because of the band, but because I'm broke! I have to save money for next week, my friend is having her birthday at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods, and it is not cheap there!   Anyway I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, stay motivated!   XOXO,   Andrea




Do Not Screw Up My Schedule!

Okay I'm really annoyed this morning. First of all, my after work schedule was screwed up yesterday and it will be today. Granted it is for important reasons (well today is). But I have just realized I have to go with the flow for some things.   Yesterday, the dbf wanted to come over after he got out of work. I think he knew I was a little annoyed that he didn't do anything for V-day. I still went to the gym, and instead of my usual 40 minutes on Wednesday I only did 30. But I tried out an app for my phone for the c25k program just to see how it works, so I was SWEATING after that workout but still. Then I finish with the gym, send him a text to see where he is no response, so I'm like "screw it I'm making dinner". No sooner do I pull dinner out of the microwave, he shows up. I'm one of those people who find it rude to eat in front of someone if they didn't make something for the other person. So I asked "do you want dinner?" of course he doesn't so I put my dinner back in the kitchen and he's like "you have to eat!". Ugh, whatever. Also, he brought me roses, only 10 of them, not a dozen. I miss the days of getting a dozen long stemmed roses in the big white box from my ex-boyfriend......   Today is a different story. I have to go to a wake for my big boss he died unexpectantly this weekend and he was young. I'm going with a girl that I take the train with who works in the same department as me. We decided to go around 7 ish since the wake will be winding down by then, so once again no gym!   I'm going to try to make it up this weekend, but if I don't I'm not stressing it.   I'm such a control freak! LOL.




Weirdest Day Yesterday

Can't even begin to tell you! It was like ex-boyfriend palooza crazy!   Anyway, Valentine's Day came and went with nothing from my dbf. Granted we are doing something Saturday night, but it still would've been nice to have gotten something yesterday.   On a good note, my torani syrups came in to add to my chobani! I ordered them right from the website (torani.com). And got three sugar free flavors: Chocolate chip cookie dough, White chocolate and coconut. I also have vanilla and hazelnut at home that I bought at Christmas Tree Shops.   Weighed myself in this morning for the Valentine's Day Challenge, down 4.6 lbs, still have a way to go to reach my goal.   March 1st I'm officially starting my c25k challenge. I found an app that has the timer and will tell you when to walk/job/not die, etc... I'm excited to start. I even made a playlist on my mp3 player to get me pumped up.   I also saw on the forums talk about fitbit, I'm so getting one of those for my 50 lb loss goal. Screw the rings, the fitbit looks so much more fun!   Have a good day, thanks for reading and commenting, it means so much to me




Happy Valentine's Day And A Nsv Right Now!

Want to wish everyone a great valentine's day, if you don't have a valentine, I'll be yours, I have love to give to everyone!   I wasn't going to write today, because I didn't really have anything to write about. Then the caffeine hit me and I had a total NSV!!!!   So, in case you didn't know I'm going to Key West in oh let me check my calender....39 days. Usually, all I can think about for a vacation is what I'm going to eat, what the food is like, etc.   Not so much this time!!! First I decided in March I'm going to try the couch to 5k program (if anyone wants to be my buddy for this let me know!). I'm also going to start working on weight training for my upper body since my dad and I will be going out deep sea fishing while in Key West. Gotta get jacked to reel in the big one (I hope I do!!!).   So then instead of thinking of food, I was thinking about "how am I going to work out on vacation" well my parents must have read my mind because my mom sent me an e-mail asking if they wanted to pack my bike in their RV (they are driving from New York state to Key West in their RV, I'm flying). UM, YEAH ABSOLUTELY! The RV resort where we are staying is at Mile Marker 15 on the Keys, so I'm thinking that in the am, I can ride my bike to at least Mile Marker 10 and back, maybe more, who knows. Can you even ride a bicycle on US 1? If anyone knows let me know thank you.   So I have to consider this a NSV when I'm usually thinking about "oh what restaurants are we going to go to" or "what am I going to cook while we're on vacation" I'm more concerned about how I'm going to work out.   So proud of my self ::hugs::   Have a great day!




A Very Good Weekend

This weekend wasn't so bad food-wise. On Friday all I had was the omlette from breakfast, some coffee for lunch and some General Tso's Shrimp for dinner. Saturday the dbf and I just pretty much vegged out at home. I made a taco pie for dinner, he wanted chips and salsa with it, so I got those and I have to say I was proud of myself I only had three chips with salsa on it (the salsa was so good, I ended up taking a spoon and eating it, screw the chip!)   So today is Monday back to the grind, going to the gym elliptical 30 minutes. Had my chobani this AM, cannot wait to start doctoring up plain chobani next week!   Have a good Monday keep on smiling




Friday Free For All

I love Fridays   I hate Fridays too. Why? Because this is the day that I don't keep track of my calorie and protein intake. Why do I do this? Doctor's orders, she doesn't want me to obsess, and also not to eat the same thing every day (which I do), so that it confuses my body (I kind of imagine my body going "hey what the heck? Eggs? Veggies? Omlette? Where's my chobani??????") trust me I feel the same way, I'm having chobani withdrawls. I hate Fridays..... I'm so tempted to figure out how many calories the egg white omlette is, but I can't. It's only ONE day a week. Four days a month. DARNIT! The MD and I are going to have to talk about this....   On another note, I realized I cannot keep any snack food in the house. Last night on my way home from work, I just got really stressed thinking about the future and how I have no control of it and I hate it (yes if you haven't figured it out by now I'm kind of a control freak). I was on my phone with the dbf while I was getting ready for the gym and I said "I cannot wait for this vacation because I need a week to really figure out what I want in life" so then of course he thinks it's about him (which to be honest, it is) and thinks he can read my mind and knows what I need to figure out (but darn he was right). And of course I got stressed out. So I went to the gym. 40 minutes on the elliptical, with cramps, thought I would feel better. Nope still stressed out. Go home, have dinner (portobellos mushroom pizza, peas, and a little bit of hot antipasto) still stressed. And of course when I'm stressed where do I go? THE KITCHEN!!!! and sitting right there is a bag of trail mix. I usually only have an 1/8 cup of serving before bedtime. And here I am sitting on the couch hand to mouth with trail mix. Then I realized wth this isn't going to solve the problem, and I throw the 6.99 bag of trail mix out. Along with any other snack food (which there wasn't a lot to begin with). Until I get my emotions in check, no snack food in the house.   Tonight, I'm going to dbf house for Chinese. I'll probably have shrimp chop suey. This weekend will be spent cleaning the house (how the heck does one cat shed so much?), laundry, then dbf comes over and I'm trying a new recipe-taco pie, which I just realized I didn't get the ingredients yet at the grocery store DARN! Sunday I am just vegging out to catch up on my DVR.   43 days until Key West....sigh   Have a good weekend!   XOXO,   Andrea




Um, Nothing To Report Today

Yesterday was boring! Today is going to be boring!!!! But I like routine. I wake up, feed the cat, take a shower, feed the cat again, get dressed go to work, come home feed the cat again, go to the gym, eat dinner and go to bed.   Well only 44 days until Key West   Also I'm obsessed with portobello mini pizzas.....yum!!!!!




Technology And The Band

BACK WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE, WE DIDN'T HAVE APPS FOR OUR CELL PHONES!!!! LOL I'm in a funny (ha ha funny mood today) which made me think about technology has helped me as a bandster, and I have to thank my dirty little secret...   fat secret that is   Not only is it a FREE app for your phone, but it also is online as well, and it links your accounts. Where my office is, I have no cell reception. But, being the sometimes good bandster that I am, the food that I'm eating is already recorded on my app, but for example if I don't eat something, I can go on my computer, log into my account on fatsecret.com and update the food for that day, then when I do have cell phone service and check the app it's updated. Sooo freaking cool! I swear this is not an advertisement they are def not paying me to promote the app.   Let's see I weighed myself this morning, gained 4 lbs, but down 2 lbs since Monday so I'm blaming Aunt Flo for the 4lb weight gain she is such a pain!   Went to the gym last night for only a half hour, but I have to say that usually when it is my TOM I don't want to go to the gym at all. Today I'll go for 35 minutes, Thursday 40 minutes and Friday 45 minutes.   Also just received my Keurig brewer for my office in the mail yesterday, I'll bring it in Friday (I take the train to work and the train is least crowded on Friday). I usually need that ONE cup of coffee around 3pm to get through the rest of the day. I already brought in my mug, a teaspoon, and non dairy creamer. Tomorrow I'll bring in some K-cups. As a bandster I thought it would be good, because after every fill, I'm on liquids for one full day, so I can bring in some cup of soups and use the Keurig to heat up the water for it!   I realized last night that changing jobs has helped me be a good bandster. My old job required me to have such a sporadic schedule that sometimes I would only have a few minutes (literally 5) to eat lunch. The job I have now I'm so independent, that at 9am, I stop whatever I'm doing have my breakfast and at 2pm stop everything again and have my lunch. Sometimes a life change will change your health too. Now I'm not recommending everyone leave their jobs for something else. I did it for the independence, the stable hours (M-F 8-4:30) and the flexibility for time off. And I love every minute of it!   Well enough blabbing for today. To people that read this, I'm going to start asking you questions for input....when you work out and start to do weight training, how do you find what's best for you? Do you hire a trainer? Go online? Or just wing it?




Back On The Wagon

This weekend was a disaster food wise. But, today is a new day, and I'm just going to get back on the wagon and deal with it. I made the HUGE mistake of weighing myself on Monday and I gained six pounds. Then I realized it's my TOM this week, and I usually gain about 5 pounds from that. But still I'm just annoyed because the old me is still there in my head where I just want to eat everything over and over. I want to be able to enjoy times like these (ie Superbowl Sunday) with my friends, but I think at this point, for this year, any event that involves food I'm just going to have to stay away from until I beat this love I have with food.   Anyway, I'm back at work, back to eating healthy again and back to the gym, I'm not giving up!!!!




Just Feeling Blah!

Nothing much to report back on solids again, had a chobani for b/fast with some granola (1 T) and yogurt covered raisins (1 T), was feeling fine until an hour before I could eat again and my stomach is growling, I know that's not "real" hunger but it's annoying.   Wooo talking about "real" hunger, um let's see what have I learned this week: headaches and fatigue for me = hunger. On Tuesday, I had a huge headache, I was still on liquids per mds orders so I thought "well maybe I'm hungry" made myself a protein shake and sure enough voila! Problem solved!   Yesterday, I was so tired that I ordered a cup of coffee (something I don't usually do after 4pm) and a packet of veggie cream cheese (since I was still on mushies) at D & D and I don't know if it was the coffee or the cream cheese, but once I got home, I was ready to go kick some @$$ at the gym!   So, I think I figured when my stomach is growling, that's just my body being pissed off. When I have headaches or am about to fall asleep standing up, that's hunger.   Also I ordered a Keurig for my office, I really do think I need a pep in my step in the afternoon. It's 1:30pm here and I'm yawning!   Have a good weekend! I'll be back on Monday!!!




One Day Closer To Friday!

Nothing new to report, still on mushies, will finally be able to eat solid food tomorrow!!! YAY!!!! From what I've been eating with my mushies, I think I may have hit the green zone, or my stomach could be a little swollen, we shall see, keeping my fingers crossed!!!!




Be My Valentine Challenge

So today is the official start day of the "Be My Valentine Challenge" looking forward to it, my goal is to lose ten pounds by the end of February, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.   So glad to be eating mushies today, was on liquids all day yesterday and it was no fun! On top of that I worked overtime, and I did not give up on the gym, and why is it when I'm at the gym there are a ton of food commercials on? Really????   This morning I was up at 3am, I've been doing that every night, I wish it would stop because it makes me so tired in the afternoon!   Well time to get my day started, have a sick cat at home (Buddy), or he could be faking it, I don't know. All I want to do is get my day over get home and make sure he's okay, I'm such an animal lover. All he did was cough a little this morning and I freaked out, almost called the vet at 6am! But I'm just going to monitor how he's doing because he's eating and drinking, going to the bathroom, and is not hiding or acting depressed. I think he did it for attention (the coughing) to get me out of bed so he could eat!!!   Yes, I am the cat lady (just kidding!)   Have a wonderful day!!!!




6 Lbs Down In Two Weeks!

Went to the MD yesterday afternoon, and I lost 6 lbs from my last visit there on 1/16. So proud of myself! Sometime I feel like I'm not working "hard enough" at losing weight, but I guess I am because the scales don't lie!   Signed up for the February weight loss challenge, my goal is to lose ten pounds, let's see how it goes.   The MD yesterday put 2.5 ccs in a 4 cc band this is the most I've ever had in this band, and she told me I have plenty of room left to be filled, which felt wonderful. The last time the APRN put 2 ccs in and said "there's not much left from here, if you don't lose weight I'm going to have to have an RX written out for diet pills" so I think who you are working with makes a great difference. The MD is definetly more positive than the APRN (isn't how that always goes?)   So today, I'm on a liquid diet, Wednesday and Thursday "mushies" and Friday back to normal eating. I'm hoping I hit my sweet spot, but I won't get impatient if I don't.   Went to the gym last night as well, 30 minutes on the elliptical, going tonight for 35 minutes.   Also booked my trip to Key West we are going March 24-31, and flying directly into Key West, which I'm nervous about since I don't like to fly in the first place and the flight into Key West is going to be on a small plane!!!!! Wish me luck!   Have a good day everyone!




Weekend Is Over :(

Had a great weekend, including Friday. Friday I tried to not write down what I ate and just concentrated on how much I was eating, and to be honest I had a really hard time with it. It's definetly mind over matter which sucks and I'm hoping I can work on that eventually.   Anyway, Friday night went to the dbf house for dinner, he ordered Chinese, I had crabmeat rangoon and a small thing of pork fried rice and that filled me up. Saturday I was cleaning like crazy all day, I had eggbeaters with cheese and some sausage in the morning, a chobani with some granola and yogurt raisins for lunch and had corned beef, cabbage and carrots for dinner (corned beef is disgusting! Never tried it before, not my favorite cut of meat, dbf loved it!).   On Sunday my parents called me early in the morning and wanted to meet up in Newburgh, NY for brunch (Newburgh is halfway between the two of us, they live in NY I live in CT). So much fun I don't know why we didn't think of doing this sooner. It's an inconvenience for me to drive 3 hours back and forth, and I usually have to take a half day off on Friday, this worked out perfect. I had a mushroom and cheese omlette some hashbrowns and rye toast, and that's all I ate for the day, except for a handful of trail mix.   Today I'm back at work, I'm hoping the week goes by quick, I took next Monday off, to recover from Super Bowl (go pats!). I have an appointment at my surgeon today at 4pm, I'm nervous to see how much I lose/don't lose in the past two weeks, my last appointment was on January 16th and I was down 21 pounds from my weight on my surgery date. I'm hoping they bump me up to 2 ccs in my band and see if that helps, if not it's only 4 weeks and I go back again for another fill. NOT GIVING UP THIS TIME!




Nsv (Kind Of I Guess?) Also Goals, Food, Etc....

This morning after I got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around me, usually it comes undone the minute I move, oh, anywhere, but it stayed around me until I had to get ready, I guess this is some sort of a nsv (if it is than yay!!!)   Which got me thinking about goals. Also it got me thinking about how oblivious men are. Before Christmas, my co-worker was telling me about these rings that she gave her son's girlfriend for Christmas, they're called stackable expressions (google it!) so I tell my boyfriend about them (and not for nothing they are not that expensive!) for a Christmas idea and sure enough, guess what I don't get?? But he did give me a nice necklace.   Okay back to goals, so I've decided that with every ten pounds I lose I'm going to get one ring. Of course I'm not going to buy them every time I lose ten pounds, but for example, when I lose 50 I'll go to the jewelers and pick out five, cannot wait!   If I look at another shrimp again I'm going to be sick. I'm all shrimped out and that is one of my favorite foods, oh well they always have it at the grocery store. Next week I'm getting a fill and the mds requirements are two days of liquids two days of mushies and then solids by Friday, I totally forgot about this, so I guess I'm going to have to freeze the meatballs I made last night and also the corned beef and cabbage I'm making this weekend, but hey it's always good to have meals on hand!   Last night I went to the gym for 45 minutes on the elliptical. I like love to listen to music while working out, I have the iheartradio app on my phone, and I put it on to the spin cycle station, which is great club music and NO COMMERCIALS it keeps me motivated enough that I don't even realize that my time is almost up.   By the time I got home I was too tired to pack a breakfast and lunch for work tomorrow, so I had to resort to the cafeteria here, which is okay. I had a veggie egg white omlette with a little cheese it definetly filled me up.   I've realized I cannot be so obsessed about how many calories/protein I consume a day. If I eat something and I'm full, then I'm full. I'm going to try that for the next couple of weeks and see how that goes. Can't give up on my chobani though!   Have a good day!




What The Heck Happened To Me?

First of all, it's been so long that I've been on this forum, I don't even remember writing a blog so long ago....wow! It's so sad that I kind of fell off the earth after March of 2007. Well I'm back and I'm going to be blogging every day! I don't care if no one reads this or everyone reads this I need all the support I can get!!!!   So today was the first day I was really HUNGRY!!! After being completely unfilled two weeks ago, and then filled last Monday with only 1.75 ccs in a 4 cc band, I was thinking to myself "oh I may be in the green zone I'm not hungry between meals" YEAH RIGHT!!! My stomach is growling so loud I could wake up the dead (I work down the hallway from a morgue in a healthcare facility so it could happen lol). Also my boyfriend took me out to dinner for our anniversary (one year) to a sushi restaurant, and I ate a LOT of sushi, so not proud of that, but it was good. I'm not eating lunch until about 2pm or so since I'll eat dinner late.   And also with this blog I'm going to write (type?) down everything I put in my mouth. This may get boring since I eat the same thing almost every day, but here goes nothing:   Early AM-1 cup skim milk 1 scoop pure protein powder   B (9am)-1 container of peach chobani yogurt 1 T Bearnaked protein power granola 1 T yogurt covered raisins   L (2pm)- 4 oz of baked shrimp (jumbo size) 1/2 cup green bean casserole (soooo tired of this if anyone has creative vegetable side dishes please comment!!!)   D (7pm)- 4 oz of baked shrimp 1/2 cup green bean casserole   Post Gym Snack (who knows what time?)-2 tablespoons trail mix     45 minutes on the elliptical at the gym   I find it so funny about what I used to ate right after I got banded and how the rules have changed I guess. It seems like now the majority is 3-4 oz of protein, then a half cup of veggies then if you have room carbs, I'm so not interested in carbs anymore....




Blah, but back on solids

I am so tired today, I think because I've been in front of a computer screen all day. Today I'm at school until like 4ish and it's so cold in this friggin' computer lab.   Well I'm back on solids now. I'm trying to do three meals a day and lots of water in between. This is what I had today:   Breakfast: 1 Scrambled Egg and 1 Slice of Seedless light rye bread   Lunch: Tuna and canellini bean patty (2 oz) and 1/8C collard greens   Dinner: 2 oz pork chops and 1/8 veggies.   I've been drinking a lot of water and chewing a lot of gum! I'm not hungry until I know I'm getting ready to eat. I brought a cheese stick for work since I won't eat from 2pm to 10pm. Blahhhhh.   Well after I eat tonight, I'll be walking two more miles. So far since Saturday I've walked 6 miles. WOW!!!!   Oh yeah, Borat comes out today, gotta buy that!





What a day, and it isn't even noon yet. I have to work on a take-home midterm exam that is just going along SOOOO slow. Then for the same class I have to revise a paper that the professor tore apart :help: but I only got a C- on the paper which isn't THAT bad considering a first draft.   Oh and on top of that, I woke up early to take the train, and it was delayed 30 min, so I had to drive to school. I don't usually mind, but I'm trying to save miles on my car since I'll be driving an additional 80 miles a week for training for my volunteer program (can you tell I'm excited about it????:clap2: :clap2: )   Tonight when I get home I'll walk 2 miles briskly. This is what I packed for my meals today:   Breakfast--1 Scrambled Egg   Lunch--2 oz Ground Turkey w/ mustard   Dinner--1/4C high protein cereal.   I also packed 1/4 C applesauce and 1/4C of pudding but I'm not hungry yet for snacks, I think I'll wait for lunch.   Have a good day everyone, wish me luck on this midterm it's killing me!!!!!!!!!!:faint:





So last night I went bowling with my cousin and her husband. I did horrible! But my butt is killing me, so I guess I got an unintentional workout along with all the walking from yesterday!   Today I did a brisk 2 mile walk. I don't know what I'm going to eat today. I think I have a general idea. I have to eat breakfast and lunch back to back since I can't eat at work, usually I have a snack in between to keep me full.   Breakfast (10:30)--1 scrambled egg 1/2 slice white american cheese   Lunch (1:15)--turkey roll-ups with 1 T cream cheese   Sustinance (3-9:00) (for work)--Protein drink and water   Dinner--(10:00) 1 oz ground turkey and 1 oz of spinach (to help with constipation) I'll see how that goes my dad said it worked when he was on Atkins.





so I have to go to court today and it's raining out and my "trial" will probably be delayed. It was talking on my cell phone while driving and in Connecticut if it's a first offense you have to go to court and show a receipt for a hand's free headset. What a waste of a day! And it's raining out too! So I'm going to be getting my exercise in by walking about 5 miles roundtrip from the courthouse to my car. So far what I ate today:   Breakfast--1/4 Cup seafood pot pie minus the pie part (just crabmeat and lobster)   Lunch--2 Slices of turkey with 1 T low fat veggie cream cheese rolled up (my favourite next to egg salad)   Dinner--Not sure yet.   It's going to be a GREAT day!




March 1, 2007

Today I had school, no work, thank goodness! I have so much to do today so no exercise for me, but on Saturday I will or Friday who knows. Today this is what I'm eating:   B--1/4 C high protein cereal   Snack--1 Mozzarella Cheese Stick   Lunch--1/2 Slice of bread and egg salad (one egg, 1 T low fat mayo)   Dinner--Probably fish or seafood.   I'm going out tonight with some friends, so I'll probably have one glass of wine!!! I deserve it dammit, I've had the week from hell!



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